2 일 전
Only SIRI has been updated. The rest will follow shortly.
SIRI, AERO and Rice are the three big verticals.
Together they will probably account for 50%+ of total revenue, in the long run.
And we will have another 40 or so smaller verticals.
Rice is big because it includes RISO but also the whole of Cow Agri Corp (Previously Masala Agri Corp) which is everything we are doing in Nigeria (RAS aquaculture, oil palm, coconut, rice, sugarcane, cocoa).
So those are the 3 big ones. Roughly equal in size would be my guess. It is important to get a good picture of this in case you want to sell some tokens.
Dividends will be paid by SIRI, AERO and perhaps one of the two whiskeys (SURA or BOOZ). Not sure. And a couple more later.
SIRI (or gold) is the base
AERO could be absolutely huge and disruptive
Rice (or Africa) will be our legacy
That's how I see it. Perhaps we will add some more big ones later. Perhaps automotive. Perhaps oil or hydrogen. iBank could also be big according to Laxmi.
2 일 전
Yes. Or you can divide by 0.3 which is the same as multiplying by 3.3333333.....
We went from 300M to 1,000M which is why you should divide by 0.3. Or you can multiply your number by 1,000 and divide by 300. All the same.
We are at 1,080M because they issued some new tokens. For instance 36M went to Ryzer.
We are not getting compensated for that, obviously. That's why you should use the 1,000M to calculate your holding.
2 일 전
I did already, and put a message for understanding what numbers should be in the account. It's already been discussed here, but the numbers don't really add up, even without the "missing tokens", if I just apply the expected multipliers on the original token count.
We had the 100M -> 300M, the poison pill, which gave non-founders like myself a 50% increase on my tokens (on a 200% increase of total tokens).
Then we have the 300M -> 1080M, which I assume should give a 1080/300 ratio increase on your tokens, i.e. a 3.6x on the tokens held at 300M?
If I do this calculation (without the "one final support"-tokens) is still falls short, so I assume a different multiplier must have been used? To me it looks like 3.3509... was used.
And even then, I'm still missing a huge chunk aka the "one final support"-tokens.
I'll post the outcome here, so people know how to calculate what should be in their accounts, when I get an answer.
3 일 전
Today's message should be positively definitive regarding the initiation of the monthly vertical payouts and employee compensation. 🤞
From: Laxmi Prasad
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2025 2:29 PM
Subject: Re:
Dear All,
...(h) I will update with a detailed email on Cash Grants and Staff payments some time tomorrow around the same time (or even during day hours India time)
...More specifically on Cash Grants and Staff Payouts tomorrow,
Thank You,
Laxmi Prasad
1 주 전
- 8 pages to HKMA and the Bank, 2 weeks ago.
- Likhitha to update tokens, 2 weeks ago.
- 0 communications confirming tasks, actions, or completions.
Deterministic doctrines and calculations notwithstanding, deliberate communications and execution is always valued.
Respectful observations (and wish list).
Dear All,
While our wait for cash grants and staff payouts have been excruciatingly painful,
We have gained tremendous confidence to launch sales and income generation effort,
Many thanks to the Ryzer Team (lead by Surya) and all of our internal staff & members.
Each of us are crawling through many shrubs filled with thorns, passing our days in pain but our grit and determination to pass these is helping us put smiles at the end of each of these days -- There is no day that we closed without crossing one important milestone --- and today, I am quite excited to announce --
(a) We submitted the most rigorous 8 page compliance questions put in by HKMA and the Bank and
(b) We have planned and defined complete sales planning we should initiate on
1) Gold 2) Cement 3) Fractional Plane Seats, 4)RE Asset 1 and 5) RE Asset 2
My confidence levels and preparedness to sell have multi-folded, thanks to the relentless efforts in progress from Ryzer.
It is turning so high that I am advancing further on our token consolidation. This will make us a billion dollar enterprise off the bat as we keep unleashing sales in multiple verticals .... pegged with Gold and the vertical's commodity. ..
Now - the News for all of our hard work, pain and effort, we are consolding each vertical with a billion tokens and IBank will add it deeper..
If you have seen the track we have adopted, just countable days back or tokens journeyed from 75 - 100 - 150 - 300 - 600 and now to 1,000 Million.
This expansion is a very strategic step for us as this steeply helps us in our valuations, capitalization, monetization and business unfolding ....A person holding 100,000 shares when we were 100 million will today own a million shares....
When we launch trading and these tokens add up their nAV cycle after cycle, these splits will uptick each of our tokenholdings to new heights...
I am quite sure our beloved tokenholders' minds will turn pleased and all of your blessings will deeply help MyCow as the next generation Financial Power house...
thanking all of you, I consider this as our land marking footprints ... a legacy that gets established to last for decades if not centuries...
Likhitha will pull these increased numbers into each of the verticals --
I now leave everyone to guess what they will be paid as cash grants...certainly not disappointing anymore...
More than these cash grants, It's the valuations that muscles us enormously and we have fully throttled our gears now....
Splitting our stock 1-10 in a matter of months...
Laxmi Prasad