RNS Number:0504D
Fieldens PLC
29 October 2002



Key Points:

*        Disposal of the principal operating assets of Fieldens tyre, wheel
and all-terrain vehicle business on 11 October 2002 for a maximum cash
consideration of #367,000 and an undertaking by the purchaser to pay all trade
creditors of the business.

*         Announcement of the conditional acquisition of CamAxys Limited 
('CamAxys') for a maximum total consideration of #1.5 million, on a debt free
basis, to be satisfied by the issue of up to 4,989,321 new ordinary shares in
Fieldens at a price of 30p per share, which is broadly comparable to the net
assets per share of the Company following the disposal.

*         Cash balances at 30 June 2002 of #409,430 (11 October 2002:
approximately #463,000) and freehold site owned by the Company at Starhouse,
Stowmarket under option to purchaser of tyre and wheel supply business to buy at
net book value of #405,000 as at 11 October 2002.

Derek Bonham, Chairman of Fieldens, commented:

"After a much longer time than I would have wished, we have now identified a
business that the directors believe affords suitable potential to take the
company forward.  The Admission Document and circular to shareholders dated 29
October 2002 set out our proposal to acquire the share capital of CamAxys, a
leading European supplier of software-based environment, occupational health and
safety ('EHS') management systems.

CamAxys operates in an area that is of growing importance to a very wide variety
of organisations, both in the UK and overseas.  The company has some specific
competitive attractions at present and with it will come directors experienced
at quoted company board level who will help us to maximise the potential for our
future development in this and related fields."

For further information:

Andrew Arends, Fieldens PLC                              Tel: 07767 238 864

Graham Shore/Jonathan Nelson, Shore Capital              Tel: 020 7408 4090


The report and accounts that accompany this chairman's statement show that for
the year to 30 June 2002 there was a reduced operating loss after tax and
interest, but before exceptional items, of #23,400 (2001: #48,773 loss) on
marginally higher sales of #3.31m (2001: #3.17m).

The exceptional item relates to provisions made against the carrying values of
certain assets recognised in the disposal of the Starhouse operating business.

The modest profit of the core operating business was offset by central costs
including those arising from our acquisition search and which I referred to when
reporting the results for the first half of the year.

After a much longer time than I would have wished, we have now identified a
business that the directors believe affords suitable potential to take the
company forward. The Admission Document and circular to Shareholders dated 29
October 2002 set out our proposal to acquire the share capital of CamAxys, a
leading European supplier of software-based environment, occupational health and
safety (EHS) management systems.

CamAxys operates in an area that is of growing importance to a very wide variety
of organisations, both in the UK and overseas. The company has some specific
competitive attractions at present and with it will come directors experienced
at quoted company board level who will help us to maximise the potential for our
future development in this and related fields.

The directors have long felt that our agricultural tyre, wheel and machinery
business operations would not be core in the new strategy. As previously
announced, on 11 October, we entered into an unconditional agreement with Newco
(ATV Tyre and Wheel) Limited for the sale of the operating assets of the tyre,
wheel and all terrain vehicle  business. The maximum cash consideration
receivable by the Company under the terms of the Transaction is approximately
#367,000, comprising an initial cash payment of #279,000 and deferred
consideration of up to #88,000, payable over the next six months plus an
undertaking from the buyer to pay all the trade creditors of the operating
business.  Fieldens will retain its existing cash balances of #463,000 as at 11
October 2002 and also retains the freehold of the Starhouse, Suffolk site
together with some of the stock of the business being sold.

I hope that you share our enthusiasm for the new direction now being proposed
and look forward to reporting further developments in future.

Our plans for CamAxys involve further investment in the company and we are
consequently proposing to acquire CamAxys's shares by exchanging them for new
shares of our own, thereby preserving as much of our cash resources as possible
for investment in the development of CamAxys. The directors do not recommend
payment of an ordinary dividend for the year just ended.

I would like once again to thank the employees of the Stowmarket based
operations of the company for their efforts over the last year and wish them
well under the new team.  Mr David Morley, the managing director of the
Starhouse business, joined NewCo and resigned as a director on 11 October. Mr.
Simon Smith, the financial controller and Company Secretary, also joined NewCo.
I would like to thank both of them for their contributions to the company.

