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ProDex Inc

ProDex Inc (PDEX)

마감 27 2월 6:00AM
( 0.00% )
시간외 단일가: 6:00PM

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PDEX Discussion

게시물 보기
Monksdream Monksdream 4 월 전
PDEX, new 52 week high
tw0122 tw0122 4 월 전
$43.5 +40% 2m floater
heyitsmeagain heyitsmeagain 4 월 전
Very good PDEX
Monksdream Monksdream 1 년 전
PDEX new 52 week high
whytestocks whytestocks 5 년 전
News: $PDEX Pro-Dex, Inc. Joined The Stock Day Podcast to Announce Substantial Revenue Growth

Phoenix, Arizona--(Newsfile Corp. - September 18, 2019) - The Stock Day Podcast welcomed Pro-Dex, Inc. (NASDAQ: PDEX) ("the Company"), a company that specializes in the design, development, and manufacturing of autoclavable, battery-powered and electric, multi-function surgical drivers and sha...

Find out more PDEX - Pro-Dex, Inc. Joined The Stock Day Podcast to Announce Substantial Revenue Growth
swanlinbar swanlinbar 6 년 전
PDEX - 8-K - Sounds good:

On March 14, 2019, the Board of Directors of Pro-Dex, Inc. approved the adoption of a prearranged share repurchase plan intended to qualify for the safe harbor under Rule 10b5-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“10b5-1 Plan”). The 10b5-1 Plan became effective on March 19, 2019 and will terminate on March 19, 2020, unless terminated sooner in accordance with its terms. The 10b5-1 Plan was established in accordance with, and as a part of, the Company’s previously disclosed share repurchase program. Repurchases under the Company’s 10b5-1 Plan will be administered through an independent broker.
curryhurry curryhurry 6 년 전
2018-2019: Why is no one in here since 2015?? When I see in my trading accounts that pro analyst say this is a “great” buy to acquire. I got in at 10-15... so don’t get it. It goes low 8 to high 15+ and did that again. Now 14s... This should be above an Andrew Jackson by now. It is actually rated as a great but - HUH? LOL
stocktrademan stocktrademan 10 년 전
$PDEX recent news/filings


## source:

Thu, 14 May 2015 20:44:50 GMT ~ PRO DEX INC Files SEC form 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition

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Thu, 14 May 2015 20:05:00 GMT ~ Pro-Dex, Inc. Announces Fiscal 2015 Third Quarter And Nine-Month Results

[PR Newswire] - IRVINE, Calif., May 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- PRO-DEX, INC. (NasdaqCM: PDEX) today announced financial results for its fiscal 2015 third quarter ended March 31, 2015. The Company also filed its Quarterly ...

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Wed, 13 May 2015 20:07:30 GMT ~ PRO DEX INC Files SEC form 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition

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Mon, 09 Mar 2015 20:13:35 GMT ~ PRO DEX INC Files SEC form 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation

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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 18:04:13 GMT ~ PRO DEX INC Financials

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$PDEX charts

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$PDEX company information

## source:

Ticker: $PDEX
OTC Market Place: Not Available
CIK code: 0000788920
Company name: Pro-Dex, Inc.
Company website:
Incorporated In: CO, USA

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$PDEX share structure

## source:

Market Value: $9,131,163 a/o May 15, 2015
Shares Outstanding: 4,169,481 a/o Feb 03, 2015
Float: Not Available
Authorized Shares: Not Available
Par Value: No Par Value

$PDEX extra dd links

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$PDEX DD Notes ~
natstocks natstocks 10 년 전
Nevermind - I found it, a PR from a year ago announcing they could buy back 750,000 shares, with no expiration date.
natstocks natstocks 10 년 전
Does anyone have a link or remember what PDEX had originally said about buying back shares? Was that earlier this year, last year? I def like the news out tonight and hope they GO HARD buying back those shares over next 6 mos.
MaxPow MaxPow 10 년 전
I have seen stocks move way higher with a larger o/s I do not know why this did not move after trading above the o/s
Marketwise Marketwise 10 년 전
Very informative post....Thank you....:)
Marketwise Marketwise 10 년 전
Market cap / Annual Revenue ratio (about .90) still looks like this has a good deal of distance to go, imo.....Look at the number of stocks in this present market trading at several and up to many times annual revenues....If the market senses some real growth in this tiny company over the next few years it should trade a good deal higher....imo.....A 4.2M O/S will not hurt this one either....
natstocks natstocks 10 년 전
PDEX I'll post the Q&A section below.

