LEI: 213800WTQKOQI8ELD692 
   OneSavings Bank plc 
   (the Company) 
   2019 Annual Report and Accounts 
   The following regulated information, disseminated pursuant to DTR6.3.5, 
comprises the 2019 Annual Report and Accounts which was sent to 
shareholders of the Company on 31 March 2020. A copy of the Annual 
Report and Accounts is available at 
   OneSavings Bank plc 
   Nickesha Graham-Burrell 
   Head of Company Secretariat                                         t: 
01634 835 796 
   Robin Wrench / Simone Selzer                                       t: 
020 7404 5959 
   Notes to Editors 
   About OneSavings Bank plc 
   OneSavings Bank plc (OSB) began trading as a bank on 1 February 2011 and 
was admitted to the main market of the London Stock Exchange in June 
2014 (OSB.L). OSB joined the FTSE 250 index in June 2015. On 4 October 
2019, OSB acquired Charter Court Financial Services Group plc (CCFS) and 
its subsidiary businesses. OSB is a specialist lending and retail 
savings Group authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority, part of 
the Bank of England, and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 
and Prudential Regulation Authority. 
   OneSavings Bank 
   OSB primarily targets market sub-sectors that offer high growth 
potential and attractive risk-adjusted returns in which it can take a 
leading position and where it has established expertise, platforms and 
capabilities. These include private rented sector Buy-to-Let, commercial 
and semi-commercial mortgages, residential development finance, bespoke 
and specialist residential lending, secured funding lines and asset 
   OSB originates mortgages organically via specialist brokers and 
independent financial advisers through its specialist brands including 
Kent Reliance for Intermediaries, InterBay Commercial and Prestige 
Finance. It is differentiated through its use of highly skilled, bespoke 
underwriting and efficient operating model. 
   OSB is predominantly funded by retail savings originated through the 
long-established Kent Reliance name, which includes online and postal 
channels, as well as a network of branches in the South East of England. 
Diversification of funding is currently provided by securitisation 
programmes, the Term Funding Scheme  and the Bank of England Indexed 
Long-Term Repo operation. 
   Charter Court Financial Services Group 
   CCFS focuses on providing Buy-to-Let and specialist residential 
mortgages, mortgage servicing, administration and credit consultancy and 
retail savings products. It operates through its three brands -- Precise 
Mortgages, Exact Mortgage Experts and Charter Savings Bank. 
   It is differentiated through risk management expertise and best-of-breed 
automated technology and systems, ensuring efficient processing, strong 
credit and collateral risk control and speed of product development and 
innovation. These factors have enabled strong balance sheet growth 
whilst maintaining high credit quality mortgage assets. 
   CCFS is predominantly funded by retail savings originated through its 
Charter Savings Bank brand. Diversification of funding is currently 
provided by securitisation programmes, the Term Funding Scheme and the 
Bank of England Indexed Long-Term Repo operation. 
   who we are 
   OneSavings Bank ('OSB') is a leading specialist mortgage lender, 
primarily focused on carefully selected segments of the mortgage market. 
Our specialist lending is supported by our Kent Reliance and Charter 
Savings Bank retail savings franchises. Diversification of funding is 
provided by sophisticated securitisation platforms. 
   OSB's unique cost-efficient operating model is supported by our 
wholly-owned subsidiary OSBIndia. 
   On 4 October 2019, OSB combined with Charter Court Financial Services 
Group plc ('CCFS'), bringing increased scale, diversification and 
product capabilities to the Group. 
   Our purpose 
   To become our customers' favourite bank; one that delivers its very best, 
challenges convention and opens doors that others can't. 
   Our strategy 
   } Be a leading specialist lender in our chosen market segments, 
targeting customers in underserved, secured lending market segments that 
offer attractive risk-adjusted returns 
   } Leverage OSB's bespoke, manual underwriting 
   with CCFS' automated risk assessment to offer a full range of specialist 
mortgages to our target market segments through our specialist brands 
   -- Further deepen the relationships and reputation for delivery with our 
      intermediaries increasing breadth of channels to market 
   -- Deliver consistently good value savings products and excellent customer 
      service to build on the Kent Reliance and Charter Savings Bank 
   -- Pursue sophisticated wholesale funding and active balance sheet 
      management opportunities 
   View more online 
   Our investor site gives you direct access to a wide range of information 
about OSB: 
   To find out more about our strategy, see Strategic framework on page 24 
   Why invest in OSB? 
   } Market-leading customer propositions 
   } Experienced leadership team 
   } Experts in specialist lending market segments, including professional 
   } Sustainable growth, margin and returns 
   } Strong risk management framework 
   } Capital strength 
   On 4 October 2019, OneSavings Bank plc ('OSB') combined with Charter 
   Gross new lending 
   Net loan book 
   Court Financial Services Group plc ('CCFS'), creating a leading 
specialist lender. 
   As a result, throughout this Strategic Report, in addition to statutory 
results, we also present pro forma underlying results. 
   Read more on page 46 
   +36%                         +10%                                                  +105%                        +16% 
   Net interest margin 
   Cost to income ratio 
   +4pts                   +1pt 
   } Group statutory 2019 
   } Group statutory 2018 
   } Group pro forma underlying 2019 
   } Group pro forma underlying 2018 
   Loan loss ratio                                              Profit before tax                                          Basic EPS 
   (pence per share) 
   Return on equity 
   Explanation of statutory 
   and pro forma underlying results 
   Fully loaded Common Equity Tier 1 ratio 
   Statutory results 
   In this Annual Report, statutory results are the results prepared under 
the requirements of accounting standards and constitute the Financial 
   Statutory results reflect 12 months 
   of OSB's results and CCFS' results from 4 October 2019, the date on 
which the Combination completed and became effective, to 31 December 
2019. The comparative period results reflect 12 
   months of OSB's results only as presented in the OSB 2018 Annual Report. 
   Pro forma underlying results 
   Pro forma underlying results are also presented in the Strategic Report, 
as Management believes they provide a more consistent basis for 
comparing the Group's performance between financial periods. 
   Pro forma underlying results assume that the Combination occurred on 
   1 January 2018, and include 12 months of results from CCFS. They also 
exclude exceptional items, integration costs and other 
acquisition-related items. 
   A reconciliation between results 
   on a pro forma underlying basis and statutory basis is presented on page 
51, and the calculation of APMs is presented in the Appendix on page 
   Full year dividend per share (pence per share) 
   1. To align calculation methods post Combination, OSB amended NIM 
      calculation to include average interest earning assets on a 13 point 
      average from a simple average. The comparative NIM ratio was restated. 
   2. To align calculation methods post Combination, loan loss ratio was 
      amended to include gross loans on a 13 point average from a simple 
      average. The comparative ratio remained unchanged. 
   1. Profit before tax was restated to recognise interest expense on the 
      GBP22m Perpetual Subordinated Bonds previously classified as equity. 
   2. To align calculation methods post Combination, return on equity was 
      amended to include average shareholders' equity on a 13 point average 
      from a simple average. 
   The comparative ratio was restated. 
   It is a year since we announced the 
   Combination and I am particularly pleased that both businesses 
maintained momentum during the process of the transaction. Strong 
financial and operational performances by both OSB and CCFS underpin the 
   first combined results for the Group. 
   As promised, we moved at pace to deliver the Combination and I will 
   you later to the newly combined Board. We have also created a single 
Executive team and are well advanced in merging corporate and support 
   I am confident that we have the right team in place to complete the 
integration and deliver greater shareholder value through the enhanced 
capabilities we have across the Group. We are on target to create a 
leading specialist lender in the UK. 
   Focused on our stakeholders 
   Your Board is focused on ensuring that the Group delivers value to all 
   stakeholders -- our customers, our people, our owners, our partners and 
the wider community, all within a secure risk management framework. On 
page 89 we talk in more detail about our stakeholder approach (s.172); 
nonetheless, I would like to highlight a couple of achievements during a 
year of significant change: 
   } Both OSB and CCFS achieved 
   exceptional customer Net Promoter Scores in the year, demonstrating 
strong customer satisfaction, and 
   } Employees also continue to demonstrate their satisfaction and both OSB 
and CCFS were included in the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work 
For in 2019. 
   Board and corporate governance framework 
   Following completion of the Combination, 
   I have the pleasure of introducing the Group's newly combined Board to 
   shareholders. All members are introduced on pages 96 and 97 of this 
Annual Report. Changes were necessary in order to downsize the combined 
Board and we are now at eight people. The combined Board is committed to 
the highest standards of corporate governance and we have made several 
changes to our Board and Committee membership. 
   I would like to thank the Board for its continued dedication during the 
   Combination and the integration work to date. I would also like to 
personally thank Sir Malcolm Williamson, who recently retired from his 
role as Non- Executive Chairman of the Board, for his contribution to 
CCFS and OSB and for his stewardship that led to the successful 
combination of the two groups. I would also like to thank Eric Anstee, 
Rod Duke, 
   Tim Brooke, Margaret Hassall and 
   Ian Ward, who have stood down from the Board or are not standing for 
election or re-election at the AGM, for their significant contributions 
to OSB and CCFS; Eric as previous Chair of the OSB Audit Committee, Rod 
as Senior Independent Director for OSB, Margaret as a member of various 
Committees for OSB and Tim and Ian for their contributions to CCFS. 
   Dividend proposal 
   I am pleased to welcome all of our new shareholders to the register. In 
recognition of the Group's continued excellent progress and confidence 
in its future prospects, the Board is recommending the payment of a 
final dividend of 11.2 pence per share. Together with the interim 
dividend of 4.9 pence per share, this brings the total ordinary dividend 
for the year to 16.1 pence per share. 
   Future prospects 
   The economic outlook remains uncertain, as it has been since the 
decision to 
   leave the European Union was taken. Negotiations regarding trade deals 
and our ongoing commercial relationships continue. The potential impact 
of the Coronavirus on the global and UK economies is also very uncertain 
at this time. However, we have continued to deliver excellent business 
growth and increased returns. Now, with greater scale, enhanced 
underwriting capabilities and leading positions in the market segments 
we serve, we are better positioned to deliver attractive, sustainable 
   for our shareholders, across the cycle. 
   Before I go, I cannot leave without mentioning the obvious; the critical 
importance of all my colleagues (wherever they are based, in the UK or 
in India) to the success of the business. I do so unashamedly and 
   would like to thank all of you for your dedicated contribution during 
2019. You are building a fantastic business. 
   David Weymouth 
   Non-Executive Chairman 
   19 March 2020 
   The rationale behind the Combination 
   -- Create a leading specialist lender in the UK with greater scale and 
      resources to deploy on growth opportunities. 
   -- Leverage complementary strengths to create a comprehensive and 
      diversified platform across product capabilities, brands and team 
   -- Leverage complementary underwriting capabilities to enhance the customer 
   -- Establish well-balanced, resilient and diversified retail-wholesale 
      funding platform. 
   -- Maintain two leading, independent distribution platforms to create an 
      enhanced proposition to the broker community. 
   } Maintain operational centres of excellence 
   to drive service levels and platform efficiency. 
Resources and relationships 
      Brands and heritage 
       We have a family of specialist 
       lending brands targeting 
       selected segments of the 
       mortgage market underserved 
       by large 
       and medium UK banking 
       institutions, as well 
       as our savings franchises 
       through Kent Reliance, 
       with its 
       150-year heritage, and 
       the Charter Savings Bank 
       Our team of highly skilled 
       employees possesses expertise 
       and in-depth knowledge 
       of the property, capital 
       and savings markets, risk 
       assessment and customer 
       We benefit from cost 
       and efficiency advantages 
       provided by our wholly- 
       owned subsidiary OSBIndia 
       as well as credit expertise 
       and mortgage administration 
       services provided by Exact 
       Mortgage Experts. 
      Relationships with intermediaries 
       Our strong and deep relationships 
       with mortgage intermediaries 
       that distribute our products 
       continue to win us 
       industry recognition. 
      Capital strength 
       We have a strong CET1 
       ratio and proven capital 
       generation and 
       management capability 
       to support significant 
       loan book 
       growth through profitability. 
      Sophisticated funding platform 
       Our key strengths 
       --    Stable savings funding via Kent Reliance and Charter 
             Savings Bank brands 
       --    Capital markets expertise with securitisation 
             platforms allowing for programmatic issuance of high 
       quality residential mortgage-backed securities ('RMBS') 
      Statutory retail deposits 
       2018: GBP8.1bn 
      Specialist lending business 
       Our key strengths 
       } Strong levels of mortgage origination 
       } Excellent loan performance 
       } Award-winning product propositions 
       } Strong relationships with intermediaries 
      Statutory net loans to customers 
       2018: GBP9.0bn 
      Unique operating model 
       Our key strengths 
       --    OSBIndia: Best-in-class customer service 
       --    Exact Mortgage Experts: credit expertise and mortgage 
             administration service 
       --    Continued, disciplined cost management 
      Statutory cost to income ratio 
       2018: 28% 
   Strategic priorities 
   -- Provide cost-efficient funding through a resilient and diversified 
      funding platform to support our future growth 
   -- Deliver consistently good value savings products to our customers 
   -- Pursue sophisticated wholesale funding markets and efficient balance 
      sheet management 
   Strategic priorities 
   -- Be a leading specialist lender in our chosen market segments 
   -- Retain focus on our complementary underwriting platforms: OSB's bespoke 
      and manual and CCFS' automated risk assessment platforms 
   -- Further deepen relationships and distribution with intermediaries 
   Strategic priorities 
   -- Continue to leverage our unique and cost-efficient operating model 
   -- Leverage deep credit expertise and data analytics of Exact Mortgage 
   -- Maintain an efficient, scalable and resilient infrastructure 
   2018: 13 securitisations worth GBP4.2bn 
   Assets administered by Exact as at 
   31 December 2019 
   2018: GBP7.8bn 
   (pro forma underlying) 
Outcomes and value creation 
For shareholders 
Statutory          Dividend per 
 basic EPS          share 
 52.6p              16.1p 
For customers 
OSB customer       OSB customer 
 NPS1               retention2 
 +66                91% 
CCFS customer      CCFS 
 NPS1               retention2 
 +72                88% 
For intermediaries 
OSB broker         CCFS broker 
 NPS1               NPS1 
 +27                +18 
For employees 
Total number       Number of 
 of employees       Group employees 
 at the end         promoted in 
 of 2019            2019 
 1,834              206 
For communities 
Pro forma underlying sponsorship 
 and donations3 
  1. OSB customer score 
  relates to Kent Reliance 
  savings customers; CCFS 
  customer NPS relates to 
  Charter Savings Bank customers; 
  OSB broker NPS relates 
  to Kent Reliance brokers 
  and CCFS broker NPS relates 
  to Precise Mortgage brokers. 
  2 Retention is defined 
  as average maturing fixed 
  contractual retail deposits 
  that remain with the Bank 
  on their maturity date. 
  3. Includes pre-Combination 
  donations from CCFS. 
   Specialist lending 
   Buy-to-Let/SME sub-segments 
   Residential sub-segments 
   Gross loan book1 
   2018: GBP9.0bn 
   We provide loans to limited companies and individuals, secured on 
residential property held for investment purposes. We target experienced 
and professional landlords or high net worth individuals with 
   Residential development 
   We provide development loans to small and medium- sized developers of 
residential property. 
   Funding lines 
   First charge 
   We provide loans to individuals, secured by a first charge against their 
residential home. 
   Our target customers include those with a high net worth and complex 
income streams. 
   Funding lines 
   We provide funding lines to non-bank lenders who operate in 
high-yielding, specialist sub- segments  such as residential bridge 
   2018: GBP3.0bn 
   property portfolios. 
   Commercial mortgages 
   We provide loans to limited companies and individuals, 
   We provide loans to non-bank finance companies secured against 
portfolios of financial assets, principally mortgages and leases. 
   Asset finance 
   We are also experts in shared ownership, lending to first-time buyers 
and key workers buying a property in conjunction with a housing 
   Second charge 
   Net interest 
   secured on commercial and 
   We provide loans to individuals 
   2018: GBP286m 
   semi-commercial properties held for investment purposes or for 
   We provide loans under hire purchase, leasing and refinancing 
arrangements to UK SMEs and small corporates to finance 
business-critical assets. 
   seeking to raise additional funds secured by a second charge against 
their residential home. 
   Sophisticated funding platform 
   Statutory retail deposits 
   2018: GBP8.1bn 
   Securitisations since 2013 across OSB and CCFS worth over 
   Retail savings Online 
   Kent Reliance is our award- 
   winning retail savings franchise with over 150 years of heritage, 
attracting retail savings deposits via the internet. 
   Charter Savings Bank is a multi- award-winning online bank providing a 
range of competitive savings products. 
   D irect 
   The direct channel sources savings products via telephone (Kent 
Reliance) and post 
   (Kent Reliance and Charter Savings Bank). 
   High street branches 
   Our Kent Reliance branded network operates in the South East of England 
and offers a variety of fixed, notice, easy access and regular savings 
products, including ISAs. 
   Charter Mortgage Funding ('CMF') franchises, completing 12 
securitisations worth more than GBP3.8bn since 2013 to 
   31 December 2019. 
   OSB issued its inaugural securitisation under Canterbury Finance in July 
2019, having previously issued two securitisations in the 
   Rochester programme. 
   Specialist lending business 
   Gross loan book2 
   2018: GBP6.7bn 
   Organic originations2 
   2018: GBP2.8bn 
   Net interest income2 
   2018: GBP181m 
   We provide products to professional and non- professional landlords with 
good quality credit history, through a wide product offering, including 
personal and limited company ownership and lifetime trackers. 
   We provide a range of competitive products to prime borrowers, complex 
prime borrowers (including self-employed, Help to Buy, Right to Buy and 
new-build) and near-prime borrowers. 
   We offer products with flexible features, focusing on lending to prime 
borrowers only, for customers who need to fund short-term cash flow 
needs, for example, to cover light 
   and heavy refurbishments, home improvements, auction purchases and also 
to 'bridge' delays in obtaining mortgages and 'chain breaks'. 
   Second charge 
   We offer loans to prime residential and Buy-to-Let customers, with low 
loan- to-value ratios, who require additional capital and who wish to 
secure a loan with a charge against a property which is already charged 
   to another lender. 
   Unique operating model 
   Statutory cost to income ratio 
   2018: 28% 
   Assets administered by Exact 
   2018: GBP7.8bn (pro forma underlying) 
   OSBIndia ('OSBI') is a wholly- owned subsidiary based in Bangalore, 
   OSBI puts customer service at the heart of everything it does, 
demonstrated by our excellent customer Net Promoter Score. 
   Various functions are also supported by OSBI, including support services, 
operations, IT, finance and human resources. 
   We have a one team approach between the UK and India. 
   OSBI operates a fully paperless office -- all data and processing are in 
the UK. 
