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Milestone Pharmaceuticals Inc

Milestone Pharmaceuticals Inc (MIST)

마감 15 2월 6:00AM
( 0.00% )
시간외 단일가: 6:00PM

행사 가격매수가매도가최근 가격중간 가격가격 변동가격 변동 %거래량미결제 약정최근 거래
2.500. %01,144- %02-

실시간 토론 및 거래 아이디어: 강력한 플랫폼으로 자신있게 거래하세요.

행사 가격매수가매도가최근 가격중간 가격가격 변동가격 변동 %거래량미결제 약정최근 거래
2.500. %015- %00-


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AADIAadi Bioscience Inc
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AACGATA Creativity Global
US$ 0.84
AACBUArtius II Acquisition Inc
US$ 10.00

MIST Discussion

게시물 보기
Monksdream Monksdream 2 월 전
MIST under $3
Monksdream Monksdream 6 월 전
MIST under $2
Monksdream Monksdream 7 월 전
MIST under $2
Monksdream Monksdream 7 월 전
MIST under $2
Monksdream Monksdream 11 월 전
MIST under $2
Monksdream Monksdream 12 월 전
KIND 10Q 2/27
81vette 81vette 12 월 전
NUVB was on my GOLDEN CROSS scanner 11days ago,thought it was overbought,ohhh boy was i wrong
Monksdream Monksdream 12 월 전
NUVB under $2
81vette 81vette 12 월 전
VERO is the most promising on my scanner,when the offering is closed it could do really well,global sales could drive the greed buying
81vette 81vette 12 월 전
i just made up a screener on finviz for new lows,and some other parameters,i will do some tweaking over next few days after doing back testing,BRSH is #1 right now,will see how that does,thanks again bro!!!
Monksdream Monksdream 12 월 전
I won’t check the new 52 week lows and new 52 week highs lists from Barchart until later in the day
Barchart doesn’t include stocks priced below 25 cents
81vette 81vette 12 월 전
i noticed you posting those,thats a really good idea,lower risk and quite often before a big run is a big drop,usually when a dilution/debt nears end they just dump remaining shares (sometimes 200k-500K) and once dilution/debt is done the ticker moves up like crazy(even with low vol.) thanks for taking the time to post those and for letting me know about tickers i have posted on in past.
Monksdream Monksdream 12 월 전
If you view Friday’s chart you should view the low of the day at the close of trade
There is a recurring pattern of stocks at a day’s low, especially a 12 month low bouncing higher the following day
81vette 81vette 12 월 전
charting up well,nice one bro!!!
Monksdream Monksdream 12 월 전
No 2 on the Barchart 100
Monksdream Monksdream 12 월 전
MIST under $2
Monksdream Monksdream 1 년 전
MIST new 52 week low
MiamiGent MiamiGent 2 년 전
MIST So Sunday I said MIST should rise this week, due to a lot of inside buying that came out Friday. Let's see how it has done:

Friday's close was $5.11
Monday it reached 5.60
A +9.6% stretch!

And today it has reached 5.79
Increasing the stretch to +13.3%

Those who played are planning their weekend away
Those who did not are scanning the supermarket circulars

fitzkarz fitzkarz 4 년 전
No opps here, But thanks anyway.

Harbor6460 Harbor6460 4 년 전
Can u say opps. Take profits. Its pharma. You could be below 1.00 soon
ClayTrader ClayTrader 5 년 전
* * $MIST Video Chart 07-24-2020 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video

fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
fitzkarz Friday, 05/01/20 02:07:21 PM
Re: swingingRichard post# 16 0
Post # of 38

IMO $MIST should be, And will be between $8 & $12 short term
fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
No kidding from my original shares @ 1.95 averaging up.
I done great. Yes MISTified!
TheFinalCD TheFinalCD 5 년 전
10.37 MISTafied
ClayTrader ClayTrader 5 년 전
* * $MIST Video Chart 07-23-2020 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video

nikola1331 nikola1331 5 년 전
$MIST Spaceship!!! HALTED at HOD
JohnCM JohnCM 5 년 전
"We are pleased with the outcome of our recent interactions with the FDA, as they outline an efficient path to registration for etripamil which eliminates the need to start a new Phase 3 study," said Joseph Oliveto, President and Chief Executive Officer of Milestone Pharmaceuticals.
davidsson10 davidsson10 5 년 전
That has been my sentiment all morning.....
fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
$MIST, Fricken awesome!
swingingRichard swingingRichard 5 년 전
This is useless. Investors want a way to hedge their bets. These little post mortem videos are a waste. So much for front running.
ClayTrader ClayTrader 5 년 전
* * $MIST Video Chart 06-09-2020 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video

swingingRichard swingingRichard 5 년 전
I stand corrected . . .

fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
$Mist, Awesome
Day's High
Day's Low
fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
$MIST slow and steady!
fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
No, The bottom is still moving up.

$MIST slow and steady back towards $20.

$8 to $12 short term. IMO
swingingRichard swingingRichard 5 년 전
Looking like this ran out of steam. Honestly, I'm a little surprised. Maybe there will be another run. It is trading below cash value, right?
ClayTrader ClayTrader 5 년 전
* * $MIST Video Chart 05-01-2020 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video

fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
New high of the day would be awesome. Go $MIST
TheFinalCD TheFinalCD 5 년 전
nice... you have a cushion

I just started trading it today

so the fear is it will dip back to $3 or lower

even if it eventually goes higher

I am NOT a long investor

just a swing-a-ling

fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
Bottom keeps moving up. Been avg up, since $1.95.
$MIST is killing it!
TheFinalCD TheFinalCD 5 년 전
traded the entire Outstanding shares today
aristotelisonassis aristotelisonassis 5 년 전
swingingRichard swingingRichard 5 년 전
Maybe. I would not be too surprised.
fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
IMO $MIST should be, And will be between $8 & $12 short term
swingingRichard swingingRichard 5 년 전
as predicted. Made 73%. Taking the money and running.
megabandp megabandp 5 년 전
She's thin folks
fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
Yes sir, Slow and steady. Loving me some $MIST
aristotelisonassis aristotelisonassis 5 년 전
strong buy and volume alert! $3
fitzkarz fitzkarz 5 년 전
Thanks, Will see. I'm all in $MIST!
swingingRichard swingingRichard 5 년 전

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