RNS No 8824v
20th August 1998

             Interim Results for the half year to 30 June 1998
                Record results show strong continued momentum

Following  its flotation in May this year, Computacenter plc, the largest  UK
company  specialising in the provision of distributed information  technology
and  related  services  to large corporate and public  sector  organisations,
announces record interim results

*    Turnover            -    up 39% to #776 million
*    Pre-tax profit      -    up 42% to #31.3 million
*    EPS                 -    up 42% to 11.4p per share fully diluted
*    Net pre-tax margin  -    Steady at 4% of sales
*    Net cash position   -    #18.7 million compared with #41.9 million net

*    French and German subsidiaries exceed plan
*    Some exceptional factors in the first half
*    Underlying performance strong
*    New  account  wins  include  the Post  Office,  SEEBOARD  Plc  and  the
     Automobile Association
*    Accelerated investment programme
*    626 new staff positions

Philip Hulme, Chairman, Computacenter plc, said

     These  are  another set of record results.  They were  achieved  after
     expensing #2.8 million through the profit and loss account to fund  free
     shares for employees at the time of our flotation.

     The results demonstrate the strong underlying demand for Computacenter's 
     services and the Group s ability to build market share.

     Growth  in the first half was ahead of expectations.  This was  partly
     the result of some exceptional factors which are unlikely to be repeated
     in  the  second  half.  However, even allowing for  these  factors,  the
     underlying growth rate remained at a very encouraging level.
     The Group is taking advantage of its financial strength to accelerate
     investment  in people, systems and infrastructure to capitalise  on  the
     opportunities we see.

     We remain confident of the outcome for the full year and the prospects
     for future growth.

Mike Norris, Chief Executive, said

     We  have  won some important new accounts, as well as growing business
     with our existing customers.  We also see further opportunities to widen
     our service base.

     Successful growth fuels a virtuous circle which enables us to increase
     value  to  customers, to increase investment in our people, systems  and
     infrastructure and to create healthy returns for our shareholders.

     The vast majority of Computacenter s staff are now shareholders.  This
     high  level of financial participation, and the corresponding  level  of
     enthusiasm which is apparent within the Group, bodes well for our future

For further information

Computacenter plc
Media enquiries:        Mike Norris, Chief Executive     0171 620 2222

Analyst enquiries:      Tony Conophy, Finance Director   01923 256040

Dewe Rogerson
Anthony Carlisle        0171 638 9571
                        0973 611 888

Duncan Murray           0171 638 9571

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to be able to report another set of record results for the Group
in the half year to 30 June.

Turnover,  at  #776 million, was up 39% over the same period  last  year  and
profit  before  tax,  at #31.3 million, was up 42%. The Group's  net  margin
before  tax  as a percentage of sales remained steady at 4% and fully-diluted
earnings per share grew by 42% to 11.4 pence.

The  Group maintained a strong positive cash flow with a net inflow  of  #1.8
million compared with a net outflow of #11.2 million for the same period last
year. This was before taking account of #49.6 million received as a result of
the  Group's  successful flotation. The net cash position, after  debt,  was
#18.7 million at the half year.

Our  businesses  in  France  and Germany both  exceeded  plan.  Turnover  for
Computacenter France grew by 56% to #69 million and operating profit grew 75%
to  #1.15  million.  Our  business in Germany  is  at  an  earlier  stage  of
development  but  achieved sales of #12.9 million with an operating  loss  of
#0.6 million.

The growth rates exhibited in the first half were ahead of expectations. This
was  partly the result of a number of exceptional factors which are  unlikely
to  be repeated in the second half. These include substantial gains in public
sector  turnover which is typically weighted to the first half of  the  year,
changes in the corporate licensing arrangements for Microsoft software  which
resulted  in  some  particularly  large deals  in  the  first  half  and  the
outstanding growth of Computacenter France. However, even allowing for  these
factors,  the  underlying  growth  rate of  the  Group  remained  at  a  very
encouraging level.