   Our vision is to become our customers' favourite bank; one that delivers 
its very best, challenges convention and opens doors that others can't. 
   Strong relationships, built on regular engagement with all our 
stakeholders, are fundamental to achieving this vision, central to the 
Group's culture and embedded 
   in the Board's responsibilities. 
   The Combination with CCFS extended 
   In addition, the Management and the Board engage with customers through 
   the Kent Reliance Provident Society ('KRPS') which conducts customer 
engagement activity studies for OSB. During 2019 KRPS conducted six such 
   For further information on how we focused on being our savings 
customers' favourite bank in the year, see page 76. 
   As a result of the Combination with CCFS, we welcomed new investors to 
OSB Group and some of our existing investors increased their holdings. 
   Even though our shareholder register has changed, our approach to 
   our stakeholder reach as we added new colleagues, customers, brokers and 
shareholders. The Board is committed to doing the right thing for all of 
our stakeholders as they fulfil their duty to promote the success of the 
Group under section 172 of the Companies Act 2006. 
   The following pages outline how OSB Group engaged with its key 
stakeholders during the year, which includes information on how the 
Directors have discharged their duty under section 
   172 of the Companies Act 2006. For more information on how the Directors 
discharged their duty under section 172 of the Companies Act 2006, see 
page 89 and the Corporate Governance Report. 
   We pride ourselves on delivering straightforward and transparent 
products and propositions to both our borrowers and our savers. 
   Each time that Kent Reliance savers call 
   or interact with the Bank, we offer them an opportunity to let us know 
how we did. We listen to them and act upon what they tell us. The 
feedback that we regularly gather informs and reflects our unique 
product offering and the excellent customer service we offer. We 
consistently achieve high satisfaction scores and in 2019 the Kent 
Reliance customer Net Promoter Score increased to +66. 
   97% of customers who save via Charter Savings Bank had a good or 
excellent experience with the Bank1 and the Net Promoter Score increased 
to +72 in 2019. 
   Kent Reliance welcomed over 40,000 new savings customers in the year and 
achieved a retention rate of 91%. Charter Savings Bank had nearly 27,000 
new customers join in the year, reflecting our propositions being highly 
valued in the marketplace, with an 88% retention rate. 
   The satisfaction scores, retention rates, together with the number of 
complaints, and how long it took us to resolve them, form part of the 
management and Board monthly reporting packs, ensuring the visibility of 
the customer experience to management. 
   investor engagement has remained straightforward and uncomplicated as we 
favour an open dialogue. 
   The Group's Chief Executive Officer ('CEO') and Chief Financial Officer 
('CFO') are supported by the Investor Relations team and meet with 
institutional investors and sell-side analysts. The Board's primary 
contact with shareholders comes through the CEO and the CFO. The Board 
is also regularly informed by Investor Relations updates which include 
shareholders' feedback, analysts' recommendations and market views. 
   The Annual General Meeting is another opportunity for shareholders to 
engage and it is attended by Board members and Management. 
   As a result of the Combination with CCFS, the Group conducted a 
remuneration consultation regarding the Executive Directors during the 
year, consulting with the top 20 shareholders. This included meetings 
attended by the then Chairman, Sir Malcolm Williamson, and the new 
Chairman, David Weymouth, providing 
   an opportunity to discuss not only the proposed remuneration, but also 
any other topics of interest to our investors. 
   In 2019, for OSB only, the Investor Relations team met 140 individual 
investors at one-to-one meetings, industry conferences and roadshows. 
   Our corporate website contains useful investor information, as well as 
the Group's previous results: www.osb.co.uk/investors 
   For further information on how the Board engaged with the shareholders 
in the year, please see 
   page 108. 
   All of our lending products, with the exception of funding lines and 
residential development loans, are distributed via mortgage brokers. 
Needless to say, mortgage intermediaries are vital 
   to our success. 
   The unique and consistent lending propositions across all lending brands 
fulfil our goal of making it easier for intermediaries to serve our 
borrowers. However, our efforts extend beyond our proposition, as we 
   enhance the service we provide, grow our teams as the number of 
intermediaries grows and regularly engage with 
   the broker community. Our business development managers listen and work 
with intermediaries, making themselves available to discuss cases and 
helping to obtain swift and reliable decisions. 
   The Board and Management track broker satisfaction scores in monthly 
Board reporting packs. The Board is also presented with monthly 
borrowers' satisfaction scores for both the OSB and CCFS brands and 
details of complaints. 
   The OSB Sales team participated in 224 intermediary events and CCFS in 
297 during 2019, interacting with brokers and keeping abreast of 
industry developments and intermediary requirements. The OSB broker NPS 
score was +27 and the CCFS score was +18 for 2019. 
   Our people are our key asset, and our success depends on the talented 
individuals we employ. Following the 
   Combination with CCFS, the talent pool of the combined Group increased 
and at 
   the end of 2019 we had 1,834 employees. 
   We have always favoured two-way communication between management and our 
employees through regular town hall meetings, informal sessions with 
management and opportunities to ask questions anonymously. These 
interactions are a source of many initiatives undertaken throughout the 
   business to make OSB the best workplace it can be. We have introduced 
'OneVoice', a platform for employees to express their ideas and 
feedback. This increases the level of engagement that employees have 
with the Board and operates as a formal forum. The forum meets quarterly 
and representatives from each Group office location gather opinions from 
employees and feed this back to the Board and Executives. 
   What our employees think is paramount to us and we also regularly ask 
for their opinion in Group-wide surveys. Responses from UK employees 
enabled us to enhance the working experience, resulting in 
   both OSB and CCFS being included in The Sunday Times 100 Best Companies 
to Work For in 2019. OSB employees also 
   took part in the Banking Standards Board Survey for the third time. 
OSBIndia was officially certified as a 'Great Place to Work' in 2019. 
Detailed results of these surveys are also discussed by the Board and 
feature frequently on the Board's agenda. 
   For more details on how we strived to make OSB the best workplace it can 
be, see page 77. 
   OSB Group cares about the communities in which it is based. Each year, 
OSB engages with charitable causes in Kent and supports a chosen 
national charity by taking part in a variety of charitable events and 
partnerships. CCFS is heavily involved in the West Midlands community 
and every year supports a chosen local charity. OSBIndia is also active 
in the community local to the office in Bangalore, as well as in areas 
where there are critical needs. 
   In 2019, the combined Group raised 
   GBP398,0002 for its charity partners and 
   our employees dedicated time in a variety of volunteering activities. 
   For more information on how the Group engages with the communities it 
operates in, see page 86. 
   Market review 
   UK Buy-to-Let gross advances 
   Source: UK Finance, New and outstanding Buy-to-Let mortgages, 6 Feb 
   UK average house price inflation 
   Source: ONS, UK House Price Index, 19 Feb 2020. 
   The UK housing and mortgage market 
   For the majority of 2019, the housing market continued to experience 
slowing transaction levels from lacklustre buyer demand as recent trends 
   Political uncertainty surrounding Brexit continued and caused a market 
   with prospective buyers delaying decisions until the outlook became 
clearer. The combination of affordability challenges and low housing 
supply also contributed to slowing levels of transaction activity. 
   House price growth fell with price reductions again seen in some parts 
of London and the South East. 
   However, the year ended on a more buoyant note for the housing market 
following the results of the UK General Election in December 2019. There 
was a boost in market activity in the final weeks of 2019 which has 
continued into 2020, matched by strong house price growth in the first 
month of the year. Reports of both new instructions and new buyer 
enquiries are at their highest level since before the Brexit referendum 
in 2016. As uncertainty reduces, pent-up demand is being released into 
the marketplace. This demand is supported by low mortgage interest 
   rates as competition persists. 
   According to the Bank of England, gross mortgage lending reached 
   in 2019, broadly flat compared with 
   GBP269.3bn in 2018, with refinancing driving lending activity. 
   The UK savings market 
   The UK savings market continued to grow in 2019 with c.GBP71bn added in 
the year to reach a total of GBP1,731bn2 (2018: GBP1,660bn). 
   Despite new competition entering the savings market (6% more providers 
than a year ago2), rates showed a gradual decrease during 2019 as a 
result of economic uncertainty caused in part by concerns around Brexit. 
Average one-year fixed rate bonds were paying 1.23% in December 2019, 
down from an average of 1.45% a year ago, with similar falls seen in the 
longer-term bond market (34bps) and ISA fixed bond markets (17bps for 
one- year ISA and 25bps for longer-term ISAs).2 
   Average rates also fell on no-notice accounts, down from 0.63% to 0.60% 
at the end of 2019, with 'top of the market' rates falling by c. 15bps.2 
Although the Bank of England base rate has remained at 0.75% since 
August 2018, the percentage of accounts paying over base rate has now 
fallen to 68.7%, the lowest percentage since September 2018.2 
   Despite the falling interest rates, variable rate products continued to 
be popular with growth of GBP25bn2 in the year, 35% of total growth, as 
customers sought flexibility and accessibility of their funds over 
higher returns, potentially reflecting the macroeconomic uncertainty 
during the year. 
   Aside from the rates offered, other trends in the savings market 
   -- the growth of platforms in the UK, which offer a marketplace for savings 
      products and a 'one-stop shop' for consumers to maximise their Financial 
      Services Compensation Scheme coverage while benefiting from competitive 
      deposit rates, and 
   -- a resurgence in ISA accounts has been seen for the first time since the 
      introduction of the personal savings allowance in 2016. 
   The Group's lending segments 
   Positive dynamics for the specialist Buy-to-Let sector 
   Government and regulatory intervention in the Buy-to-Let segment of the 
mortgage market slowed in 2019, following a period of sustained 
regulatory change. The only notable changes during the year were the 
penultimate instalment of the phased tax relief restrictions in April 
(which will be fully implemented from 6 April 2020) and the 
implementation of the Tenant Fees Act on 1 June 2019. 
   Whilst these changes have the potential to disrupt the Buy-to-Let sector, 
the impact 
   is likely to be relatively small against the context of much larger 
   changes in recent years. The culmination of these changes to the 
regulatory and tax landscape has deterred amateur landlords from 
entering the segment, while professional landlords have had to adjust 
their approach by diversifying their portfolios -- benefiting the more 
specialist aspects of the market such as limited company Buy-to-Let and 
high-yielding property types. 
   The private rented sector, however, grew in 2019, showing its sustained 
importance to the UK housing market, and new lending in the Buy-to-Let 
segment increased 1%  to GBP41.0bnfrom GBP40.5bn in 2018.3 Despite a 
softening of house price inflation in 2019, house prices remain high, 
and affordability measures remain stretched, as such, the market for 
rental property is expected to remain strong. Landlord confidence did, 
however, fall in 2019, weighed down by political and economic 
uncertainty, and perhaps exacerbated by the introduction of the Tenant 
Fees Act in June. This 
   could ultimately put upwards pressure on rents as landlords pass on 
increased costs via rent hikes or sell properties, leading to reduced 
supply. However, 2020 has started on a positive note with 
   reduced uncertainty fuelling a rise in sales expectations, consumer 
confidence and housing market indicators. 
   The trend in amateur landlords withdrawing from the market looks set to 
stay, leaving professional landlords, whose primary income is obtained 
from their property portfolio, to pick up the 
   demand. The professional segment, whilst not immune to the changes, has 
persisted because of the strong fundamentals which underpin it: 
sustained demand from tenants, and the potential for long-term capital 
   Borrowing through limited company structures also continues to be a 
feature of the market, with professional landlords continuing to 
mitigate the impact of income tax changes via this route. The Group is a 
respected lender within the specialist Buy-to-Let sector, through its 
Kent Reliance, InterBay Commercial and Precise brands, with a strong 
reputation for limited company lending which has been beneficial to date 
and is expected to continue to be so. 
   Resilience in UK yields 
   Investment in UK commercial property reduced to GBP48.4bn4 in 2019, a 
   of c.GBP11.0bn compared with 2018, although that figure remains above 
the ten-year average. 
   Since the UK General Election, anecdotal evidence suggests increased 
investor activity, and there is optimism that greater political 
certainty could lead to positive investment returns across the sector in 
2020 and during the next five years. 
   The UK remains attractively priced, relative to other European markets, 
largely due to perceived Brexit risk. Overseas investors continued to 
dominate the segment in 2019, increasing market share to 49%,4 with a 
significant rise in North American investors. 
   The office segment performed well 
   in 2019, with rents increasing in central London and other key UK cities, 
while demand for industrial and logistics space is supported by 
continued growth in e-commerce. 
   Once again, the retail property segment is expected to be challenging 
during 2020, with values in high-yielding high streets and shopping 
centres likely to be the hardest hit, and where excess space may need to 
be redeveloped and repositioned for alternative uses. 
   The lending segment is dominated by the high street banks. Opportunity 
exists for specialist lenders, whose manual underwriting approach, and 
willingness to engage in a dialogue to ensure robust 
   understanding of customer requirements, can provide a service 
   Residential development 
   Continued under-supply 
   The UK has experienced a long-term upward trend in real house prices, 
creating affordability problems, as demand for housing outstripped both 
supply and real wage growth. Turnover in the second- hand housing market 
has fallen, resulting in reduced liquidity within this segment. 
   The new-build segment has also been adversely affected, especially in 
London, with some regions structurally reliant on the Government's Help 
to Buy product, which will be restricted to first-time buyers and be 
subject to regional caps from April 2021. The support required by the 
small and medium-sized developers, which form our core audience for 
development finance, will continue to increase as high street lenders 
appear to be pulling away from development finance. 
   Specialist residential lending 
   In spite of support from the Help to Buy scheme, political uncertainty 
and lower remortgage activity impacted the market- wide residential 
sector, which was largely flat in 2019 compared with 2018. 
   The Help to Buy scheme remains popular and has supported strong 
first-time buyer activity in recent years and UK Finance suggests that 
Government support for the scheme has had a material impact on the 
supply of new homes. The Help to Buy scheme was originally due to end in 
2021; however, it has been extended until April 2023 but will be 
restricted to first-time buyers only and regional price caps will 
   be applied. 
   Market analysis by Savills estimates that 36%5 of current Help to Buy 
sales across England could be lost once the new regional house price 
caps are introduced if developers fail to adapt the size of homes they 
   Residential remortgage activity decreased by 1.8% in 2019 to GBP80.2bn6 
compared with GBP81.6bn in 2018. Remortgages 
   have been fuelled by low rates and uncertainty in recent years as 
borrowers looked to lock in their repayments for the medium term. The 
remortgage market slowed throughout 2019 due to the market shift towards 
five-year fixed rate products and the concurrent growth in product 
   The Group targets complex prime borrowers including those with non- 
standard asset and income structures, the self-employed, Help to Buy, 
Right to Buy, new-build and near-prime borrowers as well as those 
seeking shared ownership mortgages. They are ill-served by the 
commoditised and inflexible decision- making processes of mainstream 
   Second charge lending 
   The second charge sector grew strongly  in 2019, with approximately 
GBP1.25bn7 of gross new lending (2018: GBP1.07bn). Growth has been 
supported by increased house prices over the past few years, which 
   has reduced outstanding loan to values, increasing the capital available 
for release via a second charge. Homeowners are also moving less 
frequently, partly due 
   to market uncertainty, and are instead choosing to remain in their 
current property and make home improvements which 
   may be financed by a second charge loan. There is also the potential for 
the growing volume of borrowers on five-year fixed rate mortgages to use 
a second charge mortgage rather than remortgage, to avoid the cost of 
early repayment charges. 
   Funding lines 
   Strong pipeline 
   There are a number of successful non- bank or alternative providers of 
finance to retail and SME customers in the UK. These businesses are 
funded through a variety  of means, including wholesale finance provided 
by banks and securitisation/bond markets, high net worth investors and 
market-based/peer-to-peer platforms. 
   OSB is an active provider of secured funding lines to these specialty 
finance providers, to date focusing on short- term real estate finance, 
leasing and development finance. Through these 
   activities OSB has achieved senior secured exposure at attractive 
returns to asset classes that it knows well. This financing activity 
covers a broad range of business sectors and its overall size is thus 
difficult to quantify. OSB sees a regular flow of opportunities, adopts 
a very selective approach and has a strong pipeline 
   of new business. 
          1. UK Finance, New mortgage lending by purpose of loan, 3 Feb 2020. 
          2. Moneyfacts, UK Savings Trends Treasury Report, Dec 2019. 
          3. UK Finance, New and outstanding buy-to-let mortgages, 6 Feb 2020. 
          4. Savills, UK Commercial outlook, January 2020. 
          5. Savills, Market in Minutes: New Homes and Help to Buy, December 
          6. UK Finance, UK residential originations, 18 February 2020. 
          7. FLA, Second charge mortgage market reports volumes up by 19% in 
             2019, Feb 2020. 
   Chief Executive Officer's statement 
   We successfully completed our Combination with Charter Court 
   We are in the early stages of integration, however, I am pleased with 
progress so far and I am particularly happy to have many talented staff 
from both organisations working really well together to benefit the 
combined Group. 
   The logic for the Combination 
   remains compelling. 
   Andy Golding 
   I am delighted with OneSavings Bank's achievements in 2019 and 
particularly pleased that we successfully completed our Combination with 
Charter Court Financial Services Group plc ('CCFS'), whilst delivering 
strong results for the year, in both Banks. We are in the early stages 
   of integration, however, I am pleased with progress so far and I am 
   happy to have so many talented staff from both organisations working 
really well together to benefit the combined Group. 
   I am also pleased with progress to date on integration. 
   The logic for the Combination remains compelling: to create a leading 
specialist lender, focused on providing fair financial solutions to our 
customers, with greater scale and resources to deploy on growth 
   Statutory pre-tax profit was up 14% to 
   GBP209m for 2019, as a result of strong growth at attractive margins and 
the inclusion of CCFS' profits from the date 
   of Combination, more than offsetting the impact of exceptional items, 
integration costs and other acquisition-related adjustments. Despite the 
increase in profit, statutory basic earnings per share decreased by 5% 
to 52.6 pence per share, due to the increased share count post 
Combination. On a pro forma underlying basis, profit before tax and 
basic earnings per share both increased by 9%, due to strong growth at 
attractive margins and continued cost-efficiency and discipline. 
   Statutory net interest margin ('NIM') for 2019 reduced to 243bps (2018: 
restated 305bps1), primarily due to the dilutive impact of including 
CCFS' results post Combination and the impact of the changing mix of the 
OSB loan book, despite broadly stable asset pricing. 
   The CCFS business has a lower NIM than the OSB business and statutory 
NIM in 2019 was also negatively impacted by the amortisation of the fair 
value uplift on acquisition of the CCFS loan book. The mix of the OSB 
loan book continued to change as the higher yielding back book 
refinanced onto front book pricing. The impact of this mix effect had 
largely run its course by the end of the first half, assuming stable 
mortgage pricing, cost 
   of funds and swap spreads going forward. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis NIM was 266bps (2018: 286bps) and 
reflected the changing asset mix of the OSB loan book and marginally 
higher cost of funds of CCFS' business. 
