RNS Number:9417V
Westbury Property Fund Limited
01 March 2004

                       The Westbury Property Fund Limited

              Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements

              For the year from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2003

I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report and Financial Statements of your
Company for the twelve months to 31 December 2003.

This has been a successful year for The Westbury Property Fund. Your Company is
close to being fullyinvested on the balanced portfolio and it has made three
significant venture investments during the course of the year.

I am delighted to report the audited net asset value due to Capital Shareholders
has increased by just over 20% to 115.96p during the twelve months to 31
December 2003. This strong performance has been generated across the entire
portfolio and has not been confined to any one single asset or sector.


During the year and in accordance with the Prospectus, the Board has declared
and paid four quarterly dividends per Income Share amounting to 9p in total.
This comprised 3p for the three month period to 31 March 2003 and 2p per quarter
for the three quarters to 31 December 2003.

In the absence of any unforeseen circumstances, it is the intention of the Board
to continue to declare and pay quarterly dividends of 2p per Income Share in
line with the Income Shareholders' entitlement to receive a fixed preferential
dividend of 8% per annum over their life.The Income Shares are due to be
redeemed by the Company on 31 March 2010 at their issue price of 100p together
with any arrears of dividend (if any).

In line with the statements made in the Prospectus, no dividends have been
declared in respect of the Capital Shares. The Board will review annually the
dividend policy on the Capital Shares but currently there is no intention to
declare any dividends on the Capital Shares until after the Income Shares have
been redeemed in 2010.


The IPD Monthly Index for the twelve months to 31 December 2003 has ranked The
Westbury Property Fund's 2003 performance for that period in the top quartile of
the fifty-eight peer group funds analysed.

The Total Annual Return for the Fund for 2003 was 13.5% versus the IPD Monthly
Index of 11.4%.

Net Asset Value

The Capital Shares are entitled to all of the assets of the Company after
satisfaction of all debt and other liabilities of the Company and the
entitlement of Income Shares.

I am pleased to report to you that, over the last twelve months, the audited net
asset value per Capital Share has increased from 96.14p to 115.96p. This is an
increase of some 20% over the audited net asset value per Capital Share as at 31
December 2002.

During the year, your Company has made a net profit of #1,945,648. This has been
retained for the benefit of the Capital Shareholders. It has been achieved after
the payment of all costs relating to the running of the Company, interest paid
on bank debt and all dividends paid to Income Shareholders.

All of the Company's investment properties have been independently valued by
Knight Frank and these valuations are updated on a quarterly basis.

Share Price Performance

The share price performance of the Income Shares has remained stable throughout
the year, trading consistently above par, which reflects the strong asset
backing of the Income Shares and the spread of rental receipts across the entire

The Capital Shares have, on average, traded at a discount of approximately 10%
to the 31 December 2002 net asset value, but with the strong performance shown
by the audited net asset value attributable to Capital Shares this year, I am
hopeful that the share price discount to NAV will start to narrow.

Bank Borrowings

The Company has fixed rate borrowings with Bradford & Bingley amounting to #35m
currently drawn down and fixed at an average all-in-cost of 6.1% per annum until
25 June 2009. The Company has a further #6m drawn down under its revolving
facility which is at a floating rate. Your Board considers this to be a prudent
interest rate policy as it will enable debt breakage costs to be minimised in
the event that any assets are disposed of pending future reinvestment. On a
blended basis the Company's all in cost of debt is just under 6% per annum.

Most commentators believe that interest rates are more likely to rise than fall
over the coming twelve months. It remains your Company's firm policy not to
expose itself to any material interest rate risk.

Property Portfolio

As at 31 December 2003, your Company had a direct property portfolio of fourteen
properties with an aggregate valuation of #64.5m. Your Company now has
thirty-six tenancies in the balanced portfolio, a forecast total annualised rent
roll in 2004 of close to #5m and a weighted average lease length of fourteen

There is a wide and diverse spread by sector, by region and by tenant covenant.
In particular, it should be noted that your Company, at present, has no direct
exposure to any property within the M25. However, your Company aims to start
investing in Central London and the South East as more sensibly priced
opportunities emerge and more capital becomes available.

Venture Property Investments

I am pleased to report that during the year under review your Company has made
three equity investments in joint ventures with other experienced property
investors. Each of these joint ventures is separately capitalised and all debt
in each venture has been structured on a non-recourse basis. Your Company's
aggregate equity investment in the three ventures amounts to some #3.6m. The
investments comprise a mixed-use development scheme in the centre of Liverpool,
a shopping centre refurbishment opportunity in Peterborough and an investment in
a new private company, which has acquired thirteen properties for an aggregate
consideration of #95m.

The investment horizon for these investments is two to three years and if the
forecast returns are achieved, there will be a significant uplift in the net
asset value due to Capital Shareholders. The investments are currently valued at
their book cost.

Each of these investments is described in more detail in the Investment
Manager's Report.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

There has been a great deal of press comment and interest in the Government's
announcement that it would consider the introduction of a tax transparent
property investment trust. It is possible that this legislation could be passed
as early as 2005.

Unlike all UK domiciled quoted property companies, your Company already has many
of the benefits of tax transparency. There is no capital gains taxfor Guernsey
companies; further, there is currently no tax paid on your Company's rental
income and all returns to shareholders are distributed gross.

Notwithstanding this, the Board will monitor the progress of REIT legislation
and will considera change of domicile, if REITs are introduced and it is in
shareholders' interests to convert your Company into a UK REIT.

2004 Outlook

The resilience of the UK commercial property market was demonstrated again in
2003 with the IPD Monthly Index producing total returns averaging in excess of
11%. There is a similar outlook for 2004 although we remain cautious due to the
high level of personal indebtedness and its potential knock-on effects on the UK
economy as a whole, particularly in an environment of rising interest rates.

Your Company is well placed and on target to meet its forecast returns but, in
light of the current economic climate, covenant strength and lease length will
again remain the overriding strategic focus for 2004.

Given the strong track record in the performance of your Company since its
flotation in April 2002, your Board is now encouraging the Investment Manager to
seek out further property acquisitions which could be funded by increasing the
Company's equity base. By enlarging the Company, your Board believes that share
liquidity would improve and all shareholders would benefit from the fixed
operating costs being supported by an expanded rent roll.