The  Group's financial strength has enabled management to further accelerate
our   investment  in  people,  systems  and  infrastructure.  Many  of  these
investments  are  expensed through the profit and loss  account.  Recruitment
continues  apace  and  the  Group has expanded its office  space  in  several
regions. The development of the new logistics, engineering and administration
centre in Hatfield is proceeding according to plan. We are also continuing to
develop and extend our range of services. All of these investments will  help
to secure the future growth of the Group.

Turning to the future, there is much talk about the possible effects of  Year
2000  and EMU, as well as general economic conditions. I am pleased to report
that current trading remains strong and, allowing for the exceptional factors
noted  above,  there is no evidence of any slowdown in the underlying  growth
rate  of the Group's business. Consequently, management remains confident  of
the likely outcome for the full year.

With respect to the Year 2000 issue, on previous occasions we have noted that
it  is difficult to predict the net effect on the Group. Some customers  have
accelerated  hardware  replacement as part  of  their  Year  2000  compliance
programmes,  but in other instances significant projects are  being  deferred
until  the next millennium. In the last few months we have begun to see  some
evidence  that there may be an accelerating net pull-forward of business  but
we estimate that the impact on our results so far has been minimal.

EMU  is  a factor which will drive future growth as companies adapt their  IT
systems  to  cope  with  the new currency. This will be  true  regardless  of
whether  the UK chooses to enter the system. However, again, there  has  been
little, if any, effect on our business to date.

Our  flotation, which took place on 21 May, was an important landmark for the
Group   and  an  undoubted  success.  The  offer  was  more  than  12   times
oversubscribed. As part of the flotation process, free shares were offered to
all  qualifying  staff  who were on the payroll as at  31  March  this  year.
Consequently  over  90% of Computacenter staff are now  shareholders  in  the
Group.  It is worth noting that the cost of these free shares, #2.8  million,
was expensed through the profit and loss account in the first half. Since the
flotation  the Group has also initiated a Sharesave scheme in  which  56%  of
staff have elected to participate.

Our  people remain, as always, our greatest asset. It is a tribute  to  their
efforts  that we have once more achieved record results. This is particularly
satisfying in a period when many of our staff have spent significant  amounts
of  time  preparing the Group for our flotation. I thank them  all  and  look
forward  to reporting on our results, and declaring a full year dividend,  at
the end of the financial year.

Philip Hulme, Chairman

Review of operations

Computacenter  is the largest UK-owned company specialising in the  provision
of distributed information technology and related services to large corporate
and public sector organisations.

Our  overall  strategic  objective  is  to  establish  Computacenter  as  the
preferred  partner of such organisations for the purpose of implementing  the
supporting distributed IT.

The  Group  offers a full range of services including Planning,  Requisition,
Implementation, Support and Management and markets these services as  PRISM .

During  the  first  half  the Group continued to  make  progress  by  further
developing the range of services sold into existing accounts and by winning a
number of significant contracts with new customers. Notably, we expanded  the
range  of  services provided to many of our managed services  customers.  New
account  wins in the first six months included the Post Office, SEEBOARD  Plc
and the Automobile Association.

During  the  first half of 1998 the GCat contract with the CCTA, won  jointly
with  EDS  in  September 1997, resulted in significant  sales  gains  in  the
government  sector. Due to the traditional purchasing patterns of the  public
sector we expect that this contract will have less impact in the second  half
of  the  financial  year. The first six months were also  given  a  boost  by
Microsoft's  introduction of new corporate software  licensing  arrangements
which resulted in a number of major incremental sales.

The  demand for the Group's support and managed services offerings  continued
to  increase. In the first half of the year the UK company merged its on-site
maintenance  and  managed services operations into a single  unit.  This  new
division  comprises some 900 people, the majority of whom work full  time  on
customer  sites managing and supporting distributed technology. In  addition,
we  enhanced  our  central support capability, thus  creating  a  significant
opportunity to share best practices and to create operational leverage.

