RNS No 1270k
16th March 1999

                               "Record Results"

Computacenter  plc, the largest UK company specialising in the  provision  of
distributed  information technology and related services to  large  corporate
and public sector organisations, announces record preliminary results:

*   Turnover               -    up 39.9% to #1,586 million

*   Pre-tax profit         -    up 37.2% to #64.6 million

*   Profit after tax       -    up 39.4% to #43.4 million

*   Earnings per share     -    up 30.4% to 27.0p per share
               diluted     -    up 34.3% to 23.5p per share

*   Net funds position     -    #21.1 million (1997: net debt #32.7 million)

*   Dividend               -    2.5p per share (1997: notional dividend 2.0p  
                                per share)

Commenting, Philip Hulme, Chairman, Computacenter plc, said:

"These  are  another outstanding set of results.  Both turnover and  profits
exceeded expectations and 1998 was Computacenter's sixteenth consecutive year
of turnover and profits growth in the UK."

"The  growth  of  the Group in 1998 was significantly in  excess  of  market
growth.  This was the result of our continued focus on expanding the range of
services  offered  to  our  existing customers,  new  account  wins  and  the
outstanding performance of our overseas operations."

"We have taken advantage of our financial strength to increase the level  of
investment in each of our three country subsidiaries."

"The prospects for the Group for 1999 and beyond remain strong.  In fact, our
confidence  has been further strengthened by the achievements of  1998.   The
rate  of  investment in the business continues at a high level  and  we  will
continue to focus on the long-term development of the Group."

Mike Norris, Chief Executive, said

"Our   primary   focus  is  to  build  upon  existing  long-term   customer
relationships.  However, Computacenter also grew its customer base  in  1998.
A significant percentage of new account wins during the year included on-site
Support Services."

"The  support  and management of distributed technology remains  a  constant
challenge for many large organisations.  Our customers have seen how, by  the
migration of best practice across our customer sites, we can deliver superior
service at reduced cost."

"Our  On-Trac electronic commerce system continues to be a major  investment
area  for  the  Group.  Orders taken and processed via On-Trac exceeded  #284
million  during  1998,  with over 400 of our customers  currently  using  the

"Computacenter France achieved an exceptional year, growing turnover by over
70%  to  #165.8  million.  This  was achieved  through  development  of  some
significant  accounts.  Computacenter Germany, which  was  acquired  in  June
1997, increased its contribution to Group turnover from #3.7 million in  1997
to  #37.1  million in 1998, its first full year of trading  as  part  of  the

"The  Euro,  the  growth  of e-commerce applications  and  the  approach  of
Microsoft's Windows 2000 operating system will all be increasingly important
growth drivers for our business over the coming year."


Computacenter plc
Mike Norris, Chief Executive         0171 620 2222
Tony Conophy, Finance Director

Media enquiries:
Phil Williams, Head of
Corporate Marketing                  0171 593 4554

Analyst enquiries:
Melanie Leibert,
Investor Relations                   0171 593 4635

Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Anthony Carlisle                     0171 638 9571
                                     0973 611 888

Duncan Murray                        0171 638 9571

Chairman's statement

I  am  delighted to be able to report another outstanding set of results  for
the  Group  for the year to 31 December 1998, our first as a quoted  company.
Both turnover and profits exceeded expectations and 1998 was Computacenter's
sixteenth consecutive year of turnover and profits growth in the UK.

The  high rate of sales growth reported in the first half accelerated in  the
second  half  and turnover for the full year, at #1,586 million,  was  up  by
39.9%  compared to 1997.  Profit before tax, at #64.6 million was up by  more
than 37%.

The balance sheet remains very strong and the Group ended the year with a net
funds  position of #21.1 million compared to net debt at the end of  1997  of
#32.7 million.

The growth of the Group in 1998 was significantly in excess of market growth.
This was the result of our continued focus on expanding the range of services
offered  to  our  existing customers, new account wins  and  the  outstanding
performance  of  our  overseas operations.  The directors  believe  that  the
results confirm that the Group has further consolidated its position  as  the
preferred  partner  for  organisations  seeking  to  implement  and   support
distributed IT.

