Telekom Austria Group: 1st Quarter 2009 Results: Committed to Free Cash Flow Protection Despite Tough Market Environment
13 5월 2009 - 2:05PM
PR Newswire (US)
- Significant Slowdown of Fixed Net Access Line Loss Continues With
Just 8,000 Lines Lost in 1Q 09 - Mobile Communication Continues
Growth Trend of its Subscriber Base With a 13.0% Increase to 17.9
Million Customers - Revenues Decline by 5.0% to EUR 1,197.1 Million
Primarily Driven by Lower Fixed Net Revenues as Revenues in Mobile
Communication Remain Flat - Fixed Net Revenues Impacted by Lower
Wholesale Revenues, Declining Voice Volumes and the Disposal of
Subsidiaries - EBITDA Decreases by 6.4% to EUR 454.8 Million due to
Weaker Contribution From Mobile Communication While Fixed Net Grows
Slightly - EBITDA, Capex and Operating Free Cash Flow Outlook 2009
Fully Reiterated, Revenues Slightly Weaker Than Originally Expected
- Dividend per Share Floor of 75 Cent Reiterated for 2009-2012 in
EUR million 1Q 09 1Q 08 % change Revenues 1,197.1 1,259.6 -5.0%
EBITDA 454.8 485.7 -6.4% Operating income 180.1 202.3 -11.0% Net
income 85.3 129.7 -34.2% Earnings per share (in EUR) 0.19 0.29
-34.2% Free cash flow per share (in EUR) 0.30 0.33 -9.5% Capital
expenditures 116.0 159.6 -27.3% in EUR million March 31, 09 Dec.
31, 08 % change Net debt 3,877.8 3,993.3 -2.9% Net debt/EBITDA (12
months) excluding restructuring program 2.1x 2.1x All financial
figures are based on IFRS; if not stated otherwise, all comparisons
are given year-on-year. EBITDA is defined as net income excluding
interest, income tax expense, depreciation and amortization,
impairment charges, equity in earnings of affiliates, income/loss
from investments and foreign exchange differences. This equals
operating income before depreciation, amortization and impairment
charges. Group Review The Telekom Austria Group (VSE: TKA, OTC US:
TKAGY) today announced its results for the first quarter ending
March 31, 2009. Hannes Ametsreiter, CEO Telekom Austria Group said:
"The decline in revenues in the first quarter 2009 is mainly to be
attributed to lower revenue generation in the Fixed Net segment
which was due to lower wholesale revenues and the disposal of
subsidiaries. EBITDA was impacted by a weaker Mobile Communication
business, which was influenced by an economic slow down and one-off
effects whereas the Fixed Net EBITDA increased slightly. The Mobile
Communication segment showed favorable customer development with a
13% increase in subscriber numbers. Despite a tough market
environment, we are committed to securing free cash flow. Our 2009
focus is further on operating excellence: group-wide we are
directing our energy towards offering our customers product
innovations, best service and technology quality with a view to
guaranteeing a sustainable business performance. For the full year
2009 we anticipate slightly weaker revenues than originally
expected, which will be accompanied by a proportionate reduction in
costs. Therefore, guidance for EBITDA, capital expenditures and
operating free cash flow remains unchanged and we reiterate a
minimum dividend floor of 75 cent per share." Summary In the first
quarter of 2009 revenues decreased by 5.0% to EUR 1,197.1 million
primarily due to lower revenues in the Fixed Net segment resulting
from lower wholesale revenues and voice volume as well as the sale
of the Fixed Net subsidiaries in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia
and in Poland respectively. While EBITDA decreased by 6.4% to EUR
454.8 million at Group level, the Fixed Net segment showed a slight
EBITDA growth. The EBITDA decline reflects primarily the impacts
from assets sales in 1Q 08 in Bulgaria, the expiry of the national
roaming agreement in Croatia and the negative effect of currency
translation mainly due to a devaluation of the Belarusian Ruble.
