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Communiqué de presse : Sarclisa approuvé au Japon pour le traitement du myélome multiple nouvellement diagnostiqué Sarclisa approuvé au Japon pour...
Sarclisa approved in Japan for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma Approval offers access to new...
Press Release: Sarclisa approved in Japan for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma Sarclisa approved in Japan for patients with newly...
Press Release: ECCO 2025: new duvakitug data reinforce best-in-class potential in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease ECCO 2025: new duvakitug...
ECCO 2025: new duvakitug data reinforce best-in-class potential in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease New...
Communiqué de presse : ECCO 2025 : de nouvelles données sur le duvakitug illustrent son potentiel de meilleur médicament de sa catégorie pour le...
New detailed data from the RELIEVE UCCD study support overall efficacy and safety of duvakitug in all...
Communiqué de presse : Sanofi et CD&R annoncent la signature de l’accord d’achat des actions d’Opella Sanofi et CD&R annoncent la...
Sanofi and CD&R sign Opella share purchase agreement Paris, February 19, 2025. Following completion of the...
Press Release: Sanofi and CD&R sign Opella share purchase agreement Sanofi and CD&R sign Opella share purchase agreement Paris, February...
Press Release: Dupixent sBLA accepted for FDA priority review for the targeted treatment of bullous pemphigoid Dupixent sBLA accepted for FDA...
Communiqué de presse : La FDA accorde un examen prioritaire à la demande de licence supplémentaire relative au Dupixent pour le traitement ciblé...
Dupixent sBLA accepted for FDA priority review for the targeted treatment of bullous pemphigoid If approved...
Communiqué de presse : Dépôt du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2024, contenant le Rapport Financier Annuel, et du « Form 20-F » américain...
Press Release: Filing of the 2024 U.S. Form 20-F and French “Document d’Enregistrement Universel” containing the Annual Financial Report Filing of...
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