As a result of the sale of the original Starhouse business and the launch of a
new strategic direction, both Mrs Barbara Fielden and Mr Bob Steel have resigned
from the Board. Mrs Fielden, with her husband John founded the Starhouse
business and floated it on AIM in 1996 and has contributed much as director to
its development. Bob Steel joined the company as a director in 1997 in difficult
circumstances and has made significant contributions to the management of the
Starhouse business as well as to the evolution of the new strategy. We thank
them both for their efforts.

Derek Bonham



The first half of the year saw a partial recovery from a very quiet
corresponding period in the previous year. By contrast, the second half saw no
progress on the previous year's second half. For the year as a whole sales were
just 4 per cent. higher than last year.

The market for agricultural wheels and tyres appears to have settled down at the
low level of recent years. Such product innovations as have come forward in
recent times have not yet had a market impact that is accessible to us. Margins
were improved on steady sales and we believe there is scope for some further

The all terrain vehicle (ATV), garden machinery and power equipment division,
which surpassed #1m sales for the first time last year, again recorded an
advance in sales. The better margins from the expanded servicing operation were
partly offset by price competition on new equipment sales.

The Cheetah bead-seating tool was re-sourced during the year to improve margins.
An initial delay from a new supplier caused some loss of sales so that the
increased contribution was less than expected.

As disclosed elsewhere, on 11 October, we entered into an unconditional
agreement to sell  the operating assets of the Starhouse business. We offer our
best wishes for the continued success of the business going forward and out
thanks to all employees for their efforts over the past year.

Andrew Arends

Chief Executive

  PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                                                                                             
  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2002                                                                                     
                                                                          Notes           2002              2001      
                                                                                             #                 #      
  Turnover                                                                   2        3,314,982         3,173,530     
  Cost of sales                                                                     (2,749,077)       (2,657,662)     
  Gross Profit                                                                          565,905           515,868     
  Selling and distribution costs                                                      (263,900)         (239,148)     
  Administrative expenses                                                             (337,949)         (350,153)     
  Operating loss                                                             3         (35,944)          (73,433)     
  Exceptional item                                                           4        (179,000)                 -     
  Loss on ordinary activities before interest                                         (214,944)          (73,433)     
  and tax                                                                                                             
  Interest receivable and similar income                                     5           13,068            18,006     
  Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                         (201,876)          (55,427)     
  Tax on loss on ordinary activities                                         6              245             6,654     
  Loss on ordinary activities after taxation                                          (201,631)          (48,773)     
  Dividends                                                                  7             (25)              (25)     
  Retained loss transferred to reserves                                               (201,656)          (48,798)     
  Earnings per ordinary share                                                8                                        
  Undiluted                                                                              (4.03)  p         (0.98)  p  
  Diluted                                                                                (4.03)  p         (0.98)  p  

  The company has no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the year.  
  All amounts relate to continuing operations.     
  The retained loss for the year is equivalent to the historical cost loss.      
  Movements on reserves are set out in Notes 15 to 17 to the financial statements.  

          BALANCE SHEET                                                                                      
          AS AT 30 JUNE 2002                                                                                 
                                                      Notes            2002                    2001          
                                                                       #           #           #           # 
          FIXED ASSETS                                                                                       
          Tangible assets                                9                    436,522                 531,627
          CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                     
          Stocks                                        10        569,492                 706,642            
          Debtors                                       11        499,359                 489,361            
          Cash at bank and in hand                                409,430                 421,996            
                                                                1,478,281               1,617,999            
          Amounts falling due within one year           12      (586,552)               (619,719)            
          NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                  891,729                 998,280
          TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                             1,328,251               1,529,907
          CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                                               
          Called up share capital                          14                 252,500                 252,500
          Share premium account                            15                 799,195                 799,195
          Profit and loss account                          16                 229,056                 430,712
          Capital redemption reserve                       17                  47,500                  47,500
          Shareholders' Funds (including                   18               1,328,251               1,529,907
          non-equity interests)                                                                              

Approved by the Board on 28 October 2002
K A Arends 

            CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                                             
            FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2002                                                                 
                                                         Notes           2002                  2001         
                                                                         #          #          #          # 
            Net cash inflow from                                                                            
            operating activities                            1                   30,015                41,720
            Returns on investments and                                                                      
            servicing of finance                                                                            
            Interest received                                                   13,068                18,006
            Corporation tax refunded/(paid)                                      7,870              (16,554)
            Capital expenditure and                                                                         
            financial investment                                                                            
            Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets              (68,379)              (35,802)           
            Receipts from sales of tangible assets                    4,910                 7,346           
            Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                                                       
            and financial investment                                          (63,469)              (28,456)
            Non equity dividend paid                                              (50)                     0
            (Decrease)/Increase in cash                     2                 (12,566)                14,716

