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Aptose Biosciences Inc

Aptose Biosciences Inc (APS)

마감 20 2월 6:12AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.

주요 통계 및 세부정보

0.195 일간 변동폭 0.22
0.19 52주 범위 2.65
전일 종가
최근 거래 시간
마지막 거래 시간
평균 볼륨(3m)
재정 규모

APS 최신 뉴스

기간변동변동 %시가고가저가평균 일일 거래량VWAP

APS - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the current Aptose Biosciences share price?
The current share price of Aptose Biosciences is $ 0.21
What is the 1 year trading range for Aptose Biosciences share price?
Aptose Biosciences has traded in the range of $ 0.19 to $ 2.65 during the past year


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$ 0.07
APLIAppili Therapeutics Inc
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BRBig Rock Brewery Inc
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PPRPrairie Provident Resources Inc
$ 0.04
APSAptose Biosciences Inc
$ 0.21
BRYBri Chem Corp
$ 0.30
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$ 22.27
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APS Discussion

게시물 보기
GalacticDruid45 GalacticDruid45 5 일 전
👍️ 1
Zeppo Zeppo 5 일 전
You'll notice that recent announcements have NOT propelled the stock upward. Reverse splits are not dilutive, but new stock offerings, to the public or as a private placement, are dilutive because they do affect the percentage of ownership for each shareholder. The product results news has been positive so far, but it will take administering the product to many more patients just to get out of Phase 1/2 and into Phase 3. I assume these stock offerings will be made post-split.
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 1 주 전
APTO: I have to take a SONG break!! (My new Los Angeles County, California, THEME SONG!! Which should be REQUIRED LISTENING for all the STUPID County Officials who reside therein. As auditory PUNISHMENT, of sorts, for NEVER doing what has had to be accomplished there for 70+-YEARS!!! Namely, systematically REMOVING FOREVER every single TREE, BUSH, SHRUB, & BLADE OF GRASS therein!!! For at least 1.5-MILES around all housing developments throughout that stupid County!!! And then COVER that entire area permanently with GRAVEL, STONE, CONCRETE, STAINLESS STEEL, etc., FOREVER!!!)

Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 1 주 전
APTO: Looks like this has a Wall Street Police ROADBLOCK at $0.25 cents!!! (DAMN-IT!!!)
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 1 주 전
APTO: And I hope ya take us BOTH to $2.00, by the end of this SLOOOOOOOOW day, Bro!!!!
LowFloatLopes LowFloatLopes 1 주 전
In at .24 
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 1 주 전
APTO: Holy STOCK EXPLOSION, Batman!!! What-the-FLUCK was that???!!! (Fret not, Robin!!! Just continue our glorious laughin'-&-runnin' all the way to our BANK!!!)

Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 1 주 전
APTO: I grabbed some. (But, any "DD" behind this firm is [supposedly] not very encouraging; hope I'm WRONG!!)
PinkPennies PinkPennies 1 주 전
APTO very nice news

Three patients with unmutated (wildtype) FLT3 (FLT3-WT) completed Cycle 1 of treatment with no dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) and no dose adjustments.

Two FLT3-WT patients achieved complete remissions (CR and CRh) by the end of Cycle 1.

Notably, a patient with biallelic TP53 mutations and a complex karyotype obtained CR.

The third FLT3-WT patient experienced significant reductions in bone marrow leukemic blasts during Cycle 1 and remains on therapy in Cycle 2.
Dantheoneman Dantheoneman 1 주 전
Ticker: NXU. 600 Billion Market Merge just Approved! Moon 
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 주 전
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 1 주 전
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 1 주 전
APTO: Nice news!!!
glenn1919 glenn1919 1 주 전
Zeppo Zeppo 4 주 전
Well......have you all seen the latest correspondence from the company? Yup........another reverse split is on the way. I was ornery and voted against it.
glenn1919 glenn1919 2 월 전
Scotty9 Scotty9 2 월 전
Looks like a I’m going to take a loss on this one
Zeppo Zeppo 2 월 전
Okay, everyone. The company basically has three months to get its act together and retain its NASDAQ listing. No revenues are projected for 2025. These new collaborations are going to take time to develop. The last time the company had to scramble to retain its NASDAQ listing, what did it have to do? A reverse split. The company hasn't even been able to find its own way to Phase !!! testing with Tus....let alone Lux. So....what is it going to have to do again....unless its gets some blockbuster FDA news by March 31? Another reverse split. This day has been coming since the last reverse split was done.
glenn1919 glenn1919 2 월 전
knrorrel knrorrel 2 월 전
knrorrel knrorrel 2 월 전

knrorrel knrorrel 2 월 전
lol - nice Post
tw0122 tw0122 2 월 전
Nice making another round 
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 월 전
"EOIC", like at this link???
Or, did you mean to type, "EPIC"????
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 월 전
APTO: No brainer here, K-N-R, in my STUPID opinion!!! (Heck, I just scalped a cheap Lotto Ticket [$1K] on @NVDI in the Post-M several minutes ago for $300 profit; 'small potatoes' for sure, but given this latest rage of JUST-RESCUED-FOR-CONTINUED-NASDAQ-LISTING late PR's, who can resist this stuff???!!!)
👍️ 1
knrorrel knrorrel 2 월 전
Sounds eoic
knrorrel knrorrel 2 월 전
holy ahi_ ....coming Dollarland tomorrow ??
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 월 전
APTO: Flip-&-scalp these NASDAQ orphans all day long!!!
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 2 월 전
APTO: Back on the NASDAQ, a little more securely!!! (Another 10-bagger???)
TheFinalCD TheFinalCD 2 월 전
Zeppo Zeppo 3 월 전
Well....a Phase III push for Tus is on the back burner again. First the company decides to go it alone but can't decide on a dosage. Then it wants to partner with a 2nd party.......and now a 3rd. Comments, anyone?
tw0122 tw0122 5 월 전
In some .38s looks bottomy typical hedgie beat down bio
Monksdream Monksdream 5 월 전
APTO new 52=week low
Monksdream Monksdream 6 월 전
APTO new 52 week low
Zeppo Zeppo 6 월 전
Another reverse split seems inevitable. The cash infusion, hopefully, will hasten the company to eventually reach a Phase III status on Tusp sometime during my lifetime.
Laster Laster 6 월 전
Bought some AH Friday. What a huge mistake.
Looks like today it will retrace back to $0.50 or lower.
Oh well.
glenn1919 glenn1919 6 월 전
Imokhopeur Imokhopeur 6 월 전
Lilman72003 Lilman72003 7 월 전
I’m in
Monksdream Monksdream 7 월 전
APTO new 52 week low
Monksdream Monksdream 8 월 전
APTO new 52 week low
Zeppo Zeppo 8 월 전
True to form, no revenue projections for the foreseeable future has relegated APTO to a pre-reverse split value of $.05.
gp22 gp22 8 월 전
PDYN : PallaDyne AI Corp: ,,,AI software for robotics...NVDA CEO discusses AI Robotics. PDYN

Low float , cash rich PDYN about to get found by AI crowd.

Huge ripper at anytime as they have been doing to many other quality unknown AI stocks

Monksdream Monksdream 9 월 전
APTO new 52 week low
dcaf7 dcaf7 9 월 전
Abstracts for EHA presentations are available. Title of one of two Tuspetinib abstracts is "SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF TUSPETINIB AS MONOTHERAPY ANDCOMBINED WITH VENETOCLAX IN A PHASE 1/2 TRIAL OF PATIENTS WITHRELAPSED OR REFRACTORY (R/R) ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA (AML)". From the abstract: Objective responses were observed (overall CRc=16.9%) in pts receiving 80 mg TUS/400 mg VEN: FLT3-WT(n=49, CRc:14.3%), FLT3-MUT (n=15, CRc: 26.7%) including pts with prior FLT3i treatment (n=12, CRc=33.3%),prior VEN treated (n=48, CRc=16.7%), VEN-naïve (n=17, CRc= 17.6%), RAS-mutated (n=11, CRc=9.1%), andTP53 mutated (n=17, CRc=17.6%) pts. No objective responses were observed at 40mg TUS with VEN,indicating a dose-related response.
dcaf7 dcaf7 10 월 전
A new corporate presentation has been issued. It has updated clinical data with Tus/Ven doublet obtained in 60 evaluable patients. Previous analysis presented at ASH was done in 36 patients. Interesting, they show only waterfall plot on slide 16, no tables with all nuances. I manually counted all CRc there and ended up with number 11. So, it gives a CRc rate of 11/60, or 18%. In ASH presentation it was 9/36, or 25%. I think 18% is too low for evaluable population. Looks like Tus is not so powerful drug to be used as a single agent or in combination with Ven in R/R patients. Therefore, Aptose has no other choice but to run a triplet trial hoping for more favorable results.
👍️ 1
kojak007 kojak007 11 월 전
Hi tartia. I sent you a message on the tcon board: Hi Tartia,
I have no idea how this is possible. I guess its dead now. What do you think?
dcaf7 dcaf7 11 월 전
20% probability of success
Published 03/27/2024, 05:28 PM
On Wednesday, Jones Trading adjusted its outlook on Aptose Biosciences (NASDAQ:APTO), lowering the price target to $5 from the previous $12, while maintaining a Buy rating on the company's stock. The adjustment comes as Aptose Biosciences shifts its development focus towards a new drug combination for treating Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).

The firm highlighted that Aptose's immediate strategy will concentrate on a triplet combination therapy involving tuspetinib, venetoclax, and HMA for first-line AML treatment. A pilot study for this combination is slated to begin in the summer, with initial findings expected to be presented at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference.

Meanwhile, the development for relapsed/refractory AML has been paused to improve strategic positioning, with data to be shared at the European Hematology Association (EHA) 2024 conference.

Jones Trading noted that if Aptose demonstrates clear clinical benefits in the first-line setting, it may lead to enhanced business development opportunities as compared to the relapsed/refractory AML setting. Still, the firm also pointed out that a capital overhang is a significant pressure point for both the stock and its clinical development progress.

The company's current cash position stands at $18.6 million, which is expected to fund operations through August 2024. Jones Trading has updated its financial model to reflect the new strategic direction towards first-line AML treatment, estimating unadjusted peak sales of approximately $250 million, assuming a 20% probability of success and a 40% market penetration among patients unfit for intensive chemotherapy.

In light of these developments and other minor changes across the model, Jones Trading reiterated its Buy rating but reduced the price target for Aptose Biosciences to $5. The firm believes that despite the lowered target, the company's stock remains a positive investment opportunity.
Zeppo Zeppo 11 월 전
Asking ourselves the obvious question, is APTO any closer to commercialization of product? My answer is NO, and I imagine yet another reverse split will be on the horizon in a year. Dilutions will take the stock below $1.00 again without any announcements of a stand-alone Phase 3 test anywhere......IMHO.
dcaf7 dcaf7 11 월 전
Not sure that increase in plasma concentration from 1 uM to 2-3 uM will help much. They don't report responses in 11 new AML patients they studied. Most disappointing is that they stopped developing Tus/Ven doublet as potentially registrational combination. They have good data with Flt3mut patients and now instead of working in this direction, they offer you to focus on triple combination project for which they don't have any preliminary data. A lousy strategy and Rice is a lousy leader.
👍️ 1

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