   Our customer-focused propositions are designed to position the Group as 
a credible partner of choice with 
   intermediaries in the specialist mortgage markets in which we operate. 
The complementary nature of OSB's bespoke, manual underwriting approach 
and CCFS' automated risk assessment, together with strong risk 
management and enhanced stress testing, give us 
   a deep understanding of our lending market segments. 
   We strengthened our funding model during the year as OSB returned to the 
securitisation market with our inaugural transaction under the 
self-originated Canterbury Finance programme, and CCFS successfully 
executed a transaction in its Buy-to-Let PMF programme. The expertise in 
securitisation funding and balance sheet management is a capability that 
has been enhanced through the Combination and demonstrates efficiency in 
accessing the capital markets. I am pleased that in early 2020, we had 
the opportunity to execute further transactions, demonstrating our 
agility in this market by selling notes we held from the Canterbury 
securitisation generating a gain on sale of c. GBP18m. 
   In addition, the Group sold its entire economic interest in PMF 2020-1B 
resulting in a gain of GBP2m on a statutory basis 
   and GBP15m on an underlying basis. 
   An award-winning secured lender 
   Through the Combination and underlying growth, the Group's statutory 
loan book more than doubled in 2019 to GBP18.4bn. On a pro forma 
underlying basis, it grew by 16% from GBP15.6bn in 2018, or 23% 
excluding the impact of structured asset sales in CCFS. 
   Mortgage originations in the year were 
   GBP6.5bn for the combined Group on a pro forma underlying basis. Such 
strong new business volumes reflect the 
   attractiveness of our lending propositions to borrowers, particularly to 
professional landlords, and the excellent levels of customer service the 
Banks provide. 
   Our Buy-to-Let businesses grew in the year 
   as landlords continued to professionalise 
   Our target market of professional/ multi-property landlords accounted 
for 81% of completions by value for 
   OSB during 2019, with a continued high proportion of professional 
landlords choosing to remortgage with us as their existing mortgage 
reaches maturity. 
   This performance demonstrates the success of our Choices programme and 
the sustainable strength of OSB's proposition, in particular our 
specialist, manual underwriting, as well as our deep and historical 
relationships with mortgage intermediaries. 
   The OSB Buy-to-Let sub-segment gross loan book grew by 19% to GBP7,727m 
   GBP6,518m in 2018. 
   The commercial sub-segment of Buy- to-Let/SME, which lends through the 
   "Strong new business volumes reflect attractive lending propositions." 
   and look for a reliable lender with 
   specialism and expertise in lending to limited companies and portfolio 
landlords. Both OSB and CCFS have distinct, but complementary, 
propositions in their 
   InterBay brand, had a very successful year, with the loan book reaching 
GBP888m at 31 December 2019 (2018: GBP548m), 
   an increase of 62%. We used our strong understanding of this sub-segment 
   target lending market segments, meaning 
   different customer and intermediary preferences can be satisfied, 
ensuring the Group can maximise its share of new originations. We intend 
to preserve and build on the value of OSB's and CCFS' individual lending 
brands through a multi-brand lending strategy. 
   OSB and CCFS have further strengthened broker networks and relationships 
with mortgage intermediaries in the year, especially amongst those that 
support borrowers with more complex needs. 
   The Combination allows us to underwrite a wider range of customer cases 
than would have been possible as standalone businesses. On a pro forma 
underlying basis, the Group sustained its market share as industry-wide 
gross Buy-to-Let advances reached GBP41bn2 in the year. 
   For 2019, the Group reported under two segments: OSB and CCFS. 
   The OSB's Buy-to-Let/SME sub-segment performed well during 2019, with 
new Buy-to-Let/SME mortgage originations 
   of GBP2.8bn, as we continued to target both professional, large 
portfolio landlords and those investing in commercial and semi- 
commercial property. 
   and our investment in products, service and innovation to build a 
proposition that proved increasingly popular with commercial borrowers. 
In 2019, we further increased distribution among our intermediaries who 
focus more on this market sub-segment. This business lends at sensible 
loan to values ('LTVs'), and generates strong returns on a risk- 
adjusted basis. 
   We continue to be cautious in our approach to asset finance, however, 
InterBay Asset Finance performed well in the year as 
   we saw high-quality opportunities. 
   OSB's Heritable Development Finance business provides development 
finance to small and medium-sized residential developers operating in 
areas of the UK where demand for housing is consistently 
   strong. The business had commitments to finance the development of just 
over 2,000 residential units as at the end of 2019. 
   The Bank's secured funding lines business in both Buy-to-Let/SME and 
Residential segments continued to grow, with cautious risk fundamentals 
applied. Total commitments have increased by 31% to 
   GBP571m, with total loans outstanding of 
   GBP234m. This increase was due to increased commitments with certain 
existing customers and three new funding lines were added during the 
   The OSB residential net loan book grew by 14% to GBP1,837m (2018: 
   largely through increased originations, as we saw attractive 
opportunities in more complex prime and second charge 
   segments and the products we introduced in 2018 continued to prove 
popular with our borrowers. 
   CCFS originated GBP1.9bn of new Buy-to-Let 
   CCFS bridging finance activities maintained their focus on high-quality 
lending in the year, and as a consequence saw strong repayments as well 
as originations, leading to a reduction in net loans of 12% to GBP214m 
during the full year on a pro forma underlying basis. We chose to be 
cautious and did not react to increased price competition during the 
   Both segments concentrate on new and existing customers, investing in 
and improving our sales capability 
   across our brands. We continued to gain recognition from mortgage 
customers and intermediaries, and in 2019 we won multiple awards. For 
OSB these included Best Buy-to-Let Lender and Best Specialist Lender 
from Mortgage Strategy Awards. I am particularly pleased that Kent 
   was awarded Best Specialist Lender from 
   mortgages on a pro forma underlying basis, an increase of 15% from 
GBP1.6bn in 2018. This growth reflects the continuing demand, whilst 
maintaining a disciplined approach to underwriting. As with OSB, 
   CCFS observed a continued trend that is supportive of professional 
landlords, with increased use of limited company structures and a move 
towards higher 
   yielding property types. CCFS proactively improved service standards 
early in 
   the year, which was well received by intermediaries. As a result, CCFS 
was ranked highly according to research by BVA BDRC, as the lender 
mortgage intermediaries are most likely to recommend to portfolio 
   The CCFS residential net loan book grew by 27% to GBP2,167m on a pro 
   underlying basis, despite a small reduction in originations, as no 
portfolio asset sales took place in the year and there were fewer 
maturities in the portfolio. We focused on segments of residential 
lending where competitive pressure has not seen significant margin 
erosion, such as self- employed applicants. CCFS' second charge 
originations performed strongly with an increase of 44% in the year on a 
pro forma underlying basis, as both products and distribution were 
   the UK's largest mortgage distributor: L&G Mortgage Club. Our more 
specialist businesses were also recognised with the Bridging Funding 
Partner of the Year award from Bridging and Commercial 
   Awards. CCFS was recognised by Mortgage Introducer, being named as both 
Mortgage Lender of the Year and Specialist Lender of the Year. 
   Through OSB's mortgage product transfer scheme, Choices, the proportion 
of borrowers who choose a new product within three months of their 
initial product ending remained strong at around 69% by December 2019. 
This is driven by success in highlighting opportunities available to 
borrowers who might otherwise leave 
   the Group and enables them to actively choose appropriate mortgage 
pricing and features. 
   We are excited about opportunities arising from the Combination with 
CCFS and continue to believe in the advantages that will come from a 
more resilient, diversified funding platform, together with greater 
scale and resources. We now have a larger footprint in the UK Buy-to-Let 
and residential markets, with an enhanced proposition to the broker 
community to ensure we remain at the forefront of UK specialist mortgage 
   Sophisticated funding model 
   Through the Combination with CCFS we brought together OSB's established 
Kent Reliance retail deposit franchise with Charter Savings Bank's 
   deposit platform, and CCFS' sophisticated securitisation funding and 
   sheet management. These capabilities create a more resilient and 
diversified funding platform to support our future growth, with cost 
efficient funding for the combined Group. 
   The combined Group remained predominantly retail funded in 2019 and we 
had GBP16bn of retail deposits at the end of 2019. On a pro forma 
underlying basis, retail deposits were up 23% from GBP13bn at the end of 
2018. We offer a competitive retail savings proposition, which allows 
the Group to raise significant funds as we require them. Over 40,000 new 
savings customers joined Kent Reliance in 2019 and Charter Savings Bank 
grew customer numbers by nearly 27,000 for the full year of 2019. Our 
vision remains to become our customers' favourite bank and we 
   continue to put our customers at the heart of everything we do. This was 
   in a retention rate of 91% amongst Kent Reliance customers with maturing 
fixed rate bonds and ISAs and a Net Promoter Score ('NPS') of +66 for 
the year. 97% of Charter Savings Bank's customers had 
   a good or excellent experience with the Bank3 and the NPS was 
exceptional, at 
   +72 for 2019. Charter Savings Bank had a retention rate of 88% at the 
end of 2019. 
   I am delighted that Kent Reliance was highly commended with the Savers' 
Choice Award by Savings Champion and we won Best Business Easy Access 
Account Provider, also from Savings Champion. 
   CCFS won ISA Provider of the Year and Best Bank Savings Provider from 
Moneyfacts and Best Savings Provider from Savings Champion amongst 
   Our enhanced wholesale funding platforms enable us to maintain 
optionality and benefit from the potential to execute structured balance 
sheet management transactions across the combined Group's enlarged 
balance sheet. Our track record in 2019 was impressive; CCFS 
successfully executed a GBP734m securitisation transaction of Buy-to-Let 
mortgages and took advantage of a strong residuals market, generating 
gains of GBP59m on three structured asset sales prior to the 
Combination. In July, OSB completed an inaugural transaction of 
   GBP500m of organically originated Buy-to- Let mortgages. 
   For further information on our securitisation platforms, see page 41 
   We have further demonstrated our expertise in the securitisation market 
post Combination, with additional deals completed in early 2020, 
benefiting from high demand and attractive market pricing. In January 
2020, the Group disposed of its remaining notes under the Canterbury 
securitisation and the notes in PMF 2020-1B. The capability 
   and experience of CCFS in sophisticated securitisation funding and 
balance sheet management have been adopted across the Group and pave the 
way for future transactions. 
   Retail savings and securitisation funding were complemented in the year 
by the Bank of England's funding schemes; drawdowns under the Term 
Funding Scheme remained unchanged for OSB and CCFS at GBP1.5bn and 
GBP1.1bn, respectively, and Indexed Long-Term Repo borrowings were 
GBP160m and GBP130m for OSB and CCFS, respectively as at 31 December 
   In addition, through the Combination, the Group now has access to 
contingent wholesale funding, with a total of up to 
   GBP600m available to it through warehouse facilities, GBP94m of which 
was utilised at the year end. 
   Our strong and sustainable business 
   The Combination provides  opportunities to create centres of excellence 
for core processes and capabilities on a best-in- class basis across 
OSB's and CCFS' existing locations in Chatham, Wolverhampton and India. 
This work is fully underway and we will report on progress later in the 
   The combined Group achieved a statutory cost to income ratio of 32% for 
the year, 29% on a pro forma underlying basis, reflecting our efficient 
and scalable operating platform, despite additional investment in the 
business, including 
   our ongoing Internal Ratings-Based ('IRB') projects. We also continued 
with improvements to our technology infrastructure. As ever, we focus on 
   delivering further efficiencies in the cost of running the Bank on a 
'business as usual' basis, through continued disciplined cost management, 
benefits of scale and leveraging our unique operating platform 
   in India ('OSBI'), as well as delivering on the synergies identified due 
to the Combination. 
   OSBI undertakes a range of primary processing  services at a 
significantly lower cost than an equivalent UK-based operation, whilst 
delivering consistently high-quality service levels. I am especially 
pleased that we continue to achieve 
   this whilst maintaining our focus on our customer-led vision, borne out 
by an increase in customer NPS to an outstanding +66 in 2019 (2018: 
   Both OSB and CCFS are working towards IRB applications and we remain 
pleased with the progress made and are seeing benefits from using the 
enhanced risk models developed as part of the process. We remain of the 
view that achieving 
   IRB will be beneficial to the Group's capital requirements, especially 
under the new calibrations and final IRB output floors 
   as outlined in Basel III. 
   "The expertise in securitisation            The Group continued to 
exercise strong 
   2019 was a year of significant change for the Group and I would like to 
thank my colleagues for their hard work and continued commitment 
throughout the year. I look forward to us all working together for a 
successful future. 
   Looking forward to 2020 
   I am delighted that the Combination with CCFS was successfully completed 
and that all the hard work to achieve it did not distract the OSB and 
CCFS teams from continuing to develop, manage and 
   grow the underlying businesses, achieving strong levels of originations 
during the year. We have made good progress to date on the integration. 
   The UK and global economies are currently experiencing unprecedented 
uncertainty stemming from COVID-19. Whilst we entered the year with a 
robust pipeline, 
   funding and balance sheet management is a capability that has been 
enhanced through the Combination..." 
   diligence over loan and customer assessment. The Group's statutory loan 
loss ratio of 13bps as at 31 December 2019 (2018: 10bps) includes an 
additional provision due to the initial recognition 
   of expected credit losses on CCFS' loan book and reflects an alignment 
of IFRS 9 modelling methodologies. It also includes the impact of a 
number of high-value Buy-to-Let cases in OSB having Law of Property Act 
('LPA') receivers appointed during the first half of 2019, which 
attracted higher provision requirement under the IFRS 9 modelling 
   During the second half of 2019, the number of LPA appointments 
   The weighted average LTV of OSB's mortgage book remained low at 68% at 
the end of 2019, with an average LTV of 70% on new origination during 
the year. CCFS had similarly low LTVs with the overall book weighted 
average LTV of 70% and 71% for new origination in the year on a pro 
forma underlying basis. 
   strong application levels in our core businesses and stable margins, it 
is too soon to say what the impact will be and we therefore consider it 
imprudent to provide forward guidance for 2020. 
   We enter this period of uncertainty as an enlarged business with the 
strength of our combined lending and funding franchises, robust capital 
position, secured loan book and strong risk management capabilities. 
   Andy Golding 
   Chief Executive Officer 
   19 March 2020 
   1. To align calculation methods post Combination, OSB amended NIM 
      calculation to include average interest earning assets on a 13 point 
      average from a simple average. The comparative NIM was restated. 
   2. UK Finance, New and outstanding buy-to-let mortgages,  6 Feb 2020 
   3. Based on the Charter Savings Bank Customer Satisfaction Survey 
conducted throughout 2019. 
   Our strategic framework 
   Our vision is to become our customers' favourite bank; one that delivers 
its very best, challenges convention and opens doors that others can't. 
                              Specialist lending business                                    Specialist lending business 
  Priorities                  Be a leading specialist                                         Focus on automated and 
  Our goals                   lender in our chosen market                                     bespoke manual underwriting 
                              segments                                                        High-quality decisions 
                              Grow loan originations                                          protecting the business 
                              at attractive margins in 
                              our chosen market segments                                      --    Use deep credit experience to deliver high-quality 
                              } Target market segments                                              lending decisions 
                              that offer attractive returns 
                              on a risk-adjusted basis                                        --    Leverage CCFS' automated approach in conjunction with 
                              } Deliver incremental,                                                OSB's skilled manual underwriting capabilities and 
                              non-organic business                                                  in-house real estate expertise 
                              --    Invest in highly responsive, customer-focused culture 
                              --    Innovate to secure sustainable long-term market           --    Deliver a quality, differentiated service supported 
                                    leadership                                                      by highly responsive decision-making 
                                                                                              --    Clear decisions recognised by intermediaries for 
                                                                                                    their quality and fairness -- a critical friend 
  2019 progress 
                                                                                             } The OSB Transactional 
                               --    Organic originations of GBP4.1bn on a statutory          Credit Committee met twice 
                                     basis. On a pro forma underlying basis organic           a week in 2019 to assist 
                                     originations were GBP6.5bn, up 10% from GBP5.9bn in      with more complex or larger 
                                     2018                                                     new mortgage applications 
                                                                                              } Increased stress testing 
                               --    OSB commercial business loan book GBP888m, up 62%        in specialist sub-segments 
                               --    Multiple awards for Kent Reliance including Best 
                                     Specialist Lender and Best Buy-to-Let Lender from 
                                     Mortgage Strategy Awards and Best Specialist Lender 
                                     by the L&G Mortgage Club 
                               --    CCFS was awarded Mortgage Lender of the Year and 
                                     Specialist Lender of the Year by Mortgage Introducer 
  Looking forward 
                              --    Continue to evaluate the attractiveness and growth 
                                    opportunities in our current market sub-segments          --    Bring together OSB's and CCFS' credit experience in a 
                              --    Deploy greater scale and resources on organic growth            best-of-both approach 
                              --    Identify new market sub-segments with high returns on     --    Leverage differentiated but complementary 
                                    a risk-adjusted basis                                           underwriting capabilities to enhance customer 
                              } Identify potential revenue                                          propositions 
                                                                                              --    Increase underwriting efficiency to better serve 
                                                                                                    borrower needs across complementary brands 
                                                                                              --    Create enhanced data insight and analysis by 
                                                                                                    combining OSB and CCFS data sets and analytic 
Key risks 
                              } Market conditions affecting                                  } Changing regulation 
  Key performance indicators   long-term demand                                               for underwriting 
                               } Increased regulatory                                         } More complex underwriting 
                               pressure                                                       requirements 
                               } Continued political and                                      } Difficulty in recruiting 
                               economic uncertainty                                           experienced staff 
                               } New specialist lenders                                       } Increasing intermediary 
                               entering the market                                            demands 
                               Read more on page 26                                           } Demands of ever-changing 
                               Organic originations, pro                                      technology 
                               forma underlying                                               Read more on page 26 
                               GBP6.5bn                                                       Loan loss ratio, 
                               2018: GBP5.9bn                                                 pro forma underlying 
                                                                                              2018: 7bps 
   Specialist lending business         Sophisticated funding platform 
Unique operating model 
   Further deepen relationships and reputation for delivery with 
   Deliver a stable, high- quality diversified funding platform 
   Leverage our unique and cost-efficient operating model 
   Increase partner reach in response to demand 
   } Access to specialist products developed by listening to intermediary 
   } Be accessible and available to intermediaries 
   -- Complementary distribution models for CCFS and OSB brands 
   -- Gain intermediary recognition for delivering sustainable propositions 
   -- Deliver bespoke solutions to meet intermediary and customer needs 
   Expertise in funding options 
   -- Create resilient and diversified funding platform to support future 
      growth and ensure liquidity requirements are met through the economic 
      cycle, and cost of funds is optimised 
   -- Be primarily funded through attracting and retaining a loyal retail 
      savings customer base 
   -- Maintain a sophisticated securitisation funding and balance sheet 
      management capability 
   -- Deliver a proposition offering transparent, straightforward savings 
      products, providing long- term value combined with excellent service 
   Best-in-class customer service 
   -- Have customer service at the heart of everything that we do 
   -- Maintain centres of excellence across OSB's and CCFS' existing locations 
      in Chatham, Wolverhampton and Bangalore, India 
   -- Extend activity in OSBIndia ('OSBI'), developing high-quality areas of 
   -- Deliver cost efficiencies through excellent process design and management 
   -- The Kent Reliance Choices programme had another successful year with 
      retention rates in 2019 of 69% 
   -- CCFS enhanced service standards including direct to broker second charge 
   -- Increased attendance at intermediary events across our target geographies 
      for both CCFS and OSB to 521 in total 
   -- Published thought leadership pieces including periodic market-leading 
      Kent Reliance 'Buy-to-Let Britain' reports 
   -- Gained c. 67,000 new savings customers across both Banks for full year 
   -- Achieved 91% customer retention for Kent Reliance and 88% for Charter 
      Savings Bank 
   -- Charter Savings Bank accessed four new third party funding pools of 
      savings bringing the total to six 
   -- Received multiple awards for savings products, including Best Business 
      Easy Access Account Provider from Savings Champion for Kent Reliance, and 
      Best Bank Savings Provider and ISA Provider of the Year by Moneyfacts for 
      Charter Savings Bank 
   -- Investments in training and process development contributed to enhanced 
      customer NPS of +66 for Kent Reliance and +72 for Charter Savings Bank 
   -- Continued to develop deep credit know-how through proprietary data 
      analytics at Exact Mortgage Experts 
   -- Increased number of employees in OSBI to 490 from 445 in 2018 
   -- Continue to deliver direct relationships with high-quality intermediaries 
   -- Increase breadth of channels to market via the direct to broker and 
      packager channels 
   -- Leverage best practice of CCFS and OSB across the combined Group to 
      maintain and further enhance best-in-class service performance to 
   -- Continue to invest in the established Kent Reliance retail deposit 
   -- Ensure optionality to benefit from the potential to execute structured 
      balance sheet management transactions across the combined Group's 
      enlarged balance sheet 
   -- Utilise CCFS' in-house expertise to enable efficient access to capital 
   -- Use greater scale to deliver efficient, scalable and resilient 
      infrastructure including IT security 
   -- Deliver cost efficiencies and operational enhancements by leveraging 
      OSBI's lending, savings and support operations and capabilities 
   -- Deliver efficiencies and enhanced capabilities in centres of excellence 
   -- Use robotics technology and improve workflows to further enhance primary 
   } Loss of key broker relationships 
   -- Competition reducing pricing below the Group's risk-adjusted return 
   -- More complex underwriting requirements slowing the process 
   } Increased competition for retail funds 
   } Increased customer expectation for technology 
   } Volatility of capital markets 
   -- Increased burden of regulatory compliance -- for example, Open Banking 
      (which currently does not apply to the Group) 
   -- Difficulty in continuous service improvement as OSB grows 
   -- Global economic uncertainty increasing costs in India 
   -- Increasing complexity from compliance with changing regulation 
   } Lack of operational resilience due to rapid growth 
   Read more on page 26                                                          Read more on page 28                                                         Read more on page 30 
   OSB broker NPS         CCFS broker NPS 
   +27                +18 
   2018: +28                           2018: +41 
   securitisations since 2013 across OSB and CCFS worth over 
   Cost to income ratio, pro forma underlying 
   Creating a leading specialist lender in our chosen market segments 
   The Combination with CCFS provides us with greater scale, complementary 
strengths and enhanced customer propositions to become a leading 
specialist lender in the UK. 
