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Federal National Mortgage Association (QB)

Federal National Mortgage Association (QB) (FNMFN)

( -3.55% )
업데이트: 23:53:53

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FNMFN Discussion

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Viking61 Viking61 7 분 전
Now the buyers are coming in!
Dabeav Dabeav 14 분 전
Financial Services

Market open: 9:59:21 AM ET, 03/04/2025
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Previous close
Today's open
Viking61 Viking61 23 분 전
No, first voted by the committee and then in a couple of weeks confirmation vote.
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 25 분 전
100% yes and it's a lock but that is just step 1. Step 2 is full Senate vote which I also see as a lock by tax day.
Donotunderstand Donotunderstand 26 분 전
Our youngest - with down payment from POPS and GRAMMY - bought a two flat 12 or so months ago

They are waiting for a 2% point drop in interest rates - or maybe a full 1% with no points

30 basis points - bips - is a rounding error - even for them

with inflation having to go up with tariffs (at least for short term) hard to see interest rates falling
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 27 분 전
Not me. However if it totally crashes I will add more for sure.
Gusued Gusued 32 분 전
Can Pulte be confirmed on Thursday?
Angelmin Angelmin 35 분 전
Yes, mid April, around Eastern, a nice gift to us!!
navycmdr navycmdr 39 분 전
Bill Pulte Committee Vote on Thursday ! ...

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025

Time: 11:00 AM Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building 538


to Vote on the following nominations:

Dr. Stephen Miran, to be Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, Executive Office of the President;

The Honorable Jeffrey Kessler, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security, Department of Commerce;

Mr. William Pulte, to be Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency; and

The Honorable Jonathan McKernan, to be Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.

All hearings are webcast live and will not be available until the hearing starts.
Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service, including
closed captioning service for webcast hearings, should contact the committee
clerk at 202-224-7391 at least three business days in advance of the hearing date.
👍️ 2
Donotunderstand Donotunderstand 39 분 전
it is to our advantage (our being equity holders in FNMA) the bigger the distance F and F (and FHFA) have from HUD

HUD is hated by Republicans more than F and F - which is huge

The hatred for HUD and F and F is all from HUD mission and some EARLY FDR influence on F and F
jcromeenes jcromeenes 41 분 전
I was worried this might get delayed because the gov't shuts down in 10 days without a budget and I feared that would take precedent. Heaven knows congress can't do 2 things at the same time. lol.
Angelmin Angelmin 44 분 전
Wow, great!  only two days away!
Friday pps will be $9-$10!!!

wdereb79 wdereb79 45 분 전
I could sell now and make a good profit. HOwever, I am not going to sell until I know what is happening either way. Hopefully Trump does the right thing. That is why I voted for him. We shall see. Go FNMA.
👍️ 1
stockprofitter stockprofitter 46 분 전
Stars have aligned ignite the rocket ship to the f moon
👍 1 👍️ 2
navycmdr navycmdr 50 분 전
Mortgage Rates Have Dropped Sharply !

Today’s Mortgage Rates March 4, 2025:

Today's mortgage rates on March 4, 2025, show a slight decrease, particularly in the 30-year fixed mortgage rate, which sits at an average of 6.26%. However, mortgage rates have dropped nearly 30 basis points from their February average and plunged last week amid market fears of an economic slowdown.

It signifies a potentially more favorable environment for entering the housing market or adjusting your current mortgage terms. I know that even a small drop can feel like a big win when you're dealing with such significant financial decisions. Let's dive into the details to understand what this means for you.
👍️ 3
stockanalyze stockanalyze 53 분 전
let's do a poll: who is selling? only longs respond please, no shorties, no newbies that just opened account in last few months.
👍️ 1
Viking61 Viking61 1 시간 전
Bill Pulte is friendly with both John Paulson and Bill Ackman. He was probably brought to Trump’s attention by both and probably shares in their ideology of releasing the GSES from the Government conservatorship. He as FHFA head combined with Bessent as Secretary of the Treasury can in one action release the Twins.

