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Federal National Mortgage Association (QB)

Federal National Mortgage Association (QB) (FNMFN)

( -3.94% )
업데이트: 02:01:47

개인 투자자를 위한 전문가급 도구.


공식 뉴스 전용

FNMFN Discussion

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RickNagra RickNagra 18 초 전
Get ready for lift off.  Nasdaq just went green.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 분 전
If you own the right stocks the economy is fantastic

Kudos to Trump and team
stockprofitter stockprofitter 10 분 전
#FNMA Fannie Mae Intrinsic value is around $400 best case scenario so there’s that to rest on if you like

All the best
FastEddie18585 FastEddie18585 13 분 전
Because "best POTUS ever" is driving the economy off the cliff. You morons had enough yet?
👍️ 1
jog49 jog49 18 분 전
Don't know other than to say something doesn't seem right. Since November, we ought to be building a head of steam but we get up to $7.80 and "they", apparently. thought that to be too high. Every time I look now, the steam is leaking out. I really don't think we are getting much attention other than when we get close to a ceiling price.
navycmdr navycmdr 22 분 전
Here is the reference to Fannie & Freddie

Bill Pulte - Committee Vote on Thursday - then Senate Vote

👍️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 27 분 전
Fannie Mae - All The Way
Freddie Mac - Load Up and Don't Look Back
Fannie and Freddie - Part of America - For Spacious Skies
America, America may God thy gold refine
'Til all success be nobleness
And every gain divined
👍️ 2
RickNagra RickNagra 31 분 전
Somewhere around page 36 or so GSEs are mentioned.

navycmdr navycmdr 36 분 전
Scott Turner (HUD) on Kudlow - reduce regulation costs for Affordable Homes

👍️ 1
What concerns me more is jps price action the last few days. Exit should equal something closish to stated values (par). You don't have nearly as large as variable outcome on them as in commons via dilution. Did something change? Trump-Paulson meeting?
Release us Release us 40 분 전
I’m sitting on my shares at a .87 average. I’m not going anywhere!

I'm sitting on mine too.

FNMA 1.71
FMCC .51

Right before the Lamberth trial began, I was going to try to bring down my FNMA avg.

So instead of doing that, I decided to just buy FMCC instead to try and take advantage of the possible court victory.

Glad I did, because that made me virtually 50/50 for a lot less money.
👍️ 2
stockprofitter stockprofitter 55 분 전
Second batch of 50,000 shares now confirmed for purchase, ordered and buying.
👍️ 1
bradford86 bradford86 58 분 전
depends on if spspa is converted (FNMA = $1) or written down (fnma = $10-15)
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stockprofitter stockprofitter 1 시간 전
Buffett style !
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2latefortears 2latefortears 1 시간 전
Good points, agree!
👍️ 1
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 1 시간 전
Simple T & T
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 1 시간 전
That's 13,000 more shares than 99.99% of Americans are in that regard a 1%er and could one day be worth North of a Million bucks on this small investment. Pigs get fat...hogs get slaughtered.
👍️ 1
2latefortears 2latefortears 2 시간 전
Great move!
HyperRaider33 HyperRaider33 2 시간 전
Most of my share I purchased at .40 but I bought a bunch more since the election. Average price at 1.24
👍️ 2
jog49 jog49 2 시간 전
"Added 50,000 shares here"