The  Group  continued to invest in skills and infrastructure in  the  rapidly
growing enterprise networking market and attained the much-coveted Cisco Gold
accreditation in the UK in March. The UK company also expanded its investment
in higher end UNIX services and became authorised for the sale and support of
HP/9000 and DEC Alpha platforms.

The  growth  of  the  Internet and corporate Intranets is  creating  numerous
opportunities  for  the Group. However, many of these originate  outside  our
traditional  IT  contacts  within customer organisations  and  the  range  of
services  required differs from our core offering. For these reasons,  a  new
division  has been formed in the UK dedicated to  e-business  which will,  in
due course, be marketed under its own identity.

The  UK  company  continued to develop its expertise in the area  of  channel
assembly  whereby manufacturers supply part-built machines and  Computacenter
adds  the  final components, such as disk and memory, against final  customer
orders. An initial pilot scheme was successfully completed with IBM and  that
programme  is  now fully implemented and live. A similar pilot  is  currently
underway with Hewlett-Packard.

Construction   has   commenced   at  the  new  logistics,   engineering   and
administration facility in Hatfield and work is on schedule. New offices were
opened  in London and Hatfield to accommodate the continued expansion of  our
sales and support operations.

In  France,  new offices were opened in Nice, Pau and Rouen and an  agreement
was  signed for a significantly larger headquarters and operations centre  to
accommodate continued growth. Occupation of these premises is expected in the
first  half  of 1999. Our German subsidiary is in the process of implementing
Computacenter's systems and business practices and we remain very  satisfied
with the company's progress to date.

The  millennium date issue has a mixed impact on Computacenter. As  the  year
progresses  it will become clearer whether we can expect to see a  net  pull-
forward of business. Our own project to ensure compliance of internal systems
is proceeding on schedule.

The  Group  has increased investment in recruitment to cope with current  and
future demand and a total of 626 new positions were created in the first half
of the year. As the Chairman indicated in his statement, the vast majority of
Computacenter's staff are now shareholders and the majority of them have also
elected  to  participate  in our new Sharesave scheme.  This  high  level  of
financial participation, and the corresponding level of enthusiasm  which  is
apparent  within the Group, is extremely encouraging and bodes well  for  our
continued success.

Mike Norris, Chief Executive

Auditors' review report
To Computacenter plc

We  have  reviewed the interim financial information in respect  of  the  six
months  ended  30  June 1998, which is the responsibility of,  and  has  been
approved  by, the Directors.  Our responsibility is to report on the  results
of our review.

Our  review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin, Review of  interim
financial  information, issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  This  review
consisted  principally of obtaining an understanding of the process  for  the
preparation  of  the  interim  financial  information,  applying   analytical
procedures  to  the  underlying financial data, assessing whether  accounting
policies have been consistently applied, and making enquiries of the Group's
management  responsible  for financial and accounting  matters.   The  review
excluded  audit  procedures  such as tests of controls  and  verification  of
assets and liabilities and was therefore substantially less in scope than  an
audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards.  Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review

*    we are not aware of any material modification that should be made to the
     interim financial information as presented; and

*    in our opinion the interim financial information has been prepared using
     accounting  policies  consistent with those  adopted  by  Computacenter  
     plc (formerly  Computacenter Services Group plc) in its accounts  for    
     the year ended 31 December 1997.