Shareholder Communication

In addition to theAnnual and Interim Reports, the Investment Manager also
publishes a two-page Monthly Performance Report on the activities of the
Company. This is distributed to shareholders by email. Any shareholder who does
not currently receive this document and wishes to do so should contact info

Rodney Baker-Bates

27th February 2004

Investment Objective and Policy

The Company's investment objective is to achieve income and capital growth
primarily from a diversified portfolio of commercial properties situated in the
UK. The Company's investment policy is to acquire good quality properties let on
long leases to strong tenants so as to provide an income yield at least
sufficient to pay the Income Share dividend and otherwise to provide good
prospects for growth in both rental income and capital value for the long term
benefit of the Capital Shareholders.

To achieve this, the Investment Manager engages the services of best in class
property fund managers, as well as experienced property company professionals,
in order to utilise these individual talents and experience into a highly
effective team serving your Company.


On a year on year basis, the net asset value due to Capital Shareholders has
been increased by just over 20% to 115.96p. This increase has been achieved
after taking account of the full costs of running your Company and all dividends
paid to the Income Shareholders.

By way of comparison with other funds, your Company has consistently been in the
top quartile of fifty-eight peer group property funds and has achieved a total
return during 2003 of 13.5% versus the IPD Monthly Index of 11.4%.

Activity - Balanced Portfolio

As at 31 December 2003, the propertywas independently valued by Knight Frank at
#64.5m. These assets have a rent roll of close to #5m and a running yield of
circa 7.5%. As at 31 December 2003, the Company's balanced property portfolio
contained fourteen properties diversified across all three commercial sectors.
The properties were let to thirty-six tenants.

The Company has completed three acquisitions for the balanced portfolio for an
aggregate consideration, including costs, of #14.9m. These comprise three
separate distribution units let to three different tenants in three locations:
Worcester (completion in 2004), Southampton and Tipton.

Pursuant to the arrangements set out in the Prospectus, the Company disposed of
the Wickes unit at Eastbourne for #3.75m. On 23 January 2004, the Company also
disposed of one of its Sheffield office properties for #875,000.

Following some minor construction delays, the pre-let development at Worcester
and the Health and Fitness Centre at Guildford are due for final legal
completion shortly.

Activity - Venture Portfolio

A particular emphasis this year has been on the seeking out, negotiation and
completion of a variety of venture investments. We have been offered and have
reviewed a considerable number of such opportunities and we are pleased to
report that, during the course of the year, we completed three investments for
an aggregate consideration of #3.6m.

Venture property investments are an important component to the long term
performance of your Company's Capital Shares. The Company's venture investments
have been structured to provide strong returns within a relatively short time
horizon (two to three years) so as to complement the performance of the balanced
portfolio. These investments are by definition more risky and the Company is
limited to investing not more than 10% of gross assets in such investments. In
addition, all of the venture investments are in special purpose companies or
limited liability partnerships where any debt secured

by those entities is completely non-recourse to The Westbury Property Fund. The
amount invested in ventures as at 31 December 2003 represented approximately 5%
of your Company's gross assets.

Ropewalks One Limited Liability Partnership

In September 2003, your Company invested #0.5m in a limited liability
partnership in exchange for a circa 50% interest. It has also provided #1.3m of
temporary funding which will be extinguished on draw down of an agreed banking
facility with HBOS which willbe non-recourse to The Westbury Property Fund.

The investment consists of the acquisition and development of a mixed use scheme
in the centre of Liverpool with planning consent for a 10,700 square foot
medical centre, a suite of private consultingrooms, six retail units and
fifty-five predominately two bedroom apartments.

Demolition work is in progress and it is intended that the main building works
will commence in April 2004 with completion scheduled for 2005.

The other joint venture partners in the scheme are Barlows PLC, London &
Palatine Estates Limited and a private investor group.

Lunar Partnership Limited
In September 2003, your Company invested #2m in exchange for a 12.5% equity
interest in a new private company formed to acquire thirteen commercial
properties for an aggregate consideration of #95m. Bradford & Bingley have
provided a non-recourse debt facility of #80m.

The properties are geographically spread throughout the UK and offer a good
blend of retail, office and industrial property. The average net initial yield
is 7.5%. There are a number of significant asset management opportunities and
there is a three year business plan with a phased programme of disposals.
The other joint venture partners are Merrill Lynch, Royal Bank of Scotland and a
private investor.

Orton Shopping Centre Limited Liability Partnership
In October 2003, your Company invested #1.1m in a limited liability partnership
in exchange for a 33.3% interest. This limited partnership has acquired the
Orton Shopping Centre in Peterborough and has raised sufficient capital to fund
its refurbishment. A non-recourse debt facility has been provided by Anglo Irish

The existing centre extends to 125,200 square feet of retail space, there are
currently 112 flats and the entire site occupies approximately twelve acres.

There is a significant opportunity to improve tenant mix (with consequential
enhancements to pedestrian flow and increased rental levels), regenerate and
provide additions to adjoining residential units (possibly in conjunction with a
partner) and generally improve the visual amenity of the Centre.

The initial phase of the project involves the securing of pre-lets to retailers
with a view to submitting a planning application for the refurbishment in April
2004. Construction is scheduled to commence before the end of 2004 and the
entire project is estimated to take three years to complete.

The other joint venture partners in the scheme include Barlows Holdings Limited,
London & Palatine Estates Limited and three other private investor groups.

The Property Market Outlook

We are starting 2004 on a much more optimistic note than 2003, the economy is
improving, interest rates remainhistorically low and employment levels are
high. Whilst we remain generally cautious, due to the high level of personal
indebtedness, the macro environment still bodes well for the property market
which continues to produce strong and stable returns.  Demand for commercial
property investments from both institutional and private investors remains
strong with the high level of income return a key factor underpinning future

Our decision during 2003 to maintain an overweight position in the retail
warehouse sector and not invest in the weak London and South East office markets
proved beneficial.  In 2004 we will begin to look for selective opportunities in
the London and South East office markets although we may delay acquisitions
until 2005 when the market is expected to be showing clearer signs of recovery.