As  anticipated  at  the  time of Computacenter's flotation,  we  have  taken
advantage  of  our financial strength to increase the level of investment  in
each of our three country subsidiaries. Headcount in the UK increased by over
a  third from 2,843 to 3,810 staff.  Office space was expanded in a number of
areas  and  the investment in the Group's new operations centre, in Hatfield,
continued apace.  We also continued to develop our range of services  and  to
invest  in the tools and systems that enable us to deliver these services  to
the highest quality standards.  For example, the Group has made a substantial
investment in e-commerce.  In 1998 over #284 million of customer orders  were
placed  and processed electronically with corresponding benefits in increased
efficiency  and  improved customer service. These and other investments,  the
majority of which were expensed, will help to secure the future growth of the

The  growth  of  our  businesses in France and  Germany  was  well  ahead  of
expectations.   Turnover in France grew by over 70%  to  #165.8  million  and
operating profit by 34% to #2.7 million.  Headcount increased by 84% to  549.
New offices were opened in Nice, Rouen and Pau and the company signed a lease
for new logistics and headquarters premises in Paris which will substantially
increase the size of our central operations facility during 1999.  The  Group
also  continued  to  add  to the range of services  offered  in  France.   As
expected,  the very high rate of growth and investment depressed net  margins

The  growth  in  Germany was even greater, with the business  increasing  its
contribution to Group turnover from #3.7 million in 1997 to #37.1 million  in
1998,  its first full year of trading as part of the Group. Headcount doubled
during the year to 223 staff.  The operating loss for the year was lower than
forecast  at  #1.4  million.   Management is  extremely  satisfied  with  the
progress  of both France and Germany and believes that the investments  being
made will secure future growth.

In  my  interim statement, I commented that it was difficult to forecast  the
net impact on the Group of Y2000.  Some clients have brought projects forward
as  a  result  of  the  millennium but, similarly, many  projects  have  been
temporarily deferred.  In the opinion of management, the net impact of  Y2000
on  overall  Group  sales  in 1998 was small.  Y2000 compliance  upgrades  to
Computacenter's  internal systems are largely completed with  the  remaining
upgrades on track for completion during 1999.

Computacenter's  flotation, which took place on 21 May, was  extremely  well
received.  Since then the Group's share price has fluctuated widely in common
with other companies in the sector. I would like to take this opportunity  to
emphasise that, in the opinion of management, the prospects for the Group for
1999  and  beyond  remain strong.  In fact, our confidence has  been  further
strengthened  by  the achievements of 1998.  The rate of  investment  in  the
business  continues at a high level and management will continue to focus  on
the long-term development of the Group.

In January 1999, one of our longest standing venture capital investors, Apax,
disposed  of  all  of its remaining beneficial holdings in Computacenter,  in
excess  of 14 million shares.  The shares were placed with a number of  large
financial  institutions. This placing has significantly increased  the  free-
float,  which now stands at over 44%, and has had a positive effect on market

Computacenter remains, above all, a people business.  Our success depends  on
the  quality of our service, which in turn depends on the quality, motivation
and  teamwork  of our staff.  It is a tribute to their efforts that  we  have
again achieved outstanding results.  At the time of the flotation free shares
were  issued to all qualifying staff who were on our payroll as at  31  March
1998.   The  cost  of  these shares, #2.8 million, was expensed  through  the
profit  and  loss  account.  By the end of 1998 over 60%  of  employees  were
shareholders  and over half had elected to participate in  the  Group's  new
share  save  scheme.  I would like to thank all of our staff once  again  for
their  commitment and enthusiasm, as well as their hard work.   Management's
task  is to continue to earn the loyalty of staff, customers and shareholders

Finally,  consistent  with  the dividend policy  set  out  in  our  flotation
prospectus,  I  am pleased to recommend a final dividend of  2.5p  per  share
payable on 21 of May 1999 to registered shareholders as of 30 of April 1999.

Philip Hulme, Chairman

Chief Executive's Review

During  1998  Computacenter continued to invest across all of its businesses,
consolidating  its  position as the leading supplier of  distributed  IT  and
related   services   to   the  corporate  and  public   sector   marketplace.
Computacenter provides a wide range of services covering the entire lifecycle
of distributed IT, from planning and requisition of appropriate technology to
its  successful  implementation  within  an  organisation's  infrastructure,
through to its subsequent support and management.