Ernst & Young

19 August 1998

Secretary                Registered Office

Mr A J Pottinger FCIS    Computacenter House
                         93-101 Blackfriars Road
                         London SE1  8HW

Registered Number

Computacenter plc
Summarised Profit and Loss Account
For the six months ended 30 June 1998

                                Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                      Six           Six           Year
                                   months        months          ended
                                    ended         ended             31
                                  30 June       30 June       December
                                     1998          1997           1997
                                    # 000         # 000          # 000
Turnover                          775,746       558,917      1,133,523
Operating Costs                  (742,451)     (534,033)    (1,081,041)
Loss from interests in                              
associated undertakings               -             (88)          (176)
Operating profit                   33,295        24,796         52,306
Other income                        1,495           582          1,429
Interest payable and       
similar charges                    (3,458)       (3,283)        (6,636)       

Profit on ordinary                                  
activities before taxation         31,332        22,095         47,099
Taxation                          (10,402)       (7,745)       (15,990)
Profit on ordinary                                  
activities after taxation          20,930        14,350         31,109
Minority interests - equity           (15)           (5)           (22)
Profit attributable to                              
members of the parent company      20,915        14,345         31,087
Dividends - ordinary                                
dividends on equity shares            -             -           (4,983)
Retained profit for the period     20,915        14,345         26,104
Earnings per share - basic          12.7p          9.2p          19.8p
                   - fully          11.4p          8.0p          17.4p
Dividends per ordinary share          -             -             3.2p

Computacenter plc
Summarised Balance Sheet
At 30 June 1998

                                Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                  30 June       30 June    31 December
                                     1998          1997           1997
                                    # 000         # 000          # 000

Fixed assets                                        
Tangible assets                    37,522        21,588         30,589
Investments                         2,805         3,215          3,009

                                   40,327        24,803         33,598
Current assets                                      
Stocks                            122,868       100,459        108,245
Debtors  gross                    257,126       166,931        186,270
Less non returnable proceeds      (36,032)      (16,546)       (20,549)

                                  221,094       150,385        165,721
Cash at bank and in hand           64,136         5,525         13,829

                                  408,098       256,369        287,795

Creditors  amounts falling                          
due within one year              (293,783)     (206,934)      (246,602)
Net current assets                114,315        49,435         41,193
Total assets less current         154,642        74,238         74,791
Creditors  amounts falling                          
due after more than one year     (52,816)       (54,586)       (43,448)
Total assets less           
liabilities                      101,826         19,652         31,343
Capital and reserves                                
Called up share capital            8,601          7,851          7,876
Share premium account             49,410            482            537
Profit and loss account           43,736         11,271         22,865
Shareholders' funds equity -     101,747         19,604         31,278
Minority interests - equity           79             48             65
                                 101,826         19,652         31,343

Approved by the board on                            
19 August 1998

Computacenter plc
Summarised Statement of Cash Flows
For the six months ended 30 June 1998

                               Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                     Six     Six months     Year ended
                                  months          ended    31 December
                                   ended        30 June           1997
                                 30 June           1997        
                                   # 000          # 000          # 000
Cash inflow/(outflow) from                          
operating activities              16,172           (270)        42,625
Returns on investments and                          
servicing of finance              (1,963)        (2,512)        (4,748)
Corporation tax paid                 -              -          (11,294)
Capital expenditure and                             
financial investment             (12,416)        (5,666)       (20,787)
Acquisitions and disposals           -           (2,732)        (2,756)
Equity dividends paid                -              -           (4,983)
Cash inflow/(outflow)              1,793        (11,180)        (1,943)
before financing
Issue of shares                   49,598            137            217
Decrease in debt                  (1,104)        (1,298)        (2,312)
Increase/(decrease) in cash       50,287        (12,341)        (4,038)       
in the period              
Reconciliation of net cash                          
flow to movement in net
Increase/(decrease) in cash       50,287        (12,341)        (4,038)
Cash decrease from                 1,098            975          1,878
repayment of loans

Repayment of capital                 114            322            434        
elements of finance lease   

Changes in net debt arising       51,499        (11,044)        (1,726)       
from cash flows             

Other non cash movements            (108)          (107)          (214)

Movement in net debt              51,391        (11,151)        (1,940)
Net debt at 1 January            (32,689)       (30,749)       (30,749)
Net funds/(debt) at 30            18,702        (41,900)       (32,689)
June/31 December

Computacenter plc
Notes to the Unaudited Interim Report
At 30 June 1998

1  Basis of preparation of interim financial information
   The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
   accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts for the year
   ended 31 December 1997. The taxation charge is calculated by applying the
   directors  best estimate of the annual tax rate to the profit for the
   period. Other expenses are accrued in accordance with the same principles
   used in the preparation of the annual accounts.