  NOTES TO THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                                                    
  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2002                                                                                     
                                                                                                     2002        2001   
                                                                                                         #          # 
                 1.                  Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash                                     
                                     inflow from operating activities                                                 
                                     Operating loss                                                (35,944)   (73,433)
                                     Depreciation of tangible assets                                 54,365     51,403
                                     Loss/(Profit) on disposal of tangible assets                     4,209      (868)
                                     Decrease/(Increase) in stocks                                   58,150   (63,183)
                                     (Increase)/Decrease in debtors                                (17,623)     25,384
                                     (Decrease)/Increase in creditors                              (33,142)    102,417
                                     Net cash inflow from operating activities                       30,015     41,720
                 2.                  Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds                         
                                                                                                         #          # 
                                     (Decrease)/Increase in cash in the period                     (12,566)     14,716
                                     Net funds at 1 July 2001                                       421,996    407,280

                                     Net funds at 30 June 2002                                      409,430    421,996

                 3.                  Major non-cash transactions                                                      
                                     Provisions of #100,000 and #79,000 respectively have been made against the       
                                     carrying values of fixed assets and stock, as disclosed in note 4 to the         
                                     financial statements.                                                            

  NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                                                                   
  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2002       

1.     ACCOUNTING POLICIES                                                        

1.1    Accounting convention                                

The financial statements have been prepared using applicable accounting standards under the historical cost convention. 

1.2     Turnover                                             

Turnover represents amounts receivable for goods and services provided in the year, net of VAT and trade discounts.     
1.3    Tangible fixed assets and depreciation                                                                       

Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to  
write-off the cost less estimated residual value of each asset over its expected useful life, as follows:-   

Plant & Machinery                                                                   -   25% reducing balance 
Fixtures, Fittings & Equipment                                                      -   25% reducing balance 
Motor Vehicles                                                                      -   33% reducing balance 

Freehold buildings are written off on a straight line basis over 25 years. No depreciation charge is made in 
respect of freehold land.                                                                                    

1.4    Operating leases                                                                                             

Rentals payable under operating leases are charged against income on a straight line basis over the lease    

1.5    Stocks                                                                                                       

Stock is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is determined on an average cost basis   
as an approximation of the FIFO basis.                                                                       

1.6    Pensions                                                                                                     

The pension costs charged in the financial statements represent the contributions payable by the company     
during the year in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 17. As referred to in note 13 the payments   
are to an independently administered defined contribution scheme.                                            

1.7    Foreign currency translation                                                                                 

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rates  
of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate    
ruling at the date of the transaction. All differences are taken to the profit and loss account.             
1.8    Deferred Taxation                                                                                            

Following the introduction of FRS19, the company has adopted a policy of full provision for deferred tax     
liabilities in respect of all timing differences, except for certain exemptions set out in the Standard.     
Deferred tax assets are only recognised where they arise from timing differences where their recoverability  
in the short term is regarded as more likely than not. Deferred tax balances are not discounted.             

The company previously accounted for deferred tax using the liability method on all timing differences which 
were expected to reverse in the foreseeable future.                                                          

This represents a change in accounting policy, although the impact of the change is immaterial to the        
results of the company, and no adjustment has been required to previously reported results and reserves.     
2.    TURNOVER AND GROSS PROFIT                                                                                

The turnover and gross profit of the company for the year has been derived from its principal activities      
undertaken throughout the world.                                                                              

Segmental analysis                                        Turnover    Turnover    Gross Profit    Gross Profit 
                                                              2002        2001            2002            2001 
                                                                 #           #               #               # 
Tyres and wheels                                         2,056,582   2,041,566         338,292         305,972
Cheetah bead seating tool                                  114,708     122,491          42,701          40,223
All terrain vehicles                                     1,143,692   1,009,473         184,912         169,673
                                                         3,314,982   3,173,530         565,905         515,868

The directors do not consider it practical to allocate selling and distribution costs and administrative      
expenses between business activities so segmental disclosure of results before interest and of net assets is  
not possible.                                                                                                 