What needs to be understood here is this just didn’t come about by coincidence, they’ve been working on this since last May. Now the chairs are being filled and everything is lining up to have the right people in place in positions of authority to finally relist and release the Twins from this almost 17 year conservatorship! GLTA!
👍️ 8 💯 1
navycmdr navycmdr 1 시간 전
premkt ... latest

FNMA $6.26 x $6.35 _ last 2,530 @ $6.30 _ 18,768 volume

FMCC $5.42 x $5.45 _ last 220 @ $5.45 volume
navycmdr navycmdr 1 시간 전
FNMA SHORT volume has been over 60% last 3 days

But FMCC SHORT volume only 19.49 % ?
stockprofitter stockprofitter 1 시간 전
Stay on topic, thanks.
JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 2 시간 전
That's not possible, they have to go through a round of asking for input because of the last letter from Sandra. That's going to take 60-90 days minimum.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 시간 전

stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 시간 전
They are obsessed with ending this ASAP

I thought mid April?
👍️ 1
navycmdr navycmdr 2 시간 전
premkt ... shorts & lemmings volatility _ latest

FNMA $6.48 x $6.35 _ last 220 @ $6.29 _ 16,238 volume

FMCC $5.42 x $5.51 _ 0 vol

JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 2 시간 전
Wow, they really did expedite it. Thought it was to be in 2 weeks.
👍️ 2
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 2 시간 전
If only that were true
navycmdr navycmdr 2 시간 전
$Booooom ! - the next step ! - Bill Pulte Committee Vote on Thursday ...

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025

Time: 11:00 AM Location: Dirksen Senate Office Building 538


to Vote on the following nominations:

Dr. Stephen Miran, to be Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, Executive Office of the President;

The Honorable Jeffrey Kessler, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security, Department of Commerce;

Mr. William Pulte, to be Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency; and

The Honorable Jonathan McKernan, to be Director, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.

All hearings are webcast live and will not be available until the hearing starts.
Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service, including
closed captioning service for webcast hearings, should contact the committee
clerk at 202-224-7391 at least three business days in advance of the hearing date.
👍️ 8 💥 3
Sammy boy Sammy boy 2 시간 전
Release the F-ING Doc’s!

Transparency for the tax payer !
👍️ 2 🤣 1
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 2 시간 전
8000 shares dropped us 5.39 % 35 cents
navycmdr navycmdr 3 시간 전
The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac status quo works today---but will it in 20 years?

A rapidly evolving world demands evolution in housing finance.

That's a good reason to lean toward privatization. - Walker & Dunlop

#WalkerWebcast #HousingFinance #FutureOfFinance #PolicyDebate

👍 1
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 3 시간 전
Be interesting to see if we follow the overall " crash" coming our way. We didn't yesterday but today is a brand new day and fear permeates the markets from A to Z due to the big T
EternalPatience EternalPatience 3 시간 전
Make up your mind. David and this theory of 300B paid or restructure and dilution?  
sekander sekander 4 시간 전
It's got me uneasy, too. Things are definitely fishy. We should be going up more than 8 cents a day.
I hope its just Trump not wanting to get burned again like the Mnuchin/Calabria fiasco in the first term.
Still, a word or two would do wonders but nothing but crickets so far.
Remul Remul 5 시간 전
The document on the page is no longer available 😭
jog49 jog49 6 시간 전
"As long as Bill Pulte is not officially confirmed, the Trump Admin will not let anyone look at their cards. One day later, when he is confirmed, it starts. I'm pretty sure of that."