2. Turnover and segmental analysis

   Turnover  represents the amounts derived from the provision of  goods  and
   services which fall within the Group's ordinary activities, stated net  of
   VAT.  The  Group operates in one principal activity, that of  the  design,
   supply, project management and long-term support of information technology

   An  analysis of turnover by destination and origin and operating profit is
   given below

                                   Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                         Six     Six months     Year ended
                                      months          ended    31 December
                                       ended        30 June           1997
                                     30 June           1997       

                                       # 000          # 000          # 000
   Turnover by destination                            
   UK                                688,237        513,428      1,031,143
   France                             70,080         44,368         96,308
   Germany                            13,917             36          3,933
   Rest of the World                   3,512          1,085          2,139
   Total                             775,746        558,917      1,133,523

   Turnover by origin                                 
   UK                                693,863        514,691      1,033,820
   France                             68,998         44,226         96,039
   Germany                            12,885           -             3,664

   Total                             775,746        558,917      1,133,523

   Operating profit                                   
   UK                                 32,723         24,229         51,111
   France                              1,146            655          2,054
   Germany                              (574)          -              (683)

   Total Group excluding                              
   associated undertakings            33,295         24,884         52,482
   Associated undertakings                            
   UK                                   -              -                 3
   France                               -               (88)          (179)
   Total                              33,295         24,796         52,306

All turnover and operating profit relates to continuing operations.

Computacenter plc
Notes to the Unaudited Interim Report
At 30 June 1998

3  Operating costs
                                   Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                  Six months     Six months     Year ended
                                       ended          ended    31 December
                                     30 June        30 June           1997    
                                        1998           1997
                                       # 000          # 000          # 000
   Increase in stocks of             (14,623)       (17,055)       (24,841)
   finished goods
   Goods for resale and              635,561        462,145        916,453
   Staff costs                        83,196         58,157        104,403
   Other operating charges            38,317         30,786         85,026
                                     742,451        534,033      1,081,041

4 Tax on profit on ordinary activities

  The  charge for the period is based on the estimated effective tax rate for
  the year ending 31 December 1998 and comprises the following

                                  Six months     Six months           Year
                                       ended          ended          ended    
                                     30 June        30 June    31 December    
                                        1998           1997           1997
                                       # 000          # 000          # 000
   UK Corporation tax at 31%
   Current                            10,402          7,944         16,189
   Deferred tax                         -              (199)          (199)
                                      10,402          7,745         15,990

Computacenter plc
Notes to the Unaudited Interim Report
At 30 June 1998

5 Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows

                                  Six months     Six months      Year ended
                                       ended          ended     31 December
                                     30 June        30 June            1997   
                                        1998           1997                   
                                       # 000          # 000           # 000
   Operating profit                   33,295         24,796          52,306
   Depreciation                        4,846          2,602           8,390
   Loss on disposal of                   637           -                228
   fixed assets
   Share of loss of                                  
   associated undertakings              -                88             176
   Increase in debtors               (55,374)        (3,232)        (18,568)
   Increase in stocks                (14,623)       (17,055)        (24,841)
   Increase/(decrease) in    
   creditors                          47,420         (7,214)         25,302
   Currency and other              
   adjustments                           (29)          (255)           (368)
   Net cash inflow from                              
   operating activities               16,172           (270)         42,625

6 Publication of non-statutory accounts

  The  financial  information contained in this interim  statement  does  not
  constitute  statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of  the  Companies
  Act 1985. The financial information for the full preceding year is based on
  the statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1997. Those
  accounts, upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have  been
  delivered to the Registrar of Companies.



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