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Zusammenschluss soll voraussichtlich am bzw. um den 15. Juni 2022 abgeschlossen werden Stammaktien von Alvotech sollen ab 16. Juni 2022 am...
Le regroupement d'entreprises devrait être finalisé (vers) le 15 juin 2022 Les actions ordinaires d'Alvotech devraient être négociées sous le...
Business Combination anticipated to close on or about June 15, 2022 Ordinary shares of Alvotech expected to trade under the new ticker symbol...
Business Combination remains subject to satisfaction of customary closing conditions, including shareholder approval Oaktree Acquisition Corp...
The confirmatory clinical, safety and efficacy study for AVT04, biosimilar candidate to Stelara® (ustekinumab) met its primary endpoint AVT04...
- Results from pharmacokinetic (PK) similarity study demonstrate bioequivalence of AVT04 (ustekinumab) to the reference product...
Alvotech Holdings S.A. (“Alvotech S.A.”), a global biopharmaceutical company focused solely on the development and manufacture of biosimilar...
Alvotech et Oaktree Acquisition Corp. II ont mis en place des facilités de financement afin de renforcer la position des fonds propres de la...
Alvotech und Oaktree Acquisition Corp. II richten Finanzierungsfazilitäten ein, um die Kapitalposition des Unternehmens zu stärken und Mittel für...
Alvotech e Oaktree Acquisition Corp. II hanno creato strumenti finanziari volti a migliorare la posizione finanziaria della società e a...
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