We remain strongly in favour of investments in properties which produce high
income returns such as provincial offices and industrials with a bias towards
properties where active management can add value.  2004 is likely to see the
property market produce a total return in the region of 7-9% with its income
characteristics remaining a key factor for investors.

Richard Burrell
Berrington Fund Management Limited

27th February 2004

The Directors of The Westbury Property Fund Limited ("the Company") and its
subsidiaries (together "the Group") are pleased to submit the Audited
Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group for the year from 1 January 2003
to 31 December 2003.

Investment Policy
The primary investment objective of the Group is to achieve income and capital
growth primarily from a diversified portfolio of commercial properties situated
in the United Kingdom. The Company also investsup to 10% of its gross assets in
property related venture investments. The Company has two classes of Share
Capital, Income Shares and Capital Shares.

The Shares of the Company were admitted to the Official List of The London Stock
Exchange on 18 April 2002 and to the Official List of The Channel Islands Stock
Exchange on 18 April 2002.

The results for the year are shown in the Consolidated Statement of Operations
on page 18.

During the year the Company has declared and paid the following interim
dividends to its Income Shareholders:

Dividend Number              Pay Date                               Rate

First interim                31 March 2003                          3.0p
Second interim        30 June 2003                           2.0p
Third interim                30 September 2003                      2.0p
Fourth interim               31 December 2003                       2.0p

Directors' and Other Interests

The following Directors including persons connected with them held the following
number of share at 31 December 2003:

Name                 Number of       % of Issued       Number of     % of Issued
                Capital Shares    Capital Shares   Income Shares  Income Shares

R. Baker-Bates         200,000              2.04               -               -
P. Dickson              56,667              0.58          33,333            0.16
W. Kay                  18,000              0.18               -       -

No Director holding office at 31 December 2003 or his associates had any
beneficial interest in the Company's Shares, nor had any such interest between
the end of the year and the date of this Report. None of the Directors had a
service contract with the Company during the year.

As at 31 December 2003, Berrington Fund Management Limited owned 250,000 Capital

Corporate Governance
As a Guernsey incorporated company, the Company is not required to comply with
the Code of Best Practice published by the Committee on the Financial Aspects of
Corporate Governance (the "Combined Code"). However, the Directors place a high
degree of importance on ensuring that high standards of Corporate Governance are

The Directors believe it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in
preparing the financial statements as, after due consideration, the Directors
consider that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational
existence for the foreseeable future.

Substantial Shareholdings
At 9 February 2004 Directors were aware that the following shareholders owned 3%
or more of the issued Capital Shares of the Company.

                              Number of Capital Shares     % of Capital Shares

BNY (OCS) Nominees Limited                   4,025,000                   41.00
Barlows Holdings Limited                     2,000,000                   20.37
HSBC Global Custody Nominee
(UK) Limited                             565,900                    5.76
Credit Suisse First Boston
(Nominees) Limited                             500,000                    5.09

Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing Accounts for each financial period
which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the
profit and loss of the Group for that period and are in accordance with
applicable laws. In preparing those Accounts the Directors are required to:-

* select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently;
* make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and
* prepare the Accounts on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to
  presume that the Company will continue in business.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the
Group and to enable them to ensure that the Accounts comply with the Companies
(Guernsey)Law, 1994. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of
the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection
of fraud and other irregularities.

The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Report of the Directors and
other information included in the Annual Report is prepared in accordance with
applicable company law. They are also responsible for ensuring that the Annual
Report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the Financial
Services Authority.

Status for Taxation
The Income Tax Authority in Guernsey has granted the Company exemption from
Guernsey income tax under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance
1989 and the income of the Company may be distributed or accumulated without
deduction of Guernsey income tax. Exemption under the above mentioned Ordinance
entails payment by the company of an Annual Fee of #600.

The property subsidiaries will be subject to United Kingdom tax on income
arising on investment properties, after deduction of its debt financing costs
and allowable expenses.

Ernst & Young LLP have indicated their willingness to continue in office.

Tim Chesney, Director

Iain Stokes, Director

27th February 2004

We have audited the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December
2003 which comprise the Consolidated Statement of Operations, Consolidated
Balance Sheet, Company Balance Sheet, Consolidated Statement of Changes in
Equity, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and the related notes 1 to 25. These
financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
set out therein.

This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance
with Section 64 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. Our audit work has been
undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are
required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose. To
the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility
to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

The directors are responsible for preparing the financial statements in
accordance with Guernsey law as described in the Statement of Directors'

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with
relevant legal and regulatory requirements, United Kingdom Auditing Standards
and the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority.

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements, which have
been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards,
give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the
Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the
Directors' Report is not consistent with the financial statements, if the
Company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the
information and explanations we require for our audit or if information
specified by the Listing Rules regarding Directors' transactions with the Group
is not disclosed.

We read the other information contained in the Annual Report and consider
whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. This other info
rmation comprises the Chairman's Statement, Investment Manager's Report and
Report of the Directors. We consider the implications for our Report if we
become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other info

Basis of audit opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test
basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and
judgments made by the Directors in the preparation of the financial statements,
and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Group's
circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements
are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other
irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall
adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.

In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state
of affairs of the Group as at 31 December 2003 and of the profit of the Group
for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the
Companies(Guernsey) Law, 1994.

Ernst & Young LLP
Guernsey, Channel Islands

27th February 2004

                                                        1/01/2003   10/01/2002
                                                               to           to
                                                       31/12/2003   31/12/2002
                                               Notes            #            #
Income                                             2

Rent receivable                   4,247,937    2,172,872
Bank interest                                              49,811       66,871
                                                         ---------    ---------
Total Income                                  4,297,748    2,239,743
                                                         ---------    ---------

Expenses                                           2

Interest payable and similar charges,
dividends on income shares    5    3,981,812    2,082,509
Investment Manager's fees                      3 (i)      922,381      632,125
Legal and professional fees                               261,571      284,204
Property management expenses               177,180      115,397
Administration fee                             3 (ii)      96,250       71,000

Directors' fees                                    4       66,375       47,388
General expenses                                      151,969       41,087
Bank charges                                               23,104       25,606
Audit fee                                                  22,835       20,500
                                                         --------- ---------
Total Expenses                                          5,703,477    3,319,816
                                                         ---------    ---------

Net loss before investment result                      (1,405,729)  (1,080,073)

Realised (loss)/gain on sale of investment
properties                                                (75,964)     326,638
Movement in unrealised gain on revaluation of
investment properties                                   3,477,827      821,209
                                                         ---------    ---------
Net profit for the year/period                          1,996,134       67,774
                                                         =========    =========

UK taxation                                        7      (50,486)           -
                                                         ---------    ---------
Profit transferred to reserves                          1,945,648       67,774
                =========    =========

Basic and diluted profit per Capital Share         8        19.82p        0.69p
                                                         =========    =========

All items in the abovestatement are derived from continuing operations. The
accompanying notes on pages 23 to 32 form an integral part of the financial

                                                  31/12/2003       31/12/2002
                          Notes                #                #
Non-current Assets
Investment properties                    10       64,479,348       49,426,650
Investments                              11        4,939,001                -
                      ---------        ---------
                                                  68,418,349       49,426,650
                                                    =========        =========

Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                13        3,261,222        2,033,744
Debtors                                  14          625,628          361,853
                                                    ---------        ---------
                                 3,886,850        2,395,597
                                                    ---------        ---------
Total Assets                                      73,305,199       51,822,247
                                                ---------        ---------

Current Liabilities
Creditors                                15          993,535          599,926

Non-current Liabilities
Long term loan                           16       40,799,228       21,770,514
Income Shares17       20,129,506       20,014,525
                                                    ---------        ---------
                                                  60,928,734       41,785,039
                            ---------        ---------
Total Liabilities                                 61,922,269       42,384,965
                                                    ---------        ---------

Net Assets                              11,382,930        9,437,282
                                                    =========        =========

Represented by:

Capital and Reserves
Share capital                            18          981,615          981,615
Share premium                            19        8,387,893        8,387,893
Reserves                                 20        2,013,422           67,774
                                                    ---------        ---------
Issued capital and reserves11,382,930        9,437,282
                                                    =========        =========

Net Asset Value per Capital Share        21           115.96p           96.14p
                                       =========        =========

The financial statements on pages 18 to 32 were approved at a meeting of the
Board of Directors held on 27th February 2004 and signed on its behalf by:

Tim Chesney, Director

Iain Stokes, Director

The accompanying notes on pages 23 to 32 form an integral part of the financial

                                                  31/12/2003       31/12/2002
                                      Notes                #        #
Non-current Assets
Investment in subsidiary companies        9       10,000,002       10,000,002
Investments                              11        2,000,000                -
Loans to subsidiary companies            12       56,537,661    39,997,981
                                                    ---------        ---------
                                                  68,537,663       49,997,983
                                                    ---------        ---------

Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                             20,496          711,237
                                                    ---------        ---------
Total Assets                                      68,558,159       50,709,220
                                                    ---------        ---------

Current Liabilities
Creditors                                15          170,471          192,400

Non-current Liabilities
Long term loan                          16       40,799,228       21,770,514
Income shares                            17       20,129,506       20,014,525
                                                    ---------        ---------
                                                  60,928,734       41,785,039
                                                    ---------        ---------
Total Liabilities                                 61,099,205       41,977,439
                                                    ---------        ---------

Net Assets                                         7,458,954        8,731,781
                                                    =========        =========

Represented by:

Capital and Reserves
Share capital                          18          981,615          981,615
Share premium                            19        8,387,893        8,387,893
Reserves                                 20       (1,910,554)        (637,727)
                                                    ---------        ---------
Issued capital and reserves                        7,458,954        8,731,781
                                                   =========        =========

The financial statements on pages 18 to 32 were approved at a meeting of the
Board of Directors held on 27th February 2004 and signed on its behalf by:

Tim Chesney, Director

Iain Stokes, Director

The accompanying notes on pages 23 to 32 form an integral part of the financial

      1/01/2003      10/01/2002
                                                            to              to
                                                    31/12/2003      31/12/2002
                   #               #

Equity at 1 January 2003                             9,437,282               -

Net profit for the year/period                       1,945,648          67,774

Issue of Capital Shares, net of issue costs                  -       9,369,508

Equity at 31 December 2003                          11,382,930       9,437,282

The accompanying notes on pages 23 to 32 form an integral part of the financial

       1/01/2003    10/01/2002
                                                              to            to
                                                      31/12/2003    31/12/2002
                    Notes             #             #
Operating Activities
Rent received                                          4,372,393     2,163,555
Bank interest received                                    49,811        66,871
Expenses paid                                         (1,806,179)   (1,125,461)
Interest paid and similar charges, including
dividends on Income Shares                            (3,841,911)   (1,916,248)
                                                        ---------     ---------
Net cash outflow from operating activities      22    (1,225,886)     (811,283)
                                                        ---------     ---------

Investing Activities
Purchase of investments                   (4,939,001)            -
Purchase of investment properties                    (15,226,671)  (52,457,553)
Sales of investment properties                         3,674,036     4,229,528
                                                      ----------    ----------
Net cash outflow from investing activities           (16,491,636)  (48,228,025)
                                                       ----------    ----------

Financing Activities
Issue of Capital Shares                 -     9,816,146
Issue costs paid on issuance of Capital
Shares                                                   (17,606)     (429,032)
Issue of Income Shares                                         -    20,848,140
Issue costspaid on issuance of Income                   (37,394)     (911,202)
Draw down of long term loan                           19,000,000    22,000,000
Issue costs paid on long term loan                             -      (251,000)
              ----------    ----------
Net cash inflow from financing activities             18,945,000    51,073,052
                                                       ----------    ----------

Increase in cash and cash equivalents                  1,227,478     2,033,744
                                                       ----------    ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at 01 January 2003           2,033,744             -
                                 ----------    ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December               3,261,222     2,033,744
2003                                                   ==========    ==========

The accompanying notes on pages 23 to 32 form an integral part of the financial

1. Operations
The Westbury Property Fund Limited is a closed-ended investment Company
incorporated in Guernsey whose investment objective is to achieve income and
capital growth primarily from a diversified portfolio of commercial properties
situated in the United Kingdom. The Company also invests up to 10% of its gross
assets in property related venture investments. The Company has no employees.

