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Hellix Ventures Inc (CE)

Hellix Ventures Inc (CE) (HLLXF)

( 0.00% )
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HLLXF - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the current Hellix Ventures (CE) share price?
The current share price of Hellix Ventures (CE) is US$ 0.000001
What is the 1 year trading range for Hellix Ventures (CE) share price?
Hellix Ventures (CE) has traded in the range of US$ 0.000001 to US$ 0.01 during the past year


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MOTSMotus GI Holdings Inc (CE)
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FBCDFBC Holding Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0001
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IPAHInterpharm Holdings Incorporated (CE)
US$ 0.000001
STTOSITO Mobile Ltd (CE)
US$ 0.0002
PURAPuration Inc (CE)
US$ 0.000001
MMEXMMEX Resources Corporation (PK)
US$ 0.000001
PLPLPlandai Biotechnology Inc (PK)
US$ 0.000001
CATV4Cable TV International Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0007
KGKGKona Gold Beverage Inc (PK)
US$ 0.0002
EMEDElectroMedical Technologies Inc (PK)
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GMPRGourmet Provisions International Corporation (PK)
US$ 0.0001

HLLXF Discussion

게시물 보기
mining hound mining hound 2 월 전
Hi all, thanks for happy new year wishes and I wish the same for all here too!
lamont814 lamont814 3 월 전
Thanks J. Happy New Year to you and all the faithful on this board as well. We've been waiting for Hellix to make a comeback for a very long time. I believe 2025 IS the year for that process to start taking place. Blessings -Lamont
👍 2
J_Dean J_Dean 3 월 전
Hi all. Wishing everyone here a Happy and Healthy and Prosperous New Year. God Bless. :) 
👍 2
J_Dean J_Dean 4 월 전
Thanks Lamont. Same to you. Hope you are doing well. :)
👍 1
lamont814 lamont814 4 월 전
Happy Thanksgiving everyone !!! -Lamont
mining hound mining hound 5 월 전
Hi Lamont, thanks for encouraging hope message for after the smoke clears!
lamont814 lamont814 5 월 전
Hi Mining Hound
The chaotic upheaval that's about to take place globally will change that. I'm expecting BC to become very mining friendly after the smoke clears. Canada and many other nations across the globe will be clamoring for precious metals to back up their currencies. Thanks for checking in bud. It's always good to hear from you. -Lamont
mining hound mining hound 5 월 전
We are just barely missing out on a British Columbia provincial government that in my opinion would be favorable for mining in B.C. 47 seats gets a majority to form the next provincial B.C. government
lamont814 lamont814 6 월 전
Yes, gold has nowhere to go but up, way up. Best wishes to you as well oldlamps4new1. -Lamont
oldlamps4new1 oldlamps4new1 6 월 전
Nomi Prins predicted that gold will hit $4000 by end of year. Maybe things will start to move up. I would like to buy more hllxf at these low prices; also am at Schwab and they will not accept a bid--good luck guys---watch for big movement in $$ by month end; best regards
lamont814 lamont814 7 월 전
Hi tycoon7. That's been the strategy for many years now. I've written about Hellix's SEC status many times on this board. Frank obviously stopped paying the expensive SEC admin fees because they were battling Brenner in court and the stock had been shorted to nearly nothing. The SEC eventually put Hellix on CE status (Caveat Emptor) because of non-reporting. The SEC has quarterly and annual reporting requirements to stay current in their system. Any SEC registered stock will be put in CE status if they don't stay current and pay the fees. I too saw they traded in July. Even with no trading activity it doesn't matter because Hellix is still an SEC registered stock. Once they resume reporting to the SEC and pay the fess the CE will be lifted. CE status doesn't prevent a stock from trading, however it has to be done off the exchange between 2 private parties. Best wishes -Lamont
tycoon7 tycoon7 7 월 전
I was going to have HLLXF Hellix Ventures declared a worthless security on my Schwab account but I found out it is still registered with the SEC so I would have to sell it first. The representative told me it last traded in July for a fraction of penny. I would have to find a buyer for close to zero. I am holding because I believe Gold is going to $5,000 at least and then these little companies will be worth something.
