16 년 전
Share price went from 0.075 in January to 0.37 current. Divy from 0.0013 to 0.00903 for a payout ratio of 39.7 for the whole year.
(incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 0751)
SKYWORTH DIGITAL HOLDINGS LIMITED is an investment holding company with
subsidiaries principally engaged in the manufacture and sales of consumer electronic products
and upstream accessories, and property holding.
The board of directors (the “Board”) of Skyworth Digital Holdings Limited (the “Company”) is
pleased to announce the audited consolidated results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the
“Group”) for the year ended 31 March 2009 together with the comparative figures for the previous
year in 2008.
Highlights of Results
The Group recorded the following results during the year ended 31 March 2009:
Turnover from continuing operations reached HK$15,329 million (87.8% from mainland
China market), an increase of 12.5% from that of previous year.
Sales of TV products and digital set-top boxes accounted for 90.0% and 8.5% of the
Group’s total turnover from continuing operations respectively.
Gross profit from continuing operations achieved HK$3,107 million, increased by 3.5%,
and gross profit margin was 20.3%.
Profits for the year after and before gain for the year from discontinued operation were
HK$503 million and HK$460 million respectively.
The Board has proposed a final cash dividend of HK7 cents per share with an option to
elect new shares in lieu of cash. This represents a dividend payout ratio of 39.7% for the
whole year.
16 년 전
If you check my posts, you'll see I raised some serious issues re PVX and its kin before the 50% or more haircut. Given the premise in setting up this board that it was kind of a sure thing and given the premise that it can be compared to crap pinkies, etc., the market has proven that my own diversified approach is really the only way to go, at least in my own opinion.
Clearly, comparing pinkies and pennies to dividend plays is apples and oranges. Sometimes an apple is good for you, and sometimes an orange is good. Sometimes tainted produce can kill or seriously sicken you. Personally, I think that non-reporting pinkies should not be allowed to trade, but until the SEC does this, pinkies are good for extreme gambles. Reporting OTC BB stocks can be even better in my opinion for those willing to take risk and which have a bit more transparency that prevents exponential dilution and manipulation of the pinkies. One should never do any of these plays with money that is needed to survive. Even stocks mentioned here probably should not be played by those who absolutely need the money over the next couple of years, e.g., for bills, mortgage, college, etc.
In any event, despite the risks, I'm now buying PVX and EPD, 2 oil related dividend plays.
At this point, with PVX touching the 5 area, the risk to me is worth the play. But, again, continue to realize that there is no sure thing. This area has risk, that's why you have yields as high as 20%. Many of the crap pinks I follow have performed better, but again, apples and oranges.
17 년 전
I have no problem with good dividends and, in fact, that is why I looked at these stocks and mentioned that I am interested in possibly adding these to a diversified portfolio.
However, I merely pointed out risks and was looking for an even discussion of these points. I have yet to see any discussion about the negatives.
I see lots of "no-brainer" and "it's the best," and I just read a post where the poster apparently is recommending purchase on margin.
Again, reference is made to this article
and still looking for answers to these issues I have raised
17 년 전
You are very funny. First you say look at your first post and want to compare this arbitary start to show that you somehow always make a profit, calling this area of the market a "no-brainer."
Then you imply you always make profit by dollar cost averaging over time, calling that a "no-brainer."
Do you see the inconsistency in your argument? Are you arguing an arbitrary trade from the start of your posting or are you arguing that one should dollar cost average?
Why do you ignore the simple fact that PVX and most others are 20%-35% off the highs? Why do you ignore the risks that I have queried you about?
Do you deny the risks? Are the articles and citations that I posted incorrect?
Why the personal attacks?
Why can't you refute the substance of the citations I posted?
You say I post "FUD."
Do you know that FUD = Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt?
What have I posted that is FUD?
I posted my opinion that there are risks, significant risks in this end of the market. I did not say that these risks should be avoided, just acknowledged.
You don't seem to like that.
17 년 전
LOL - I'm not wrong shorts - the chart indicates a 20-35% loss during the time you have posted bullishly.
Your observations also indicate that you seem to like to manipulate data for your own points.
You took an arbitrary trade. It's very similar to posting you often criticise on microcap boards.
I previously commented that it was quite silly to make broad statements. You seem to be stating though that this is a "sure thing." Yet you claim that one cannot make money in microcaps.
You indicate that, "Canroys are a no brainer." It sounds like you have fallen in love with one area of the market, and this area of the market is well off its high.
I prefer a diversified approach. I've done well in microcaps, acknowledging the risk. I've also done well with XOM and other big caps, supplementing with option writing. I don't doubt that the stocks you tout here can be useful as part of a diversified portfolio. However, it's foolish to suggest that this is a "no-brainer" or that one cannot lose money here.