2. Principal Accounting Policies

Basis of Preparation
The accounts of the Group have been prepared in conformity with International
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board, interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting
Interpretations Committee and applicable legal and regulatory requirements of
Guernsey Law, and reflect the following policies:

The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis under the Historical
Cost Convention except for the measurement at fair value of investment

Basis of Consolidation
The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of The
Westbury Property Fund Limited and its subsidiary undertakings, Westbury
Properties Limited, Westbury (Yorkshire) Limited, Westbury (Hull) Limited, WPL
Ventures Limited and WPL Investments Limited, drawn up to 31 December 2003.

Segmental Reporting
The Directors are of the opinion that the Group is engaged in a single segment
of business, being investment business. The Group invests in commercial
properties situated in the United Kingdom.

Interest receivable is included in the financial statements on an accruals
basis. Rental income is included in the financial statements on an accruals
basis and is shown gross of any UK income tax.

All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis.

Issue Costs
The placing expenses incurred amounted to #1,646,234 of which #251,000 related
to bank loan issue costs. The remainder has been allocated on a pro-rata basis
to the Capital and Income Shares, as follows:

Capital Shares           #446,638
Income Shares            #948,596
Bank Loan                #251,000

The placing expenses allocated to the Capital Shares have been written off in
full against the share premium account.

The placing expenses allocated to the Income Shares and Bank Loan are being
amortised through the Consolidated Statement of Operations over the term of
these instruments.

The Company and its Guernsey registered subsidiary, Westbury Properties Limited,
have obtained exempt company status in Guernsey under the terms of the Income
Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 so that they are exempt from
Guernsey taxation on income arising outside Guernsey and on bank interest
receivable in Guernsey. Each Company is, therefore, only liable to a fixed fee
of #600 per annum. The Directors intend to conduct the Group's affairs such that
it continues toremain eligible for exemption.

2. Principal Accounting Policies (continued)
Westbury Properties Limited is subject to United Kingdom income tax on income
arising on the investment properties, after deduction of its debt financing
costs, allowableexpenses and capital allowances.

Investment in subsidiary companies
The investment in subsidiary companies are included in the Company Balance Sheet
at cost.

Investment properties
Investment properties are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of
consideration given, including transaction costs associated with the investment

After initial recognition, freehold investment properties are measured at fair
value, with unrealised gains and losses recognised in the Consolidated Statement
of Operations. Fair value is based upon the open market valuations of the
properties as provided by Knight Frank, a firm of independent chartered
surveyors, as at the balance sheet date.

Investments are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of the
consideration given. After initial recognition, investment in joint ventures are
carried at the Company's share in the net asset value of the joint venture.

Loans to subsidiary companies
The unsecuredsubordinated loans that have been granted to Westbury Properties
Limited and the other subsidiaries at various times during the accounting
period, have been accounted for as an originated loan under IFRS. These loans
are accounted for on an amortised cost basis with intercompany interest being
recognised under the effective interest rate method. These loans are reviewed
regularly for impairment.

Cash and cash equivalents
Cash on hand and deposits in banks are carried at cost. Cash and cash
equivalents are defined as cash on hand, demand deposits, and highly liquid
investments readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to
insignificant risk of changes in value. For the purposes of the Consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and
deposits in banks.

Bank loans and borrowings
All bank loans and borrowings are initially recognised at cost, being the fair
value of the consideration received, less issue costs where applicable. After
initial recognition, all interest-bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently
measured at amortised cost. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account
any discount or premium on settlement.

Income Shares
Income Shares, which exhibit characteristics of liabilities, are recognised as
liabilities in the Balance Sheet in accordance with IAS 32. Income Shares are
initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of the consideration
received, less issue costs. After initial recognition, Income Shares are
subsequently measured at amortised cost. The corresponding dividends on these
shares are charged as interest expense in the Consolidated Statement of
Operations over the term of these shares.

3. Material Agreements
(i)Under the terms of an appointment made by the Board on 11 January 2002,
Westbury Fund Management Limited was appointed as Investment Manager to the
Company. The Investment Management Agreement was novated to Berrington Fund
Management Limited ("BFML") on 30 September 2003. With effect from 11 January
2002 the Investment Manager is paid a fee of 0.1% of Gross Assets (including the
total amount available under the loan facility) per calendar month payable
monthly in arrears. In addition, BFML is entitled to receive a performance fee
of 15% of any return above an 8% per annum (compound) hurdle as stated in the
Prospectus. The Investment Management Agreement is terminable by the Company on
36 months' notice, save in circumstances where the Fund's performance, as
measured annually by reference to the Investment Property Databank ("IPD"), is
consistently materially below the IPD Monthly Benchmark. In such circumstances
the agreement can be terminated by the Company, at the discretion of theBoard,
on 6 months' notice.

3. Material Agreements (continued)
The Investment Manager has sub-delegated the management of the investment
properties to Insight Investment Management Limited and Barlows Asset Management

(ii) Under the terms of an Administration Agreement dated 11 January 2002, the
Company appointed Guernsey International Fund Managers Limited ("GIFM") as
Administrator, Secretary and Channel Island Sponsor. GIFM is paid by reference
to the number of hours spent on work for the Company at its standard hourly
charging rates in force from time to time, in addition to an annual fixed fee of
between #50,000 and #75,000 payable quarterly in arrears.