lamont814 lamont814 8 월 전
No doubt that purchase will pay off quite handsomely in the not too distant future. Best wishes. -Lamont
tycoon7 tycoon7 8 월 전
Small world. I bought silver from melody at $32 back in 2011. I am finally back to break even.
lamont814 lamont814 8 월 전
Wow Melody is still in business. I bought a bunch of silver from her 12 or 13 years ago. Thanks for the updates mining hound.
Best wishes -Lamont
mining hound mining hound 8 월 전
Melody Cedarstrom, found her link /ad over at, No news to report on Mr. Underhill , Sr. at this time.
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
At the time it never crossed my mind that foul play might have been involved in Bob's passing. Looking back it did seem his illness was a bit mysterious. I wouldn't be surprised in the least to find out that was what really happened. Regards -Lamont
J_Dean J_Dean 11 월 전
Looking forward to it, brother Lamont! On a side note, crazy how the enemy conceals ‘handlers’ in the sneakiest of places. Even Bob, as smart as he was, had no idea that his own ‘caretaker’ was the one, and (most likely) hired to do him in. Humans can be despicable. Shows… not to fully trust anyone (except God)…especially in these last days.
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
Hey J. I think Melody is still in business. I've heard her name kicked around a few times in recent years. I bought a few large bags of pre-64 halves, quarters and dimes from her back in the day. Bob would be enemy number 1 if he were alive today. It was bad enough when he was giving interviews a long time ago. I don't blame him for keeping a .45 on his side. They made life very hard for him. Gold is holding the line pretty good. They aren't able to manipulate the price as much as they used to. China and India are buying gold and silver at a fever pitch as well as a lot of central banks around the world. High net worth individuals are bypassing the precious metals exchanges altogether and buying gold directly from the miners before they send it to the refiners. That is taking a lot of gold out of circulation. Be prepared for some pretty big moves in price in the next 6 months. Best wishes -Lamont
J_Dean J_Dean 11 월 전
Wow!!! Crazy it’s been that long, huh. And yet we’re still here a decade later…the small handful of us, lol. Ahh, the good ole days of listening to the many excellent podcasts of Bob Chapman. I think Melody Cedarstrom was one of his favorites. Then “Al” came into the scene with Melody, asking Bob (good) serious questions. Idk if she is still around, in business? But she was a legit, honest PM dealer. Miss them days of Bob speaking! I eagerly awaited ALL of his talks. Can you imagine what Bob would be saying (revealing!) about the cabal PRESENT DAY??!! Priceless. His information was GOLD (pun intended).
PS…who remembers Bob used to sleep with a .45 on his side. And he had an IQ of like 175 or something. Can’t believe I still remember all this, lol. RIP Mr. Chapman. :(
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
Yes, I think you have the right understanding. A new mania in gold exploration is the only stimulus I foresee that would cause renewed interest in the company. I've been waiting 12 years because I invested a very substantial amount in the company. The preliminary test samples strongly inferred a good amount of gold was to be had. Obviously Brenner thought so too and naked shorted the hell out of it so he could acquire a massive amount of shares on the cheap. If the world converts to currencies backed by gold there will be without a doubt a new mania in gold exploration. This is what I foresaw happening over a decade ago and events are now lining up that appear to be completely in line with my observations. Best wishes -Lamont
tycoon7 tycoon7 11 월 전
So, we assume the company exists because it has a stock that trades in the Grey market and LinkedIn has some information on Frank Underhill. Is my understanding correct? I think if Gold hits $3000 and we don't get any updates I am going to declare this a complete loss against my gain in other investments.
