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RNS Number:8703T Eldridge Pope & Co PLC 06 January 2004 Eldridge Pope and Co plc ("Eldridge Pope") Appointment of Miles Templeman...
RNS Number:9151S Eldridge Pope & Co PLC 05 December 2003 ELDRIDGE POPE & CO. PLC Re: Amendment to Dividend Record Date The...
RNS Number:8990S Eldridge Pope & Co PLC 05 December 2003 ELDRIDGE POPE & CO. PLC ("Eldridge Pope" or "the Company") Preliminary...
RNS Number:5663S SDA Limited 27 November 2003 FORM SAR 3 Lodge with a RIS or Newstrack and the Takeover Panel. A copy must also be sent...
RNS Number:5044S Eldridge Pope & Co PLC 26 November 2003 Eldridge Pope Plc Preliminary Results Date Eldridge Pope will be...
RNS Number:3835Q Eldridge Pope & Co PLC 1 October 2003 Eldridge Pope & Co., p.l.c. ("Eldridge Pope" or "the Company") Disposal of 23...
RNS Number:0623Q Cantor Fitzgerald Europe 23 September 2003 FORM 8.1/8.3 Lodge with a RIS or Newstrack and the Takeover Panel. Use...
RNS Number:9480P Eldridge Pope & Co PLC 19 September 2003 Eldridge Pope & Co. plc ("Eldridge Pope" or the "Company") Directorate...
RNS Number:9032P Investec Bank (UK) Limited 18 September 2003 EMM DISCLOSURE FORM 38.5 (SUMMARY) Lodge with a RIS and the Takeover...
RNS Number:8866P C.I. Traders Limited 17 September 2003 For Immediate Release C.I.Traders Limited Further Announcement - Eldridge...
RNS Number:8049P Cantor Fitzgerald Europe 16 September 2003 FORM 8.1/8.3 Lodge with a RIS or Newstrack and the Takeover Panel. Use...
RNS Number:7988P Investec Bank (UK) Limited 16 September 2003 EMM DISCLOSURE FORM 38.5 (SUMMARY) Lodge with a RIS and the Takeover...
RNS Number:7530P Investec Bank (UK) Limited 15 September 2003 EMM DISCLOSURE FORM 38.5 (SUMMARY) Lodge with a RIS and the Takeover...
RNS Number:7038P Aegon UK Group 12 September 2003 FORM 8.1/8.3 Lodge with a RIS or Newstrack if appropriate and the Takeover Panel. Use a...
RNS Number:7005P Investec Bank (UK) Limited 12 September 2003 EMM DISCLOSURE FORM 38.5 (SUMMARY) Lodge with a RIS and the Takeover...
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