BH Global Limited 
            Interim Report and Unaudited Financial Statements 2020 
                           LEI: 549300BIIO4DTKEMXV14 
      (Classified Regulated Information, under DTR 6 Annex 1 section 1.2) 
30 June 2020 
The Company has today, in accordance with DTR 6.3.5, released its Interim 
Report and Unaudited Financial Statements for the period ended 30 June 2020. 
The Report will shortly be available from the Company's website: 
Dear Shareholder, 
The half year to 30 June 2020 was a period of exceptional absolute and relative 
performance for BH Global Limited (the "Company" or "BH Global"). Indeed, this 
six-month period delivered the strongest performance since the Company was 
launched in 2008. In the period the Net Asset Value ("NAV") per share of the 
smaller US Dollar class appreciated by 14.72% and that of the much larger 
Sterling class by 14.54%. 
Driven by this strong NAV performance and a narrowing of the discount, the 
share prices of the two classes appreciated by 19.7% (USD) and 21.6% (GBP). It 
was altogether a highly satisfactory period for BH Global shareholders at a 
time when there was huge volatility in world equity markets. 
An altogether exceptional half year for NAV performance during a period of 
financial market turbulence and one that demonstrates that, whilst BH Global is 
a low volatility, structurally uncorrelated vehicle with assets spread over 
multiple trading strategies, it can also deliver substantial performance with 
tight risk controls in favourable conditions. Great credit must be given to the 
Manager, Brevan Howard and the Manager's Report, which follows this Statement, 
sets out the performance in more detail. 
The Company continues to invest all of its assets, save for working cash 
balances, in Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Master Fund Limited ("BHMS"). BH 
Global continues to be by far the largest investor in BHMS owning 81.9% of the 
total capital of that fund. As at 30 June 2020 the Company's net assets were 
$503 million and were significantly in excess of the $300 million threshold 
that would trigger a wind-up resolution to be put to shareholders. 
During the half year the Manager made some significant changes in the 
allocation of the underlying funds. The percentage of BHMS invested in the 
Brevan Howard Master Fund ("BHMF") was reduced from 43.5% to 25.4% and the 
capital redeployed as is set out in the Manager's Report. The most significant 
change was to increase the percentage allocated to the Single Manager Portfolio 
where the allocation rose from 40.0% to 58.1% taking it back towards its 
previous peak of over 60% in 2018. That allocation is spread across nine 
different trading books or funds and returned 17.24% (gross of fees) for the 
As at 30 June 2020 the Sterling class of shares traded at exactly their NAV per 
share - with no discount nor premium and thus the discount of 5.78% as at 31 
December 2019 had been eliminated through investors' purchases in the market. 
No shares were bought back and indeed the last share buy backs undertaken were 
in June 2018. However, during the worst of the equity market turmoil in March, 
when investors were selling assets indiscriminately, the discount went through 
a period of considerable volatility reaching a level in excess of 15% for a 
short period. The Board considered carefully, and took advice from the 
Company's brokers, as to whether the resumption of buy backs would be in the 
best interests of shareholders but concluded that the developing NAV 
performance would eventually be recognised by the market and the discount would 
close of its own accord. That is indeed what occurred and a few weeks later the 
shares traded at a modest premium for a period. 
The Company holds 1.9 million shares in Treasury in aggregate across the 
Sterling and US Dollar classes. As a premium began to develop, the Company, 
with the assistance of the Manager who covered an important regulatory 
requirement, put in place the systems that would permit shares to be issued 
from Treasury. No such shares have yet been issued; but in the event that the 
Company's shares trade again at a sustained material premium, the Board is 
prepared to issue modest numbers of shares which will be NAV accretive to 
existing shareholders and will assist liquidity. Should the potential for such 
issuance materialise the Company will make an RNS announcement to the market. 
Owing to travel restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic it would have 
been almost impossible for any shareholder to attend the AGM in person. 
However, I am pleased to report that over 60% of eligible votes were cast by 
proxy and that eight out of the twelve resolutions were passed with a 100% 
majority in favour. The resolution with the most votes against was still passed 
with a majority of 96.5%. The Board and the Manager are very appreciative of 
such a strong show of support from shareholders. 