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
Thanks mining hound. Maybe they incorporated in the US which is the reason the court case(s) took place in Vegas. Regards -Lamont
mining hound mining hound 11 월 전
Hellix’ incorporation in Alberta expired in 2016: (TEX Venture past company summary, search apps tmx Hellix Venture company summary—I can’t get a link to work here). Since there is trading, the corporation seems to exist. Iam not sure where is registration or headquarters is located now. There are auditors listed on this page. I think that there reports were against Hellix and I am not sure why. The oil wells I believe are in Saskatchewan, and the gold mine in Athabasca area in British Columbia, all under the government of reigning monarch King Charles III.
mining hound mining hound 11 월 전
1) Walter Ruloph Benner somehow was a board member of Hellix and the British Columbia Securities Commission investigated him and found that he had lied about his connections to an offshore trading account. Share values dropped.
2) shows what Frank Sr. is looking for, an investor /SPAC with money. People with no money, should not contact him.
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
Tycoon7 the SEC placed a CE (Caveat Emptor) on the stock a long time ago. I don't know of any trading house that will take trades on it. That's why I've written extensively about the trades that go through as being crooked. Apparently you've missed out on a whole bunch of Hellix history that I and a few others have chronicled on this board. Can someone please catch Tycoon7 up on the deal with Hellix ? Best wishes to you. -Lamont
tycoon7 tycoon7 11 월 전
Where can I go to find information that shows Hellix ventures is still in business? They have no website or phone contact anymore? I am going to sell this stock for a loss this year if it doesn't start trading again.
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
As of this writing gold is at $2405 and silver rapidly closing in on $30 / oz. Buckle up, it looks like it's game on !! -Lamont
J_Dean J_Dean 11 월 전
Interesting. Wasn’t even paying attention to it, being dead so long! It has a (faint) pulse. lol
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
I am too. Bear in mind that whoever it is lurking behind the scenes will still able to buy / sell / naked short until they get pushed aside for good. Ironically they are helping our cause by virtue of their greed. They prove my long standing suspicions by refusing to move on to greener pastures. Gold closed at $2312.00 today. Regards -Lamont
tycoon7 tycoon7 11 월 전
I noticed the rise to a penny on Schwab. I am starting to get excited.
lamont814 lamont814 11 월 전
Good news. Today gold made another all time high of $2304 / oz which may go higher before the close of trading. Today Hellix made a 2 year jump in price to .01 / share. That's a 100,000% price increase. Yes its only one cent but the percentage increase is what matters at present. A crooked insider was able to acquire 4,500 shares today while we remain shut out. However they weren't able to pull it off at a ludicrous 1/100,000 of a penny as in the past 5 years. The rise in gold has motivated them to grab more shares. They don't waste their time on something that's a known loser by their inner circle. Regards -Lamont
lamont814 lamont814 12 월 전
You're patience will pay off Tycoon7. The next bull run in the precious metals will be the greatest of all time. It's impossible for it not to happen. Global debt is at psychotic levels and when the monetary system implodes gold and silver will explode in price. After that happens the current price levels for the metals will never be seen again. The current prices are a bargain compared to where they are going to go. Best wishes. -Lamont
tycoon7 tycoon7 12 월 전
I am finally profitable on a few of my gold mining stocks. I have been way overweight gold stocks for years. I feel confident this gold bull will run for a while. I knew I needed to be patient but I didn't think I would have to be patient for this long. Will Hellix rise from the dead like Jesus Christ? It may take an act of God for Hellix to come to life and I will be ecstatic at this resurrection as well.