To me, the nice thing about this report is not really the $0.01 EPS but the less restrained tone by Hal Hurwitz about the future, in particular 2 big projects that have had some degree of may-not-happen to them. Hurwitz was way less cautious in talking about them this time versus prior calls. At least, that is how I heard him. They seem to be all but a done deal now, and what that means to me is that PRO-DEX WILL SUCCESSFULLY "TURNAROUND" (and the stock will boom from present levels) -- they have cut costs so much that all they need is some new revenue streams. These projects I believe are it.

The only problem I guess is that investors might have to wait until Q3 (ends Mar 31) earnings are out. So that is an 8-month wait. Seems like forever these days. He indicated a small probability that some revenues could show up in December. But really I think we are looking at May being the likely time when investors will finally SEE that the whole turnaround started a few years ago has finally borne fruit.

I see a very slim chance that these 2 big projects won't happen. Somewhat more likely but not probable is that they will be delayed -- that is the more likely worse case scenario but I don't think it is actually likely.

Between now and then, we could go back to losing money. So I would keep that in mind that you may have to endure 2 money-losing quarters and investors maybe losing patience in the meantime.

Another positive which is in the CC below is a $3.5M order from PDEX's biggest customer for 2015. Hurwitz described himself as "happy" with this. It has just been my impression from past CCs that Hurwitz is always cautious in talking about PDEX's prospects and he seemed to be less so this CC, so I take that to mean he is quite confident that results are on the up and up, this thing is really working out.



(Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from the line of Matthew Mcclane [ph], a private investor.

Unidentified Participant

Hi, thanks for taking my question. Congratulations on finishing the year strong. I am just wondering I have a few questions. First one about, can we consider this quarter to be as somewhat of a run rate to the operations now, is it kind of stabilized revenue [inaudible] similar without the production contract coming through and is the cost base about where you want it to be?

Hal Hurwitz - Chief Executive Officer
Matt, first, thanks for your comments on this quarter. Because we are very much still a project based entity, and if I mention, we don’t look for manufacturing to start on our two large development projects until later in the calendar year I don’t know that I can say that we can yet call this a run rate for future quarters. But we’re definitely getting there.

Unidentified Participant

All right, thanks. And then just quickly on the purchase order from the largest customer, are you happy with the volume that’s going through in that contract and how does it look compared to prior year?

Hal Hurwitz - Chief Executive Officer
We are happy with it. Our customer has actually now run short of project -- products, that’s what we have been told, so that’s a good news. And we are very pleased with the PO.

Unidentified Participant

And then just lastly a bit, could you speak any more about how the product development projects are going and what are you looking at for the quarter, is there going to be hopefully some sort of the tooth [ph] on this by the end of the quarter, will revenue then follow in the following quarters, so how should we approach it as investors?

Hal Hurwitz - Chief Executive Officer
The product development projects are going nicely. We emerged substantially through the development phase. We are into a testing phase now. So we are not completely through the development phase. But it is an accomplishment to say that we are into the test phase now. And the answer to the latter part of your question is yes. We expect that we will be through the development phase of those projects late in this calendar year which would be our second fiscal quarter, so that our expectation is that meaningful manufacturing revenues likely would be on the other side of New Year. There is some chance that some manufacturing revenues would occur in December but I think that is a more realistic and reasonable expectation to say that it would occur in the quarter beginning January 1.

Unidentified Participant

All right. I appreciate that. And then I just have one last question about the 8-K filing and [inaudible] considering a possible manufacturing company acquisition, just wondering how potentially [inaudible] make sense with Pro-Dex, will it provide additional manufacturing capacity, does it align well with new product development contracts, just if you could provide any color, I understand that you are doing due diligence now, it may not be anything you can see through but if you could provide some additional information.

Hal Hurwitz - Chief Executive Officer
Sure. I will be happy to. The particular transaction that we are looking at as well as some others provides us with near term and shorter sales cycle revenues. As I have commented on and as my predecessors just commented on for many years now, the sale cycle in a medical device space is a very long one. Until we have a two-tiered approach with respect to business development, as we go after the larger tickets, higher margin revenues represented by the medical device projects, those need to be supported by a solid foundation of shorter sale cycle recurring on a regular basis revenues, which I think will make my answer to your first question about run rate an easier one in future quarters. That’s really our objective with this small acquisition.

Unidentified Participant

That’s good to hear. So this isn’t just simply buying [inaudible] assets, you’re actually looking to have reasonable operational revenue coming out of this as well?

Hal Hurwitz - Chief Executive Officer
That’s correct. I would remind you that this particular acquisition, as an example, is a small one, at $225,000 of purchase price, you can appreciate that it’s a small entity. But it does have a good run rate, a good positive cash flow and a good customer list which is our primary interest.


(Operator Instructions) Thank you. We have no further questions in queue at this time. I would like to hand the floor back to our host for closing remarks.
MaxPow MaxPow 10 년 전
should see a significant pps increase with the float being traded in 45 minutes.
logic_guy logic_guy 10 년 전
Great action today 3M shares traded 4M float
MiamiGent MiamiGent 11 년 전
Reportedly an S.A. article hitting late tomorrow morning..
John Bates John Bates 11 년 전

Any idea what's up?
Penny Roger$ Penny Roger$ 13 년 전
~ $POWL ~ Earnings posted, pending or coming soon! In Charts and Links Below!

~ $POWL ~ Earnings expected on Monday *
This Week In Earnings: Earnings are coming or are already posted! This is what the charts look like! If you play the earnings these posts can be very helpful to you!
Want more like this? Search Keyword: MACMONEY >>> <<<
One or more of many earnings sites has alerted this security has or will be posting earnings on or around the day of this message.

~ Barchart:
~ OTC Markets:
~ Google Finance:
~ Google Fin Options: h
~ Yahoo! Finance ~ Stats:
~ Yahoo! Finance ~ Profile:
~ BusyStock:
~ CandlestickChart:
~ Investorshub Trades:
~ Investorshub Board Search:
~ Investorshub PostStream Search:
~ Investorshub Goodies Search:
~ Investorshub Message Search:
~ MarketWatch:
~ E-Zone Chart:
~ 5-Min Wind:
~ 10-Min Wind:
~ 30-Min Wind:
~ 60-Min Wind:

*If the earnings date is in error please ignore error. I do my best.
nole92 nole92 13 년 전
I rode it for a bit last year; still check it.

Frustrating, but still in an uptrend longterm. You can't complain about that, unless you bought on a spike.

Good luck foxwood, post if you see something good.

foxwood90 foxwood90 13 년 전
OK, it appears that I'm pretty much alone in following this company, but I plead for others to wake up to the reality that this company is producing nothing but fantastic earnings and huge positive cash flow. Cash on hand alone is getting close to the share price. Loss of their largest customer or not, the future is very bright for Pro-Dex. They are doing all the right things and should certainly be able to recover and replace the lost revenues.
foxwood90 foxwood90 13 년 전
Earnings Rpt for FYE will be out today after market close, and more importantly, a conference call will also be held. Should be interesting to hear what mgt has to say about their future. I expect that revenues and earnings for this FYE will rock, but next year, with the almost certain loss of their largest customer, will be interesting. Still, I think this company is a survivor. Time will tell.
nole92 nole92 15 년 전
Pro-Dex Third Quarter Earnings Call
Thursday, April 29, 2010 4:30 PM Eastern

nole92 nole92 15 년 전
Looks like I found an answer:

Although the current price of PDEX does not comply with the minimum $1.00 bid price requirement, it had requested an oral hearing before a NASDAQ Listing Qualification Panel, which automatically stays the delisting of its common stock pending the issuance of the Panel’s decision after the hearing. Under the Listing Rules, the Panel may, in its discretion, determine to continue the listing of PDEX’s common stock for a maximum of 180 calendar days from the date of the Staff’s notification to the company, which would be through July 9, 2010.
nole92 nole92 15 년 전
Can anyone confirm that they have until July 1st to get the PPS over a $1 to stay on NASDAQ?

I would think that the company would try to avoid de-listing.

It wouldn't take much. Market cap is only $7 million.

They could buy back shares, offer a dividend or insiders could buy back on the open market.

They have 3.3M in cash
Float: 7.7M
nole92 nole92 15 년 전
Looks like a sleeper here.

low PE
$3M cash
5 straight qtrs of increased revenue
wesley_ wesley_ 15 년 전
buy volume is picking up last sessions... something cooking?
wesley_ wesley_ 15 년 전
ready for a little bounce?
Pr.Stocks Pr.Stocks 15 년 전
man no body posted here for age'sss
veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
PDEX seems to be attempting to form a bottom here in the $0.70-0.85 range... The stock did not trade down as sharply as I would have anticipated on the weak quarterly results recently announced... In addition, the stock has held up relatively well in the last 3 weeks even through the wild volatility and huge stock market drops relating to the current financial crisis...