In  1998  this  strategy  of investment resulted in  an  exceptional  year's
results.  Group turnover grew 39.9%.  Profit before tax increased from  #47.1
million  to  #64.6 million and our after-tax earnings from #31.1  million  to
#43.4  million. Headcount increased by over a third from 3,245 at the end  of
1997 to 4,582 at the end of 1998.

93%  of  our  turnover came from the provision of products  and  services  to
corporate and public sector organisations. The remaining 7% was generated  by
our  distribution business, Computacenter Distribution (CCD), which  supplies
hardware  and  a  range  of  services  to  small  and  medium-sized  computer

Although  international sales grew faster than UK sales in 1998, the  greater
part  of  revenues came from our UK business. Of the total Group turnover  of
#1.6  billion, #1.4 billion, or 87%, was generated by our UK businesses,  the
remaining 13% coming from sales in France and Germany.

This  outstanding  year  has  allowed us to further  increase  the  level  of
investment in our business to secure long-term growth.  With the exception of
capital  used in developing our new Hatfield operations centre, the  majority
of this investment has been expensed through the profit and loss account.

Market growth

Despite  a  partial slow-down in the UK economy, demand for  IT  systems  and
services remained strong in 1998. A major focus of our customers for the year
was  IT  investment  to ensure Y2000 compliance of mainframe  and  associated
business  systems.   As  compliance projects  end,  we  anticipate  increased
customer focus on distributed IT investment as organisations refocus  on  its
deployment  for  competitive advantage. The Euro, the  growth  of  e-commerce
applications  and  the approach of Microsoft's Windows 2000 operating  system
will  all be increasingly important growth drivers for our business over  the
coming year.

The  continuing decline in PC hardware prices is also a major positive factor
driving industry growth rates enabling our customers to increase their  level
of  investment  in  new  technology.  Falling  capital  costs  and  advancing
technology continually open up new opportunities for organisations to use  IT
to derive competitive advantage.

Building customer value

Much  of  Computacenter's growth  in 1998 was due to expanding  relationships
with  existing  long-term  corporate  customers.   In  particular,  this  was
reflected  in  the demand for our support services, where our  contract  base
grew at a faster rate than the company as a whole.

The  support  and  management of distributed technology  remains  a  constant
challenge for many large organisations.  Our customers have seen how, by  the
migration of best practice across our customer sites, we can deliver superior
service at reduced cost.

During  1998,  we  have taken further strides in increasing our  support  and
management capability through the centralisation of support services and  the
deployment  of  enhanced technology.  Our Milton Keynes based CallCenter  now
handles our customers' Help Desk requirements either full-time, part-time  or
as  an  overflow capability.  I am also pleased to report that some customers
are  now  supported by our 24-hour remote network management facilities  from
our  CallCenter.   Our  staff  are able to remotely  monitor  distributed  IT
systems,  warning  the  customer, or providing a resolution  remotely,  if  a
problem  occurs. These have been major investment areas for Computacenter  in
1998  which,  we  believe,  are  starting to  build  significant  competitive

The  growth  in demand for technical consultancy has been one of the  fastest
areas  of  growth  within the group.  The appointment of Computacenter  as  a
Microsoft Alliance Partner in October has not only increased this demand  but
will  enable  us  to  invest  in employing up to 1,000  additional  Microsoft
accredited  professionals over  the next three  years  to  fulfil  customers'

As  the client-server platform becomes the preferred technology base for many
line-of-business applications, the products we sell and support  continue  to
increase in scale, complexity and strategic importance to organisations. As a
result,  customers  are  increasingly  turning  to  Computacenter  to  become
involved  in  major  project work and we have seen a  corresponding  rise  in
demand for our project management capability.

Our  On-Trac  electronic commerce system continues to be a  major  investment
area  for  the  Group.  Orders taken and processed via On-Trac exceeded  #284
million  during  1998,  with over 400 of our customers  currently  using  the
system.   On-Trac  employs  both Internet and Intranet  technologies  and  is
continually  being  enhanced in order to support the  provision  of  all  our

During  1998, not only did we increase the diversity of services sold to  our
growing  customer  base but the range of products also increased.   1998  saw
particular   emphasis  on  Internet  technologies,  enterprise  systems   and
enterprise networking.  Computacenter became one of only a handful  of  Cisco
partners  accredited to gold status and also became a HP Unix system  partner
and a Microsoft Alliance Partner as reported earlier.