Considering all of your announcements, surely you own ALL the common shares by now! LOL!
👍️ 2 🤣 1
2latefortears 2latefortears 2 시간 전
Nice! I have some .36, .39, and .43 but only 13k shares worth.
👍️ 3
jacklanvo99 jacklanvo99 2 시간 전
I still have at 44 cents
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2latefortears 2latefortears 2 시간 전
Nice, 655k @ .83 here, long and strong!
👍️ 2
make it or break it make it or break it 2 시간 전
why has fnmas cratered from 12.5 to 10.5 in the last 6 days??
Viking61 Viking61 2 시간 전
Great buy Stock!
👍️ 1
stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 시간 전
Waiting for one more signal to add second 50k share batch
👍️ 2
Red Cloud Red Cloud 2 시간 전
Same here - kind of hate to raise my cost average
which is why I buy in such low quantities at this price. Ultimately it will all result in a spectacular profit even if my average goes up a few pennies.
👍️ 5
Adagio Lector Adagio Lector 2 시간 전
I added - my average cost is slowly creeping up :). But that's ok, given today's bargain sale.
👍️ 6
Red Cloud Red Cloud 2 시간 전
I added a few, rounded up to the nearest 100
Also have a super low-ball buy order in to round up to the nearest 1000, gonna wait and see how far everything drops.
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Viking61 Viking61 2 시간 전
I’m sitting on my shares at a .87 average. I’m not going anywhere!
👍️ 3
stink stack stink stack 3 시간 전
Smart ,very smart stockprofitter !
👍️ 1
stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
$FNMA $7.31 gap and $11.15 gap will soon fill as well
👍️ 5
DaJester DaJester 3 시간 전
Technically, I am selling. I have a small GTC limit order set at $42. 🤑
🤣 1
Fully Diluted Fully Diluted 3 시간 전
Well, the gap from February 5 at $6.03 is now closed. Who would have thought that at $8? Not me. 🤔
Now that Pulte is about to take office, I see blue sky ahead. The chart now says so.
👍️ 12 🚀 6
stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
Added 50,000 shares here
👍️ 4 🧢 1
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 3 시간 전
T & T market now. How long before V is claimed and T& T is finished? FMCC under 5 bucks and FNMA under 6.
Dabeav Dabeav 3 시간 전
Market open: 10:19:12 AM ET, 03/04/2025
Bid/Ask Size
Previous close
Today's open
Viking61 Viking61 3 시간 전
Now it’s time for the buyers to come in!
👍️ 3
Dabeav Dabeav 3 시간 전
Financial Services

Market open: 9:59:21 AM ET, 03/04/2025
Bid/Ask Size
Previous close
Today's open
Viking61 Viking61 3 시간 전
No, first voted by the committee and then in a couple of weeks confirmation vote.
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 3 시간 전
100% yes and it's a lock but that is just step 1. Step 2 is full Senate vote which I also see as a lock by tax day.
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Donotunderstand Donotunderstand 3 시간 전
Our youngest - with down payment from POPS and GRAMMY - bought a two flat 12 or so months ago

They are waiting for a 2% point drop in interest rates - or maybe a full 1% with no points

30 basis points - bips - is a rounding error - even for them

with inflation having to go up with tariffs (at least for short term) hard to see interest rates falling
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 3 시간 전
Not me. However if it totally crashes I will add more for sure.
Gusued Gusued 4 시간 전
Can Pulte be confirmed on Thursday?
Angelmin Angelmin 4 시간 전
Yes, mid April, around Eastern, a nice gift to us!!
navycmdr navycmdr 4 시간 전
Bill Pulte Committee Vote on Thursday ! ...

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025

Time: 11:00 AM Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building 538


to Vote on the following nominations:

Dr. Stephen Miran, to be Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, Executive Office of the President;

The Honorable Jeffrey Kessler, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security, Department of Commerce;

Mr. William Pulte, to be Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency; and

The Honorable Jonathan McKernan, to be Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.

All hearings are webcast live and will not be available until the hearing starts.
Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service, including
closed captioning service for webcast hearings, should contact the committee
clerk at 202-224-7391 at least three business days in advance of the hearing date.
👍️ 7
Donotunderstand Donotunderstand 4 시간 전
it is to our advantage (our being equity holders in FNMA) the bigger the distance F and F (and FHFA) have from HUD

HUD is hated by Republicans more than F and F - which is huge

The hatred for HUD and F and F is all from HUD mission and some EARLY FDR influence on F and F
jcromeenes jcromeenes 4 시간 전
I was worried this might get delayed because the gov't shuts down in 10 days without a budget and I feared that would take precedent. Heaven knows congress can't do 2 things at the same time. lol.
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Angelmin Angelmin 4 시간 전
Wow, great!  only two days away!
Friday pps will be $9-$10!!!

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wdereb79 wdereb79 4 시간 전
I could sell now and make a good profit. HOwever, I am not going to sell until I know what is happening either way. Hopefully Trump does the right thing. That is why I voted for him. We shall see. Go FNMA.
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