RNS No 6576n
21st July 1997

                      CREST PACKAGING plc
     Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 April 1997

Crest  Packaging  plc  ("Crest"), the flexible  packaging  and
folding carton manufacturer, announces Preliminary Results for
the year ended 30 April 1997.

                                      1997     1996  % Change

Turnover                            #50.4m    #48.0m      +5%
Operating profit before 
  restructuring costs                #4.2m     #3.3m     +27%
Profit on ordinary activities 
  before tax                         #3.8m     #3.2m     +19%
Earnings per share
  - before restructuring costs        8.3p      6.2p     +34%
  - basic                             7.8p      6.2p     +26%
Dividend per share             
  - final                            2.75p     2.75p       -
  - total                           4.125p    4.125p       -

*   Cartons Division grew significantly in terms of turnover
    and profitability
     - Turnover up 19% to #20.9m
     - Operating profit was #2.1m compared with #0.7m in 1996

*   Flexible Packaging market remains competitive and the
    strength of sterling adversely affected results
     - Turnover down 3% to #29.5m
     - Operating profit was #2.7m compared with #3.2m in 1996

*   Acquisition of Crest Chapman at year end for a cash
    consideration of #3.8m
     - Provision for restructuring costs - #350,000

*   #4.5m investment in new equipment in Flexible Packaging
    and Cartons to develop specialist market opportunities, two
    and a half times the level of depreciation

Commenting on future prospects, Ian Tegner, Chairman, said:

"While  Crest  continues  to make  progress  and  expand,  the
pressures   created   by  the  intensely  competitive   market
exacerbated by the current level of sterling against  European
currencies  are  considerable.  Furthermore we  face  no  mean
challenge  in turning round the Chapman acquisition  from  its
past  loss-making  and  in generating an  acceptable  rate  of
return  on the purchase price.  But we have confidence in  the
potential of our aggressive investment in modern equipment and
our  hard-earned position in the market place, based on skill,
quality and service."

For further information please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                               01634 234444
Rodney Webb, Managing Director
Michael Kenny, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                   0171 583 4567
Susan Ellis/Louise Inwood

                                                  21 July 1997
                      CREST PACKAGING plc
     Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 April 1997

Chairman's Statement


Whilst   the   Packaging  Industry  has   remained   intensely
competitive throughout the past year, Group turnover  grew  by
5%  to  #50.4  million from #48.0 million.   Operating  profit
before  provision for restructuring costs increased by 27%  to
#4.2   million  from  #3.3  million  which  is  an   extremely
satisfying   result,  especially  bearing  in  mind   industry

The   balance  of  contribution  to  growth  between  our  two
divisions  was,  however,  reversed  this  year  as   Cartons,
operating predominantly in a UK market, and building  strongly
on  the investment of recent years, grew its profitability out
of  a  significant  increase in turnover. Conversely  Flexible
Packaging, which contributed the larger share of the  previous
year's  profits, operates in a pan-European market, where  the
recent  strength of sterling has created extreme  pressure  on
prices  and  margins  on  the 23% of  its  turnover  which  is
exported.   The  adverse impact of this has only  partly  been
offset by the benefits of the new Cerutti Gravure Press, which
came  fully on stream in November 1996, and has enabled us  to
focus on more complex, value added products.

Thus the operating margin of Flexible Packaging was reduced to
9.0% as compared with 10.4% in the previous year.  Cartons, on
the  other hand, increased its operating margin to 10.2%  from

Profits  before  provision  for restructuring  costs  and  tax
increased to #4.2 million from #3.2 million, and after tax  to
#3.2  million  from  #2.5 million.  The tax  charge  of  18.2%
reflects  the final settlement of liabilities on the  sale  of
property  in 1993 and is more fully explained in the Financial
Review and the notes attached.

Strategic Development

For   some  time  Crest  has  been  looking  to  grow  through
acquisition  and to attain a greater presence in its  markets.
We  therefore took the opportunity to buy, on 30  April  1997,
the  Wellingborough  based Chapman business  from  Rexam.   In
addition to its main business in Cartons, Chapman also  has  a
useful niche business in gravure work complementary to our own
flexible products.

The  total investment in the Chapman business including  costs
is  #4.0 million.  Assets acquired amount to #4.2 million, and
the  discount  reflects  in  part  the  need  for  substantial
restructuring  and integration.  A provision of  #350,000  has
been  charged  against 1997 profits to reflect  the  estimated
costs involved in restructuring the Group.