4. Directors' Fees                                        1/01/2003    10/01/2002
                                                                 to            to
                                                         31/12/2003    31/12/2002
During the period each of the Directors was entitled to           #  #
the following fees:

R. Baker-Bates (Chairman)                                    20,000        14,055
T. Chesney                                                   15,000        10,541
P. Dickson                                        15,000        10,541
W. Kay                                                       15,000        10,541
I. Stokes                                                     1,375         1,710
                                                      ---------     ---------
                                                             66,375        47,388
                                                           =========     =========

5. Interest Payable and Similar Charges               1/01/2003    10/01/2002
                                                                 to            to
                                                         31/12/2003    31/12/2002
                                                          #             #

Long term loan:
Interest payable                                          1,906,373       846,358
Non-utilisation fee                                          55,411        57,249
Amortisation of loan issue costs           28,714        21,514
Income Shares:
Dividends payable (Note 6)                                1,876,333     1,042,407
Amortisation of issue costs                                 114,981       114,981
                               ---------     ---------
                                                          3,981,812     2,082,509
                                                           =========     =========
6. Dividends Payable on                          
Income Share                                      1/01/2003          10/01/2002                    
                                                         to                  to
      No. of             31/12/2003          31/12/2002
                              Income      Rate            #   Rate            #
                              Shares      pence               pence

First interim dividend paid
31 March 2003               20,848,140    3.00     625,444       -           -
Second interim dividend
paid 30 June 2003           20,848,140    2.00     416,963       -           -
Third interim dividend paid
30 September 2003           20,848,140    2.00     416,963    2.00     416,963
Fourth interim dividend
paid 31 December 2003       20,848,140    2.00     416,963    3.00     625,444
                                         ------   ---------  ------   ---------
Dividends payable (Note5)                9.00   1,876,333    5.00   1,042,407
                                         ======   =========  ======   =========

7. Taxation
Prior to the sale of Westbury (Eastbourne) Ventures Limited on 23 December 2003
(see Note 9 below),UK income taxation was incurred at 30% on the rental income
received by that Company.

8. Basic and Diluted Profit per Capital Share
The basic and diluted profit per Capital Share is based on the net profit for
the year of #1,945,648 and on 9,816,146 Capital Shares, being the number of
Capital Shares in issue throughout the year.

9. Investment in Subsidiary Companies
The Company owns the whole of the issued ordinary share capital of Westbury
Properties Limited, specially formed to act as the property investment holding
company for the Group, and WPL Ventures Limited, both of which are incorporated
and registered in Guernsey. Westbury Properties Limited owns the whole of the
issued ordinary share capital of WPL Investments Limited, incorporated and
registered in Guernsey, and of the following United Kingdom registered

- Westbury (Yorkshire) Limited (dormant)
- Westbury (Hull) Limited (dormant)

Westbury Properties Limited sold its entire interest in Westbury (Eastbourne)
Limited and Westbury (Eastbourne) Ventures Limited* on 23 December 2003.

* Westbury (Eastbourne) Ventures Limited is wholly owned by Westbury
(Eastbourne) Limited.

10. Investment Properties
Investment properties are stated at fair value,which has been determined based
on valuations performed by Knight Frank as at 31 December 2003, on the basis of
open market value, supported by market evidence, in accordance with
International Valuation Standards.

                               31/12/2003     31/12/2002
Consolidated                                                  #              #
At 1 January 2003                                    49,426,650              -
Additions at cost                           15,324,871     52,491,831
Disposals                                            (3,750,000)    (3,886,390)
Movement in unrealised gain from revaluation of
investment properties                                 3,477,827        821,209
       ---------      ---------
At 31 December 2003                                  64,479,348     49,426,650
                                                       =========      =========

At the time of Admission to the London Stock Exchange, one asset, Admiral Retail
Park, Eastbourne, represented more than 15% of the gross assets of the Group. In
order to comply with section 21.27 (e) of the FSA Listing Rules, a Put Option
Agreement, was entered into, and subsequently, in 2003, was exercised under
which the Group sold one of the units at Admiral Retail Park to Barlows Holdings
Limited for a consideration of #3.75m. Under this agreement Barlows Holdings
Limited also benefits from a 25% share of the profit arising on any sale of the
whole of the retail park (including the unit owned by them).

In all other respects, the Group has complied with Sections 21.27 (f) to 21.27
(i) of the FSA Listing Rules.

11. Investments
                    31/12/2003         31/12/2002
Consolidated                                              #                  #
Joint Ventures:
Ropewalks One LLP (i)                               500,000                  -
Orton Shopping Centre LLP (ii)                    1,100,017                  -
                                                  1,600,017                  -

Loans receivable:
Ropewalks One LLP (i)                             1,338,984                  -

Lunar Partnership Limited (iii)                   2,000,000                  -
                                                  4,939,001                  -

Company Investment
Lunar Partnership Limited (iii)                   2,000,000     -

11. Investments (continued)
(i) The Group has invested #500,000 of capital in, and made available a
temporary loan to, Ropewalks One LLP. The Group benefits from 50% of the profit
from the partnership after the promoters' performance related profit share.
The loan earns interest at 10% and is repayable on or before 31 March 2004.
(ii) The Group has invested #1.1m of capital in Orton Shopping Centre LLP and
benefits from 33% of the profit from the partnership after the promoters'
performance related profit share.
(iii) The Company holds 1,250 ordinary shares comprising 12.5% of the share
capital of the Lunar Partnership Limited.

12. Loans to Subsidiary Companies
During the year, unsecured subordinated loans of #54,659,599 (2002 -
#39,997,981) were issued to Westbury Properties Limited and #1,878,062 (2002 -
Nil) to WPL Ventures Limited by the Company in support of property acquisitions.
Interest charged, included within the loan balances, amounts to #3,761,250 on
the Westbury Properties Limited loan and #39,078 on the WPL Ventures Limited
loan. The loans are repayable in 2010 and interest is charged at LIBOR plus a
margin of 3% (2002 - 4%).

13. Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash balances include #2,750,000(2002 - Nil) held to the bank's order pending
additional security being mortgaged to the bank.

