RNS Number : 3331G 
Berkeley Resources Limited 
29 January 2010 

                                                                        Rule 5.3 
                                  Appendix 5B 
                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report 
                                           Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 
                                           8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001. 
| Name of entity                                                        | 
| BERKELEY RESOURCES LIMITED                                            | 
| ABN                        |               | Quarter ended ("current   | 
|                            |               | quarter")                 | 
| 40 052 468 569             |               | 31 December 2009          | 
Consolidated statement of cash flows 
| Cash flows related to operating         |  Current quarter |     Year to date | 
| activities                              |           $A'000 |      (6 months)  | 
|                                         |                  |           $A'000 | 
| 1.1  | Receipts from product sales and  |                - |                - | 
|      | related debtors                  |                  |                  | 
|      |                                  |                  |                  | 
| 1.2  | Payments for    (a) exploration  |          (1,642) |          (2,752) | 
|      | and evaluation                   |                - |                - | 
|      |     (b) development              |                - |                - | 
|      |     (c)   production*            |            (511) |            (871) | 
|      | administration                   |                  |                  | 
| 1.3  | Dividends received               |                - |                - | 
| 1.4  | Interest and other items of a    |               84 |              156 | 
|      | similar nature received          |                  |                  | 
| 1.5  | Interest and other costs of      |                - |                - | 
|      | finance paid                     |                  |                  | 
| 1.6  | Income taxes paid                |                - |                - | 
| 1.7  | Other                            |             (27) |            (161) | 
|      | - Business development           |              260 |              260 | 
|      | - Exploration incentive grant    |                  |                  | 
|      | Net Operating Cash Flows         |          (1,836) |          (3,368) | 
|      | Cash flows related to investing  |                  |                  | 
|      | activities                       |                  |                  | 
| 1.8  | Payment for purchases of:        |                - |                - | 
|      |     (a) prospects                |                - |                - | 
|      |     (b) equity investments       |              (5) |              (5) | 
|      |     (c) other fixed assets       |                  |                  | 
| 1.9  | Proceeds from sale of:           |                - |                - | 
|      |     (a) prospects                |                - |                - | 
|      |     (b) equity investments       |                - |                - | 
|      |     (c) other fixed assets       |                  |                  | 
| 1.10 | Loans to other entities          |                - |                - | 
| 1.11 | Loans repaid by other entities   |                - |                  | 
| 1.12 | Other                            |                5 |             (45) | 
|      | - Security deposits              |            1,347 |            1,347 | 
|      | - Refund of VAT on aquisition    |                  |                  | 
|      | Net investing cash flows         |            1,347 |            1,297 | 
| 1.13 | Total operating and investing    |            (489) |          (2,071) | 
|      | cash flows (carried forward)     |                  |                  | 
| 1.13 | Total operating and investing    |            (489) |          (2,071) | 
|      | cash flows (brought forward)     |                  |                  | 
|      | Cash flows related to financing  |                  |                  | 
|      | activities                       |                  |                  | 
| 1.14 | Proceeds from issues of shares,  |                2 |               13 | 
|      | options, etc.                    |                  |                  | 
| 1.15 | Proceeds from sale of forfeited  |                - |                - | 
|      | shares                           |                  |                  | 
| 1.16 | Proceeds from borrowings         |                - |                - | 
| 1.17 | Repayment of borrowings          |                - |                - | 
| 1.18 | Dividends paid                   |                - |                - | 
| 1.19 | Other                            |        (24)      |        (96)      | 
|      | - capital raising expenses       |                  |                  | 
|      | Net financing cash flows         |             (22) |             (83) | 
|      | Net increase (decrease) in cash  |            (511) |          (2,154) | 
|      | held                             |                  |                  | 
|      |                                  |                  |                  | 
| 1.20 | Cash at beginning of             |            9,925 |           11,568 | 
|      | quarter/year to date             |                  |                  | 
| 1.21 | Exchange rate adjustments to     |                - |                - | 
|      | item 1.20                        |                  |                  | 
| 1.22 | Cash at end of quarter           |            9,414 |            9,414 | 
Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors 
Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related 
|                                                         |  Current quarter | 
|                                                         |           $A'000 | 
| 1.23 | Aggregate amount of payments to the parties      |              264 | 
|      | included in item 1.2                             |                  | 
| 1.24 | Aggregate amount of loans to the parties         |                - | 
|      | included in item 1.10                            |                  | 
| 1.25 | Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions      | 
|      | Payments include executive remuneration and bonus payment,          | 
|      | superannuation, directors' and consulting fees.                     | 
|      |                                                                     | 
Non-cash financing and investing activities 
| 2.1  | Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a   | 
|      | material effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not | 
|      | involve cash flows                                                 | 
|      | Not applicable                                                     | 
|      |                                                                    | 
| 2.2  | Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase | 
|      | their share in projects in which the reporting entity has an       | 
|      | interest                                                           | 
|      | Not applicable                                                     | 
|      |                                                                    | 
  Financing facilities available 
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position. 