Operating income fell by 11.0% to EUR 180.1 million, with a higher
contribution from the Fixed Net segment partly compensating for a
lower operating income in the Mobile Communication segment. Net
income was EUR 85.3 million in 1Q 09 compared to EUR 129.7 million
in 1Q 08. Total capital expenditures decreased from EUR 159.6
million to EUR 116.0 million driven by a reduction of capital
expenditures in both segments. Net debt decreased by 2.9% to EUR
3,877.8 million at the end of March 2009 compared to year-end 2008
due to free cash flow generation. Net debt to EBITDA (last 12
months) excluding the impact of the provision in 4Q 2008 for the
restructuring program was 2.1x. Market Environment While the
sustained migration of Fixed Net customers to the Mobile
Communication segment has been the main challenge for several
years, mobile broadband continues to make steady inroads into the
market for internet access. However, following the introduction of
attractive product bundles, line loss decelerated significantly
during recent quarters. Against this background the Fixed Net
segment continues to focus on the stabilization of cash flows by
means of a market-oriented product portfolio and attractive pricing
schemes as well as a comprehensive cost-cutting program. The Mobile
Communication segment continued to show subscriber growth both in
Austria and in its international markets. Austria is regarded as a
highly developed mobile communications market characterized by
fierce competition. Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia still offer
untapped potential in terms of contract customers and innovative
data products, however, fierce competition and the economic
slowdown in these markets led to price cuts and declining ARPUs.
Velcom in Belarus was impacted by the devaluation of the Belarusian
Ruble at the beginning of 2009. The counter-measures adopted to
mitigate this negative impact include a tariff increase effective
as of mid-February 2009 as well as a rebalancing of costs based on
the local currency. A segment-wide risk monitoring system has been
put in place to identify risk factors such as currency fluctuations
or long-term macro-economic trends and therefore to react in due
time. Regulation remains an important external disrupting factor in
all markets primarily due to the impact on roaming tariffs and
termination charges. Outlook 2009 For the year 2009 the Telekom
Austria Group anticipates slightly weaker revenues than originally
expected due to lower Fixed Net wholesale revenues as well as lower
Mobile Communication interconnection and equipment revenues, which
will be accompanied by a proportionate reduction in costs.
Therefore, EBITDA guidance remains unchanged at about EUR 1.9
billion in 2009. Capital expenditures for the year 2009 are
expected to amount to approximately EUR 800 million, which
translates into an operating Free Cash Flow (EBITDA less capital
expenditures) of around EUR 1.1 billion. The Telekom Austria Group
expects to distribute 65% of net income in form of dividends at a
minimum floor of 75 cent per share. Outlook 09 Outlook 09 Outlook
09 reiterated published as of May 13 Feb. 25 Jan. 29 Telekom
Austria Group Slightly weaker Revenues than originally ~ EUR 5.1 bn
~ EUR 5.1 bn expected EBITDA ~ EUR 1.9 bn ~ EUR 1.9 bn ~ EUR 1.9 bn
Capital expenditures ~ EUR 0.8 bn ~ EUR 0.8 bn ~ EUR 0.8 bn
Operating Free Cash Flow ~ EUR 1.1 bn ~ EUR 1.1 bn ~ EUR 1.1 bn 65%
of net 65% of net 65% of net Dividend income, DPS of income, DPS
income, DPS 75 cent minimum of 75 cent of 75 cent minimum minimum
Outlook based on constant currencies Further Information For more
detailed information about the results for the first quarter 2009
please refer to the corresponding IR interim report on Telekom
Austria Group's website at Contacts:
Elisabeth Mattes Group Spokeswoman Tel.: +43-664-331-2730 E-Mail:
Peter Zydek Head of Investor Relations Tel.: +43(0)59059-1-19000
E-Mail: DATASOURCE: Telekom Austria Group CONTACT: Contacts:
Elisabeth Mattes, Group Spokeswoman, Tel.: +43-664-331-2730,
E-Mail: ; Peter Zydek, Head of Investor Relations, Tel.:
+43(0)59059-1-19000, E-Mail: