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Regulatory News: In accordance with Article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce) and Article 223-16 of the General...
Regulatory News: As regards the liquidity contract awarded by the company Sopra Steria Group (Paris:SOP) to ODDO BHF SCA, as of the 31st...
Kanabo Group PLC 30 December 2022 Kanabo Group Plc. ("Kanabo" or the "Company") Board Changes Kanabo Group plc (KNB) announces...
Kanabo Group PLC 02 December 2022 Kanabo Group Plc. ("Kanabo" or the "Company") Resignation of Auditor Kanabo Group plc...
Regulatory News: Aggregated presentation by day and by market Pursuant to implementing Directive of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 596/2014 of...
Sopra Steria signe le contrat d’acquisition du bloc principal de CS Group Regulatory News: Sopra Steria (Euronext Paris : SOP) (Paris:SOP...
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