The analysis of turnover by geographical market destination, all of which originates in the United Kingdom,   
was as follows:-                                                                                              
                                           2002        2001 
                                              #           # 
United Kingdom                        3,238,049   3,070,999
Other markets throughout the world       76,933     102,531
                                      3,314,982   3,173,530

                                                                                             2002                 2001 
  3.    OPERATING LOSS                                                                          #                    # 
        Operating loss is stated after charging:                                                                      
        Directors' emoluments                                                              88,596               85,314
        Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                              54,365               51,403
        Loss/(Profit) on disposal of fixed assets                                           4,209                (868)
        Operating lease rentals - plant & machinery                                         4,836                4,836
        Auditors' remuneration - Audit fees                                                10,269                9,828
        Auditors' remuneration - Other services                                               490                  250
        Net loss on foreign currency conversion                                             1,025                   12
  4.    EXCEPTIONAL ITEM                                                                                              

The exceptional item relates to provisions made against the carrying values of certain assets recognised in   
the business sale agreement as detailed in note 25 to the financial statements.                               
The provision may be analysed as follows:                                                                     
        Provision against fixed assets                                                                         100,000
        Provision against stock                                                                                 79,000

  5.    INTEREST RECEIVABLE AND SIMILAR INCOME                                                 #                     # 
        Bank interest receivable                                                           13,068               18,006

  6.    TAX ON LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                                                            
        a) Analysis of (credits)/charges in the period                                         #                     # 
        Current taxation                                                                                              
        Adjustments in respect of previous periods                                          (245)                  899
        UK corporation tax on profits in the period                                             0              (7,553)
        Tax on loss on ordinary activities                                                  (245)              (6,654)

        b) Factors affecting the tax charge for the period                           

        The tax assessed for the period is different than the standard rate of       
        corporation tax. The differences are explained below:                        

                                                                                            2002                 2001 
                                                                                               #                    # 
                                         Loss on ordinary activities                    (201,876)             (55,427)
                                         Loss on ordinary activities                     (40,375)             (11,085)
                                         multiplied by the standard rate of                                           
                                         corporation tax in the UK of 20%                                             
                                         Expenses not deductible for                        3,106                2,132
                                         corporation tax purposes                                                     
                                         Provision not deductible for                      20,000                    -
                                         corporation tax purposes                                                     
                                         Depreciation charged in excess of                    644                1,400
                                         capital allowances                                                           
                                         Unrelieved losses carried forward                 16,625                    -
                                         Adjustment to corporation tax                      (245)                  899
                                         charge in respect of previous                                                
                                                                                            (245)              (6,654)
  7.                                     DIVIDENDS                                             #                    # 
                                         Proposed dividend of 0.05p (2001 -                                           
                                         per preference share                                  25                   25
                                                                                               25                   25
  8.    EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                                                            

Earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the loss after charging tax and preference dividends of 
#201,656 (2001 - #48,798), by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of    
5,000,000 (2001 - 5,000,000).                                                                                 

In accordance with FRS14 the adjustment for fully diluted earnings per share is ignored as it results in a    
reduced loss per share.                                                                                       
  9.    TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS                                                                                        
                                                Freehold                  Fixtures,                                   
                                                  Land &      Plant &    Fittings &                  Motor            
                                               Buildings    Machinery     Equipment               Vehicles      Total 
                                                       #            #             #                      #          # 
         At 1 July 2001                           469,229      191,459       145,667                 58,635    864,990
         Additions                                  3,084       16,746        20,743                 27,806     68,379
         Disposals                                      -      (2,492)       (6,907)               (43,289)   (52,688)
                                                  472,313      205,713       159,503                 43,152    880,681
         At 1 July 2001                            52,361      131,410       100,943                 48,649    333,363
         On disposals                                   -      (1,095)       (5,246)               (37,228)   (43,569)
         Charge for the year                       10,893       16,450        16,367                 10,655     54,365
         Exceptional Provision                                                                                        
         - refer to note 4                              -       41,256        44,942                 13,802    100,000
                                                   63,254      188,021       157,006                 35,878    444,159
         Net book values                                                                                              
         At 30 June 2002                          409,059       17,692         2,497                  7,274    436,522
         At 30 June 2001                          416,868       60,049        44,724                  9,986    531,627

         Included within Freehold Land & Buildings is non-depreciated land, with a cost of #200,000 (2001 - #200,000).