|     |                                  | Amount available |      Amount used | 
|     |                                  |          $A'000  |           $A'000 | 
| 3.1 | Loan facilities                  |                - |                - | 
|     |                                  |                  |                  | 
| 3.2 | Credit standby arrangements      |                - |                - | 
|     |                                  |                  |                  | 
Estimated cash outflows for next quarter 
|     |                                            |                   $A'000 | 
| 4.1 | Exploration and evaluation                 |                    2,000 | 
|     |                                            |                          | 
| 4.2 | Development                                |                        - | 
|     |                                            |                          | 
|     | Total                                      |                    2,000 | 
Reconciliation of cash 
| Reconciliation of cash at the end of   | Current quarter | Previous quarter | 
| the quarter (as shown in the           |                 |           $A'000 | 
| consolidated statement of cash flows)  |          $A'000 |                  | 
| to the related items in the accounts   |                 |                  | 
| is as follows.                         |                 |                  | 
| 5.1 | Cash on hand and at bank         |           2,211 |            1,801 | 
| 5.2 | Deposits at call                 |           7,203 |            8,124 | 
| 5.3 | Bank overdraft                   |               - |                - | 
| 5.4 | Other (provide details)          |               - |                - | 
|     | Total: cash at end of quarter    |           9,414 |            9,925 | 
|     | (item 1.22)                      |                 |                  | 
  Changes in interests in mining tenements 
|     |                   |    Tenement |         Nature of |  Interest | Interest | 
|     |                   |   reference |          interest |        at |   at end | 
|     |                   |             |        (note (2)) | beginning |       of | 
|     |                   |             |                   |        of |  quarter | 
|     |                   |             |                   |   quarter |          | 
| 6.1 | Interests in      | P.I.        |            Direct |    99.903 |        - | 
|     | mining tenements  | Aragoncillo |            Direct |    99.903 |        - | 
|     | relinquished,     | 1           |                   |           |          | 
|     | reduced or lapsed | P.I.        |                   |           |          | 
|     |                   | Aragoncillo |                   |           |          | 
|     |                   | 2           |                   |           |          | 
| 6.2 | Interests in      | -           |                 - |         - |        - | 
|     | mining tenements  |             |                   |           |          | 
|     | acquired or       |             |                   |           |          | 
|     | increased         |             |                   |           |          | 
|     |                   |             |                   |           |          | 
  Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter 
Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights 
together with prices and dates. 