There's a bad smell about all of this. If release is imminent and sitting on the horizon, wouldn't one think the share price would be more than $6 and change on such a valuable commodity? Every time there is a speech, interview, or testimony, shareholders want to, at least, hear the GSEs mentioned and it never materializes. Is the outside influence so strong that the topic of the GSEs can be suppressed to virtual silence? I'm glad this thing has moved up from the cellar since the election but it doesn't seem positioned to spring to high double or even triple digits from where it sits now. The anticipation far exceeds the share price and that's not a natural occurrence.
👍️ 2
TightCoil TightCoil 8 시간 전
Now 35 Days Above $5.00!
Date --- PPS -- Volume
Mar 3 - $6.49 - 6,416,124
Feb 28 - $ 6.40 - 6,838,175
Feb 27 - $6.54 - 8,838,147 - Ain't they supposed to Re-List Us?
Feb 26 - $6.30 - 8,568,491
Feb 25 - $6.2457 - 11,457,437
Feb 24 - $6.81 - 12,116,881
Feb 21 - $7.27 – 12,226,299
Feb 20 - $7.45 – 18,465,326
Feb 19 - $7.70 – 12,390,202
Feb 18 - $7.25 - 13,978,600
Feb 14 - $7.089 - 10,474,587
Feb 13 - $6.74 - 12,756,457
Feb 12 - $6.93 - 8,596,324
Feb 11 - $6.82 - 5,052,103
Feb 10 - $6.70 - 7,983,887
Feb 7 - $6.61 - 7,822,510
Feb 6 - $6.85 - 32,439,154
Feb 5 - $5.98 - 13,605,816
Feb 4 - $5.48 - 5,756,414
Feb 3 - $5.16 - 13,762,512 (oversold)
Jan 31 - $5.49 - 5,825,993
Jan 30 -$5.65 - 5,238,534
Jan 29 - $ 5.66 - 11,557,830
Jan 28 - $5.74 - 11,902,328
Jan 27 $5.46 - 17,666,323
Jan 24 $5.74 - 32,035,179
Jan 23- $6.50 - 9,201,548
Jan 22 - $6.85 -18,576,012
Jan 21 - $7.01 - 35,380,100
Jan 17 - $6.91 - 36,487,200
Jan 16 - $5.40 - 41,137,700
Jan 15 - $6.21 - 46,566,200
Jan 14 - $7.04 - 53,693,000
Jan 13 - $5.49 - 16,501,000
Jan 10 - $5.26 - 24,269,000
👍️ 6
Ricco79 Ricco79 8 시간 전
As long as Bill Pulte is not officially confirmed, the Trump Admin will not let anyone look at their cards. One day later, when he is confirmed, it starts. I'm pretty sure of that.

Good night from LA
👍️ 6
TightCoil TightCoil 9 시간 전
He says
According to Ackman, there’s still a substantial upside of 5x left (after already being up by 5x since November). Is this THE no-brainer opportunity for 2025?
If you’ve been following Bill Ackman on Twitter (or if you have looked into my research report, see here), you will likely have heard about the ongoing privatization discussions which by the way are not entirely new. But this time’s different.

(Get this) – I am not so optimistic, as many things aren’t clear. My Premium PLUS members already had their fun in this regard.

Now i have to get a subscription to continue reading, but it doesn't say how much it costs
👍️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 9 시간 전
He says
According to Ackman, there’s still a substantial upside of 5x left (after already being up by 5x since November). Is this THE no-brainer opportunity for 2025?
If you’ve been following Bill Ackman on Twitter (or if you have looked into my research report, see here), you will likely have heard about the ongoing privatization discussions which by the way are not entirely new. But this time’s different.
Now i have to get a subscription to contunue reading, but it doesn't say how much it costs
👍️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 9 시간 전
Good writing
Robert Merton
👍️ 1
bradford86 bradford86 11 시간 전
David rules
👍 2
2latefortears 2latefortears 12 시간 전
Another David Fiderer thread about those who pander to financial illiteracy to shape the GSE narrative:
rsmie rsmie 12 시간 전
Published March 27, 2019
👍️ 2
north007 north007 12 시간 전
Time for the opposite of this to happen.
👍️ 4
EternalPatience EternalPatience 12 시간 전
It has a picture of Munchkin as tsy secretary.. 
👍️ 1
navycmdr navycmdr 12 시간 전
Is this a new 53 pg plan for privatizing the GSEs 🤔 Why is Mnuchin making statement ?

Civil Rights Groups Oppose Proposition to Privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

By National Urban League

Published 02 PM EST, Mon Mar 3, 2025

Treasury proposes privatizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

By Lois A. Bowers,

The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) would be privatized under a 53-page plan released Thursday by the Treasury Department to reform the housing finance system.

“An effective and efficient federal housing finance system will … meaningfully contribute to the continued economic growth under this Administration,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said in a statement.
👍️ 2
jeddiemack jeddiemack 13 시간 전
U forgot to add the $25,000 to equity the government has to pay for the 4.8Billion shares.

4,800,000,000 shares for about $25,000....

seems a little tilted...

who would enter into an arms length agreement like that?

Hmmm... maybe not so fair.
👍️ 1

For those who appreciate a good review and balanced view.
👍️ 1
TightCoil TightCoil 13 시간 전
Fannie Mae - All The Way
Hey Team
get a good laugh from this article from the
National Urban League dated today Mar 3, 2025
Civil Rights Groups Oppose Proposition to
Privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
👍️ 1
FOFreddie FOFreddie 13 시간 전
Our great American Patriot Elon said NO To Senator Warren's fishing trip regarding Pulte's post on X
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