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Your welcome Mining Hound. In order for the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) to investigate naked shorting of Hellix they would have to coordinate with the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) and the NYSE. Neither of these entities would have any interest in looking into the matter unless a very powerful financial entity requested it. All of those dirty trades are lost inside the secret bureaucracy of the DTCC. Illegal naked shorting involves millions of unsettled trades for which the chain of custody has been broken. Someday maybe Frank or someone on the board will weigh in on this matter. I'm not holding my breath as they have been silent on the matter for many years. Best wishes. -Lamont
mining hound mining hound 1 년 전
Thanks, Lamont, for your sharing. I am still being patient, so everything is well. The Alberta government looks good, but I am holding off on contacting any officials to ask to look into the attack by naked shorting. It is good that the parent company still has no debt and has positive cash flow. I listened to a Bob Chapman interview from around 2009 last week for memories. A lot of archived radio broadcast sites are no longer working, but there are some around.
Best wishes,
Mining Hound
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Hi Mining Hound,
Hope all is well. I'm not familiar with those audits / opinions but did read them per your links. That general time period was when Hellix was still getting hammered by illegal naked shorting. Auditors aren't mining experts and those audits might have been ordered by Canadian governmental oversight. It's interesting that CFO Dillman resigned during that time period. Maybe someday we'll find out why. They raised more money because investors still thought it a good buy as the price went down ("corrected"). As the price remained on a sustained downward trend many bailed on Hellix. I was confident they couldn't be bankrupted and strongly suspected they were being attacked by naked shorting. Its never been officially stated but it was obvious to me they were getting attacked. Parent company Abingdon had and still has zero debt and positive cash flow from Canadian oil royalties. Best wishes. -Lamont
mining hound mining hound 1 년 전
Hi guys, question: Background: in 2013, after Hellix Ventures provided its periodic reports for the period ending July 31, 2012 (reported on Feb. 22, 2013) and for the period ending July 31, 2013 (reported on Nov. 27, 2013), auditor Meyers Norris Penny LLP, and auditor Watson Dauphinee & Masuch each immediately, without delay, posted “unqualified opinion expressing doubt that the company can continue as a going concern.
Question: is it normal for auditors to have ready-made negative reports for a developing mining company that has zero debt and has positive cash flow? Or did that happen due to foul play, maybe W. Rudolph Brenner?____
Or is it normal for accounting agencies to have their negative pronouncements before investors have the opportunity to see the figures?____
Archived Meyers auditor news link Feb. 2013:
Archived Watson uditor news link Nov. 2013:
Subsequently, Hellix was still able to raise money.
I appreciate any input. I am not familiar with auditors processes.
Mining Hound
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Hi J. Exactly. That's the reason I've been persistent in staying the course. The global elite have been purposely destroying the financial system for the last 30 years. That means the dollar gets weaker and weaker. Based on that alone the price of gold has to climb. The central banks around the world have been aggressively buying gold under the radar while denying it publicly. They know what's coming. The supply offered for sale is dwindling which contributes to the recent spike in price. Despite the massive rigging they do on the COMEX and LBMA it continues to rise. The reason its rigged is because they need to keep the people trapped in the fiat currency system for as long as possible until they pull the plug. They get to buy hoards of gold at ridiculously low prices while we get eaten alive by inflation and debt. Gold will make a moonshot in price when the system collapses as we return to honest money backed by gold. The planet is bursting at the seams in monstrous debt. Every last one of the hundreds of fiat based money systems in history collapsed to zero. This one will be no different. They collapse because they have nothing of intrinsic value backing them. Add to that 2 decades of unrestrained money printing, borrowing and spending at interest and you get a world that's over $ 3 quadrillion in debt. That's a number so large it dwarfs the value of the whole planet itself by a factor of 20. Its all coming down and gold will lead the way into the future. Blessings to you bud. -Bob
PS They might make one last ditch effort to drive the price back down until the election this fall. Don't be discouraged if and when that happens because its a lesson in futility.