The quality of service that we deliver to both new and existing customers is,
without  doubt,  the over-riding factor in the success of the  business.   In
November  we  were delighted to receive an award for 'Quality of Product  and
Service'  from  BT,  our  largest customer.  We were  one  of  only  four  BT
suppliers to receive such an award in 1998.

Winning new customers

Computacenter's  primary  focus  is  to build  upon  its  existing  long-term
customer relationships.  However Computacenter also grew its customer base in
1998.   A significant percentage of new account wins during the year included
on-site  Support  Services.  New UK customers included the Post  Office,  the
Automobile Association and Seeboard.  We believe that Computacenter's ability
to  deliver value through its entire range of services combined with  our  e-
commerce capability constitutes a significant competitive advantage.

Investing for growth

To  support  our  increased market share and lay the foundations  for  future
growth,  Computacenter  continues to re-invest in its  people.   Our  biggest
investment  during  1998 was in training and recruitment with  overall  Group
headcount growing by over a third during the year.  We also invested  in  new
premises  and facilities.  New offices were opened in London and in  Hatfield
to  accommodate  the rapid expansion of our sales and support operations.  To
accommodate  the  significant growth  in Computacenter's  enterprise  systems
business,  we  also  opened a dedicated facility in Blackfriars  providing  a
testing resource for customer systems.

I  have already made reference to Computacenter's high level of investment in
best  practices  and in systems that enable us to deliver our services  cost-
effectively  and  to  the highest quality standards.   We  believe  that  the
economies of scale we enjoy in such developments are a significant source  of
competitive advantage.

A  major current development is the construction of our new, #70 million, 20-
acre  operations centre in Hatfield, Hertfordshire. This project  remains  on
schedule with our logistics facility due to open for pilot operations  in  Q3
1999 with the entire project planned for completion in 2000.


Computacenter  continues  to  develop its international  capability  via  its
direct  subsidiaries  in  France  and  Germany.  As  a  whole,  international
operations increased as a percentage of group revenue from 9% in 1997 to  13%
in  1998.   The  deployment of Computacenter's core operational  systems  and
business  practices, proven in our UK business, continue to yield competitive
advantage in these markets.

Computacenter France

Computacenter France achieved an exceptional year, growing turnover  by  over
70%  to  #165.8  million.  This  was achieved  through  development  of  some
significant accounts, including two of France's largest organisations  France
Telecom and EDF.

Revenue  growth was mirrored by headcount, almost doubling from 298 staff  at
the  end  of 1997 to 549 at the end of 1998.  A large part of our recruitment
was   in  service  divisions,  where  growth  exceeded  the  percentage   for
Computacenter France as a whole.

Due to the rapid expansion of the French company and our future growth plans,
we  have  signed  the lease on a new logistics and headquarters  facility  in
Paris,  which is approximately three times the size of our current  premises.
In  addition,  three new branches were opened in Nice, Rouen and  Pau  during
1998.  Computacenter France's rapid expansion during 1998 and the investments
we have made to accommodate future growth promise well for 1999 and beyond.

Computacenter Germany

Computacenter  Germany,  which  was acquired  in  June  1997,  increased  its
contribution to Group turnover from #3.7 million in 1997 to #37.1 million  in
1998,  its first full year of trading as part of the Group. During 1998,  our
biggest investment was in people, with headcount growing from 104 at the  end
of  1997  to  over 220 at the end of 1998.  Significant new customer  account
wins include DVAG, Dresdner Bank Group, Hapag-Lloyd and Electrolux.

New offices were opened in Munich and Hamburg, and an additional sales office
was  opened  in  Bremen.   In October we signed a lease  on  a  new,  larger,
logistics facility in Frankfurt and have since opened offices in Hanover  and
Stuttgart. During 1999 we will continue to explore the possibility of opening
additional offices and invest to win business and increase market share.


The International Computer Group (ICG), of which Computacenter was a founding
shareholder  in  1989, remains our core delivery mechanism for  products  and
services  outside  of  the  three  European  markets  serviced  directly   by
Computacenter.   This  international joint venture now  covers  58  countries
throughout the world.