   Pro forma underlying loan book 
   growth in 20191 
   Leading lender in our chosen market segments 
   Our market coverage and depth have increased as a result of the 
Combination and we can now attract customers 
   who want an automated approach to underwriting in addition to those who 
need a bespoke manual solution. 
   Through the Group's greater scale and resources, we: 
   -- are leaders and experts in our chosen specialist, secured market segments 
   -- offer both bespoke and automated underwriting capability 
   -- have strong relationships with intermediaries which provide us with rapid 
      and widespread distribution, supporting stronger origination volumes. 
   Our market segments 
   Through our lending brands we target specialist mortgage market segments 
that are underserved by UK retail banks and building societies, and are 
underpinned by positive long-term market dynamics. We continually 
evaluate the attractiveness and growth opportunities within our current 
market segments, together with assessing opportunities to move into new 
specialist segments. We concentrate on areas where margins are 
attractive relative to risk and lending is sustainable within our 
conservative risk appetite. Our increased scale enables us to achieve 
growth in market share and expand our reach 
   across specialist segments. 
   We currently lend in the following specialist market segments: 
   } Buy-to-Let 
   } commercial and semi-commercial 
   } residential development 
   } bespoke specialist and near prime residential 
   } second charge residential 
   } shared ownership residential 
   } bridging and short-term loans 
   } funding lines, and 
   } asset finance. 
   Deep credit expertise 
   Our credit expertise and extensive product knowledge will help us to 
achieve market leadership. Each of our brands are led by experienced 
industry professionals and are supported by highly skilled teams 
   with experience and insight spanning the entire mortgage life cycle. 
Through Exact Mortgage Experts, we have gained 
   proprietary data analytics, enhancing our deep credit knowledge. The 
Group uses this knowledge and data to adapt quickly to changing market 
conditions, identifying niche lending opportunities and tailoring its 
product offering accordingly. 
   Expanded underwriting capability 
   Bespoke underwriting 
   Our Kent Reliance brand does not use automated or scorecard-based 
processes. All of its loans are underwritten by experienced and skilled 
   minutes -- average time to Decision 
   in Principle through Precise Mortgages 
   cases referred to OSB Transactional 
   Credit Committee during the year 
   supported by technology to reduce the administrative burden on 
underwriters and mortgage intermediaries. We consider each loan on its 
own merit, responding quickly and flexibly to offer the best solution 
for each of our customers. No case is too complex for us, and for those 
borrowers with more tailored or larger borrowing requirements, our 
Transactional Credit Committee meets twice a week, demonstrating our 
responsiveness to broker needs. 
   Automated underwriting platform 
   The Combination provided the Group with an automated underwriting 
platform to manage mortgage applications, delivering a rapid decision in 
principle, based on rigorous lending policy rules and credit scores. The 
platform is underpinned 
   by extensive underwriting expertise, enabling identification of new 
niches and determining appropriate lending 
   parameters. The platform enables Precise Mortgages to react quickly to 
non-standard mortgage requests which 
   are common in the Group's target market segments, while ensuring 
consistent underwriting within the Group's risk appetite. Quick response 
times help the Group to compete for the 'first look' at credit 
opportunities, while a robust manual verification process further 
strengthens the disciplined approach to credit risk. 
   Expanded intermediary relationships 
   Both OSB and CCFS have developed extensive intermediary relationships 
and combined, the Group can now leverage both sets of intermediaries to 
support stronger origination volumes. 
   Sophisticated funding platform 
   The Combination with CCFS provides attractive diversification to the 
Group's primarily retail savings base, through wholesale funding. This 
enables the enlarged Group to optimise its cost of funds while prudently 
managing funding and liquidity risks. 
   Retail savings 
   Customer satisfaction and transparent savings products 
   Our customers' satisfaction is key to how we do business and at the 
heart of our corporate culture. 
   Our key strengths are: 
   } customer focus, and 
   } transparent, good-value savings products. 
   The outstanding customer service that we consistently provide to our 
savings customers is evidenced by our high NPS. 
   For 2019, Kent Reliance had NPS of +66 and CSB +72. In addition, 91% of 
Kent Reliance customers whose savings products matured in the year 
renewed with us 
   and 97% of CSB's customers had a Good or Excellent experience with the 
Bank1. During the year, Kent Reliance welcomed over 40,000 new customers 
and CSB welcomed nearly 27,000 customers. 
   Both Banks were also recognised by the industry, winning multiple awards 
in the year, including Best Business Easy Access 
   Pro forma underlying retail savings growth in 20191 
   OSB Group is predominantly funded by 
   retail savings deposits, operated under two brands: Kent Reliance and 
Charter Savings Bank ('CSB'). 
   Kent Reliance is a savings franchise with over 150 years of heritage and 
eight branches in the South East of England. It also takes deposits via 
post and online while CSB offers its products online 
   and via post. 
   Both Banks have a wide range of savings products, including easy access, 
fixed term bonds, cash ISAs and business savings accounts. Kent Reliance 
continued to offer its business savings account for SMEs 
   with total deposits of c. GBP83m at the end of 2019. 
   In line with its dynamic funding strategy, CSB continued to diversify 
its retail funding sources by expanding the number of pooled funding 
platforms from two to six in the year. The range of products sourced via 
these platforms includes easy access and non-retail deposits. 
   Account Provider from Savings Champion 
   for Kent Reliance and ISA Provider of the Year and Best Bank Savings 
Provider from Moneyfacts for CSB amongst others. 
   Kent Reliance's proposition for savers is simple: to offer consistently 
good-value savings products that meet customer needs for cash savings 
without having to price at the very top of the best buy tables. The Bank 
also offers loyalty rates for its existing customers. 
   CSB's philosophy is to maintain and develop its award-winning business, 
by further diversifying its product offering to access new funding 
pools. It also aims to offer competitively priced new savings products 
in its existing product lines. 
   Operating with an agile, nimble approach, CSB can respond quickly to the 
funding requirements of the business, providing advantageous cost of 
   Wholesale funding 
   The Combination with CCFS in October 2019 provided the Group with 
attractive diversification opportunities to 
   retail funding. 
   CCFS historically utilised its securitisation platform as a means of 
providing low- cost, term duration funding. Wholesale funding enabled 
the business to rebalance the weighted average life of liabilities away 
from shorter duration retail funding, and thereby optimise the funding 
mix. The Group recognises the cyclical nature of capital markets funding 
and therefore utilises it opportunistically, taking advantage of 
   market conditions. 
   securitisations to date across 
   OSB and CCFS worth over 
   CCFS has been a programmatic issuer of high-quality residential 
mortgage-backed securities ('RMBS') through the Precise Mortgage Funding 
and Charter Mortgage Funding franchises since 2013. 
   OSB returned to the securitisation market in July 2019, securitising 
GBP500m of organically originated mortgages under its newly established 
Canterbury Finance programme. 
   CCFS also maintains warehouse funding capacity through two tier 1 
investment banks. These facilities act as a bridge 
   to RMBS funding, helping the Group to maximise the efficiency of its 
liquidity position through the transition from retail deposit to 
securitisation funding. 
   The Group also has the capability to engage in transactions which could 
result in the full derecognition of the underlying mortgage assets, 
through the sale of residual positions in its securitisation vehicles. 
   For more information about the Group's securitisation funding, see page 
   Bank of England funding 
   The Group also takes advantage of the Bank of England's funding schemes. 
   Drawings under the Term Funding Scheme were GBP1.5bn for OSB and 
GBP1.1bn for CCFS at 31 December 2019. In addition, borrowings under the 
Indexed Long-Term Repo were 
   GBP290m at base rate +15bps, a total of 90bps as at 31 December 2019. 
   1. Based on the Charter Savings Bank Customer Satisfaction Survey 
conducted throughout 2019. 
   Efficient and resilient infrastructure 
   and systems 
   Through its wholly-owned subsidiary OSBIndia, the Group leverages its 
unique and cost-efficient operating model. 
   Pro forma underlying cost to income 
   ratio in 20191 
   Focus on customers 
   Our customer service functions, based in our wholly-owned subsidiary 
OSBIndia and in Wolverhampton post the Combination, help us deliver on 
our aim of putting customers first. 
   We reward our people based on 
   the quality of service they provide to customers, further protecting our 
retail savings franchise and leading to high customer satisfaction. In 
2019, OSB 
   We are proud of our low employee turnover in India, with an excellent 
   16% regretted attrition rate, substantially outperforming local industry 
   Our key strengths: 
   } Excellent customer experience 
   } High customer NPS 
   } High employee retention rates 
   Focus on quality and cost discipline 
   achieved a customer NPS of +66 and 
   CCFS' was an excellent +72. 
   At OSBI, we employ highly talented and motivated employees at a 
competitive cost. We benchmark our processes against industry best 
practice, challenging what we do and eliminating customer pain points as 
they arise. We continue to invest in developing skills that enable 
highly efficient service management, matching those to business needs 
both in India 
   and the UK. 
   The Combination has increased the Group's scope to deliver efficient, 
scalable and resilient infrastructure and invest in IT security, 
supported by market-leading data security and resilience experts. 
   Both OSB and CCFS are extremely cost- efficient with low cost to income 
ratios, reflecting historical high growth in income, the benefits of 
OSBI to OSB and high operating leverage as the balance sheets have 
   OSBI colleagues at the end of 2019 
   2018: 445 
   Exact Mortgage Experts 
   Exact is a valuable addition to the Group's operating model, providing 
an administration service for mortgages 
   originated by Precise Mortgages. Its proven collections capabilities and 
expertise in case management, from initial arrears through to 
repossession, provide  the Group with access to the experience and 
   expertise of a larger-scale bank, supporting future growth and offering 
valuable insights into, as well as the opportunity 
   to learn from, the performance of other lenders' mortgage loan products. 
   Over the years, Exact has developed deep credit expertise through 
proprietary data analytics. 
   Operating review 
   The Combination with CCFS in October 2019 was an important milestone for 
the Group on our journey to create a leading specialist lender in the UK, 
with greater scale and resources to deploy on growth opportunities. 
   performance from its first charge residential sub-segment, where new 
product ranges launched in 2018 proved popular and continued to gain 
momentum during 2019. CCFS' residential segment also benefited from an 
improved product range, with the gross loan book up 27% in the year on a 
pro forma underlying basis. 
   During 2019, OSB's net loan book increased by 20% to GBP10,785.0m (2018: 
   and CCFS' net loan book grew by 15% to GBP7,661.8m (2018: GBP6,661.5m), 
or 27% 
   excluding the impact of structured assets sales, both on a statutory 
basis. The combined Group's net loan book reached 
   GBP18,446.8m by the end of 2019 on a statutory basis. Buy-to-Let 
comprised approximately 67% of the Group's total gross loan book at the 
end of 2019. 
   The combined Group remained predominantly retail funded in 2019 with 
   GBP16,255.0m of retail deposits on a statutory basis (2018: 
GBP8,071.9m). On a pro forma 
   underlying basis, retail balances were up 
   Statutory net loan book 
   2018: GBP9.0bn 
   Statutory net interest income 
   2018: restated GBP286m1 
   Statutory total assets 
   2018: GBP10.5bn 
   Group highlights 
   2019 was not only a year of continued strong business performance, but 
also a year when we advanced on our strategic objective to create a 
leading specialist lender of scale in the UK, through the Combination 
with CCFS. The Combination provides us with the scale and resources to 
deploy on growth opportunities across the economic cycle, to deliver 
long-term value for our shareholders. We are committed to delivering on 
that strategy, by leveraging our complementary strengths across products, 
brands, distribution, underwriting, funding and team culture. 
   Against the backdrop of a competitive mortgage market, organic 
originations in 2019 proved resilient at GBP4.1bn on a statutory basis 
(2018: GBP3.0bn) with GBP0.8bn contributed by CCFS in the final three 
months of the year. On a pro forma underlying basis, organic 
originations were GBP6.5bn in 2019, compared with GBP5.9bn in 2018. 
   During 2019, 69% of Kent Reliance borrowers chose a new product within 
three months of their initial product ending, totalling GBP885m (2018: 
69%, GBP722m). This performance demonstrates the success of our Choices 
programme. Buy-to-Let performed strongly in both businesses, due to 
continued activity from professional landlords. OSB also saw exceptional 
growth in lending through its InterBay Commercial brand and a strong 
   23% from GBP13,166.4m as at 31 December 2018. The savings proposition 
   by the Kent Reliance brand continued to be in demand, as we welcomed 
   40,000 new retail customers in the year. Excellent customer service was 
reflected in a +66 customer Net Promoter Score and 
   retention rate for maturing fixed term bond and ISA balances of 91% in 
2019. Charter Savings Bank saw customer numbers 
   grow by almost 27,000 during the year as savings customers continued to 
value the competitive interest rates and excellent customer service it 
provides. CCFS also achieved an exceptional Net Promoter Score of +72 
and a retention rate of 88% for 2019. 
   Diversification of funding was provided by access to the securitisation 
market and Bank of England funding. Both Banks were active in the 
securitisation market during the year. OSB completed an inaugural 
transaction of c.GBP500m of organically originated mortgages under the 
Canterbury Finance RMBS programme in July 2019. 
   CCFS successfully executed a GBP734m securitisation transaction of 
Buy-to-Let mortgages and recognised gains of GBP58.7m on three 
structured asset sales in the year, prior to the Combination. 
   For further information on the Group's securitisation platforms, see 
page 41. 
   As at 31 December 2019, drawings under the Term Funding Scheme remained 
unchanged at GBP1.5bn for OSB and GBP1.1bn for CCFS. In addition, the 
Group had GBP290m of borrowings under the Bank of England's Indexed 
Long-Term Repo across the two Banks at base rate +15bps, a total of 
90bps, as at 31 December 2019 (2018: OSB GBP80m, CCFS GBPnil). Through 
the Combination, the Group now has access to contingent wholesale 
funding, with up to GBP600m available to it through the CCFS warehouse 
facilities, GBP94m of which were utilised at year end. 
   Statutory pre-tax profit was up 14% to GBP209.1m for 2019 (2018: 
   GBP182.8m1),  as a result of strong growth at attractive margins and the 
inclusion of 
   CCFS' profits from the date of Combination, more than offsetting the 
impact of exceptional items, integration costs and other 
acquisition-related items. On a pro forma underlying basis, profit 
before tax increased by 9% due to strong growth at attractive margins 
and continued cost efficiency and discipline. 
   Profitable lending and cost discipline and efficiency contributed to a 
return on equity of 18% on a statutory basis (2018: restated 25%2) and 
25% on a pro forma underlying basis (2018: 28%). 
   The Group ended the year with a CET1 
   ratio of 16.0% (2018: 13.3%), demonstrating the strength of the capital 
generation capability of the business to support significant growth 
through profitability 
   and the beneficial impact of the fair value uplift on CCFS' net assets 
on Combination. The Group's total capital ratio of 17.3% and leverage 
ratio of 6.5% remained strong (2018: 15.8% and 5.9% respectively). 
