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Premier Biomedical Inc (PK)

Premier Biomedical Inc (PK) (BIEI)

( 0.00% )
업데이트: 21:02:26

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.


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BIEI Discussion

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PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 일 전
6 shares traded today so far....WOWwww....
tundra1 tundra1 2 일 전
Holding patten until the correct business develops, then share holder will be updated of current event.
Everything else is speculation or bashing.
👍️ 1
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 일 전
Dead and no volume……Fact!!
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 일 전
Dead and no volume……Fact!!
DaRa31 DaRa31 3 일 전
Do you know that from company info or are you just saying things on internet forums?
DaRa31 DaRa31 3 일 전
* a convertible loan one of the guys from the non-profit matured in 2024 which was the last one. Not the donation.
DaRa31 DaRa31 3 일 전
I mean they're definitely involved in BIEI and already gave them a donation per filings in 2021. But it was for no consideration and matured in 2024. Not sure how they can toxic finance at this point because authorized shares are maxed?

Regardless even if they are, everything in penny stock land is shady in one way or another and it didn't stop that SPZI from sitting at $13 mil market cap now and like $40 mil in last couple years... If BIEI gets to that I'll take it 😂

But really can you explain what it means and how it can hurt the share price? Thanks.
Kool Aid Man Kool Aid Man 3 일 전
Maxed out Godeaux/ESC/Goulding family connected, shell risk garbage.

The sketchy "Epidemiologic Solutions Corporation" charity --run by Godeaux-- is in bed with at least 3 other tickers infected by financial fraudster/ ex con Randall S. Goulding, his brother Richard E. and their kids. Those are SPZI, GRPS and HALB. IMO they're operating tax evasion/ money laundering scams and toxic financing disguised charitable donations and investments in tickers they manipulate. But don't take my word for it. Do your own DD
KngmAz KngmAz 4 일 전
Yeah - and you've got lots of company right here with you and just ignore the idiotic bashers (like that "penny" idiot) because they have absolutely NO idea at all what they are talking about. Enjoy the rest of your week-end my friend and with these just absolutely ridiculously low stock prices just BUY - HOLD - RELAX!!
gkare gkare 4 일 전
Upgrading, with BIG news coming. I like it
KngmAz KngmAz 4 일 전
Upgrading - no worries.
gkare gkare 5 일 전
BIEI's website has been offline for days.
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 6 일 전
Over 14 million shares on ask at .0006, nothing will move that but some significant news. This thing has a ton of shares out there it appears.
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 1 주 전
Honestly, you are the only idiot we see here! Just can’t accept the fact that you are wrong! Your head remains in the sand.
KngmAz KngmAz 1 주 전
You really are such an idiot. Sad.
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 1 주 전
Geez, there are NO ASK HITS here.......
KngmAz KngmAz 1 주 전
Exactly. Just let the idiots sell. The SMART people are buying and holding. Time is on our side.
👍️ 1
threewheeler threewheeler 1 주 전
BIEI just letting them simmer til ready
tundra1 tundra1 1 주 전
Looks thin going up. This is pure manipulation.
👍️ 1
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 1 주 전
I see the can keeps getting kicked down the road........LMAO
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 1 주 전
I have a life, BIEI needs to get one and give some meaningful updates to move the PPS! lol
KngmAz KngmAz 1 주 전
This one is going to take time. I'm holding until at least the end of the year. BUY - HOLD - RELAX!!
tundra1 tundra1 1 주 전
Penny get a life. Let someone in, that may have something to share. Sure, would like to read the status of the Mexican Military purchase
of body armor and how their two mining operations are producing.

PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 주 전
ZERO Volume and interest on this POS!!!!!
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 주 전
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 주 전
Still being dumped.....
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 주 전
Still looking for a breakout here into .0008-.0009 area, they need some news out that will actually move this!!
tundra1 tundra1 2 주 전
The seller has to be gone. He is dumping, so it will be soon. Probably a contactor given shares for work done and told to sell by a specific date.
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 2 주 전
Needs to break out of trips!
KngmAz KngmAz 2 주 전
Huge volume - Get ready.
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 3 주 전
Lets see .0008-.0009+
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 3 주 전
No volume so far this morning.......
tundra1 tundra1 3 주 전
Excuse me Billion's, flow into the OTC market.
👍️ 1
tundra1 tundra1 3 주 전
OTC has had millions of dollars flow in over the last few days.
Let see if the dollars know where to go.
tundra1 tundra1 3 주 전
OTC has had millions of dollars flow in over the last few days.
Let see if the dollars know where to go.
👍️ 1
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 3 주 전
LFG!!! :)
KngmAz KngmAz 3 주 전
Yeah - and then BOOM - BIEI is going to literally shock the sh*t out of a whole lot of people very soon. Going to be fun to watch.
👍️ 2
gkare gkare 3 주 전
News must be coming out soon.
KngmAz KngmAz 3 주 전
Huge volume and the stock is going up. It's all good.
👍️ 1
tundra1 tundra1 3 주 전
The current seller is moving out. Probably money paid through stock to a deal with some type of service.
👍️ 1
threewheeler threewheeler 3 주 전
BIEI volume ask slapping updates coming?
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 3 주 전
What’s it gonna take to move this thing??
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 3 주 전
$BIEI start the pump now.
KngmAz KngmAz 3 주 전
Huge volume - VERY good sign. BUY - HOLD - RELAX!!
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 3 주 전
Ok, got my BID filled, LFG!!!! LOL :)
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 3 주 전
I need .0004 or .0005 here, come on and feed my bid so I can help pump this!
KngmAz KngmAz 4 주 전
Take a look at HYDROGRAPH (HGRAF). Another great graphene company. Going up everyday. Huge
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 4 주 전
I’ll help you pump next week KingASS!!!!
KngmAz KngmAz 4 주 전
Good - we can use the entertainment because all that you're good for is for something to LAUGH AT!!
👍️ 1
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 4 주 전
Gonna bid .0004 Monday so i can hang out with you guys here more! :)