Whilst our focus for 1999 clearly remains in investing for growth in our  UK,
French  and  German  businesses, we will continue to  evaluate  other  market
opportunities as these arise.

Our people

1998 was a historic year for Computacenter, notable for financial performance
as  well  as  the  flotation of the company.  However, it was the  individual
efforts of our staff - working alone or in teams - that made the difference.

Following  the flotation of the company in May, free shares were  offered  to
all  qualifying  staff  at that time. Since then we have  also  initiated  an
Inland  Revenue approved share save scheme in which over half  of  our  staff
have elected to participate.

Computacenter  remains,  essentially,  a  people  company.  Long-term   staff
retention will always remain a critical success factor for Computacenter.  It
is  the  task  of management to earn the loyalty of employees by providing  a
rewarding   work   environment,   ongoing   training   programmes,   exciting
opportunities and attractive benefits.  We are delighted with the progress we
have made in 1998.  I believe that the quality, commitment and enthusiasm  of
our staff bodes well for our continuing success.

Mike Norris, Chief Executive

For the year ended 31 December 1998

                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
TURNOVER                              1,586,238           1,133,523
OPERATING COSTS                      (1,519,942)         (1,081,041)
                                     ----------           ---------           
OPERATING PROFIT                         66,296              52,482
Loss from interests                             
in associated undertakings                  (12)               (176)
Other income                              4,945               1,429
Interest payable and similar charges     (6,626)             (6,636)
                                     ----------           ---------           
PROFIT ON ORDINARY                              
ACTIVITES BEFORE TAXATION                64,603              47,099
Taxation                                (21,232)            (15,990)
                                     ----------           ---------           
PROFIT ON ORDINARY                              
ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                43,371              31,109
Minority interests - equity                 (77)                (22)
                                     ----------           ---------
PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO MEMBERS OF                          
THE PARENT COMPANY                       43,294              31,087
Dividends - ordinary dividends 
on equity shares                         (4,302)             (4,983)
                                     ----------           ---------           
RETAINED PROFIT FOR                             
THE YEAR                                 38,992              26,104
                                     ==========           =========
Earnings per share - Basic                27.0p               20.7p
                   - Diluted              23.5p               17.5p

For the year ended 31 December 1998

                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
FIXED ASSETS                                    
Tangible assets                          59,768              30,589
Investments                               1,467               1,408
                                        -------             -------
                                         61,235              31,997
CURRENT ASSETS                                  
Stocks                                  109,853             108,245
Debtors: gross                          237,855             186,270
Less non returnable proceeds             (1,293)            (20,549)
                                        -------             -------
                                        236,562             165,721
Cash at bank and in hand                 63,601              13,829
                                        -------             -------
                                        410,016             287,795
CREDITORS  amounts falling due                                    
within one year                        (307,382)           (245,001)
                                        -------             -------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                      102,634              42,794
                                        -------             -------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES   163,869              74,791
CREDITORS: amounts falling due after                          
more than one year                      (42,013)            (43,448)
PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES                       
AND CHARGES                              (1,035)                  -
                                        -------             -------
TOTAL ASSETS LESS                    
LIABILITIES                             120,821              31,343
                                        =======             =======
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                            
Called up share capital                   8,678               7,876
Share premium account                    49,850                 537
Profit and loss account                  62,144              22,865
                                        -------             -------
Shareholders' funds - equity            120,672              31,278
Minority interests - equity                 149                  65
                                        -------             -------
                                        120,821              31,343 
                                        =======             =======

Approved by the board on 15 March 1999

Philip Hulme

Mike Norris
Chief Executive

For the year ended 31 December 1998

                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES    63,734              42,625
RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND                      
SERVICING OF FINANCE                     (2,084)             (4,748)
Corporation tax paid                    (17,486)            (11,294)
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND                         
FINANCIAL INVESTMENT                    (40,179)            (20,787)
ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS                  (71)             (2,756)

EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                         -              (4,983)
                                        -------             -------
CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) BEFORE FINANCING    3,914              (1,943)
Issue of shares                          50,115                 217
Decrease in debt                         (4,257)             (2,312)
                                        -------             -------           
INCREASE /(DECREASE) IN CASH                    
IN THE YEAR                              49,772              (4,038)
                                        =======             =======


NET DEBT AT 1 JANUARY 1997                                  (30,749)
Decrease in cash in the year                                 (4,038)
Cash outflow from repayment of debt and lease finance         2,312
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                 (1,726)
Non cash changes in debt                                       (214)
NET DEBT AT 31 DECEMBER 1997                                (32,689)
Increase in cash in the year                                 49,772
Cash outflow from repayment of debt and lease finance         4,257
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                 54,029
Non cash changes in debt                                       (214)
NET FUNDS AT 31 DECEMBER 1998                                21,126

at 31 December 1998


The  preliminary financial information has been prepared on the basis of  the
accounting  policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts for  the  year
ended 31 December 1998.