14. Debtors
                                                   31/12/2003       31/12/2002
Consolidated                                                #                #
Property purchase deposit                                   -          166,200
VAT recoverable                                       325,628          154,333
Other debtors                                               -           32,003
Rent receivable                                       300,000            9,317
                                                     ---------        ---------
                                                      625,628          361,853
     =========        =========

15. Creditors                                      31/12/2003       31/12/2002
                                                            #                #
Other taxation                                        230,000          230,000
Amounts payable in respect of investment
properties purchased                                   49,500          117,500
Investment Manager's fees                           77,515           66,774
Issue costs payable                                         -           55,000
Other creditors                                        76,533           40,306
Non-utilisation fee                                         -    25,972
Property management expenses                           26,848           22,580
Administration fee                                     83,000           20,000
Audit and taxation fee                                 35,000           18,000
Loan interest payable                                       -            3,794
Rents received in advance                             415,139                -
                                                     ---------        ---------
          993,535          599,926
                                                     =========        =========

Investment Manager's fees                              77,515           66,774
Issue costspayable                                         -           55,000
Non-utilisation fee                                         -           25,972
Administration fee                                     60,000           20,000
Audit fee               20,000           18,000
Loan interest payable                                       -            3,794
Other creditors                                        12,956            2,860
                                     ---------        ---------
                                                      170,471          192,400
                                                     =========        =========

16. Long Term Loan
                        31/12/2003       31/12/2002
Consolidated and Company                                    #                #

Long term loan at 1 January                        22,000,000                -
Amount drawn down in year          19,000,000       22,000,000

Total loan drawn down at 31 December               41,000,000       22,000,000

Allocation of loan issue costs                       (251,000)        (251,000)
Amortisation of loan issue costs - 2002    21,514           21,514
Amortisation of loan issue costs - 2003                28,714                -
                                                   40,799,228       21,770,514

The Company has a loan facility agreement with Bradford & Bingley PLC totalling
#46,000,000. As at 31 December 2003, the Company had drawn down #41,000,000
(2002 - #22,000,000) under this agreement leaving an undrawn balance of
#5,000,000. This loan is due for repayment on 31 December 2010. Of the loan,
#35,000,000 (2002 - #22,000,000) is fixed at interest rates averaging 6.1% until
June 2009.

International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS32) require the disclosure of
the fair value of the loan at 31 December 2003. No fair value has been disclosed
because it is not practicable within constraints of timeliness or cost to obtain
an appropriate risk rate from the market that would apply to the loan and the
particular circumstances surrounding it.
During the year, the Company's bank borrowings were subject to the following
financial covenants:

* Loan to value ratio - the aggregate outstanding loan to current valuation of
investment properties should not exceed the following percentages:-

Up to 2nd Anniversary                       80%
From 2nd to 4th Anniversary                                                 75%
From 4th to 6th Anniversary                                                 70%
From 6th Anniversary to final repayment               65%

* Quarterly rental cover - net rental income shall be at least 140% of loan
interest payable.
* Period of occupational leases - at least 45% of net rental income shall arise
from occupational leases with unexpired terms of 8 years or more.
* No single property shall exceed #25 million.

The Company has been in compliance with the financial covenants throughout the

17. Income Shares
                                                  31/12/2003       31/12/2002
Consolidated and Company                                   #                #

As at 1 January                                   20,014,525                -
20,848,140 shares issued at 100p each                      -       20,848,140
Allocationof issue costs                                  -         (948,596)
Amortisation of issue costs                          114,981          114,981
As at 31 December                                 20,129,506       20,014,525

17. Income Shares (continued)

In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, the Income
Shares are treated as a liability as described under accounting policies in note

The Income Shares are entitled to a fixed preferential dividend of 8% per annum
over the life of the Income Shares and are due to be redeemed by the Company on
31 March 2010 at their issue price together with arrears of dividend (if any).

The fair value of the Income Shares at 31 December 2003 was #21,265,102 (2002 -
#22,099,028) based on a market offer price of 102p (2002 - 106p) per share.

18. Share Capital

Consolidated and Company Authorised                                          #

50,000,000 Capital Shares of 10p each                                5,000,000

                                                       Number of         Share
                                                          Shares       Capital
Capital shares of 10p each issued and fully paid                             #

Balance at 1 January and at 31 December 2003           9,816,146       981,615

The Capital Shares will be entitled to all of the assets of the Company after
satisfaction of all debt and other liabilities of the Company and the
entitlement of Income Shareholders. Capital Shareholders (but not Income
Shareholders) will have the right at the Annual General Meeting in 2009 to vote
on the continuation of the Company and, if that vote is passed, at intervals of
five years thereafter. If the continuation vote is not passed, a special
resolution for the Company to be wound up will be proposed by 31 March 2010.

19. Share Premium

                                                 31/12/2003         31/12/2002
                                         #                  #

Share premium at 1 January                        8,387,893                  -
                                                   ---------          ---------
Proceeds on Capital Shares issued                  -          8,834,531
                                                   ---------          ---------
Allocation of issue costs                                 -           (446,638)
                                                   ---------  ---------
Share premium at 31 December                      8,387,893          8,387,893
                                                   =========          =========
20. Reserves                                         Profit and Loss Reserves
                                                 31/12/2003         31/12/2002
                                                          #                  #
Reserves at 1 January                                67,774                  -
Net profit for the year                           1,945,648             67,774
                                                   ---------          ---------
Reserves at 31 December                           2,013,422         67,774
                                                   =========          =========

Reserves at 1 January                              (637,727)                 -
Net loss for the year                            (1,272,827)         (637,727)
                                                   ---------          ---------
Reserves at 31 December                          (1,910,554)          (637,727)
                                                   =========          =========

21. Net Asset Value per Capital Share
The net asset value per Capital Share is based on the net assets attributable to
the Capital Shareholders of #11,382,930 (2002 - #9,437,282) and on 9,816,146
Capital Shares in issue at the balance sheet date.

22. Note to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                       1/01/2003    10/01/2002
                                                              to            to
                                     31/12/2003    31/12/2002
                                                               #             #

Reconciliation of net loss before investment to net cash outflow from operating
Net loss before investment result (1,405,729)   (1,080,073)
UK taxation charge                                       (50,486)            -
Adjustment for non-cash items
Amortisation of Income Share issue costs                 114,981       114,981
Amortisation ofloan issue costs                          28,714        21,514
(Increase) in debtors                                   (429,975)      (41,320)
Increase in creditors                                    516,609       173,615
                           ---------     ---------
Net cash outflow from operating activities            (1,225,886)     (811,283)
                                                        =========     =========

23. Financial Instruments and Investment Properties
The Group's financial instruments largely comprise property investments. In
addition, the Group holds cash and liquid resources as well as having debtors
and creditors that arise directly from its operations. The Group has not entered
into any derivative transactions during the period under review.
The main risks arising from the Group's financial instruments and investment
properties are market price risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and interest rate
risk. The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for managing each of these
risks and these are summarised below.