|                                  | Total number |       Number |  Issue price | Amount paid up | 
|                                  |              |       quoted | per security |   per security | 
|                                  |              |              | (see note 3) |   (see note 3) | 
|                                  |              |              |      (cents) |        (cents) | 
| 7.1  | Preference                |              |              |              |                | 
|      | +securities(description)  |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.2  |   Changes                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   during                  |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   quarter                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   (a)                     |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   Increases               |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   through                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   issues                  |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   (b)                     |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   Decreases               |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   through                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   returns of              |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   capital,                |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   buy-backs,              |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   redemptions             |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.3  | +Ordinary                 |  124,239,149 |  124,239,149 |          Not | Not Applicable | 
|      | securities                |              |              |   Applicable |                | 
| 7.4  |   Changes                 |      752,837 |      752,837 |          Not | Not Applicable | 
|      |   during                  |              |              |   Applicable |                | 
|      |   quarter                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   (a)                     |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   Increases               |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   through                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   issues                  |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   (b)                     |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   Decreases               |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   through                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   returns of              |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   capital,                |              |              |              |                | 
|      |   buy-backs               |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.5  | +Convertible              |              |              |              |                | 
|      | debt                      |              |              |              |                | 
|      | securities                |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.6  | Changes                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | during                    |              |              |              |                | 
|      | quarter                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | (a) Increases             |              |              |              |                | 
|      | through                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | issues                    |              |              |              |                | 
|      | (b) Decreases             |              |              |              |                | 
|      | through                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | securities                |              |              |              |                | 
|      | matured,                  |              |              |              |                | 
|      | converted                 |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.7  | Options                   |   10,600,000 |            - |     Exercise |    Expiry date | 
|      | -Unlisted                 |    2,160,000 |            - |        price |  30 April 2010 | 
|      | Options                   |    1,037,500 |            - |        $0.70 |  5 August 2011 | 
|      | -Incentive                |   12,921,886 |   12,921,886 |        $1.86 |   19 June 2012 | 
|      | Options                   |    2,500,000 |            - |        $1.00 |    15 May 2013 | 
|      | -Incentive                |              |              |        $0.75 |    31 May 2013 | 
|      | Options                   |              |              |        $1.00 |                | 
|      | -Listed                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | Options                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | -Unlisted                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      | Options                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      |                           |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.8  | Issued during             |      250,000 |            - |         1.00 |   19 June 2011 | 
|      | quarter                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | -Incentive                |              |              |              |                | 
|      | Options                   |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.9  | Exercised                 |        2,837 |        2,837 |     Exercise |    Expiry date | 
|      | during                    |              |              |        price |    15 May 2013 | 
|      | quarter                   |              |              |        $0.75 |                | 
|      | -Listed                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | Options                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      |                           |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.10 | Expired                   |              |              |              |                | 
|      | during                    |              |              |              |                | 
|      | quarter                   |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.11 | Debentures                |              |              |              |                | 
|      | (totals only)             |              |              |              |                | 
| 7.12 | Unsecured                 |              |              |              |                | 
|      | notes (totals             |              |              |              |                | 
|      | only)                     |              |              |              |                | 
Compliance statement 
                                    1    This statement has been prepared under 
                                    accounting policies which comply with 
                                    accounting standards as defined in the 
                                    Corporations Act or other standards 
                                    acceptable to ASX (see note 4). 
                                    2    This statement does /does not* (delete 
                                    one) give a true and fair view of the 
                                    matters disclosed. 
Sign here:     ............................................................ 
Date:  29 January 2010 
                                    (Director/Company secretary) 
Print name: CLINT MCGHIE 
                                    1    The quarterly report provides a basis 
                                    for informing the market how the entity's 
                                    activities have been financed for the past 
                                    quarter and the effect on its cash position. 
                                    An entity wanting to disclose additional 
                                    information is encouraged to do so, in a 
                                    note or notes attached to this report. 
                                    2    The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 
                                    6.2) includes options in respect of 
                                    interests in mining tenements acquired, 
                                    exercised or lapsed during the reporting 
                                    period. If the entity is involved in a joint 
                                    venture agreement and there are conditions 
                                    precedent which will change its percentage 
                                    interest in a mining tenement, it should 
                                    disclose the change of percentage interest 
                                    and conditions precedent in the list 
                                    required for items 6.1 and 6.2. 
                                    3  Issued and quoted securities - The issue 
                                    price and amount paid up is not required in 
                                    items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities. 
                                    4    The definitions in, and provisions of, 
                                    AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive 
                                    Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash 
                                    Flows apply to this report. 
                                    5Accounting Standards - ASX will accept, for 
                                    example, the use of International Accounting 
                                    Standards for foreign entities. If the 
                                    standards used do not address a topic, the 
                                    Australian standard on that topic (if any) 
                                    must be complied with. 
                                 == == == == == 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

Berkeley Energia (LSE:BKY)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Berkeley Energia 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Berkeley Energia (LSE:BKY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Berkeley Energia 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.