Turnover  represents  the amounts derived from the  provision  of  goods  and
services  which fall within the group's ordinary activities,  stated  net  of
VAT.  The  group  operates in one principal activity,  that  of  the  design,
supply,  project  management and long term support of information  technology

An  analysis of turnover by destination and origin, operating profit and  net
assets is given below:

Turnover by Destination                                    
                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
UK                                    1,365,906           1,031,143
France                                  165,764              96,308
Germany                                  39,020               3,933
Rest of the World                        15,548               2,139
                                      ---------           ---------
                                      1,586,238           1,133,523
                                      =========           =========

Turnover by Origin                                         
                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
UK                                    1,383,357           1,033,820
France                                  165,773              96,039
Germany                                  37,108               3,664
                                      ---------           ---------
                                      1,586,238           1,133,523
                                      =========           =========

Operating Profit                                           
                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
UK                                       64,929              51,111
France                                    2,747               2,054
Germany                                  (1,380)               (683)
                                      ---------           ---------
                                         66,296              52,482
                                      =========           =========

All turnover and operating profit relates to continuing operations.

                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
Increase in stocks of finished goods     (1,608)            (24,841)
Goods for resale and consumables      1,254,418             916,453
Staff costs                             153,619             104,403
Other operating charges                 113,513              85,026
                                      ---------           ---------
                                      1,519,942           1,081,041
                                      =========           =========


The charge based on the profit for the year comprises
                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
UK Corporation tax                                         
Current                                  20,197              16,189
Deferred tax                              1,035                (199)
                                        -------             -------
                                         21,232              15,990
                                        =======             =======


The  directors recommend the payment of a dividend of 2.5p per share. Had the
Directors implemented the dividend policy set out in the flotation prospectus
by  paying 10% of attributable profits in 1997, the total dividend payable in
that  year would have been #3,109,000.  On the basis of the number of  shares
in  issue at 31 December 1997 this represents a notional dividend of 2.0p per
share.  The  Computacenter  ESOP trust has waived the  dividends  payable  in
respect  of 1,475,170 (1997: 1,475,170) ordinary shares that it owns which 
are not allocated to employees.  Accordingly, dividends payable have been
reduced by #37,000.


The   calculation  of  earnings  per  ordinary  share  is  based  on   profit
attributable  to  members  of  the  holding  company  of  #43,294,000  (1997:
#31,087,000)  and on 160,535,000 (1997: 150,454,000) ordinary  shares,  being
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year after
excluding the shares owned by the Computacenter Employee Share Trust.

The  diluted  earnings  per share is based on the  same  earnings  figure  of
#43,294,000  (1997:  #31,087,000)  and  on  184,242,000  (1997:  177,279,000)
ordinary  shares calculated as the basic weighted average number of  ordinary
shares plus 23,707,000 (1997: 26,825,000) dilutive share options.

The figures for 1997 have been restated in accordance with FRS 14.


                                           1998                1997
                                          #'000               #'000
Operating profit                         66,296              52,482
Depreciation                             10,691               8,390
Loss on disposal of fixed assets            407                 228
Increase in debtors                     (70,842)            (18,568)
Increase in stocks                       (1,608)            (24,841)
Increase in creditors                    57,976              25,302
Currency and other adjustments              814                (368)
                                        -------             -------
Net cash inflow from operating 
activities                               63,734              42,625
                                        =======             =======


The  financial information contained in this preliminary statement  does  not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies  Act
1985.   The  financial information set out in the announcement  is  extracted
from  the full group financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1998
which contain an unqualified audit report.



Computacenter (LSE:CCC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Computacenter 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Computacenter (LSE:CCC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Computacenter 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.