Following  the  introduction  of the  Cerutti  Gravure  Press,
Flexible  Packaging has focused on development  of  specialist
market opportunities.  Investment has been authorised for  the
expansion  of  our  sophisticated extrusion  capacity  and  in
pouchmaking for luxury foods.

Cartons  has continued its investment of recent years  with  a
spend  of  #3.0 million in 1996/7.  Its current  focus  is  on
integration  and  improvement in  efficiency  of  the  Chapman

Financial Position

With  cashflow from operating activities of #7.2  million  the
financial position of the Group remains strong with gearing of
23%, allowing continued investment.


Our basic policy is to seek to maintain cover of two times for
our dividends over a period of years and this leads your Board
to  recommend  maintaining the total dividend  of  4.125p  per
share.  The final dividend of 2.75p per share will be paid  on
15 September 1997 to shareholders on the register on 15 August

The Board and Management

Bert Bowen, who has been with the Company (and its predecessor
Bowater  businesses)  for  18 years,  decided  to  take  early
retirement effective 30 June 1997.  We are deeply grateful  to
Bert for the significant part he has played in the development
of  Crest as a major force in the flexible packaging industry,
and we wish him a long, active and happy retirement.

Bert  Harman  has  assumed sole main Board responsibility  for
Flexible, where production is now under Ian Curtis, who joined
us  in  July.   At  Cartons  Roy  Cook  has  taken  additional
responsibility  for  Chapman, and  has  been  joined  by  Paul
Goldman as divisional sales director.

All  management  and employees deserve our gratitude  for  the
vigour,  skill and effectiveness with which they have met  the
challenges of the past year.


While  Crest  continues  to  make  progress  and  expand,  the
pressures   created   by  the  intensely  competitive   market
exacerbated by the current level of sterling against  European
currencies  are  considerable.  Furthermore we  face  no  mean
challenge  in turning round the Chapman acquisition  from  its
past  loss-making  and  in generating an  acceptable  rate  of
return  on the purchase price.  But we have confidence in  the
potential of our aggressive investment in modern equipment and
our  hard-earned position in the market place, based on skill,
quality and service.

Ian Tegner

Managing Director's Review

The  much improved result of the Group has been achieved at  a
time  when  the  Packaging Industry has produced  a  range  of
disappointing  results.  The 27% increase in operating  profit
before  restructuring  costs with  the  tax  charge  at  18.2%
results  in an increase of 34% in earnings per share  at  8.3p
(1996: 6.2p).

Our  Cartons  division is reaping the rewards of  one  of  the
largest investment programmes in this industry, in relation to
its size.  As a result the division has the ability to produce
more  volume extremely efficiently and meet the needs  of  the

Flexible  Packaging suffered, along with many other companies,
from  the  dramatic strengthening of sterling  occurring  over
such a short period. This put considerable pressure on margins
in the export market and in some cases volume has been lost.

Our  policy of investing in the latest equipment has continued
in the year with expenditure at two and a half times the level
of  depreciation.  This was entirely funded by cash  generated
by the businesses.

Flexible Packaging Division - Trading Review

Flexible Packaging experienced a difficult year, with turnover
reducing  by 3% to #29.5 million (1996:  #30.5 million).   The
reduction in turnover was almost entirely due to the  strength
of sterling referred to above, impacting on selling prices and
margins and reducing export sales to #6.8 million (1996:  #7.6

The  continuing trend of smaller orders had an adverse  impact
on  operating  costs although contributing to an  increase  in
added value.

This  trend  of  more  work content with  static  volumes  and
adverse exchange rates had a negative impact on profitability,
with operating profit falling to #2.7 million in the year from
#3.2 million in 1996.

The   Flexible  Packaging  market  remains  very  competitive,
although the full year effect of the new 10 unit quick  change
Cerutti  press together with further investment in  non  print
equipment  planned  for 1997/98 will have  an  impact  in  the
coming year.

The challenges for the year ahead include a further tightening
of  control over operating costs, coupled with exploiting  the
sales  opportunities  afforded by recent and  planned  capital

During the first half year, investigations to determine  which
method  we  use  for  abatement  of  VOC  emissions  will   be
completed, in preparation for the December 1998 deadline.

