13 February
("Sunrise" or the
Update - Pioche Sepiolite
Further to its announcement of 27
December 2024, Sunrise Resources plc wishes to advise that it has
now received a data package from Tolsa giving details of
exploration work and results obtained by Tolsa during its
evaluation of the Pioche Sepiolite Project in Nevada,
Sepiolite is an important speciality
clay used mainly for its gelling and absorbing
Data package covers results for all work carried
out by Tolsa since exploration commenced in 2022,
Ø Geological
mapping, trenching, surface sampling, auger drilling (20 holes
drilled in 2023) and sonic drilling (10 holes drilled in
Ø Specialist
testing results for samples from the above field programmes.
Data has been reviewed in conjunction with
sepiolite expert Tom Powell1 with the following
Ø Extensive
sepiolite beds have been discovered over an area of 2.6km x 1.3km
with samples containing up to 92% sepiolite.
Ø Outer
limits of sepiolite deposit not yet defined.
Ø Drill
spacing is too wide (average c. 300m) for effective correlation of
sepiolite beds.
Ø East Mesa
Area is a priority and large target area where the best sepiolite
occurs over a large area (see accompanying map).
Ø Drilling
has not adequately tested the West Mesa (discovery)
Ø Sepiolite
morphology (important for commercial properties) is similar to that
found in the IMV sepiolite mine in the Amargosa Valley, Nevada, but
different to Tolsa's Spanish sepiolite.
No testwork reported by Tolsa to
evaluate the potential for use of Pioche sepiolite for gelling
saltwater in the US oil/gas drilling market, for which Amargosa
Valley-type sepiolite is well suited.
Timing for new market entrant is favourable due
Ø Expectation of a strong increase in oil/gas well drilling
activity under the Trump Administration.
Ø The
existential environmental threats to the Amargosa Valley sepiolite
mine, the only producer of sepiolite in the USA.
1 Tom Powell is an acknowledge expert of speciality clays and
holds patents on the formulation and use of speciality clays in OTC
pharmaceuticals and oil & gas drilling. He was formerly General
Manager of the Amargosa Valley sepiolite mining operations for IMV.
Mr. Powell works with the Company on 20% Finders fee basis in
connection with any income received by the Company from parties he
introduces to the Company.
Commenting today, Executive
Chairman Patrick Cheetham said:
"Our expenditure on this project is less than US$60,000 but it
has so far returned US$150,000 in option fees and the project has
benefited from several hundred thousand dollars of third-party,
non-dilutive expenditure.
"The data we now hold confirms that Tolsa located large
quantities of sepiolite clay over a wide and open-ended area.
Tolsa's drilling, although widely spaced, has defined priority
target areas having potential for future resource definition and a
great springboard for anyone picking up the baton for the further
development of this project.
"The only producing sepiolite deposit in the USA, in the
Amargosa Valley, Nevada has successfully served the US sepiolite
market since the 1970s, first under Gulf Resources ownership, then
under Rio Tinto's ownership, and most recently under the control of
global lime producer Lhoist, but it now faces an existential threat
from encroaching Areas of Critical Environmental
"This paves the way for a new entrant to the US sepiolite
market with new parties showing interest in the Pioche
Project now that Tolsa is no longer involved."
Sunrise Resources plc
Patrick Cheetham, Executive
Tel: +44 (0)1625 838 884
Beaumont Cornish Limited
Nominated Adviser
James Biddle/Roland
Tel: +44 (0)207 628 3396
Peterhouse Capital Limited
Lucy Williams/Duncan
Tel: +44 (0)207 469 0930
Shares in the Company trade on AIM. EPIC:
Website: www.sunriseresourcesplc.com
Beaumont Cornish Limited ("Beaumont
Cornish") is the Company's Nominated Adviser and is authorised and
regulated by the FCA. Beaumont Cornish's responsibilities as the
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and will not be responsible to any other persons for providing
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this announcement or any matter referred to in it.
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The information contained within
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information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU)
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of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service ('RIS'),
this inside information is now considered to be in the public
Qualified Person
The information in this release has
been compiled and reviewed by Mr. Patrick Cheetham (MIMMM, MAusIMM)
who is a qualified person for the purposes of the AIM Note for
Mining and Oil & Gas Companies. Mr. Cheetham is a Member of the
Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining and also a member of
the Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy.
The news release may contain certain
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any updates or revisions to such forward-looking
The Pioche
Sepiolite Project is 100% owned by SR Minerals Inc. ("SRM"), a
Nevada-registered, wholly owned subsidiary of Sunrise Resources
The Project is located in Lincoln
County, Nevada, to the northeast of Pioche, a historic mining town
just off US Route 93. The Company's mining claims are on Federally
owned land administered by the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM").
Access to rail is available at the town of Caliente, 35 miles south
of the project area on Route 93.
Originally documented as a sepiolite
occurrence in the 1970s, the occurrence was relocated by SRM in
2021. In 2022, Tolsa ISA Inc., a US subsidiary of Spanish sepiolite
producer Tolsa SA, entered into an option to purchase agreement
with SRM and explored the property until December 2024 when the
option period expired.
