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New Generation Biofuels Publishes Letter to Shareholders and Other Stakeholders From Miles F. Mahoney, President and CEO PR Newswire COLUMBIA...
New Generation Biofuels Names Miles F. Mahoney as Chief Executive Officer and President; Carl O. Bauer Joins Board of Directors PR...
New Generation Biofuels Announces Collaboration Agreement With Burmeister and Wain Energy A/S (BWE) PR Newswire COLUMBIA, Md., July 14 COLUMBIA...
New Generation Biofuels Receives Go Ahead for Long Term Boiler Test and Evaluation Program with Baltimore City Schools Company's Test Burns in...
New Generation Biofuels CEO, Cary J. Claiborne, to Present at the IDEA 101st Annual Conference PR Newswire COLUMBIA, Md., June 14 COLUMBIA, Md...
New Generation Biofuels Files a Patent Application on New Glycerin-Based Biofuel PR Newswire COLUMBIA, Md., May 27 COLUMBIA, Md., May 27...
New Generation Biofuels Teams With DD&J, LLC. To Drive Sales Growth PR Newswire COLUMBIA, Md., May 18 COLUMBIA, Md., May 18...
New Generation Biofuels Reports First Quarter 2010 Financial Results PR Newswire COLUMBIA, Md., May 17 COLUMBIA, Md., May 17...
New Generation Biofuels to Participate at International Biomass Conference - Conference is the largest gathering of private and public sector...
New Generation Biofuels Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2009 Financial Results PR Newswire COLUMBIA, Md., March 26 COLUMBIA, Md., March 26...
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