   1. Net interest income and profit before tax were restated as a result of 
      the recognition of interest expense on 
   the GBP22m of Perpetual Subordinated Bonds previously classified as 
   1. To align calculation methods post Combination, OSB amended its 
      calculation of return on equity to include average equity on a 13 point 
      average from a simple average. The comparative return on equity ratio 
   Segment review -- OneSavings Bank Buy-to-Let/SME 
   Following the Combination, the Group segmented its lending 
   Gross loan book* 
   2018: GBP7,389.2m 
   Net interest income* 
   business into two segments: OSB and CCFS. 
   Buy-to-Let/SME sub-segment: gross loans 
                          31-Dec-2019  31-Dec-2018 
                              GBPm         GBPm 
Buy-to-Let                    7,727.0      6,517.5 
Commercial                      888.0        547.8 
Residential development         146.1        155.8 
Funding lines                   222.1        168.1 
Total                         8,983.2      7,389.2 
   2018: restated GBP219.5m1 
   Contribution to profit* 
   2018: restated GBP212.8m1 
   * Statutory. 
   This segment comprises Buy-to-Let mortgages secured on residential 
   property held for investment purposes by experienced and professional 
landlords, commercial mortgages secured on commercial and 
semi-commercial properties held for investment purposes or for 
owner-occupation, bridge finance, residential development finance to 
small and medium-sized developers, secured funding lines to other 
lenders and asset finance. 
   The volume of new organic lending in our Buy-to-Let/SME sub-segment 
   GBP2,847.2m in 2019, an increase of 3% on the prior year (2018: 
GBP2,769.7m). Gross loans were GBP8,983.2m, up 22% from 
   GBP7,389.2m in 2018. The Buy-to-Let/SME net loan book represented 83% of 
total OSB loans as at 31 December 2019. 
   Gross loans in the Buy-to-Let sub-segment increased by 19% to 
GBP7,727.0m (2018: 
   GBP6,517.5m) with lending mostly dominated by professional, 
multi-property landlords who remained at 81% of completions by value for 
OSB in 2019. For our Kent Reliance brand, 75% (2018: 70%) of mortgage 
applications were from landlords borrowing via a limited company, as 
recent changes to personal taxation favour structuring portfolios in 
this way. 
   Refinancing continued to represent 60% of Kent Reliance Buy-to-Let 
completions and five-year fixed rate mortgages were 52% (2018: 58% and 
56%, respectively). This mix reflected the wider market which saw 
reduced purchases in 2019 and continued demand for five-year fixed rate 
products. Our retention programme, Choices, continued to be popular, 
with around 69% (2018: 69%) of existing borrowers choosing a new product 
with the Bank within three months of their original product ending. 
   The weighted average loan to value ('LTV') of the Buy-to-Let book as at 
31 December 2019 was 73% with an average loan size of GBP260,000 (2018: 
70% and GBP260,000). 
   The weighted average interest coverage ratio for Buy-to-Let origination 
during 2019 was 187% (2018: restated 185%2). 
   2019 was an exceptional year for our InterBay business with the 
commercial and semi-commercial gross loan book up 62% to GBP888.0m 
(2017: GBP547.8m) as we continued to expand our distribution 
   network to reach those brokers who work with borrowers with needs 
closely aligned to InterBay's products. Through  this brand OSB lends to 
borrowers investing 
   in commercial, semi-commercial and bridging, reported in the Commercial 
total, and more complex Buy-to-Let 
   properties, reported in the Buy-to-Let total. Lending was supported by 
the business' core strengths in rapid and effective underwriting and our 
ability to deal with large and complex cases. The weighted average LTV 
in the commercial sub- segment remained low at 67% and the average loan 
size was GBP375,000 in 2019 (2018: 66% and GBP360,000, respectively). 
   InterBay Asset Finance, which predominantly targets UK SMEs and small 
corporates financing business-critical assets, was launched in 2018. The 
gross carrying amount under finance leases was GBP47.7m as at 31 
December 2019 (2018: GBP7.2m). 
   Our Heritable residential development business continues to provide 
prudent development finance to small and medium-sized residential 
developers. The preference is to fund house builders who operate outside 
central London and provide relatively affordable family housing, as 
opposed to complex city centre schemes where affordability and 
construction cost control can be more challenging. New applications come 
   primarily from a mixture of repeat business from the team's extensive 
existing relationships and referrals. 
   The residential development funding gross loan book at the end of 2019 
was GBP146.1m, with a further GBP115.1m committed 
   (31 December 2018: GBP155.8m and GBP90.3m, respectively). Since 
inception through to the end of 2019, the business has written 
   GBP1,013m of loans, of which GBP534m have been repaid to date. The 
business had commitments to finance the development of just under 2,000 
residential units as at the end of 2019, the majority of which are 
houses located outside central London. 
   In addition, OSB continued to provide secured funding lines to non-bank 
lenders which operate in certain high-yielding, specialist sub-segments, 
such as bridging finance and asset finance. Total credit- approved 
limits as at 31 December 
   2019 were GBP540.0m with total loans outstanding of GBP222.1m (31 
December 2018: GBP385.0m and GBP168.1m, respectively). 
   During 2019,  three new funding lines were added and credit-approved 
limits increased by a further GBP50.0m across three existing funding 
lines. The pipeline remains robust, however, given the macroeconomic 
uncertainty, the business continues to adopt a cautious approach. 
   Buy-to-Let/SME made a contribution to profit of GBP231.7m in 2019, up 9% 
compared with the restated value of 
   GBP212.8m1 in 2018, primarily due to the growth in new lending, 
partially offset by higher impairment losses of GBP13.8m 
   (2018: GBP5.7m). The increase in impairment 
   losses was driven by an increase in the number of Law of Property Act 
('LPA') receivers appointed in the first half of the year, which attract 
higher provision requirements under an IFRS 9 approach. During the 
second half of 2019, the 
   LPA flow stabilised. Alignment of IFRS 9 modelling methodologies and 
loan book growth also contributed to the increase in loan losses. 
   The Group remains highly focused on the risk assessment of new lending 
as demonstrated by the average LTV in the Buy-to-Let/SME segment as at 
31 December 2019 of 72% (31 December 
   2018: 70%) with only 1.8% of loans 
   exceeding 90% LTV (31 December 2018: 0.6%). The average LTV for new 
Buy-to- Let/SME origination remained at 70%. 
   1. Net interest income and contribution to profit 
   were restated as a result of the recognition of interest expense on the 
GBP22m of Perpetual Subordinated Bonds previously classified as equity. 
   1. Interest coverage ratio was restated for 2018 from 171% to 185% due to an 
      improvement in the calculation methodology. 
   Segment review -- OneSavings Bank Residential mortgages 
                  31-Dec-2019    31-Dec-2018 
                     GBPm           GBPm 
First charge          1,466.6        1,223.9 
Second charge           358.6          368.0 
Funding lines            12.2           24.1 
Total                 1,837.4        1,616.0 
   Residential sub-segment: gross loans 
   Residential mortgages 
   Gross loan book* 
   2018: GBP1,616.0m 
   Net interest income* 
   2018: restated GBP66.8m1 
   Contribution to profit* 
   2018: restated GBP60.2m1 
   * Statutory. 
   This segment comprises lending to owner-occupiers, secured via either 
first or second charges  against the residential home. 
   The Bank also provides funding lines to non-bank lenders who operate in 
high-yielding, specialist sub-segments such as residential bridge 
   The Residential gross loan book was 
   GBP1,837.4m as at 31 December 2019, up 14% compared with the previous 
year (2018: GBP1,616.0m) with organic originations nearly doubling in 
the year to GBP540.5m (2018: GBP280.1m). 
   OSB's first charge gross loan book grew in the year to GBP1,466.6m, 
which was 20% up from GBP1,223.9m in 2018. This strong performance was 
largely due to new organic lending as the Bank's ability to make quick 
underwriting decisions and the product range launched in 2018 proved 
popular with borrowers. 
   Our Kent Reliance brand provides bespoke first charge mortgages, 
typically to prime credit quality borrowers with 
   more complex circumstances, for example, high net worth borrowers with 
multiple income sources and self-employed borrowers. These circumstances 
often preclude them from the mainstream lenders, as most favour 
automated decision-making over manual underwriting. The extended product 
range launched in 2018 also includes near- 
   prime residential products. Kent Reliance also operates in the shared 
ownership sector, where borrowers buy a property in conjunction with a 
housing association and in 2019 the Bank's share of this sector 
   Our second charge mortgage brand, Prestige Finance, provides secured 
finance to good credit quality borrowers who are seeking a loan to raise 
funds without refinancing their first charge mortgage. Competitive 
pressure in the second charge segment kept pricing low and OSB continued 
to focus on pricing for risk. The second charge residential loan book 
had a gross value of GBP358.6m as 
   at 31 December 2019 (2018: GBP368.0m). 
   OSB continued to provide secured funding lines to non-bank lenders which 
operate in certain high-yielding, specialist sub- segments, such as 
residential first and 
   second charge finance. The Bank continued to adopt a cautious approach 
to these more cyclical businesses given macroeconomic uncertainty. Total 
credit- approved limits 
   as at 31 December 2019 were GBP31.0m with total loans outstanding of 
GBP12.2m (2018: 
   GBP51.8m and GBP24.1m, respectively). 
   Residential mortgages made a contribution to profit of GBP59.7m in 2019, 
broadly flat compared with the restated value of GBP60.2m1 in 2018, 
despite growth in the loan book, primarily due to the changing mix of 
the book and EIR gains on acquired portfolios in the prior year, 
partially offset by provision releases resulting from falling arrears 
levels across both first and second charge lending. 
   The average LTV remained low at 58% (2018: 56%) with only 3.3% of loans 
   value with LTVs exceeding 90% (2018: 3%). The average LTV of new 
residential origination during 2019 was 69% 
   (2018: 68%). 
          1. Net interest income and contribution to profit were restated as a 
             result of the recognition of interest expense on the GBP22m of 
             Perpetual Subordinated Bonds previously classified as equity. 
   The following tables show the OSB segment's statutory loans and advances 
and contribution to profit: 
                                        BTL/SME  Residential    Total 
  Year ended 31-Dec-2019                  GBPm       GBPm        GBPm 
Gross loans and advances to customers   8,983.2      1,837.4    10,820.6 
Provision for impairment losses          (21.6)       (14.0)      (35.6) 
Loans and advances to customers         8,961.6      1,823.4    10,785.0 
Risk-weighted assets                    4,244.0        846.0     5,090.0 
Net interest income                       253.5         62.7       316.2 
Other expense                             (8.0)        (4.9)      (12.9) 
Total income                              245.5         57.8       303.3 
Impairment (losses)/credit               (13.8)          1.9      (11.9) 
Contribution to profit                    231.7         59.7       291.4 
                                                 -----------  ---------- 
                                        BTL/SME  Residential        Total 
  Year ended 31-Dec-2018                  GBPm       GBPm            GBPm 
Gross loans and advances to customers   7,389.2      1,616.0      9,005.2 
Provision for impairment losses          (11.0)       (10.9)       (21.9) 
Loans and advances to customers         7,378.2      1,605.1      8,983.3 
Risk-weighted assets                    3,453.8        758.0      4,211.8 
Net interest income1                      219.5         66.8        286.3 
Other expense                             (1.0)        (4.2)        (5.2) 
Total income1                             218.5         62.6        281.1 
Impairment losses                         (5.7)        (2.4)        (8.1) 
Contribution to profit1                   212.8         60.2        273.0 
   1. In 2019, the Group restated the prior year comparatives to recognise 
interest expense on the GBP22m Perpetual Subordinated Bonds previously 
classified as equity. 
   Segment review -- Charter Court Financial Services 
   The CCFS segment review is presented on a pro forma underlying 
   Charter Court Financial Services 
   Gross loan book* 
   2018: GBP6,665.1m 
   Net interest income* 
   2018: GBP180.5m 
   Contribution to profit* 
   basis, which assumes that the Combination occurred on 1 January 2018 and 
includes 12 months of results from CCFS. It excludes acquisition-related 
   Statutory information is shown in the table on page 40. 
   CCFS segment: gross loans 
                  31-Dec-2019    31-Dec-2018 
                     GBPm           GBPm 
Buy-to-Let            4,748.5        4,508.3 
Residential           2,170.8        1,707.0 
Bridging                214.4          244.1 
Second charge           218.6          184.2 
Other1                   22.1           21.5 
Total                 7,374.4        6,665.1 
   1. Other relates to the net interest income from acquired loan 
portfolios and fee income from third party mortgage servicing. 
   2018: GBP222.8m 
   * Pro forma underlying. 
   Charter Court Financial Services targets underserved specialist mortgage 
market segments with a focus on specialist Buy-to-Let, residential, 
bridging and second charge lending. 
   The CCFS gross loan book grew 11% 
   to GBP7,374.4m at the end of 2019 (2018: 
   GBP6,665.1m). Excluding the impact of structured asset sales, the gross 
loan book would have been GBP8,491.9m, 27% higher than in 2018. This 
growth was supported by organic originations of GBP3,108.2m at 
attractive margins (2018: GBP2,846.1m). 
   Buy-to-Let sub-segment 
   During 2019, CCFS' organic originations in the Buy-to-Let sub-segment 
   GBP1,895.2m, an increase of GBP253.2m versus the prior year (2018: 
GBP1,642.0m). The growth reflects continuing demand for the Group's 
specialist lending proposition. The net loan book increased 5% in the 
year to GBP4,745.0m after structured asset sales and on a pro forma 
underlying basis, Buy-to-Let mortgages represented 64% of CCFS' total 
net loan book. 
   All CCFS' Buy-to-Let products proved popular with borrowers, especially 
with those investing via limited companies, which increased 21% in the 
year, and those investing in specialist property types including houses 
of multiple occupation, multi-unit properties and holiday lets, which 
increased 63% in 2019. 
   In 2019, CCFS enhanced its product range which enabled it to grow in the 
specialist Buy-to-Let market segments. The Precise branded Buy-to-Let 
product mix became more diverse during the year, with particular growth 
in shorter-term fixed rate products, following the introduction of a top 
slicing proposition for landlords with excess income to contribute 
towards a stressed affordability assessment. This resulted in a fall in 
five-year fixed rate products as a percentage of total Buy-to- Let 
originations to 72% from 77% in 2018. 
   The business maintained its position in the BVA BDRC's Project Mercury 
rankings (effectiveness of lenders intermediary marketing) as the fourth 
most frequently mentioned lender by intermediaries for Buy-to-Let, 
reflecting CCFS' broad product offering across the Buy-to-Let segment. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, Buy- to-Let made a contribution to 
profit of 
   GBP112.3m in 2019, up 6% compared with 
   GBP105.7m in 2018. Net interest income increased 9% to GBP114.3m and 
fees and commissions income reduced due to early repayment charges being 
included in net interest income and not in fees and commissions as in 
2018 following an accounting policy change. The increase in impairment 
losses in 2019 was primarily driven by alignment in IFRS 9 modelling 
methodologies post Combination. 
   On a statutory basis, the Buy-to-Let sub- segment made a contribution to 
profit of GBP12.3m. 
   New lending average loan to value in this segment was 73% with an 
average loan size of GBP183,000 (2018: 74% and GBP169,000). The book 
loan to value was 71% as at 
   31 December 2019 (2018: 73%). The weighted average interest coverage 
ratio for Buy-to-Let origination during 2019 was 202% (2018: 201%). 
   Residential sub-segment 
   CCFS' specialist residential lending decreased in 2019 compared with 
   2018, albeit still at a high level, with new originations down 3% to 
GBP797.2m (2018: 
   GBP825.4m). CCFS concentrated on lending in areas that had stronger 
risk-adjusted returns versus mainstream markets, where intense 
competition reduced residential mortgage rates. The Help to Buy 
proposition continued to perform particularly well and focus on self- 
employed borrowers led to an increase in the residential gross loan book 
of 27% to GBP2,170.8m in the year. 
   In 2019, CCFS enhanced its residential proposition with new products 
targeting zero-hour contracts, Help to Buy in Scotland and Help to Buy 
remortgages. The Group continues to maintain a strong new product 
pipeline to support its growth in the specialist residential segment 
going forward. 
   The average loan size for the residential sub-segment was GBP159,000 
   GBP152,000) with average LTV for new lending of 71% (2018: 72%) and book 
LTV of 67% 
   (2018: 70%) as at 31 December 2019. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, residential mortgages represented 28% 
of CCFS' total net loan book as at 31 December 2019. 
   The residential sub-segment made a contribution to profit of GBP62.1m on 
a pro forma underlying basis, up 12% compared with GBP55.6m in 2018 
reflecting growth in the loan book partially offset by higher impairment 
losses due to loan book growth and alignment in IFRS 9 modelling 
methodologies post Combination. 
   On a statutory basis, the Residential sub-segment made a contribution to 
profit of GBP9.2m. 
   Bridging sub-segment 
   Short-term bridging originations increased by 4% in 2019, reaching 
GBP333.7m (2018: 
   GBP321.8m). The business maintained its focus on high-quality lending in 
regulated and unregulated markets, rather than reacting to increased 
competition in 
   the short-term lending market. Strong repayments during the year saw the 
gross loan book reduce to GBP214.4m compared with GBP244.1m at the end 
of 2018. 
   The Standard and Refurbishment segments both increased along with the 
Regulated and Non-Regulated segments. The Non-Regulated and 
Refurbishment segments saw the strongest growth, boosted by the launch 
of CCFS' 
   Refurbishment Buy-to-Let product at the end of 2018. These products 
   strong combined Buy-to-Let and bridging capability, areas of strength 
for CCFS. 
   In addition, CCFS enhanced its distribution by expanding its reach to 
direct brokers. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, the bridging sub-segment made a 
contribution to profit of GBP15.1m in 2019, broadly flat compared with 
GBP15.2m in 2018 despite higher impairment losses of GBP0.5m 
   (2018: GBPnil) due to IFRS 9 modelling enhancements made during 2019. 
   On a statutory basis, the bridging sub- segment made a contribution to 
profit of GBP3.4m. 
   Second charge sub-segment 
   The second charge gross loan book increased by 19% to GBP218.6m (2018: 
   GBP184.2m), supported by strong originations of GBP82.2m, which were up 
44% on 2018. 
   During the year, CCFS enhanced its product offering and distribution 
network, whilst maintaining its focus on the quality 
   of lending in this segment. 
   In response to market feedback, from early 2019, CCFS removed early 
repayment charges in its residential second charge product range. This 
brought a significant increase in applications. Distribution was also 
enhanced in the year, with a focus on direct-to-broker business through 
major networks and panels, which provides the business with a 
competitive advantage over smaller players, which generally 
   deal through master brokers. 
   The second charge sub-segment made a contribution to profit of GBP7.0m 
on a pro 
   forma underlying basis, up 8% compared with GBP6.5m in 2018. 
   On a statutory basis, the contribution to profit from the second charge 
sub- segment was a loss of GBP0.1m as net interest income was more than 
offset by higher impairment losses. 