In summer 2022, Tolsa completed a
programme of detailed geological mapping and trenching. This
identified two (possibly three) sub-horizontal and extensive
sepiolite beds outcropping intermittently along the margins of two
mesas now know as the West and East Mesa areas. A silica rich caprock tops the sepiolite at the discovery
location forming low mesas and flattened ridgetops.
Outcrop is generally poor throughout
the claims due to a covering of Quaternary-age soils, sands and
2023 Drilling Campaign
In Summer 2023, Tolsa carried out an
auger drilling programme. Twenty holes with the prefix SR- were
completed for a total 930 ft of drilling and an average per drill
of 47.6 ft.
Drilling was carried out using an
auger rig mounted on a Ford F550 truck. A total of 166 samples were
collected on 5ft auger stems with sample intervals determined by
texture, appearance, colour and lithological differences. From
this, forty samples were submitted to Tolsa in Madrid for initial
2024 Drilling & Trenching Campaign
In order to acquire larger samples
with better depth control and reduced downhole contamination, a
programme of sonic drilling was carried out in July 2024. The
drilling was contracted to Harris Drilling and achieved excellent
recovery of 6-inch diameter core-like samples. Ten holes were
completed, prefixed AF-.
During the 2024 drill programme a
number of excavator pits were also sampled.
Sample Testing Programmes
Tolsa has provided Sunrise with a
database containing sample testing results for various mapping,
trench and drill samples.
The testing, carried out in 2023 and
2024, included:
Ø Chemical
Diffraction ("XRD") (mineral identification, quantification and
Ø Scanning
Electron Microscopy ("SEM")(to determine mineral
Ø Aqueous
Viscosity (to determine gelling characteristics)
Surface Area T
The testing data provided has been
reviewed by Sunrise and Tom Powell.
Chemical analysis and XRD results
were used to calculate sepiolite contents for various surface and
drill samples. Sepiolite content varies from sample to sample, as
is to be expected, but with sepiolite contents up to
The determination of viscosity is a
critical measure to determine the gelling properties of sepiolite
when used as a viscosity modifier. Higher viscosity generally
imparts a higher commercial value.
The best and most consistent aqueous
viscosity results come from the 2022-2023 exploration in the East
Mesa area, notably in Trench 10, the nearest drill holes
SR-14-2023, some 140m away, and SR-25-2023, some 400m further to
the southeast. Both drill holes contains extensive sepiolite beds
with higher viscosities.
No testwork is reported by Tolsa to
evaluate salt-water viscosity. However, this is a key property for
the US oil drilling market where sepiolite is used in drilling muds
to gel saltwater and raise the drill cuttings, a use for which
Amargosa Valley-type sepiolite is well suited.
The 2024 drill holes did not follow
up on the earlier results and were mainly drilled further afield
and to the south-east, as shown in the accompanying map, and no
follow up holes were drilled in the West Mesa Area.
Typically, sepiolite deposits in the
Amargosa Valley are drilled on c.30m centers in order to establish
continuity of sepiolite deposits and to define reserves. The
current drill spacing at Pioche is a c.300m. This is considered to
be too wide for effective correlation of
sepiolite beds.
Tolsa has drilled only one hole in
the West Mesa Area and both the East and West Mesa areas are
priority areas for future evaluation.
The sepiolite morphology at Pioche,
disclosed by SEM, is similar to Amargosa Valley sepiolite and will
likely require similar established processing
The BET-Surface Area of measured
Pioche samples is within the mid-range for commercial sepiolite
The timing for a new entrant to the
sepiolite market in Nevada is favourable. Increased oil/gas well
drilling is expected under the Trump administration. At the same
time, the only US sepiolite producer in the Amargosa Valley is
under existential threat as it is unable to replenish reserves due
to the encroachment of Areas of Critical Environmental
Auger drilling: a method of
drilling where the ground is penetrated by and sample recovered on
a helical screw. Suitable for shallow reconnaissance drilling of
unconsolidated materials. The drill hole is not cased (enclosed)
and so is susceptible to wall rock contamination and poor
Sonic Drilling: A method of
drilling where a hollow drill stem is vibrated at high frequency
under load penetrating and sometimes under rotation, penetrating
the ground and recovering an uncontaminated sample. Ideally suited
for drilling clays where the samples are recovered as solid cores
or plugs.
X-RAY Diffraction: a
non-destructive analytical technique used to determine physical
properties such as crystal structure which is used and identify
semi-quantitatively the minerals present in a sample.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): a powerful analytical technique to perform analysis on a wide
range of materials, at high magnifications, and to produce high
resolution images of morphology.
Viscosity: a
measure of a water based fluid's resistance to a change in
shape or to movement of its neighbouring portions relative to one
another. In this case it is the viscosity measured when a given
amount of sepiolite is dispersed in water.
BET-Surface Area: a measurement
of the specific surface area of a solid material expressed in
m2/g. Sepiolite has a high BET-Surface Area.