                                                                                           2002                  2001 

  10.    STOCKS                                                                               #                     # 
         Finished goods and goods for resale                                            569,492               706,642 
  11.    DEBTORS                                                                              #                     # 
         Amounts recoverable within one year:                                                
         Trade debtors                                                                  430,566               436,459
         Prepayments and accrued income                                                  66,768                44,977
         Corporation tax                                                                      -                 7,625
         Other debtors                                                                    2,025                   300
                                                                                        499,359               489,361

  12.    CREDITORS                                                                         2002                  2001 
                                                                                              #                     # 
         Amounts falling due within one year:                                                          
         Trade creditors                                                                483,444               518,989
         Other taxes and social security costs                                           56,786                50,051
         Dividend payable                                                                    25                    50
         Accruals and deferred income                                                    46,297                50,629
                                                                                        586,552               619,719 
  13.    PENSION COSTS                                                                                 

         Pension costs of #8,634 (2001 - #7,674) represents amounts payable to independently administered defined 
contribution schemes.                                                    

  14.     SHARE CAPITAL                                                                       #                     # 


          10,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 5p each                                         500,000               500,000
          50,000 Convertible Preferred Shares of 5p each                                  2,500                 2,500
                                                                                        502,500               502,500
          Allotted, called up and fully paid                                                            
          5,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 5p each                                          250,000               250,000
          50,000 Convertible Preferred Shares of 5p each                                  2,500                 2,500
                                                                                        252,500               252,500
The convertible preferred shares shall be entitled to a dividend of 0.05 pence (net) per share prior to the payment 
of any dividend on any other class of share in the company, such dividend to be paid yearly in arrears on 31        
October in each year.                                                                                               

The convertible preferred shares shall rank pari passu with the ordinary shares for the return of capital on a      
winding up.                                                                                                         

The convertible preferred shares are convertible into ordinary shares at the option of the holders of the shares at 
any time on the basis of one ordinary share for every convertible preferred share held provided that the after tax  
earnings of the company as derived from the then latest audited accounts of the company is equal to or greater than 
two times the amount that would be required to pay a fixed dividend of 2.4 pence net on the aggregate number of     
ordinary shares and convertible preferred shares in issue at that time.                                             

The convertible preferred shares are also convertible into ordinary shares on the basis of one ordinary share for   
every convertible preferred share following any part of the share capital of the company being admitted to the      
Official List of the London Stock Exchange or an offer being made for over 50 percent of the ordinary shares of the 
company becoming unconditional as to acceptances.                                                                   

The convertible preferred shares do not carry any voting rights. They may be converted in full, but not in part.    

For details on the share options refer to the directors' report.                                                    

15.      SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT                                                             2002                  2001 
                                                                                              #                     # 
         Balance at 1 July 2001 and 30 June 2002                                        799,195               799,195

16.      PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                                                               #                    # 
         Retained profit at 1 July 2001                                                  430,712              479,510
         Retained loss for the year                                                    (201,656)             (48,798)
         Retained profit at 30 June 2002                                                 229,056              430,712
17.      CAPITAL REDEMPTION RESERVE                                                            #                    # 
         Balance at 1 July 2001 and 30 June 2002                                          47,500               47,500
18.      RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                 2002                 2001 
                                                                                               #                    # 
         Loss before dividends                                                         (201,631)             (48,773)
         Dividends                                                                          (25)                 (25)
         Net reduction to shareholders' funds                                          (201,656)             (48,798)
         Opening shareholders' funds                                                   1,529,907            1,578,705
         Closing shareholders' funds                                                   1,328,251            1,529,907
         Equity interests                                                              1,325,751            1,527,407
         Non-equity interests                                                              2,500                2,500
                                                                                       1,328,251            1,529,907
19.      DIRECTORS' EMOLUMENTS                                                              2002                 2001 
                                                                                               #                    # 
         Emoluments                                                                       86,996               83,714
         Other pension costs                                                               1,600                1,600
                                                                                          88,596               85,314

During the year the number of directors to whom retirement benefits were accruing under money purchase schemes was  
1 (2001 - 1).                                                                                                       

20.      EMPLOYEES                                                                   

         Number of employees                                                         

         The average weekly number of employees (including directors) during the year was:                              
                                         2002                           2001
                                       Number                         Number
Warehouse,                                 11                             13
workshop and                                                                
Sales                                       3                              4
Administration                              8                              6
                                           22                             23 

                                            #                              # 
Employment Costs                                                            
Wages and salaries                    433,928                        421,348
Social security                        40,586                         40,194
Other pension costs                     8,634                          7,674
                                      483,148                        469,216

21.      RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                  

During the year rent inclusive of rates totalling #4,591 (2001 - #4,591)    
was paid to Mrs B Fielden, who was a director and a shareholder, and Mr J P 
Fielden, who was a shareholder of the company. The balance outstanding at   
the year end was #1,265 (2001 - #1,265). This was considered by the         
directors to be a fair commercial rent for the property.                    