   The following tables show CCFS' pro forma underlying and statutory 
segment's loans and advances and contribution to profit: 
                                                                                             Total         pre-        Acquisition- 
                                                                       Second              pro forma    acquisition      related         Total 
                              Buy-to-Let    Residential    Bridging    charge    Other1    underlying     results         items        statutory 
  Year ended 31-Dec-2019         GBPm          GBPm          GBPm       GBPm      GBPm        GBPm         GBPm            GBPm          GBPm 
Gross loans and 
 advances to customers           4,748.5        2,170.8       214.4     218.6      22.1       7,374.4            --           294.7      7,669.1 
Provision for impairment 
 losses                            (3.5)          (3.6)       (0.5)     (0.4)        --         (8.0)            --             0.7        (7.3) 
Loans and advances 
 to customers                    4,745.0        2,167.2       213.9     218.2      22.1       7,366.4            --           295.4      7,661.8 
Risk-weighted assets             2,002.4          934.0       127.9      95.4       8.4       3,168.1            --           124.9      3,293.0 
Net interest income                114.3           63.6        15.5       7.1       1.7         202.2       (152.1)          (21.6)         28.5 
Fees and commissions 
 income                              0.1            0.2         0.1        --       3.4           3.8         (3.7)              --          0.1 
Fair value losses 
 on financial instruments             --             --          --        --     (5.5)         (5.5)          13.7             3.3         11.5 
Gain on sale of 
 loans                                --             --          --        --      58.7          58.7        (58.7)              --           -- 
Total income                       114.4           63.8        15.6       7.1      58.3         259.2       (200.8)          (18.3)         40.1 
Impairment losses                  (2.1)          (1.7)       (0.5)     (0.1)        --         (4.4)           4.3           (3.6)        (3.7) 
Contribution to 
 profit                            112.3           62.1        15.1       7.0      58.3         254.8       (196.5)          (21.9)         36.4 
                                          -------------                        -------- 
                                                                       Second                   pro forma 
                              Buy-to-Let    Residential    Bridging    charge    Other1         underlying 
  Year ended 31-Dec-2018         GBPm          GBPm          GBPm       GBPm      GBPm             GBPm 
Gross loans and advances 
 to customers                    4,508.3        1,707.0       244.1     184.2      21.5            6,665.1 
Provision for impairment 
 losses                            (1.5)          (1.8)          --     (0.3)        --              (3.6) 
Loans and advances to 
 customers                       4,506.8        1,705.2       244.1     183.9      21.5            6,661.5 
Risk-weighted assets             1,789.2          685.4       141.6      74.0       7.5            2,697.7 
Net interest income                104.6           54.5        15.0       6.4        --              180.5 
Fees and commissions 
 income                              1.9            2.2         0.2       0.3       3.4                8.0 
Gain on sale of loans                 --             --          --        --      36.4               36.4 
Total income                       106.5           56.7        15.2       6.7      39.8              224.9 
Impairment losses                  (0.8)          (1.1)          --     (0.2)        --              (2.1) 
Contribution to profit             105.7           55.6        15.2       6.5      39.8              222.8 
                                          -------------  ---------- 
   1. Other relates to the net interest income from acquired loan 
portfolios and fee income from third party mortgage servicing. 
   Wholesale funding overview 
   Securitisation is a key strategic funding source for the combined Group, 
with historical issuances across CCFS and OSB since 2013 of GBP5.7bn. 
   As well as providing cost-efficient funding through securitisation, the 
Group has benefited from the capability to accelerate organic capital 
generation through the sale of residual positions. The Group's strategy 
is to be nimble and dynamic rather than deterministic with its 
securitisation issuance plans, enabling it to take advantage of a strong 
market with repeat issuances, and utilise other options when market 
conditions are 
   less favourable. To that end, the Group's activities in the wholesale 
markets during 2019 were more limited than was the case during the 
equivalent period in 2018. The ongoing uncertainty around negotiations 
of the UK's exit from the European Union continued to hamper UK 
residential mortgage-backed securities market ('RMBS'), with spreads 
tracking relatively wide throughout the year, as they had through the 
last few months of 2018. 
   The introduction of a raft of regulatory changes at the beginning of 
2019, together with the market transitioning away from LIBOR as an index, 
also acted as a brake on new issue supply, particularly during the first 
quarter of 2019. 
   Nonetheless, the Group was able to complete a number of strategically 
important wholesale transactions during the year. In January 2019, 
despite facing a difficult political backdrop, CCFS was able to sell its 
residual interest in the PMF 2018-1B and PMF 2018-2B transactions, 
generating a gain on sale of GBP29.8m, equivalent to a 5.3% premium on 
the underlying GBP564.3m of mortgage assets. 
   This excellent outcome was made possible through the earlier strategic 
sales of significant components of CCFS' residual interest in these 
transactions through 2018, at a time when the market was notably 
stronger. This strategy minimised the market exposure faced by CCFS 
   when selling its final residual positions in these transactions in 
January 2019. The trade enabled CCFS to increase its capital headroom 
and provide the capital capacity to fully take advantage of the 
commercial opportunities available to the business through its lending 
activities during 
   the year. 
   CCFS re-entered the debt securitisation market in May 2019 with the PMF 
2019-1B transaction, securitising GBP733.7m of prime Buy-to-Let 
mortgages. PMF 2019-1B was the first SONIA-linked UK RMBS transaction to 
issue mezzanine notes referencing 
   the index, and was well received by the market. The senior fast-pay 
notes in the transaction were sold at SONIA plus 93bps, equivalent to a 
spread over LIBOR of c. 
   80bps; on that basis the tightest such UK Buy-to-Let securitisation 
achieved by any issuer in 2019. 
   In July 2019, CCFS sold its remaining junior residual interest in the 
transaction to generate a further gain on sale of 
   GBP28.8m, bringing the total gains from such transactions for the year 
to GBP58.7m. 
   In July 2019, OSB issued its inaugural RMBS transaction of 
own-originated Buy-to-Let mortgage assets, Canterbury Finance No.1. The 
transaction was well received, with senior funding in the order of SONIA 
plus 117bps achieved across the GBP200m 
   of senior notes placed. 
   In addition to providing the Group with attractively priced term funding, 
both the PMF and Canterbury transactions were structured in such a way 
as to provide the Group with a significant portfolio of retained senior 
bonds. These enhance the contingent funding options available to the 
Group, and can be used to access commercial as well as central bank 
   repo facilities. 
   The PMF transaction also enabled CCFS to refinance assets held on its 
committed warehouse facility. The facility, which provides committed 
senior finance of up to GBP350m (31 December 2018: GBP350m for CCFS 
only) against both prime residential and Buy-to-Let mortgage assets, was 
extended during the year for a further 
   15 months. In combination with a second facility available for such 
purposes, on a statutory basis, the Group had a total of up to GBP600m 
(31 December 2018: GBPnil) 
   of contingent wholesale funding capacity available to it through its 
warehouse facilities, GBP94m of which was utilised 
   at the year end. 
   The Group maintains commercial repo lines with eight counterparties, as 
well as the ability to access ordinary course central bank funding 
facilities, such as 
   the Bank of England's Indexed Long-Term Repo auctions. 
   OSB and CCFS issuances from 2013 to 31 December 2019 (GBPm) 
                   PMF    ROCHFIN                                                       ROCHFIN 
                    No.1   No.1      PMF       PMF       PMF       PMF         PMF       No.2      PMF         CMF        PMF         PMF         CMF        PMF         CANBY 
                    2013   20131     2014-1    2014-2    2015-1    2015-2B1    2015-3R   20161     2017-1B1    2017-11    2018-1B1    2018-2B1    2018-11    2019-1B1    No.1 
 of accounts     n/a        n/a      n/a       n/a       4         2           13         179      2           7          0           2           8          1           3 
 3+ months 
 in arrears 
 to date         n/a        n/a      n/a       n/a       0         7           20         1,546    0           0          0           0           0          0           0 
 average         n/a        n/a      n/a       n/a       5.02%     4.76%       4.71%      3.53%    4.08%       4.79%      4.14%       4.06%       4.51%      3.66%       3.79% 
 note spread     1.15%      1.45%    0.80%     0.95%     0.95%     1.25%       n/a        1.30%    0.75%       0.50%      0.65%       0.68%       0.47%      n/a         n/a 
 (over LIBOR) 
 note spread     n/a        n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a         n/a        n/a      n/a         n/a        n/a         n/a         n/a        0.93%       1.17% 
 (over SONIA) 
 average         1.43%      n/a      0.88%     1.11%     1.10%     1.53%       1.00%      n/a      1.02%       0.64%      0.74%       0.77%       0.55%      1.27%       1.45% 
 at closing 
   1. Group derecognition deal. 
PMF -- Precise       ROCHFIN -- Rochester    CMF -- Charter       CANBY -- Canterbury 
 Mortgage Funding     Finance plc             Mortgage Funding     Finance plc 
 plc                                          plc 
-----------------    --------------------    -----------------    ------------------- 
   Throughout the Strategic Report, we present KPIs on a statutory and a 
pro forma underlying basis, which 
   Management believes provide a more consistent basis for comparing the 
Group's performance between financial periods. 
   Pro forma underlying results assume that the Combination occurred on 
   1 January 2018, and include 12 months of results from CCFS. They also 
exclude exceptional items, integration costs and other 
acquisition-related items. 
   For a reconciliation of statutory 
   results to pro forma underlying results, see page 51. 
   } Group statutory 2019 
   } Group statutory 2018 
   } Group pro forma underlying 2019 
   } Group pro forma underlying 2018 
   } OSB 
   } CCFS 
   1. Gross new lending 
   Statutory GBP4.1bn (2018: GBP3.0bn) 
   Pro forma underlying GBP6.5bn (2018: GBP5.9bn) 
   Gross new lending is defined as gross new organic lending before 
   2019 performance 
   Gross new lending reflects strong growth in new origination. For both 
OSB and CCFS, 
   Buy-to-Let and residential lending performed strongly as our specialist 
propositions continued to appeal to professional  landlords and 
   3. Cost to income ratio 
   Statutory 32% (2018: 28%) 
   Pro forma underlying 29% (2018: 28%) 
   Cost to income ratio is defined as administrative expenses as a 
percentage of total income. It is a measure of operational efficiency. 
   2019 performance 
   Statutory cost to income ratio of 32% was impacted by the 
acquisition-related adjustments, which reduced total income and the 
inclusion of CCFS income and 
   administrative expenses post Combination. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, cost to income remained strong at 29% 
as the business retained its focus on cost efficiency and discipline. 
   2. Net interest margin ('NIM') Statutory 243bps (2018: restated 305bps1) 
Pro forma underlying 266bps (2018: 286bps) 
   NIM is defined as net interest income as a percentage of a 13 point 
average of interest earning assets (cash, investment securities, loans 
and advances to customers and credit institutions). It represents the 
margin earned on loans and advances and liquid assets after swap 
expense/income and cost of funds. 
   2019 performance 
   Statutory NIM was lower primarily due to the dilutive impact of 
including CCFS' results post Combination and the changing asset mix of 
the OSB loan book, despite broadly stable asset pricing. 
   Pro forma NIM also reflects the changing asset mix of the OSB loan book 
and marginally higher cost of funds in CCFS. 
   1. Loan loss ratio 
   Statutory 13bps (2018: restated 10bps1) Pro forma underlying 10bps 
(2018: 7bps) 
   Loan loss ratio is defined as impairment losses expressed as a 
percentage of a 13 point average of gross loans and advances. It is 
   a measure of the credit performance of the loan book. 
   2019 performance 
   The 2019 statutory and pro forma underlying loan loss ratios reflect an 
alignment of IFRS 9 modelling methodologies post Combination and an 
impact of a number of high value Buy- to-Let cases having LPA receivers 
appointed during the first half of 2019 which attract higher provision 
requirements under an IFRS 9 approach. 
   In addition, the statutory loan loss ratio included the initial 
recognition of ECL provisions on the CCFS loan book on Combination. 
   1. Dividend per share Statutory 16.1 pence per share (2018: 14.6 pence per 
   Dividend per share is defined as the sum of the recommended final 
dividend for 2019 plus the interim dividend divided by the number 
   of ordinary shares in issue at the year end. 
   2019 performance 
   The Board will recommend a final dividend of 
   11.2 pence per share in respect of 2019 at the Bank's AGM on 7 May 2020. 
This, together with the interim dividend of 4.9 pence per share, and the 
pre-acquisition CCFS interim dividend, represents 25% of pro forma 
underlying profit after tax after deducting coupons on AT1 securities. 
   For calculation of the final dividend, see page 262 in the Appendix. 
   1. Basic EPS 
   Statutory 52.6 pence per share (2018: 55.5) Pro forma underlying 64.9 
pence per share (2018: 59.4) 
   Basic EPS is defined as profit attributable to ordinary shareholders, 
which is profit after tax and after deducting coupons on AT1 securities, 
gross of tax, divided by the 
   weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue. 
   2019 performance 
   The reduction in basic statutory EPS was due to the 14% increase in 
profit after taxation being more than offset by the impact of the 
additional shares issued for the all-share Combination with CCFS. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, EPS increased broadly in line with the 
increase in profit after taxation. 
   1. Return on equity 
   Statutory 18% (2018: restated 25%1) 
   Pro forma underlying 25% (2018: 28%) 
   Return on equity is defined as profit attributable to ordinary 
shareholders, which is profit after tax and after deducting coupons 
   on AT1 securities, gross of tax, as a percentage of a 13 point average 
shareholders' equity (excluding GBP60m of AT1 securities). 
   2019 performance 
   On a statutory basis, return on equity decreased, primarily due to 
exceptional items, integration costs and other acquisition- related 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, return on equity remained strong at 
   1. CRD IV fully-loaded Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio Statutory 16.0% 
      (2018: 13.3%) 
   This is defined as Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') capital as a percentage 
of risk- weighted assets (calculated on a standardised basis) and is a 
measure of the capital strength of the Bank. 
   2019 performance 
   The CET1 ratio of 16.0% reflects the strong organic capital generation 
capability of the business to support significant growth 
   through profitability and the beneficial impact of the fair value uplift 
on CCFS' net assets 
   on Combination. 
   1. Net Promoter Score ('NPS') 
   OSB +66 (2018: +63) 
   CCFS +72 (2018: +39) 
   The NPS measures our customers' satisfaction with our service and 
products. It is based 
   on customer responses to the question of whether they would recommend us 
to a friend. The question scale is 0 for absolutely not to 10 for 
definitely yes. Based on the score, a customer is defined as a detractor 
between 0 and 6, a passive between 7 and 8 and a promoter between 9 and 
10. Subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of 
promoters gives an NPS of between -100 and +100. 
   2019 performance 
   OSB's customer NPS improved to +66 and CCFS' was an outstanding +72. 
   1.To align calculation methods post Combination, OSB amended NIM, loan 
loss and return on equity calculations to include average interest 
earning assets for NIM, average gross loans for loan loss ratio and 
average shareholders' equity for return on equity on a 13 point average 
from a simple average. The comparative ratios were restated accordingly. 
   Review of the Group's performance presented on a statutory basis 
including CCFS from the date 
   of the Combination 
   Strong profit growth 
   The Group reported 14% growth in statutory profit before taxation to 
   GBP209.1m (2018: restated GBP182.8m1) after exceptional items, 
integration costs and other acquisition-related items of GBP33.2m2 
(2018: exceptional cost of Heritable option of GBP9.8m) and including 
GBP28.0m of profit before taxation from the CCFS business, after 
exceptional transaction costs 
   of GBP15.7m. 
   Statutory profit after taxation in 2019 increased by 14% to GBP158.8m 
(2018: restated GBP139.6m1) including the after tax exceptional items, 
integration costs and other acquisition-related items of GBP27.4m2 
(2018: exceptional cost of  Heritable option of GBP7.2m) and including 
   of profit after taxation from the CCFS business, after post tax 
pre-combination transaction costs of GBP15.5m. 
   The Group's effective tax rate was 22.8%3 in 2019 (2018: 23.7%), 
primarily due to 
   a lower proportion of the Group's profits being subject to the Bank 
Corporation Tax Surcharge. 
   Statutory return on equity for 2019 fell to 18% (2018: restated 25%4), 
primarily due to exceptional items, integration costs and other 
acquisition-related items. Statutory basic earnings per share fell by 5% 
to 52.6 pence per share (2018: 55.5 pence per share), due to the 14% 
increase in profit after taxation being more than offset by the impact 
of the additional shares issued for the all-share Combination with CCFS. 
   Summary statutory results for 2019 and 2018 
  Summary Statement of Profit           Group 31-Dec-2019   31-Dec-2018 
  or Loss                                     GBPm             GBPm 
Net interest income                                 344.7         286.3 
Net losses on financial instruments                 (3.4)         (5.2) 
Net fees and commissions                              2.2           0.6 
External servicing fees                             (0.1)         (0.6) 
Administrative expenses                           (108.7)        (79.6) 
Provisions                                             --         (0.8) 
Impairment losses                                  (15.6)         (8.1) 
Gain on Combination with 
 CCFS                                                10.8            -- 
Integration costs                                   (5.2)            -- 
Exceptional items                                  (15.6)         (9.8) 
Profit before taxation                              209.1         182.8 
Profit after taxation                               158.8         139.6 
Key ratios -- for more information, 
 see Appendix 
Net interest margin1, 4               243bps  305bps 
Cost to income ratio5                    32%     28% 
Management expense ratio6              0.76%   0.84% 
Loan loss ratio4, 5                    0.13%   0.10% 
Basic EPS, pence per share5             52.6    55.5 
Return on equity1, 4                     18%     25% 
Dividend per share, pence 
 per share5                             16.1    14.6 
Extracts from the Statement 
 of Financial Position              GBPm      GBPm 
Loans and advances to customers   18,446.8   8,983.3 
Retail deposits                   16,255.0   8,071.9 
Total assets                      21,417.1  10,460.2 
Key ratios -- for more information, 
 see Appendix 
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio7           16.0%  13.3% 
Total capital ratio                   17.3%  15.8% 
Leverage ratio                         6.5%   5.9% 
   1. The Group restated the prior year comparatives to recognise interest 
      expense and taxation on the GBP22m Perpetual Subordinated Bonds 
      previously classified as equity. 
   2. This comprises GBP48.9m (GBP42.9m after tax) of acquisition-related items 
      as shown in the reconciliation of statutory to pro forma underlying 
      results on page 51, less CCFS' pre-acquisition transaction costs of 
      GBP15.7m (GBP15.5m after tax). 
   3. Effective tax rate excludes GBP2.7m of adjustments relating to prior 
   4. To align calculation methods post Combination, OSB amended the NIM, loan 
      loss ratio and return on equity calculations to include average interest 
      earning assets for NIM, average gross loans for loan loss ratio and 
      average shareholders' equity for return on equity on a 13 point average 
      rather than a simple average. The comparative ratios were restated. 