Market Price Risk
The Group's exposure to market price risk is comprised mainly of movements in
the value of the Group's investment in property. Property and property related
assets are inherently difficult to value due to the individual nature of each
property. As a result, valuations are subject to uncertainty. There is no
assurance that the estimates resulting from the valuation process will reflect
the actual sales price even where a sale occurs shortly after the valuation

Rental income and the market value for properties are generally affected by
overall conditions in the local economy, such as growth in gross domestic
product, employment trends, inflation and changes in interest rates. Changes in
gross domestic product may also impact employment levels, which in turn may
impact the demand for premises. Furthermore, movements in interest rates may
also affect the cost of financing for real estate companies.

Both rental income and property values may also be affected by other factors
specific to the real estate market, such as competition from other property
owners, the perceptions of prospective tenants of the attractiveness,
convenience and safety of properties, the inability to collect rents because of
the bankruptcy or the insolvency of tenants or otherwise, the periodic need to
renovate, repair and release space and the costs thereof, the costs of
maintenance and insurance, and increased operating costs.

The Directors monitor market value by having independent valuations carried out
quarterly by Knight Frank.

Credit Risk
Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or counterparty will be unable or
unwilling to meet a commitment that it has entered into with the Group. In the
event of a default by an occupational tenant, the Group will suffer a rental
income shortfall and incur additional costs, including legal expenses, in
maintaining, insuring and re-letting the property.

23. Financial Instruments and Investment Properties (continued)
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will encounter in realising assets or
otherwise raising funds to meet financial commitments. Investments in property
are relatively illiquid, however, the Group has tried to mitigate this risk by
investing in desirable properties in prime locations.

Interest Rate Risk
The Group's exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates
primarily to the Group's long-term debt obligations. The Group's policy is to
manage its interest cost using fixed rate debt.

The interest rate profile of the Group at 31 December 2003 is as follows:

                                           Total    Variable    Assets on    Weighted
                                                        Rate     which no     average
                                                                 interest    interest
                                       is        rate
                                                                 received   per annum
                                               #           #            #           %
Financial assets
properties                            64,479,348           -   64,479,348           -
Investments*                           4,939,001           -    4,939,001           -
                                        ---------                ---------
assets                                69,418,349           -   64,418,349           -
                                        ---------                ---------
Cash and cash
equivalents                            3,261,222   3,261,222            -         3.5
Debtors                                  625,628           -      625,628           -
                                        ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------
Total assets
as per Balance
Sheet            73,305,199   3,261,222   70,043,977
                                        =========   =========    =========   =========

                   Total    Variable        Fixed Liabilities     Weighted   Weighted
                                Rate         Rate    which no      average    average
                                                     interest     interest      until
                                  is         rate
                                                         paid    per annum   maturity
                       #           #            #           #            %      Years
Bank loans   40,799,228   6,000,000   34,799,228           -         5.95          7
Income        20,129,506           -   20,129,506           -         8.00          7
Creditors        993,535           -            -     993,535            -          -
                ---------    --------    ---------   ---------   ----------   --------
as per
Balance       61,922,269   6,000,000   54,928,734     993,535
Sheet           =========    ========    =========   =========   ==========   ========

* Included in investments is a short term debtor amounting to #1,338,984 upon
which interest is received at a fixed rate of 10%.

The interest rate profile of the Group at 31 December 2002 was as follows:

                       Total    Variable    Assets on      Weighted
                                               Rate     which no       average
                                                        interest      interest
                                    is          rate
                                                        received     per annum
                                      #           #            #             %
Financial assets
Freehold investment          49,426,650           -   49,426,650             -
Investments                           -           -            -             -
                               ---------                ---------
Non-current assets           49,426,650      -   49,426,650             -
                               ---------                ---------
Cash and cash equivalents     2,033,744   2,033,744            -           3.0
Debtors                         361,853           -      361,853       -
                               ---------   ---------    ---------      --------
Total assets as per Balance  51,822,247   2,033,744   49,788,503
Sheet                          =========   =========    =========      ========

23. Financial Instruments and Investment Properties (continued)

                   Total   Variable       Fixed  Liabilities   Weighted   Weighted
                               Rate        Rate     which no    average    average
                                                    interest   interest      until
                                                          is       rate
                                                        paid    per   maturity
                       #          #            #           #          %      Years
Bank loans    21,770,514          -   21,770,514    -       6.29          8
Income        20,014,525          -   20,014,525           -       8.00          8
Creditors        599,926          -            -     599,926          -          -
                ---------   --------    ---------    --------   --------   --------
as per
Balance       42,384,965          -   41,785,039     599,926
Sheet           =========   ========    =========    ========   ========   ========

24. Commitments
The Company's subsidiary is committed to pay a final sum of around #0.9m on
completion of a 93,000 sq ft warehouse unit in Worcester which has been let at
circa #477,000 per annum. In December 2002 the Company's subsidiary acquired
land in Guildford for #1.5m and is committed to acquiring a 25,500 sq ft Health
& Fitness club being developed on the land and pre-let to Esporta Health &
Fitness Limited at an initial rent of circa #306,000 per annum. The costs which
will be incurred in 2004 amount to circa #2.3m.

25. Related party
Included in property management expenses is an amount of #83,300 (2002 -
#66,000) payable to Barlows Holdings Limited, a major shareholder in the
Company, in accordance with their property management agreement with the
Company's subsidiary. During the year the Company's subsidiary sold its interest
in Westbury (Eastbourne) Limited to Barlows Holdings Limited for #1 incurring a
loss of #75,964. The debt of #3,987,000 due to the Group from Westbury
(Eastbourne) Limited was repaid n full upon completion of the sale.

Paste the following link into your web browser to download 
the PDF document related to this announcement: 

http://www.rns-pdf.londonstockexchange.com/rns/9417v_annual report and financial statements 2003-2004-2-27.pdf

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Westbury Property Fund (LSE:WPFI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Westbury Property Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Westbury Property Fund (LSE:WPFI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Westbury Property Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.