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TFN Football Network (CE)

TFN Football Network (CE) (TFBN)

마감 02 12월 6:00AM

개인 투자자를 위한 전문가급 도구.

주요 통계 및 세부정보

0.00 일간 변동폭 0.00
0.000001 52주 범위 0.0001
전일 종가
최근 거래 시간
마지막 거래 시간
평균 볼륨(3m)
재정 규모

TFBN 최신 뉴스

TFN, The Football Network, Inc. Announces First Sports Documentary

TFN, The Football Network, Inc. (OTC: TFBN) announced today its plans to produce, market, and distribute its first sports documentary, tentatively entitled “The Beautiful...

TFN, The Football Network, Inc. Announces Plans for Third Sports Website

TFN, The Football Network, Inc. (Pink Sheets:TFBN) has signed an agreement to produce the third in a series of websites aimed at the sports market and sports fans. "We are...

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EVOLSymbolic Logic Inc (CE)
US$ 0.99
CRMBQCrumbs Bake Shop Inc (CE)
US$ 0.012
GPDBGreen PolkaDot Box Incorporated (CE)
US$ 0.0002
FCGDFirst Colombia Gold Corporation (PK)
US$ 0.0001
BIIOBionovate Technologies Corporation (CE)
US$ 0.0001
TIHETaihe Group Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
SBBGSeibels Bruce Group Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
MXLGFMX Gold Corporation (CE)
US$ 0.000001
VIVEViveve Medical Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
SMGISMG Industries Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
AITXArtificial Intelligence Technology Solutions Inc (PK)
US$ 0.00275
GTEHGenTech Holdings Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
US$ 0.0002
CBGLCannabis Global Inc (PK)
US$ 0.00015
GTVHGolden Triangle Ventures Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0008

TFBN Discussion

게시물 보기
ThEONly222 ThEONly222 5 월 전
Not sure what the deal is any input? Anyone see the same thing happening to them on Schwab?
ThEONly222 ThEONly222 6 월 전
Why do I lose my money from this everyday. I have alot of shares so its very noticable when my account goes down almost 5k everyday. I lose the value as if it was at 0001 but it dosent even show the 000001 value anymore. Does anyone else see this?. What could be happening behind the scenes to do this. Been happening everyday for the last 2 weeks at least.
rabbit67 rabbit67 8 월 전
Rumors of such
Lime Time Lime Time 2 년 전
20m volume loaded?
Lime Time Lime Time 2 년 전
Tapped the .0003s again. Maybe someone going to post filings again this Fall. Once a year pump sounds good.
NorthTrail NorthTrail 2 년 전
Let me guess; this rallys each fall.
Lime Time Lime Time 2 년 전
Ah I see. Not if, but when this goes Pink Yield/Current, easy out of trips. Not many like this one left.
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 년 전
Ngl I was bidding 1’s for a while and just wanted a starter position in case something happens soon
Lime Time Lime Time 2 년 전
Strange, someone bought a million at .0003

Why pay 3x for something when you can have it at a cheaper price?
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 년 전
Lots of restricted shares here
Lime Time Lime Time 3 년 전
It just went to Expert Market and they canceled my buy orders without my consent. How is that even legal and justified that people in other countries can buy this US security, but Americans can't? Wtf these rules. Go shove it. I'm writing to my legislators.
ThEONly222 ThEONly222 3 년 전
Good times are coming here!
Lime Time Lime Time 3 년 전
Grace Period badge. Going to Expert Market sooner than expected.
nicoausto nicoausto 3 년 전
Horrible garbage going to expert and never coming out this ceo gave up and no one wants this shell apparently this is dead and gone
Lime Time Lime Time 3 년 전
It doesn't look like they care about getting it current. No response.
Billy75 Billy75 3 년 전
Is there contact information for this company. I know of a CEO looking to find a clean shell
LionCub1 LionCub1 3 년 전
Thanks for letting me know.

I just resent my email because I had the incorrect address.
Lime Time Lime Time 3 년 전
Inquired about atty letter via email
No response.

Weeks ago
LionCub1 LionCub1 3 년 전
I emailed the co. this morning about any updates and plans to get back to Pink current.

Will update if/when I get a response.
LionCub1 LionCub1 3 년 전
Right now, the ask is super high (at .003). Just MMs having a little fun I guess. Would be nice to see this reach into the .002s today.
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
Have you heard from co?
ThEONly222 ThEONly222 3 년 전
Buckle Up
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
Clean shell here TFBN
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Volume picking up
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
Nice, current soon
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Adding filing out news to follow
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
Nice vol today TFBN
Boersi Boersi 3 년 전
Ready for next leg up!

rabbit67 rabbit67 3 년 전
The plan is anyway... looks good so far
rabbit67 rabbit67 3 년 전
Good shell play....merger thing...not someone hiding thier cash...
rabbit67 rabbit67 3 년 전
Shell play
Boersi Boersi 3 년 전
Pink Current
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
Oh baby
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Watch what happens next
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Brew lol
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
TFBN ten bagger alert
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
Added some today in that range as well
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Yea I’m trying to add more .0026-.0028
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
TFBN paper thin now
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Looking good
Boersi Boersi 3 년 전
Huge ask slap with big volumes today!

rabbit67 rabbit67 3 년 전
Yup...biggee bout Christmas Thanksgiving?
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Longer Than Most Longer Than Most 3 년 전
So thin here, breakout could happen at any point
Paydro Paydro 3 년 전
Good morning
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Paydro Paydro 3 년 전
Nice climbing today
Do we just need the AL? Or can they get current without, since working on time constraints
rabbit67 rabbit67 3 년 전
It is ( or not, lol )... disclaimer
abazaba375 abazaba375 3 년 전
Loading big
SriMaharaj SriMaharaj 3 년 전
I agree that something is going on. I was there was a huge bid of more than 5M @.0028 but no one else sell sold it. This means, everyone is holding for bigger gain.