   5. See definition in Key performance indicators on pages 44 and 45. 
   6. Administrative expenses as a percentage of 13 point average of total 
   7. Fully-loaded under Basel III/CRD IV. 
   Net interest margin ('NIM') 
   The Group reported an increase in net interest income of 20% to 
GBP344.7m in 2019 (2018: restated GBP286.3m1), reflecting strong growth 
in the loan book and the inclusion of CCFS' net interest income  post 
   Net interest income included effective interest rate ('EIR') reset gains 
of GBP5.0m in 2019 (2018: GBP5.6m) due to assuming a period spent on 
standard variable rate ('SVR') on additional products, 
   as behavioural trends emerged, and cash out-performance on purchased 
mortgage portfolios. 
   Statutory NIM for 2019 reduced to 243bps (2018: restated 305bps1, 4), 
primarily due to the dilutive impact of including CCFS' results post 
Combination and the impact of the changing mix of the OSB loan book, 
despite broadly stable asset pricing. 
   The CCFS business has a lower NIM than the OSB business and statutory 
NIM in 2019 was also negatively impacted by the amortisation of the fair 
value uplift on acquisition of the CCFS loan book. 
   The mix of the OSB loan book continued to change as the higher-yielding 
back book refinanced onto front book pricing. The impact of this mix 
effect had largely run its course by the end of the first half, assuming 
stable mortgage pricing, cost 
   of funds and swap spreads going forward. 
   Losses on financial instruments 
   The statutory fair value loss on financial instruments in 2019 of 
   (2018: GBP5.2m) includes a net loss of GBP1.3m from the Group's hedging 
activities (2018: 
   GBP0.3m net loss), GBP5.5m amortisation of fair value adjustments on 
hedged assets relating to cancelled swaps (2018: GBP4.6m) and a gain of 
GBP3.3m due to acquisition- related inception adjustments under hedge 
   The net loss on hedging activities includes a loss of GBP4.8m in respect 
of the ineffective portion of hedges and net gains on unmatched swaps of 
GBP3.5m (2018: GBP2.7m loss and GBP2.4m gain respectively). The 
   net gains on unmatched swaps, which primarily relate to mortgage 
pipeline hedges, include the impact of gains in CCFS post Combination 
due to movements in the LIBOR curve. 
   The amortisation of fair value adjustments on hedged assets in both 
years, includes the impact of accelerating the amortisation in line with 
the run- 
   off of the underlying legacy long-term fixed rate mortgages, due to 
faster than expected prepayments. 
   Net fees and commission 
   Statutory net fees and commission income of GBP2.2m (2018: GBP0.6m) 
comprised fees and commission receivable of GBP3.4m (2018: 
   GBP1.7m) partially offset by commission expense of GBP1.2m (2018: 
   Fees and commissions receivable doubled in the year mostly as a result 
of the inclusion of GBP1.5m of fees and commissions from CCFS. 
   Fees and commissions payable in 2019 remained broadly flat and related 
to branch agency fees and commissions paid to the Kent Reliance 
Provident Society for conducting member engagement activities for OSB. 
   Efficient and scalable operating platform 
   Statutory administrative expenses were up 37% to GBP108.7m in 2019 
(2018: GBP79.6m), due to growth in the balance sheet and the inclusion 
   GBP19.2m of CCFS administrative expenses post Combination. 
   The Group's statutory cost to income ratio of 32% (2018: 28%) was 
impacted by the acquisition-related adjustments which reduced total 
income on a statutory basis and the inclusion of CCFS income and 
administrative expenses post Combination. 
   The management expense ratio was 0.76% (2018: 0.84%) reflecting cost 
efficiencies in the day-to-day running 
   of the Group on a business as usual basis and further economies of scale, 
despite continued investment in the business. 
   Statutory regulatory provisions were 
   GBPnil in 2019 as the provision expense was fully offset by an FSCS 
   In 2018, regulatory provisions were 
   GBP0.8m and included levies due to Financial Services Compensation 
Scheme and other regulatory provisions on acquired books. 
   Impairment losses 
   Statutory impairment losses increased to 
   GBP15.6m in 2019 (2018: GBP8.1m) representing 13bps on average gross 
loans and advances (2018: 10bps). 
   Impairment losses included a provision relating to the initial 
recognition of expected credit losses on the CCFS portfolios of GBP3.6m 
and the impact of aligning IFRS 9 provision methodologies post 
Combination. Impairment losses were also impacted by a number of 
high-value Buy-to-Let cases in OSB having Law of Property Act ('LPA') 
receivers appointed during the first half of 2019, which attracted a 
higher provision requirement under an IFRS 9 modelling approach. 
   During the second half of 2019, the number of LPA appointments 
   Gain on Combination with CCFS 
   The Group recorded a gain of GBP10.8m which represents negative goodwill 
on the Combination with CCFS. Negative goodwill arose as a result of a 
decrease in the 
   OSB share price between announcement and completion dates and an 
increase in the fair value of the loan book acquired due to movements in 
the LIBOR curve between announcement and completion. For more 
information, see note 4 to the Financial statements. 
   Integration costs 
   There were GBP5.2m of integration costs incurred in 2019 post completion 
of the Combination. 
   Exceptional items 
   Statutory exceptional items of GBP15.6m in 2019 comprise transaction 
costs incurred by OSB in relation to the Combination with CCFS. 
   The exceptional item of GBP9.8m in 2018 related to the fair value of the 
Heritable option. 
   The Board recommends a final dividend for 2019 of 11.2 pence per share. 
Together with the 2019 interim dividend of 4.9 pence per share and the 
pre-Combination CCFS interim dividend of 4.3 pence per share, this 
represents 25% of pro forma underlying profit attributable to ordinary 
shareholders. For the calculation of the 2019 final dividend, see the 
Appendix on page 262. 
                                           Group 31-Dec-2019       31-Dec-2018 
  Summary Cash Flow Statement                    GBPm                 GBPm 
Profit before tax                                      209.1             182.8 
Net cash generated/(used in): 
Operating activities                                 (536.1)            (85.8) 
Investing activities                                   826.6            (45.6) 
Financing activities                                   488.1             289.7 
Net increase in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                           778.6             158.3 
Cash and cash equivalents at the 
 beginning of the period                             1,324.2           1,165.9 
Cash and cash equivalents at the 
 end of the period                                   2,102.8           1,324.2 
   The proposed final dividend will be paid on 13 May 2020, subject to 
approval at the AGM on 7 May 2020, with an ex-dividend date of 26 March 
2020 and a record date of 27 March 2020. 
   Balance sheet growth 
   Net loans and advances to customers more than doubled in 2019 to 
GBP18,446.8m (31 December 2018: GBP8,983.3m) on a statutory basis, 
reflecting strong gross originations and the inclusion of the CCFS loan 
   Retail deposits increased to GBP16,255.0m from GBP8,071.9m in 2018 on a 
statutory basis, commensurate with the growth in the loan book. 
   Drawings under the Term Funding Scheme ('TFS') increased from GBP1.5bn 
to GBP2.6bn for the Group, due to the inclusion of CCFS' drawings of 
   The TFS drawdowns are offered in the form of collateralised cash loans. 
The scheme closed to new drawings at the end of February 2018 and the 
Group has four years from the date of drawing to repay the existing 
   The Group also took the opportunity to complement its retail and TFS 
funding in 2019 with further borrowing under the Bank of England's 
Indexed Long-Term Repo scheme ('ILTR') which is an auction with 
borrowings offered as a collateralised cash loan repayable in six 
months. At 
   31 December 2019, the Group had 
   GBP290.0m (2018: GBP80.0m) of borrowings under the ILTR scheme at base 
   +15bps, a total of 90bps. 
   The Group had up to GBP600m (2018: GBPnil) of contingent wholesale 
funding capacity 
   available to it through the CCFS warehouse facilities, GBP94m of which 
was utilised at the year end. 
   The Group also utilises sophisticated securitisation platforms to 
complement its funding requirements. For more information on residential 
mortgage- backed securities issuances in 2019, 
   see page 41. 
   Both OSB and CCFS operate under the Prudential Regulation Authority's 
liquidity regime and are managed separately for liquidity risk. Both 
Banks hold their own 
   significant liquidity buffer of liquidity coverage ratio ('LCR') 
eligible high-quality liquid assets ('HQLA'). 
   As at 31 December 2019, OSB had 
   GBP1,231.8m (2018: GBP1,354.6m) and CCFS 
   had GBP1,077.3m (2018: GBP868.3m) of HQLA LCR eligible assets. CCFS also 
held a GBP186.2m (2018: GBP131.9m) portfolio 
   of RMBS qualifying as Bank of England level 3 collateral. 
   Both Banks operate within a target liquidity runway in excess of the 
minimum LCR regulatory requirement, which is based 
   on internal stress testing. Both Banks have a range of contingent 
liquidity and funding options available for possible stress periods. 
   As at 31 December 2019, OSB had a liquidity coverage ratio of 199% 
   224%) and CCFS 145% (2018: 173%), 
   both significantly in excess of the 2019 regulatory minimum of 100%. 
   The Group's fully-loaded CET1 capital ratio under CRD IV strengthened to 
16.0% as at 31 December 2019 (31 December 
   2018: 13.3%), demonstrating the strong organic capital generation 
capability of the business to support significant growth through 
profitability and the beneficial impact of the fair value uplift on 
   net assets on acquisition. 
   The Group had a total capital ratio of 17.3% and a leverage ratio of 
6.5% as at 31 December 2019 (31 December 
   2018: 15.8% and 5.9% respectively). 
   The combined Group had a Pillar 2a requirement of 1.67% of risk-weighted 
assets (excluding a static integration add- on) as at 31 December 2019 
(31 December 
   2018: 1.1% for OSB only). 
   Cash flow statement 
   The Group's cash and cash equivalents increased by GBP778.6m during the 
year to 
   GBP2,102.8m as at 31 December 2019. 
   Loans and advances to customers increased by GBP2,230.8m during the year, 
partially funded by GBP1,637.8m of deposits from retail customers.  The 
movements in loan book and retail funds exclude the acquired positions 
from CCFS due to the merger being a share for share exchange. Additional 
funding was provided by cash generated from financing activities of 
   GBP488.1m and included GBP170.0m of net drawings under the Indexed 
Long-Term Repo scheme, GBP220.4m of proceeds from securitisation of 
mortgages, warehouse funding of GBP93.5m and GBP41.3m from commercial 
repos offset by dividend payment of GBP37.3m. Cash generated from 
investing activities increased to GBP826.6m largely as a result of 
GBP870.4m of cash 
   and cash equivalents acquired on the Combination with CCFS. 
   In 2018, the increase in the Group's loans and advances to customers of 
GBP1,689.5m was largely funded by GBP1,421.6m of deposits from retail 
customers and contributed to GBP85.1m of cash used in operating 
activities. The remaining funding came largely from the final drawdown 
under the TFS of GBP250.0m and GBP80.0m 
   of funding under the Bank of England's Indexed Long-Term Repo scheme, 
which generated GBP289.0m of cash from financing activities. Cash used 
in investing activities was GBP45.6m, primarily driven by net purchases 
and maturities of investment securities of GBP40.0m. 
   1. The Group restated the prior year comparatives to recognise interest 
expense and taxation on the GBP22m Perpetual Subordinated Bonds 
previously classified as equity. 
   Review of the Group's performance on a pro forma underlying basis 
   Strong profit growth 
   Pro forma underlying profit  before taxation was GBP381.1m in 2019, up 
9% from 
   GBP350.8m in 2018, due primarily to strong growth in the loan book, net 
of structured asset sales, at attractive margins and continued cost 
   Pro forma underlying profit after taxation was GBP294.2m in 2019, up 10% 
from GBP267.6m in 2018. On a pro forma underlying basis, the Group's 
   tax rate was 22.8% in 2019 (2018: 23.7%), with a lower proportion of the 
Group's profits subject to the Bank Corporation Tax Surcharge. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, return on equity for 2019 remained 
strong at 25% (2018: 28%) and basic earnings per share increased by 9% 
to 64.9 pence per 
   share (2018: 59.4 pence per share), broadly commensurate with the 
increase in profit after taxation. 
   Net interest margin 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, net interest income was up 11% from 
GBP466.8m in 2018 to GBP518.4m in 2019 due to growth in the loan book at 
attractive margins. 
   Net interest income included EIR reset gains of GBP5.0m in 2019 (2018: 
GBP5.6m) due to assuming a period spent on standard variable rate on 
additional products, 
   as behavioural trends emerged, and cash out-performance on purchased 
mortgage portfolios. 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, 
   NIM reduced to 266bps (2018: 286bps), primarily reflecting the impact of 
the changing asset mix of the OSB loan book, despite broadly stable 
asset pricing and  a marginally higher cost of funds in the CCFS 
   The mix of the OSB loan book continued to change as the higher-yielding 
back book refinanced onto front book pricing. The impact of this mix 
effect had largely run its course by the end of the first half, assuming 
stable mortgage pricing, cost of funds and swap spreads going forward. 
   Summary pro forma underlying results for 2019 and 2018 
  Summary Statement of Profit           Group 31-Dec-2019    31-Dec-2018 
  or Loss                                     GBPm              GBPm 
Net interest income                                 518.4          466.8 
Gain on sale of loans                                58.6           36.4 
Net losses on financial instruments                (20.3)          (5.2) 
Net fees and commissions                              5.9            8.6 
External servicing fees                             (0.1)          (0.6) 
Administrative expenses                           (165.1)        (144.2) 
Provisions                                             --          (0.8) 
Impairment losses                                  (16.3)         (10.2) 
Profit before taxation                              381.1          350.8 
Profit after taxation                               294.2          267.6 
Key ratios -- for more information, 
 see Appendix 
Net interest margin                   266bps  286bps 
Cost to income ratio                     29%     28% 
Management expense ratio               0.84%   0.88% 
Loan loss ratio                        0.10%   0.07% 
Basic EPS, pence per share              64.9    59.4 
Return on equity                         25%     28% 
Extracts from the Statement 
 of Financial Position          GBPm      GBPm 
Loans and advances            18,151.4  15,644.8 
Retail deposits               16,248.6  13,166.4 
Total assets                  21,166.5  18,246.7 
   Alternative performance measures 
   The Group presents alternative performance measures ('APMs') in this 
Strategic Report as Management believes they provide a more consistent 
basis for comparing the Group's performance between financial periods. 
Pro forma underlying results assume that the Combination occurred on 
   1 January 2018, and include 12 months of results from CCFS. They also 
exclude exceptional items, integration costs and other 
acquisition-related items. 
   APMs reflect an important aspect of the way in which operating targets 
are defined and performance is monitored by the Board. However, any APMs 
in this document are not a substitute for IFRS measures and readers 
should consider the IFRS measures as well. 
   For more information on the APMs and the reconciliation between APMs and 
the statutory equivalents, see page 260 in the Appendix. 
   Gain on sale of loans 
   The gain on sale of loans of GBP58.6m on a pro forma underlying basis 
relates to sales of residual interests in three CCFS securitisations to 
third party investors in 2019, prior to the Combination (2018: 
   Losses on financial instruments 
   Pro forma underlying net fair value  loss on financial instruments 
increased to GBP20.3m (2018: GBP5.2m loss). This increase was largely 
due to GBP13.3m of losses on unmatched swaps, primarily relating to 
mortgage pipeline hedges, due to movements in the LIBOR curve during 
   Net fees and commissions 
   Pro forma underlying net fees and commissions of GBP5.9m (2018: GBP8.6m) 
primarily relate to CCFS' fees for servicing third party mortgage 
   Administrative expenses 
   Pro forma underlying administrative expenses were GBP165.1m in 2019, up 
14% from GBP144.2m in 2018, primarily due 
   to balance sheet growth. 
   The cost to income ratio on a pro forma underlying basis remained strong 
at 29% (2018: 28%) as the business retained its focus on cost efficiency 
and discipline. 
   The management expense ratio reduced to 0.84% on a pro forma underlying 
basis (2018: 0.88%), reflecting this cost discipline and benefits of 
scale, despite continued investment in the business. 
   Provisions on a pro forma underlying basis were GBPnil in 2019 as the 
provision expense was fully offset by an FSCS refund. 
   In 2018, provisions were GBP0.8m and included levies due to Financial 
Services Compensation Scheme and other regulatory provisions on acquired 
   Impairment losses 
   Impairment losses on a pro forma underlying basis increased to GBP16.3m 
in 2019 (2018: GBP10.2m) representing 10bps (2018: 7bps) on average 
gross loans and advances. 
   The loan loss ratio remained strong as both Banks delivered strong 
   performance driven by robust underwriting and prudent lending policies. 
The year- 
   on-year increase in the loan loss ratio was primarily due to the impact 
of aligning IFRS 9 modelling approaches post Combination and the impact 
of a number of high value Buy-to-Let cases having LPA receivers 
appointed during the first half of 2019, attracting higher provision 
requirements under the IFRS 9 modelling approach. 
   The number of LPA appointments stabilised in the second half of 2019. 
   Balance sheet 
   On a pro forma underlying basis, the loan book increased by 16% to 
GBP18,151.4m (2018: GBP15,644.8m), primarily due to strong levels of 
originations in the year for both OSB and CCFS, partially offset by 
structured asset sales by CCFS prior to the 
   Combination. The loan book growth would have been 23% excluding the 
   of these sales. 
   Retail deposits increased by 23% during 2019 to GBP16,248.6m (2018: 
   as both Banks continued to attract new savers by offering attractively 
priced savings products and outstanding customer service. 
   Total assets increased in the year by 16% to GBP21,166.5m (2018: 
   Drawings under the TFS were GBP2.6bn on a pro forma underlying basis, 
unchanged from 2018. 
   In 2019, the Group also took the opportunity to complement its retail 
and TFS funding with further borrowing under the Bank of England's ILTR 
and at 31 December 2019 it had GBP290.0m (2018: GBP80.0m) of borrowings 
under the 
   ILTR scheme at base rate +15bps, a total of 90bps. 
   The Group had up to GBP600m (2018: 
   GBP600m) of contingent wholesale funding capacity available to it 
through the CCFS warehouse facilities, GBP94m of which was utilised at 
the year end. 
   The Group also utilises sophisticated securitisation platforms to 
complement its funding requirements. For more information on RMBS 
issuances in 2019, see page 41. 
