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RNS Number:6869U Pillar Property PLC 27 January 2004 Pillar Property PLC Holding in Company 27 January 2004 Pillar Property PLC...
RNS Number:8251T Pillar Property PLC 05 January 2004 5 January 2004 PILLAR - HOLDING IN TRUSTS & UNIT VALUES Pillar Property...
RNS Number:7400S Pillar Property PLC 02 December 2003 2 December 2003 PILLAR - HOLDING IN TRUSTS & UNIT VALUES Pillar Property...
RNS Number:5524S Pillar Property PLC 27 November 2003 PILLAR PROPERTY PLC ("Pillar") Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30...
RNS Number:9654R Pillar Property PLC 12 November 2003 Pillar Property PLC 12 November 2003 Pillar Property PLC advises that it will...
RNS Number:5857R Pillar Property PLC 03 November 2003 3 November 2003 PILLAR - HOLDING IN TRUSTS & UNIT VALUES Pillar...
RNS Number:9096Q Pillar Property PLC 15 October 2003 15 October 2003 PILLAR ACQUIRES TWO EUROPEAN RETAIL PARKS FOR #42M Pillar...
RNS Number:7555Q Pillar Property PLC 10 October 2003 10 October 2003 CASTLE QUAY, BANBURY SOLD FOR #101.3 MILLION Pillar Property plc...
RNS Number:6264Q Pillar Property PLC 07 October 2003 Pillar Property plc (the "Company") Holding in Company The Company received the...
RNS Number:3640Q Pillar Property PLC 30 September 2003 30 September 2003 PILLAR - HOLDING IN TRUSTS & UNIT VALUES Pillar...
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