Cartons Division -Trading Review

1996/97  has been an extremely successful year for the Cartons
business.  Turnover climbed by 19% to #20.9 million from #17.5
million  resulting  in  an operating profit  of  #2.1  million
(1996: #0.7 million).  Return on sales was consequently 10.2%.
The development of supplier partnership arrangements with both
existing  and  new  customers enabled the Company  to  attract
increased volume.  New business is an essential feature of the
strategy  to  grow in size and capability within  the  cartons

Part  of our strategy is investment led, with our third Roland
R700  presses installed in February this year.  This, together
with ancillary downstream equipment, provides the base for one
of  the most productive and efficient carton operations in the
UK,  able to compete with the best - a fundamental feature  of
the food market it serves.

The Company was awarded Hygiene accreditation to the standards
laid  down  by the Royal Society of Hygiene in November  1996.
This  is also regarded as a necessity to satisfy the stringent
demands of the food industry.


On 30 April 1997 we acquired the business of Rexam Cartons and
Print  South at Wellingborough, now called Crest Chapman,  for
#4.0 million including costs.  The business had assets of #4.2
million  and sales in the last calendar year of #12.7 million.
This  comprised primarily litho printed cartons, of  the  type
made  at  Gillingham, and a niche operation of gravure printed
tea tags and tea sachets.

The  business was losing substantial sums up to  the  time  of
acquisition but reductions in costs and benefits of  combining
with  Gillingham  are expected to eliminate  the  losses  this
year.  Overall  cost advantages of the acquisition  will  come
from  increasing  the scale of the cartons business  with  two
sites,  increased  buying  power, and  efficient  use  of  the
resources of both businesses.

The  enlarged group is capitalising on the joint strengths and
technical  resources of the two operations to provide  greater
flexibility  in  serving  the increasingly  sophisticated  and
demanding marketplace.

Group Financial Review

Asset Base

The   acquisition  of  Crest  Chapman  was  for   an   initial
consideration of #3.8 million, which is subject to  adjustment
based  on  the net assets at 30 April 1997.  These  have  been
included  in our Balance Sheet, provisionally at a fair  value
of  #4.2  million,  which  is made up  of  freehold  land  and
buildings  of  #0.8  million,  plant  and  machinery  of  #1.4
million, and net current assets of #2.0 million.  Negotiations
are  in  progress with Rexam to agree the value of net current
assets which will form the basis of any revisions.

Investment in new equipment at Gillingham in the year totalled
#4.5 million compared with depreciation of #1.8 million.  This
included the third Roland litho press in three years, a  Bobst
Cutting  and Creasing press and a Jagenburg gluer for  Cartons
and  the balance of the cost of the Cerutti gravure press  for
Flexible Packaging.

There  was  no  increase in net debt  in  the  year  from  the
original activities in spite of investment in new equipment of
#4.5  million.  Net debt did increase in the year due  to  the
acquisition of Crest Chapman, but the gearing at the year  end
was still only 23 %.

The  interest  charge fell to #40,000 (1996:  #124,000)  after
capitalising interest costs of #42,000 (1996: #112,000).

New  finance leases of #2.1 million were entered into  in  the
year to run over a 7 year period.

The main funding requirements are met by a variable rate group
overdraft   facility.   Alternative  resources  are  regularly
assessed and may be used if they represent beneficial terms.

Working Capital

The  working  capital in the original businesses fell  due  to
tighter control of debtors, a slight improvement in stocks and
a reduction in creditors.


The tax charge at 18.2% of pre-tax profit is after recognising
the  last  refund expected from the settlement of  outstanding
tax matters arising from the sale of land to Tesco in 1993 but
does  not  include the expected release from the deferred  tax
provision of #345,000 resulting from the Chancellor's proposed
reduction in the corporation tax rate.  This will be taken  in
1998 when the rate change is enacted.

Rodney A J Webb
Managing Director

For further information please contact:

Crest Packaging plc                               01634 234444
Rodney Webb, Managing Director
Michael Kenny, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                   0171 583 4567
Susan Ellis/Louise Inwood

                      Crest Packaging plc
                 Group Profit and Loss Account
               for the year ended 30 April 1997

                                     1997        1996
                                    #'000       #'000

Turnover - continuing operations   50,398      48,005
Change in stocks of finished goods
 and work in progress                 670         138
Own work capitalised                  185         225
                                   51,253      48,368
Other operating income                216         207
                                   51,469      48,575

Raw materials and consumables      27,597      26,724
Other external charges              6,559       6,102

Staff costs                        11,367      10,960
Restructuring costs                   350           -
Total staff costs                  11,717      10,960
Depreciation                        1,752       1,491