J_Dean J_Dean 1 년 전
Hi Lamont, i hope all is well pal. You know, I was pondering, the way Gold is heating up, it’s set for MASSIVE gains in the next years. I think we just might see that MIRACLE of Hellix resurrecting back from the dead in our lifetime! Well, that’s what I’m hoping for, at least. Lol. We shall see…
J_Dean J_Dean 1 년 전
Great points! Thanks. Honestly, I too haven’t dealt with Au/Ag companies either since HLLXF. Lol
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Hi J. No I didn't hear about the landslide. What a terrible tragedy. I haven't invested in mining since my foray into Hellix. As a result I only watch the markets not individual companies. The circumstances might present a good buying opportunity. However there are many important things to consider : 1. How much it will cost to dig out and how long it will take ? 2. Cost of repair / replacement of equipment. 3. Cost of hiring and training new workers. 4. How long it will take for the insurer to pay out and will it cover all losses ? 5. Will anyone insure them again now that it's known the property is a landslide risk ? 5. How much silver are they still sitting on ? 6. How much damage did the landslide do to their ability to mine it out ? Best wishes. -Lamont
J_Dean J_Dean 1 년 전
Hey Lamont, what’s up pal. Do you still follow and/or invest in mining companies? Did you see/hear what happened to SSRM the other day? Major accident in Turkey- landslide, with 9 miners still missing. The stock price was cut in half! Wondering if it presents an excellent buying opportunity here. That’s what I feel. JMHO.
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Hi J.
I finally got a response from ComputerShare Services as seen below. It seems the only option is to contact Frank (Hellix) directly. Based on past events it seems unlikely reaching out to him would bear any fruit, if he can even be reached in the first place. If anyone wants to give it a try please let us know how it went. Regards -Lamont

Dear Mr. Monte,
Thank you for your inquiry. Please be advised that Computershare is no longer the transfer agent for HELLIX VENTURES INC. We suggest that you contact the issuer directly.
Yours Sincerely,
Customer Communications
Computershare Investor Services
J_Dean J_Dean 1 년 전
Thanks pal. I appreciate it. :)
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Hi J, I sent the former account manager an email and it came back as un-deliverable. I went to the ComputerShare Services website and looked around. It is a big site because they service many countries. I found a contact link buried way down at the bottom of one of the pages which allows you to make an inquiry. I filled it out. Here is the link. Under the category field select "transfer inquiry" and fill out the rest of the form. It allows you to leave the account field blank which doesn't apply to us anyway. Regards, -Lamont
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Hey J. You might want to reconsider contacting the transfer agent concerning stock conversion to cert form. I heard Bill Holter say on an interview tonight that you can have your broker send your shares to the transfer agent then converted to cert form for very cheap. I don't know what the law is concerning a dormant company like Hellix and stock transfers and conversions. It seems we should have some type of recourse under the law but I don't have any idea how to find out. Best wishes -Lamont
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Your very welcome J. She was friendly and informed me Hellix was no longer a client. She didn't explain why because I assume clients come and go all the time. Canadian companies trade on the TSX in Toronto which has a trading agreement with our US exchanges. Transfer agents do convert stock but can't do it if the company isn't a client anymore. Based on what I learned from self study I called my brokerage and asked if they could do it. The agent didn't know at the time but got back to me and said yes. I immediately requested a conversion to certificate form. Calling the former transfer agent would most likely produce the same result I got. You can still call out of curiosity to see what kind of response you might get. I supplied you with the contact info to give you some insight on how things work behind the scenes and a little introduction on transfer agents. The DTCC will be disbanded or revamped at some point in the future when the public finds out who they are and what they've been up to for past 25 years. -Lamont
J_Dean J_Dean 1 년 전
I appreciate it. Thanks Lamont. At this point, iyo, do you think I should I pursue it or no?
lamont814 lamont814 1 년 전
Hi J,
All publicly traded companies use transfer agents to maintain records of shareholder accounts and many other administrative matters. Computershare Investor Services in Toronto used to handle Hellix. You could try contacting the General Manager to see what they say. Below is the last known info I have on them from 10 years ago. -Lamont
Computershare Investor Services
Stacie Moore
General Manager (Calgary)
Phone : 403 267 6508
Email :