The Company has been notified today that GAM London Limited has a notifiable
interest in 3,470,227 Ordinary Shares of 5p each which, represents 7.241% of
the issued share capital of Oxford Instruments plc.

The shares to which this notification relates are registered as follows:

Holding    Owned By                     Advised By            %          
665,000    Sterling Managed Fund        GAM London Limited    1.388      
119,000    US Dollar Managed Fund       GAM London Limited    0.248      
552,000    GAM International Growth     GAM London Limited    1.152      
451,000    GAM UK Diversified           GAM London Limited    0.941      
70,000     GAM Exempt Trust - U.K.      GAM London Limited    0.146      
726,000    JRA/GAM Managed - Life       GAM London Limited    1.515      
459,227    JRA/GAM Managed - Pension    GAM London Limited    0.958      
428,000    St James's Place Recovery    GAM London Limited    0.893      
           Unit Trust                                                    
3,470,227                                                     7.241