Despite your suggestion to the contrary, IMO it is wrong to suggest that it is a sure thing. I've pointed out many risks here and have yet to have you refute this or even acknowledge the risks.
The risks include but are not limited to
Tax ramifications
Possible individual liability
Risk connected to oil price fluctuation
Risk that dividend will be reduced.
Please see my prior posts.
17 년 전
For someone who is afraid to back-up your posts, you certainly assume a lot. I've been very successful in microcaps, largely, and as I post, because of diversification.
You've been touting this since the highs and, if you did a buy and hold, you'd have somewhere between a 20% and a 30%+ loss.
I have a very diversified portfolio that has done very well in all areas. I'm not asking anyone to follow my lead and I merely post opinions and thoughts, as you do.
You seem to go around from board to board, hit and run and bash others' picks. When the same happens to you, you piss, moan and whine, but not necessarily in that order.
I merely came here looking for info on PVX and the like and then posted some bullish and bearish points. There is risk in every area of the market which is why I recommend diversification. I'm still looking for refutations of the points I posted about the stocks, but instead find assumptions and personal attacks LOL.
Have a nice day and enjoy trading.
17 년 전
shorts - Not trying to analyze your trading. These boards are about the stocks not the posters. However, your post talked about stop losses. Nothing wrong with that but that's not the same as a "sell" recommendation.
I'm showing a high of 13.55 on November 7. Is that wrong? If so, I'm using percentage showing drop from the number you cited. (Note - it looks like you were recommending these stocks at about that time, but if I'm mistaken, please disregard
(Note - it's kind of silly to compare areas of market but I did note your recommendation of a low ball order on GM at 35. Your IBox tends to make one think that one area of the market should be compared to another. I respectfully suggest that risk should be managed no matter which area of the market one plays.
You say you've been actively trading and adding free shares. I haven't seen any contemporaneous posts. What do you mean by "free shares?"
As for your poing of adding or starting positions, I have no problem with that. I took profits on many of my oil positions from FPP to XOM and am now accumulating. On XOM, I have been able to get a large dividend and magnify that by writing both puts and calls.
I've also been shorting the USO to play the down turn in oil prices. I was able to get shares and capture the premiums by writing calls on USO. I recently covered part of my position by writing puts on USO. This way enables one to get the premiums, which are large, and helps when I make bad trades. It's a great cushion and often makes good trades out of bad ones.
I still haven't opened a position here but continue to look for interesting information pro and con.
Obviously the dividend payout is exciting but those out there should realize that there is no free lunch and high payouts have inherent risks.
See my prior posts
PVX was as low as 9.80 - close to a 20% drop from the highs. It goes to show that one can lose money even in supposedly "safe" stocks and that one should not blindly follow any "sure thing."
Again, reference is made to this article
and still looking for answers to these issues I have raised
17 년 전
Welcome to the Reuters Before the Bell news mail.
Megamergers and soothing congressional testimony from the likes of Fed chief Ben Bernanke don't come along every day, as Wall Street is painfully aware. Stock futures are pointing down as the glow from yesterday's news fades and the focus returns to the latest installment of the credit crisis.
The New York Times says that if problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac get worse, the U.S. government might take over the mortgage financiers in a plan that would leave shareholders with nothing.
And earlier today, oil hit another record high - $145.98 a barrel - on worries over supply disruptions from Iran and Nigeria, as well as the threat of a strike in Brazil next week.
General Electric's reassuring quarterly results, which might have moved the market higher on another day, failed to penetrate the overall gloom, although they did boost the company's stock.
The dollar is steady against an index of major currencies. U.S. Treasuries are mixed.
Two more chemical companies are looking to tie the knot. Ashland is buying Hercules in a cash-and-stock deal valued at $2.6 billion.
Several pieces of data are on the way, including the international trade deficit and import-export prices.
There will also be a report on consumer sentiment. It may not be all that bad, given that people are lining up for the new version of Apple's iPhone, which is going on sale today.
Until Monday,
Lisa Von Ahn
News Mail Editor
17 년 전
That was my BIG mistake. After being a Big Board investor since 1972 (won and lost a fortune twice - long story - medical bills, divorce, custody battle, college), I decided to go into pennies thinking it reacted like the Big Boards.
I had no idea how volatile and crazy (among other things) this OTC stuff was.
It's really a totally different animal.
Maybe after my last 2 kids finish medical school, I will try again with a different approach.
Until then, I'll stick with what I know and watch from the sidelines to gain some insight.
Good Luck!
17 년 전
Disagree there - any risk can be quantified and minimized if you do DD and diversify. If you have a basket of OTC BB stocks and carefully time buys, not all at once, keeping track of the filings and chart, you can have very large overall gains. Sure, you will have losers, but the multi-bagger gains is why many play here. It goes without saying that one has to recognize the risk, not go along with the "crowd" and, again, diversify, and step gradually into any play to have a chance at the payoff.