   Reconciliation of statutory to pro forma underlying results 
2019                                                                                                              2018 
                                                CCFS         Reverse                    Restated14 
                                                pre-    acquisition-     Pro forma             OSB         CCFS        Reverse     Pro forma 
                            Statutory    acquisition         related    underlying       statutory    statutory    exceptional    underlying 
                              results        results           items       results         results      results           item       results 
                                 GBPm           GBPm            GBPm          GBPm            GBPm         GBPm           GBPm          GBPm 
                          -----------  -------------  --------------                -------------- 
Net interest income             344.7          152.1           21.61         518.4           286.3        180.5             --         466.8 
(Loss)/gain on sale 
 of loans                       (0.1)           58.7              --          58.6              --         36.4             --          36.4 
Net losses on financial 
 instruments                    (3.3)         (13.7)          (3.3)2        (20.3)           (5.2)           --             --         (5.2) 
Net fees and commissions          2.2            3.7              --           5.9             0.6          8.0             --           8.6 
External servicing fees         (0.1)             --              --         (0.1)           (0.6)           --             --         (0.6) 
Total income                    343.4          200.8            18.3         562.5           281.1        224.9             --         506.0 
Administrative expenses       (108.7)         (57.7)            1.33       (165.1)          (79.6)       (64.6)             --       (144.2) 
Provisions                         --             --              --            --           (0.8)           --             --         (0.8) 
Impairment losses              (15.6)          (4.3)            3.64        (16.3)           (8.1)        (2.1)             --        (10.2) 
Gain on Combination 
 with CCFS                       10.8             --         (10.8)5            --              --           --             --            -- 
Integration costs               (5.2)             --            5.26            --              --           --             --            -- 
Exceptional items              (15.6)         (15.7)           31.37            --           (9.8)           --            9.8            -- 
                                                      --------------                                             ------------- 
Profit before tax               209.1          123.1            48.9         381.1           182.8        158.2            9.8         350.8 
Profit after tax                158.8           92.5            42.9         294.2           139.6        120.8            7.2         267.6 
Summary Balance Sheet 
Loans and advances to 
 customers                   18,446.8             --        (295.4)8      18,151.4         8,983.3      6,661.5             --      15,644.8 
Other financial assets        2,878.2             --           63.29       2,941.4         1,438.1      1,111.4             --       2,549.5 
Other non-financial 
 assets                          92.1             --        (18.4)10          73.7            38.8         13.6             --          52.4 
Total assets                 21,417.1             --         (250.6)      21,166.5        10,460.2      7,786.5             --      18,246.7 
Amounts owed to retail 
 depositors                  16,255.0             --         (6.4)11      16,248.6         8,071.9      5,094.5             --      13,166.4 
Other financial 
 liabilities                  3,544.0             --          10.012       3,554.0         1,690.2      2,198.7          (7.2)       3,881.7 
Other non-financial 
 liabilities                    141.1             --        (63.1)13          78.0            39.7         43.0             --          82.7 
Total liabilities            19,940.1             --          (59.5)      19,880.6         9,801.8      7,336.2          (7.2)      17,130.8 
                                                      --------------                                             -------------  ------------ 
Net assets                    1,477.0             --         (191.1)       1,285.9           658.4        450.3            7.2       1,115.9 
                                                      --------------                                             -------------  ------------ 
          1. Amortisation of the net fair value uplift to CCFS' mortgage loans 
             and retail deposits on Combination. 
          2. Inception adjustment on CCFS' derivative assets and liabilities on 
          3. Amortisation of intangible assets recognised on Combination. 
          4. Recognition of expected credit losses arising on acquisition of 
             CCFS' loan book. 
          5. Recognition of negative goodwill on Combination as a result of a 
             decrease in the OSB share price between announcement and 
             completion and an increase in the fair value of the loan book 
             acquired due to movements in the LIBOR curve between announcement 
             and completion. 
          6. Costs of integration of the two Banks post Combination. 
          7. Transaction costs include consultant, legal, professional and 
             success fees in relation to the Combination. 
          1. Recognition of a fair value uplift to CCFS' loan book of GBP317.0m 
             less amortisation of the fair value uplift of GBP22.6m and a 
             movement on credit provisions of GBP1.0m. 
          2. Fair value adjustment to hedged assets of GBP63.2m. 
          3. Adjustment of GBP0.7m to deferred tax asset and GBP19.1m relating 
             to recognition of acquired intangibles on Combination. 
          4. Fair value adjustment to CCFS' retail deposits of GBP7.4m at 
             Combination less amortisation of GBP1.0m. 
          5. Fair value adjustment to hedged liabilities of GBP10.0m. 
          6. Adjustment to deferred tax liability of GBP63.1m relating to the 
             fair value adjustments on the loan book and retail deposits and 
             other acquisition-related adjustments. 
          7. The Group restated the prior year comparatives to recognise 
             interest expense and taxation on the GBP22m Perpetual Subordinated 
             Bonds previously classified as equity. 
   Executive summary 
   During the year, the Group maintained a low and stable risk profile, in 
line with 
   the Board's risk management objectives. 
   The Group continued to enhance its risk identification and management 
   capabilities to ensure ongoing compliance with industry and regulatory 
   By leveraging its Strategic Risk Management Framework ('SRMF'), the 
Group actively managed its risk profile in accordance with the 
Board-approved risk appetite. Through continuous 
   monitoring and assessment of underlying risk drivers, the Group took 
appropriate and timely actions in response to the changing economic, 
political, business and regulatory environment. 
   The Group maintained its focus on 
   risk-based investment to enhance data governance and controls, and made 
good progress towards building Internal Ratings- Based ('IRB') approach 
   The discipline associated with effective operational resilience 
continued to be an area of focus. The Group established effective and 
scalable operating models across all risk types, which included 
leveraging its OSBI operations. 
   The Group delivered strong and profitable growth whilst maintaining a 
low and stable risk profile. Loan assets continued to perform strongly 
in 2019 and the Group maintained high quality capital and liquidity 
buffers to meet both current and future requirements. 
   Ongoing stress testing demonstrates that the Group is resilient to 
extreme, but plausible, scenarios in the context of ongoing uncertainty 
surrounding the economic, political and regulatory environment. In 
particular, the 
   Group continues to actively monitor the developments relating to 
   Brexit negotiations. 
   The Group successfully managed its funding and liquidity profile 
throughout the year, ensuring that it supported the continued growth of 
the balance sheet. 
   High level key risk indicators 
   The Group aligns its risk appetite to a select range of key performance 
indicators that are used to assess its success against strategic, 
business, operational and regulatory objectives. Actual performance 
against these indicators is continually assessed and reported. The table 
on the opposite page outlines the comparative analysis of the leading 
risk indicators 
   with supporting commentary. 
   Key achievements in 2019 
   Following the Combination with CCFS, significant progress was made on 
aligning a number of key risk management items, while two Chief Risk 
Officers were retained to ensure an appropriate level of oversight 
across the two regulated Banks. Significant work was undertaken during 
due diligence, and progress continued post completion to identify and 
manage risks associated with the integration. The risk management 
frameworks of the two Banks were 
   well aligned pre-integration, which will support both the integration 
process and the ongoing risk management oversight of both Banks. 
   Work is underway to produce a combined Group Internal Capital Adequacy 
Assessment Process ('ICAAP') in addition to individual OSB and CCFS 
ICAAPs. A consistent approach has been agreed to ensure risks to capital 
are fully assessed across the two Banks and the Group. 
   The Group also made significant progress throughout the year in further 
enhancing its SRMF, with a view to ensuring that it is not only fit for 
purpose today but also in the future, as the Group continues to grow. 
   The Group undertakes a full review of the appropriateness of its risk 
appetite at least twice a year. During 2019, enhancements were made 
across a number of risk types including credit, conduct and compliance 
and regulatory risk. 
   Improvements were made to the Group's data management and governance 
capabilities, driven by the Group's strategic data management 
objectives. This initiative is designed to deliver integrated data 
   aggregation and reporting capabilities. 
   During 2019, further enhancements were made to the Group's credit risk 
management information and reporting capabilities, with more 
   granular information being provided to the Credit and Group Risk 
Committees. Particular focus was given to providing more segmented 
information to allow management and the Board to identify 
   any changes in sub-segment performance, with respect to 
organically-originated business and acquired portfolios. 
   The Group continued to enhance its operational risk and operational 
resilience activities with increased training and awareness being rolled 
out across the organisation. A successful live scenario exercise was 
carried out with senior management and the Board over a two day period, 
testing the Group's operational and financial resilience. 
   The Group continued to positively drive forward the vulnerable customer 
agenda via the Vulnerable Customer Review Committee to ensure all 
customers continue to consistently receive 
   fair outcomes. 
   Key risk indicators 
   Loan loss ratio                                                 Liquidity coverage ratio                                3+ months in arrears 
   The Group's statutory loan loss ratio remained low at 13bps (2018: 
10bps), on a pro forma underlying basis1 the loan loss ratio was 10bps 
(2018: 7bps). 
   During 2019 impairment losses included initial recognition of expected 
credit losses across the CCFS book following the Combination, as well as 
a one-off charge across the OSB Group aligning IFRS 9 provisioning 
   During the first half of 2019, the Group implemented a more focused 
collections approach across the OSB Buy-to-Let portfolio which increased 
the number of cases where Law of Property Act receivers were appointed, 
which resulted in higher provisions. The number of LPA appointments 
   in the second half of 2019. 
   As at 31 December 2019, both OSB and CCFS continued to hold strong 
levels of liquidity, significantly in excess of the 2019 regulatory 
minimum of 100%. 
   Both Banks operate within a target liquidity runway in excess of the 
minimum LCR regulatory requirement, which is based on internal stress 
testing. Both Banks have a range of contingent liquidity and funding 
options available for possible stress periods. 
   Across the OSB lending portfolios the percentage of loans more than 
three months in arrears at the end of 2019 was 1.3% (2018: 1.5%). This 
trend was driven by changes in the loan book mix, improvement in arrears 
performance across the Residential segment and the impact of more 
targeted collections activity across Buy-to-Let lending. 
   The CCFS lending portfolios continue to display low levels of arrears of 
0.3% as at 31 December 2019 (2018: 0.2%), with a marginal increase 
observed as the lending portfolios continued to season in line with 
   Statutory CET1 ratio 
   The Group remained well above targeted capital levels throughout 2019, 
with lending portfolios continuing to generate strong levels of organic 
   Statutory total capital ratio 
   The Group's total capital ratio remained strong at 17.3% in 2019 (2018: 
                 1. Pro forma underlying basis assumes that the Combination 
                    completed on 1 January 2018  and includes 12 months of OSB 
                    and CCFS results. 
   Priority areas for 2020 
   The Group will continue to enhance its risk management activities in 
2020, ensuring appropriate oversight of both Banks, while also focusing 
on the risks posed by the Combination. The Group will manage integration 
risk as a principal risk, ensuring appropriate oversight by identifying 
and assessing key risks, developing a risk appetite and reporting to 
Management and Board Committees. 
   During 2020, the Group will further refine and embed its risk management 
capabilities in the context of changing economic, business and operating 
conditions. Priority areas for enhancement include: 
   -- Alignment of risk management frameworks across OSB and CCFS. 
   -- Development of a combined Group risk appetite across all principal risk 
      types, with supporting monitoring and reporting capabilities. 
   -- Integration of second generation IRB credit risk models within credit 
      portfolio monitoring, stress testing and capital planning, risk appetite 
      and risk-based pricing. 
   -- Development of IRB waiver documentation, demonstrating compliance with 
      approval requirements. 
   -- Alignment of operational risk management systems and integration of the 
      operational risk management frameworks across OSB and CCFS. 
   -- Enhancements to operational resilience and business continuity testing to 
      incorporate live data to create a more realistic testing environment. 
   -- Enhanced conduct risk awareness training, including bespoke face-to-face 
      training for key business areas. 
   The Board and senior Management continue to provide appropriate 
oversight and direction to all risk and compliance initiatives. The 
Group also engages external subject matter experts and consults with 
supervisory authorities to ensure appropriate levels of transparency and 
successful outcomes are achieved. 
   Pandemic risk factors 
   The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has now been labelled a global 
pandemic by the World Health Organization. If this continues to spread 
through contagion, it is likely to further intensify the disruptive 
impact on the global and UK economy. 
   This would result in deteriorating market sentiments, falling investment 
and consumer spending and diminishing trade flows. Government actions, 
both fiscal and monetary, may prove to be slow to take effect and/or 
uncertain in their impact. 
   The financial services sector in a global pandemic could be adversely 
impacted as a consequence of deteriorating credit risk profile, market 
uncertainty, declining liquidity and curtailed operational capacity. 
   A spreading global pandemic could adversely impact the Group across a 
number of key financial and operational areas. 
   The asset quality profile could be impacted through declining customer 
affordability, increasing delinquency and diminishing underlying 
security values. This would feed through into increasing credit 
write-offs, credit provisions and capital requirements. Use of 
forbearance may also need to be reassessed to manage the asset quality 
profile in a prudent and a conduct sensitive manner. The Group may also 
be required to re-evaluate the key judgements and assumptions 
underpinning its business, capital, provisioning and wider risk models. 
   The Group's capital requirements may reduce relative to the 
business-as-usual plans owing to reduced lending volumes. However, this 
may be offset by increasing contingency and risk- based requirements. 
Additionally, opportunities to effectively deploy capital may also 
diminish as capital generating capacity is impacted by declining net 
interest margins and increasing inefficiencies in the underlying 
operating model. 
   The Group's funding sources could be impacted as retail savers 
prioritise their diminishing available funds towards daily essentials. 
Retail deposits may also decline as customers reduce savings and 
investments to operate within the deposit insurance scheme limit. Retail 
savings and investments could 
   also be impacted by reduced confidence in the UK banking sector. 
Wholesale are also expected to experience reduced liquidity and risk 
appetite though this may be offset by more aggressive central bank open 
market operations. 
   The Group's operational capacity could be adversely impacted as a 
consequence of sickness-based absenteeism, remote and distributed 
working arrangements and restricted international and local travel. 
   The Group's service quality levels could be adversely impacted as a 
consequence of increased information requests and transactional support 
requirements. This would put additional pressure on already diminished 
customer facing teams. This would adversely impact service quality 
levels and may result in poor customer outcomes and remediation costs. 
   The Group's operational risk and resilience profiles would also be 
adversely impacted as a consequence of reduced staffing levels, 
declining effectiveness of third-party support services and increased 
propensity for human error owing to a reduced and stretched workforce. 
   Risk management 
   Approach to risk management 
   The Group views its capabilities to effectively identify, assess and 
manage its risk profile as critical to its growth strategy. The 
   Group's approach to risk management is outlined within the SRMF. 
   The SRMF is the overarching framework which enables the Board and senior 
management to actively manage and optimise the risk profile within the 
constraints of the risk appetite. The SRMF also enables informed 
risk-based decisions to be taken in a timely manner by allowing for the 
interests and expectations 
   of key stakeholders. 
   The SRMF also provides a structured mechanism to align all critical 
components of an effective approach to risk management. The SRMF links 
overarching risk principles to day-to-day risk monitoring and management 
   The modular construct of the SRMF provides an agile approach to keeping 
pace with the evolving nature of the risk profile and underlying 
drivers. The SRMF and its core modular components are subject to 
periodic review and approval by the Board and its relevant Committees. 
The key modules of the SRMF structure are as follows: 
   1. Risk principles and culture -- the Group has established a set of risk 
      principles which inform and guide all risk management activities and has 
      a strong, proactive and transparent 'risk culture' where all employees 
      across the Group are aware of their responsibilities in relation to risk 
   2. Risk strategy and appetite -- the Group has a clear business mission, 
      vision and strategy which is supported by an articulated risk vision and 
      underlying principles. The Group calibrates its risk appetite to reflect 
      the Group's strategic objectives and business operating plans, as well as 
      external economic, business and regulatory constraints. 
   3. Risk assessment and control -- the Group's business model and strategy 
      exposes it to a defined risk profile and the risk governance structure is 
      informed by this risk profile such that 
   the Group can identify and manage its risks in an effective and 
efficient manner. 
   1. Risk definitions and categorisation -- the Group sets out its principal 
      risks which represent the primary risks to which the Group is exposed. 
   1. Risk analytics (including stress testing and scenario development) -- the 
      Group uses quantitative analysis and statistical modelling to help 
      improve its business decisions. 
   2. Risk data and IT -- the maintenance of high quality risk information, 
      along with the Group's data enrichment and aggregation capabilities, are 
      central to the Risk function's objectives being achieved. 
   3. Risk frameworks, policies and procedures -- risk frameworks, policies and 
      supporting documentation outline the process by which risk is effectively 
      managed and governed within the Group. 
   4. Risk management information ('MI') and reporting -- the Group has 
      established a comprehensive suite of risk MI and reports covering all 
      principal risk types. 
   5. Risk governance and function organisation -- risk governance refers to 
      the processes and structures established by the Board to ensure that 
      risks are assumed and managed within the Board-approved risk appetite, 
      with clear delineation between risk taking, oversight and assurance 
      responsibilities. The Group's risk governance framework is structured to 
   to the 'three lines of defence' model. 
   Further detail on these modules is set out in the Group's Pillar 3 
disclosures. The following diagrams outline the core components of the 
SRMF and the organisational arrangements to ensure 
   that the Group operates in accordance with the requirements of the SRMF. 
   Risk appetite 
   The Group aligns its strategic and business objectives with its risk 
appetite, enabling the Board and senior management to monitor the risk 
profile relative to its strategic and business performance objectives. 
Risk appetite is a critical mechanism through which the Board and senior 
management are able to identify adverse trends and respond to unexpected 
developments in a timely 
   and considered manner. 
   The Group risk appetite is articulated by means of a series of 
statements which outline the level and nature of risks that the Group is 
able and willing to assume in pursuit of its strategic and business 
objectives. These statements are further supported 
   by a suite of risk thresholds which ensure that the Group's risk profile 
is monitored and controlled within defined parameters and appetite 
breaches are subject to appropriate management and Board oversight. The 
Risk Appetite Framework also helps to outline roles and responsibilities 
pertaining to all aspects of the risk appetite, based on a defined 
structure, processes, procedures and governance. 
   Risk appetite is calibrated to reflect the Group's strategic objectives, 
business operating plans, as well as external economic, business and 
regulatory constraints. In particular, risk appetite is calibrated to 
ensure that the Group continues to 
   deliver against its strategic and business objectives and maintains 
sufficient financial resource buffers to withstand plausible but extreme 
stresses. The primary objective of the risk appetite is to ensure that 
the Group's strategy and business operating model 
   is sufficiently resilient. 
   The risk appetite is calibrated using statistical analysis and stress 
testing to inform the process for setting management triggers and limits 
against key risk indicators. The calibration process is designed to 
ensure that timely and appropriate actions are taken to maintain the 
risk profile within approved thresholds. The Board and senior management 
actively monitor actual performance against approved management triggers 
and limits. 
   The Group risk appetite is subject to a full refresh annually across all 
principal risk types and an additional mid-year review where any metrics 
can be assessed and updated as appropriate. 
   The Group's principal risks are set out in the  below heat map and in 
detail, on pages 58 to 66. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 31, 2020 13:00 ET (17:00 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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