Therefore, I bought a small initial investment today at $0.80 and will continue to accumulate a much larger position if the stock continues to trade lower...

Best of luck to all.


veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
Yet another new low today at $0.71...


veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
Another new cycle low at $0.82...

See my posting #8...

veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
Heavy selling... Price at $0.85... As I predicted...

Look for a continued price spike down this week going into the Thursday release of the fiscal fourth quarter and FY2008 earnings announcement...

IMO the Company will report a loss for the QE06/30/08 of $(0.02-0.03)/share and a profit of $0.05-0.06/share for the FYE06/30/08...

IMO the price will spike down to the area of $0.60-0.70 on the earnings announcement...

The stock would be an attractive Buy for long term investors in this lower price range...



veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
FY2008 Financial Results Conference Call is 09/18/08...

Telephone: 866-323-3543
ID #64211330


veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
Price dropping as predicted... Last trade was 0.86 and only one big buyer remaining at 0.85... Then watch out below for a sharp spike lower...

PDEX would be a great buy as a long term holding at a price of 0.60-0.70...


veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
Pro-Dex, Inc. Announces Fiscal 2008 Fourth Quarter Financial Results Conference Call And Webcast

September 10, 2008 - 12:40 PM EDT

IRVINE, Calif., Sept. 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PRO-DEX, INC. (Nasdaq: PDEX) invites shareholders and investors to listen to a broadcast review of the Company's fiscal 2008 fourth quarter and year end financial results.

The call is scheduled to be broadcast live over the Internet on Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time and may be accessed by visiting the Company's website at Mark Murphy, Chief Executive Officer and Jeff Ritchey, Chief Financial Officer, plan to host the call. If you would like to join the call, dial (866) 323-3543 U.S. and (706) 679-0672 International, conference I.D. 64211330. You may identify the call as the Pro-Dex Fourth Quarter Earnings Call.

An online archive of the broadcast will be available within one hour of the completion of the call and will be accessible on the Company's website for 30 days. Additionally, a telephone replay will be available 2 hours after the call for 48 hours by dialing (800) 642-1687 U.S. or (706) 645-9291 for international callers, conference I.D. number 64211330.

Pro-Dex, Inc., with operations in Irvine, California; Beaverton, Oregon and Carson City, Nevada, specializes in bringing speed to market in the development and manufacture of technology-based solutions that incorporate embedded motion control, miniature rotary drive systems and fractional horsepower DC motors, serving the medical, dental, semi-conductor, scientific research and aerospace markets. Pro-Dex's products are found in hospitals, dental offices, medical engineering labs, scientific research facilities and high tech manufacturing operations around the world.

For more information, visit the Company's website at

SOURCE Pro-Dex, Inc.

Source: PR Newswire (September 10, 2008 - 12:40 PM EDT)

veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
FY2008 financial performance to be released tomorrow at 4:30pm on a conference call...

IMO, PDEX (OTCBB: $0.88) will report a net loss for the fiscal fourth quarter ended 06/30/08... The loss will likely be $(0.02)-(0.03) per share for the quarter...

If this is accurate, PDEX will report a profit of about $0.05-0.06 per share for the fiscal year ended 06/30/08...

The stock price may drop sharply as an initial reaction to the fourth quarter net loss... I would not be surprised to see the stock trade down to a range of $0.65-0.75 on the announcement...

The stock might recover somewhat following the initial spike lower, but be aware of tax loss selling in November-December as the stock price will be at a 6 year low by yearend 2008...

IMO, that would be a good entry point to accumulate a long position in PDEX stock for investors with a long term 3-5 year holding time horizon...



veritas-twj veritas-twj 16 년 전
PDEX at 0.88 and heading gradually lower...

See my prior posting #8 below for my short term outlook...



veritas-twj veritas-twj 17 년 전
PDEX ($0.89) is heading lower... See my prior posting for commentary on reasons and price target...


veritas-twj veritas-twj 17 년 전
IMO, PDEX (OTCBB: $0.92) will report a net loss for the fiscal fourth quarter ended 06/30/08... The loss will likely be $(0.02)-(0.03) per share for the quarter...

If this is accurate, PDEX will report a profit of about $0.05-0.06 per share for the fiscal year ended 06/30/08...

I anticipate the earnings press release to be made on or about Friday 09/12/08...