Operating profit
 - before restructuring costs       4,194       3,298
 - restructuring costs                350           -
Total operating profit 
 - continuing operations            3,844       3,298

Net interest payable                  (40)       (124)
Profit on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                   3,804       3,174
Taxation                             (694)       (673)

Profit on ordinary activities 
  after taxation                    3,110       2,501
Dividends                           1,653       1,653
Profit retained for the year        1,457         848
Earnings per share
 - before restructuring costs        8.3p        6.2p
 - basic                             7.8p        6.2p

                      Crest Packaging plc
            Group Balance Sheet as at 30 April 1997

                                     1997        1996
                                    #'000       #'000
Fixed assets:
Tangible assets                    27,066      22,104
Current assets:
Stocks                              7,800       6,493
Debtors                            13,957      11,437
                                   21,757      17,930
Creditors: amounts falling due
 within one year                   17,878      13,084
Net current assets                  3,879       4,846
Total assets less current 
  liabilities                      30,945      26,950
Creditors: amounts falling due after
 more than one year                 2,749       1,046
Provisions for liabilities and charges:
Deferred tax                        5,749       5,161
                                   22,447      20,743
Capital and reserves:
Called-up share capital             2,004       2,004
Profit and loss account            20,196      18,739
Other reserves                        247           -
Equity shareholders' funds         22,447      20,743

                      Crest Packaging plc
      Cashflow Statement for the year ended 30 April 1997

                                     1997        1996

Net cashflow from operating 
  activities                        7,198       3,303

Returns on investments and 
  servicing of finance
Net interest paid                     (87)        (89)
Interest paid on finance leases       (99)        (43)
                                     (186)       (132)
Net corporation tax (paid)/received  (771)        787

Capital expenditure and financial 
Purchase of tangible fixed assets  (4,532)     (3,953)
Proceeds from sale of tangible 
  fixed assets                         72          63
                                   (4,460)     (3,890)

Acquisitions and disposals         (3,800)          0

Equity dividends paid              (1,653)     (1,652)
Cash outflow before management of
 liquid resources and financing    (3,672)     (1,584)

Issue of ordinary shares                0           2
Net cash inflows from finance 
  leases                            1,951       1,190

Decrease in cash in the period     (1,721)       (392)

1.   The  final dividend will be paid on 15 September 1997  to
     shareholders on the register on 15 August 1997.

2.   Corporation tax on taxable profit for the current  year's
     trading  at  #820,000 represents a charge of 20%  against
     the  profit before tax.  That combines with the  increase
     in the provision for deferred tax relating to the current
     year's trading of #459,000 to reflect the tax charged  to
     the P&L for the Group.

     In  addition,  a credit of #714,000 follows the  previous
     year's credit of #1,656,000 which was mainly allocated to
     the  provision for deferred tax.  An additional  #130,000
     has  been  transferred to the deferred tax  provision  in
     respect of prior years.

3.   Earnings per share.

     Before  restructuring costs:   The calculation  of  basic
     earnings per ordinary share before restructuring costs is
     based  on the operating profit before restructuring costs
     (#4,194,000) less net interest payable (#40,000) and  the
     tax  charge  relating  to  that profit  (#810,000).   The
     resultant  profit  after tax #3,344,000 representing  the
     profit  generated by the Group in the ordinary course  of
     business  (1996: #2,501,000) is compared to the  weighted
     average  number  of ordinary shares in issue  during  the
     year  of  40,079,998  (1996:  40,053,313),  and  is   not
     materially  different when calculated on a fully  diluted

     After restructuring costs:   The basic earnings per share
     is   calculated  by  comparing  the  profit   after   tax
     #3,110,000  to  the weighted average number  of  ordinary
     shares  in  issue  during the year of  40,079,998  (1996:
     40,053,131),   and  is  not  materially  different   when
     calculated on a fully diluted basis.

4.   The  figures  for  the  year  ended  30  April  1997  are
     unaudited and do not constitute full accounts within  the
     meaning  of S.240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The figures
     for the year ended 30 April 1996 have been extracted from
     the  full accounts of that year which have been delivered
     to  the  Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors
     issued and unqualified report.

5.   The   Annual  Report  and  Accounts  will  be   sent   to
     shareholders  in  due  course.  Further  copies  will  be
     available  from  the Company Secretary,  Crest  Packaging
     plc, Courteney Road, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0RX.


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