Both the Manager and I have regular contact with the Company's major 
shareholders. In addition, J P Morgan Cazenove hosted a webinar jointly for BH 
Global and BH Macro in May which was attended by over 100 shareholders and 
interested parties. In that webinar the Manager reviewed performance and 
discussed the outlook for trading. 
Brevan Howard Capital Management LP continues as Manager of the Company 
although a personnel change has recently taken place. After 12 years of service 
at Brevan Howard, Magnus Olsson has decided on a personal career change and has 
left Brevan Howard to pursue his own path. Magnus was Chair of the Manager's 
Investment Committee (the "IC") which is responsible for asset allocation of 
BHMS and thus, indirectly, of the Company's assets. 
Magnus has regularly attended quarterly Board meetings and other meetings with 
directors and with shareholders and has been responsible for the flow of 
information to the Board and to shareholders. 
Since I was appointed your Chairman in 2013 I have seen first-hand Magnus' 
thoughtful professional skills and on behalf of the Board and shareholders I 
wish to thank him for his constant diligent attention to BH Global's business 
and to wish him very well in his future career. 
Ryan Kennelly, who previously worked with Magnus and attended BH Global Board 
meetings some time ago, has rejoined Brevan Howard and is stepping into Magnus' 
role. The Board looks forward to working with Ryan and to continuing the 
constructive and professional relationship in the same vein as that experienced 
with Magnus. 
There have been no changes of directors since Andreas Tautscher joined the 
Board in May 2019. The Board is compact. Its focus is on good stewardship of 
the Company on behalf of the shareholders. As I announced in March, the Board 
has appointed BoardAlpha to conduct an external appraisal of the operation of 
the Board and its effectiveness. COVID-19 is making this task more difficult 
and as matters are at the moment all Board and other meetings are being held 
remotely. Such remote working looks as though it may continue for many months 
yet and BoardAlpha will have to undertake their research, and develop their 
report in less than ideal circumstances. Remotely attended Board meetings can 
undertake the business of the Company satisfactorily. However, there is no 
substitute for occasional physical meetings round a table where personal 
interaction can flow more easily. 
In recent months the Board has held an additional number of informal remote 
meetings both to monitor developments in markets and also to have confirmation 
from the Manager of the proper functioning of both the Manager's business and 
also those key elements of the Company's business that are delegated to the 
Manager. At all times the Board has felt reassured that the Company's business 
was under fully effective control. 
I signed out my Chairman's Statement for the Annual Report on 20 March which, 
as it turned out, was close to the pinnacle of the turmoil thus far in listed 
markets and the atmosphere had a distinct air of panic about it. In fact, March 
proved to be a spectacular month for BH Global's NAV performance, resulting in 
appreciation of the NAV per share of the GBP class of 12.36% as Brevan Howard's 
traders read the future for market moves so very accurately. Since March 
markets have developed a much more settled tone on the back of unprecedented 
support from Governments and central banks. Meanwhile economies across the 
world have reeled from the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 crisis 
with quarterly declines in GDP that many, myself included, would have thought 
to be impossible. Central banks in the developed world have reacted by cutting 
interest rates towards zero and in some cases into negative territory. However, 
the world looks as though it will have to live with COVID-19 for a very long 
time to come and its effect on employment and on many millions of individual 
lives is profound with massive impact on health and on social and economic 
The Manager's Report reminds us that financial assets are expensive by many 
standard metrics. Nevertheless, it is to be hoped that trading opportunities 
will occur and that growth in NAV per share will continue over time. Meanwhile 
risk control in these very uncertain times remains critical and the Manager has 
consistently demonstrated tight risk control in historic periods of market 
turmoil and I have every confidence will do so in the future. Thus, the aim of 
both Manager and Board will be for BH Global to continue to deliver as a 
portfolio diversifier in a highly uncertain world for risk assets. However, as 
a closed-end fund, some volatility of the discount to or premium over NAV at 
which the Company's shares trade should be expected. Indeed, as I sign out this 
Statement, a modest discount has once again developed. The Board will continue 
to monitor the position and be ready to take appropriate action should it 
consider that to be in the long-term interests of shareholders. 