The stock price may drop sharply as an initial reaction to the fourth quarter net loss... I would not be surprised to see the stock trade down to a range of $0.60-0.75 on the announcement...

The stock would likely recover somewhat following the initial spike lower, but be aware of tax loss selling in November-December as the stock price will be at a 6 year low by yearend 2008...

IMO, that would be a good entry point to accumulate a long position in PDEX stock for investors with a long term 3-5 year holding time horizon...



veritas-twj veritas-twj 17 년 전
Please add me as moderator of this board...

Thank you.


Alex Chory Alex Chory 17 년 전
nice move today in PDEX, more to come,

excellent balance sheet, niche products, small cap/
and much much more...check them out.
Alex Chory Alex Chory 17 년 전
Pro-Dex nice little compnay, small revenues solid balance sheet

check PDEX out

Alex Chory Alex Chory 17 년 전
I'm following it now, I think something gonna happen here soon.

just a gut feeling


Goldie-39 Goldie-39 18 년 전
Yes, I'm following it big time. Just

watch this rocket ship go. GLTA
veritas-twj veritas-twj 18 년 전
Hi, anyone follow this Company ?
veritas-twj veritas-twj 18 년 전
PDEX Appoints Mark P. Murphy as CEO

Brings 20-plus Years of Experience as a Corporate Officer

SANTA ANA, Calif., Aug. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- PRO-DEX, INC. (Nasdaq: PDEX) a developer and manufacturer of embedded motion control, miniature rotary drive systems and fractional horsepower DC motors, which enables speed-to-market for customers who serve the medical, dental, factory automation, scientific research, aerospace and military markets, today announced that Mark P. Murphy, currently a member of the Company's board of directors and chairman of the Audit Committee, has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer, effective August 31st. Upon Mr. Murphy assuming the CEO duties, the current interim CEO, Mr. Jeff Ritchey, will continue his duties as Pro-Dex's Chief Financial Officer and Secretary.

Mr. Murphy's career includes over 20 years as a senior corporate executive, having held executive positions in sales, finance, operations, and general management. Mr. Murphy (age 47), previously served as the Chief Operating Officer and a director of Kyocera Tycom Corporation, a manufacturing company that designs and sells precision cutting instruments, where he managed the firm's 400 employees worldwide. Prior to Tycom, Mr. Murphy was Chief Operating Officer and a director of Dynamotion Corporation and was with Arthur Young & Co's consulting practice. Mr. Murphy earned a BA in Business Administration and an MBA in Finance from California State University at Fullerton. He joined the Pro-Dex board of directors in 2002.

George Isaac, a director and member of the CEO Search Committee, commented: 'During an extensive search, we reviewed the credentials of over 60 qualified candidates from numerous sources. Although there were several candidates who were qualified for the position with individual areas of strength, the Search Committee, which excluded Mr. Murphy, concluded that Mr. Murphy was the right person for the job. His broad experience in all aspects of business, his firsthand knowledge of the issues facing the Company, his previous experience in addressing such issues, and his demonstrated competence and integrity during his tenure on the Board made him the clear choice. We consider the Company and its shareholders fortunate to have attracted Mr. Murphy to Pro-Dex.'

Mr. Murphy commented, 'Having served on the Pro-Dex board for four years, I have become intimately familiar with the unique capabilities the Company possesses, and I am excited to assume a more active role in its ongoing success. The issues which impacted Pro-Dex the last six months are temporary and correctable and the systemic elimination of these issues is critical to our success going forward. Pro-Dex is uniquely positioned to assist customers get their products to market quickly, and in today's competitive environment, this capability represents a compelling value proposition. Our immediate challenge is to realign and refocus all aspects of the Company on its vision of speed-to-market, giving us the ability to consistently deliver on that value proposition. Once this platform is robustly established, we can accelerate profitability through growth in the revenue base. The business model remains sound, and I am excited to lead the team that will realize its potential.'

Pro-Dex Inc., with operations in Santa Ana, California, Beaverton, Oregon and Carson City, Nevada, specializes in bringing speed to market in the development and manufacture of technology-based solutions that incorporate embedded motion control, miniature rotary drive systems and fractional horsepower DC motors, serving the medical, dental, semi-conductor, scientific research and aerospace markets. Pro-Dex's products are found in hospitals, dental offices, medical engineering labs, scientific research facilities, commercial and military aircraft, and high tech manufacturing operations globally.

For more information, visit the Company's website at

SOURCE Pro-Dex, Inc.

Source: PR Newswire (August 17, 2006 - 10:49 AM EST)

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