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UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 SCHEDULE 13D/A Under the Securities Exchange Act of...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today reported a net loss of $0.8 million ($0.20 loss per basic and diluted share) on revenues of...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today announced that it intends to issue its preliminary unaudited second quarter 2007 earnings...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today announced that it has appointed Charles W. (?Bill?) Dyke as a member of its Board of...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) (?Ampex? or the ?Company?) today announced that it received a notice from Hillside Capital...
As previously reported, Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) informed Nasdaq on May 29, 2007 that its Board of Directors had concluded...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with M?CAM, Inc. to develop an...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today reported net income of $2.5 million ($0.64 per diluted share) on revenues of $12.4 million...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today announced that it intends to issue its preliminary unaudited first quarter 2007 earnings...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today reported annual and fourth quarter 2006 financial results. For the year, Ampex reported a...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today announced that it intends to issue its year-end 2006 earnings release to the press after...
Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) today announced that it has appointed Dr. Alain C. Brian?on as a member of the Company?s Board...
Dutton Associates updates its coverage of Ampex Corporation (Nasdaq:AMPX) maintaining a Strong Buy rating and its 12 month price...
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