22.      OPERATING COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES                                     

Operating lease commitments                                                 

The company has a non-cancellable operating lease in respect of plant and   
machinery with an annual commitment as follows:                             
                                        2002                           2001 
                                           #                              # 
Leases which expire:                                                        
Within one year                       4,836pa                              -
In the second to fifth years                -                        4,836pa


At 30 June 2002 a H M Customs & Excise Deferment Bond of #15,000 (2001 - #15,000) (maximum contingent liability     
#30,000) was held by the company's bankers.                                                                         

The bank facilities are secured by a first mortgage debenture being a fixed and floating charge over the company's  

At 30 June 2002 the company had a contingent liability in relation to guarantees given on some products sold by the 
company. There are no material liabilities unmatched by guarantees from suppliers.                                  
23.      CONTROLLING PARTY                                                 

The directors consider there to be no ultimate controlling party. 

Financial assets                                                                                             

The Company has no financial assets, other than short-term debtors and an amount of cash held at bank.       

Financial liabilities                                                                                        

After taking into account forward foreign currency contracts entered into by the Company, the interest rate  
risk profile of the Company's financial liabilities at 30 June 2002 was:                                     

         Currency      Financial liabilities on which no interest is paid 
         Sterling                                                 564,172
         US Dollar                                                    878
         Euro                                                      21,502
At 30 June 2002 the company had forward foreign exchange contracts to the value of #30,174 (2001 - #39,833).        

Currency exposures                                                                                                  

As at 30 June 2002, after taking into account the effect of forward exchange contracts the company had no currency  

Maturity of financial liabilities                                                                                   

The maturity profile of the company's financial liabilities at 30 June 2002 follows those disclosed in notes 12.    

Borrowing facilities                                                                                                

The company has no committed borrowing facilities.                                                                  
Fair values of financial assets and liabilities                                                              

The fair value of the company's financial assets and liabilities at 30 June 2002 is not materially different 
from their carrying value.                                                                                   

Gains and losses on hedges                                                                                   

The company endeavours to enter into forward foreign exchange contracts to eliminate the currency exposures  
that arise on purchases denominated in foreign currencies immediately those purchases are transacted.        

Gains and losses on forward foreign exchange contracts arising in the year are disclosed in note 3 to the    
financial statements.                                                                                        

25.            POST BALANCE SHEET EVENT                              

On 11 October 2002 the board signed an unconditional agreement for the sale of
the operating assets of the  agricultural tyres, wheel and machinery business.
The  aggregate cash consideration receivable by the company under the
terms of the disposal is #367,000, subject to completion accounts, plus an
undertaking from the buyer to pay #386,000 to the creditors of the
operating business. The company retained its cash  balances at the date of sale,
the freehold site at Onehouse, and certain stock lines which are expected  
to be sold to the purchaser over the next twelve months. The freehold site
at Onehouse has been leased  to the purchaser of the business with an option to 

On 28 October 2002 the board entered into an agreement, subject to
shareholder approval, to purchase the entire share capital of CamAxys
Ltd for consideration of up to #1.5 million, on a debt free basis, payable
by the issuance of new ordinary shares. CamAxys Ltd produces and
supplies software systems to assist the management of workplace safety, 
occupational health and the environment, primarily for multisite,
multinational industrial organisations  in the UK, Europe, the Middle and Far

26.            The Chairman's Statement, the review of operations, the
Directors' report and the financial statements for the year ended 30 June
2002 were posted to shareholders on 29 October 2002. Further copies are 
available on request from the Company's registered    

27.            The Annual General Meeting of Fieldens will be held   
on 20 November 2002 at 2.30 p.m. at The Byron Suite,  
De Vere University Arms, Regents Street, Cambridge    
CB2 1AD.                                              

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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