Yours sincerely, 
Sir Michael Bunbury 
19 August 2020 
BHAHMF                          Brevan Howard AH Master Fund Limited 
BHALMF                          Brevan Howard Alpha Strategies Master Fund 
BHASMF                          Brevan Howard AS Macro Master Fund Limited 
BHCM or the Manager             Brevan Howard Capital Management LP 
BHDGST                          BH-DG Systematic Trading Master Fund Limited 
BHFGMF                          Brevan Howard FG Macro Master Fund Limited 
BHG,BH Global or the Company    BH Global Limited 
BHGVMF                          Brevan Howard Global Volatility Master Fund 
BHMBMF                          Brevan Howard MB Macro Master Fund Limited 
BHMF                            Brevan Howard Master Fund Limited 
BHMS or the Master Fund         Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Master Fund Limited 
SMP*                            Single Manager Portfolio 
* Prior to 1 January 2019, the Single Manager Portfolio ("SMP") was described 
as the Direct Investment Portfolio ("DIP"). 
In order to provide shareholders with further information regarding the net 
asset value of each class of shares, coupled with greater transparency as to 
the income, gains and expenses incurred and the changes in net assets of the 
two classes, the results have been presented in the tables below. These tables 
show the allocation of all transactions in the currency of the respective share 
It should be noted that these tables have not been subject to review by KPMG 
Channel Islands Limited whose report can be found below in the Independent 
Review Report to BH Global. 
As at 30 June 2020 
                                                         US Dollar       Sterling       Company 
                                                            shares         shares         total 
                                                           US$'000          GBP'000       US$'000 
Investment in BHMS                                          49,615        379,543       518,598 
Other debtors                                                   32             33            73 
Cash and bank balances denominated in US Dollars                96              -            96 
Cash and bank balances denominated in Sterling                   -            832         1,028 
Total assets                                                49,743        380,408       519,795 
Management fees payable                                         32            263           357 
Performance fees payable                                     1,614         11,618        15,971 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities                          25            119           172 
Administration fees payable                                      3             20            27 
Total liabilities                                            1,674         12,020        16,527 
Net assets                                                  48,069        368,388       503,268 
Number of shares in issue                                2,542,136     19,967,808             - 
Net asset value per share                                 US$18.91         GBP18.45             - 
For the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 
                                                    US Dollar       Sterling    Company 
                                                       shares         shares      total 
                                                      US$'000          GBP'000    US$'000 
Interest income                                            65            485        681 
Expenses                                                (130)          (974)    (1,367) 
Total net investment loss allocated from BHMS            (65)          (489)      (686) 
Company income 
Interest income                                             -              -          - 
Total Company income                                        -              -          - 
Company expenses 
Management fees                                           200          1,587      2,215 
Performance fees                                        1,614         11,621     16,367 
Other expenses                                             28            199        281 
Directors' fees and expenses                               21            149        210 
Administration fees                                         8             58         82 
Foreign exchange (gains)/losses*                           58           (43)     30,041 
Total Company expenses                                  1,929         13,571     49,196 
Net investment loss                                   (1,994)       (14,060)   (49,882) 
Net realised and unrealised gains/(losses) on 
investments allocated from BHMS 
Net realised gain on investments                        2,482         18,813     26,368 
Net unrealised gain on investments                      5,991         44,568     62,577 
Net realised and unrealised foreign exchange loss 
    - on hedging                                           -         (2,791)    (3,545) 
Net realised and unrealised gains on investments        8,473         60,590     85,400 
allocated from BHMS 
Net increase in net assets resulting from               6,479         46,530     35,518 
*The Company total for foreign exchange (gains)/losses also contains the 
results of translating the Sterling class into US Dollars, which was 
US$30,037,178 for the period ended 30 June 2020. The Unaudited Statement of 
Financial Position was translated at the 30 June 2020 rate of 1.2356. The 
Unaudited Statement of Operations was translated at the average rate of 1.2697. 
The trades carried out in the various underlying portfolios have structures of 
varying complexity and inherent leverage. This can result in situations where, 
at an individual trade level, interest income or expense is offset by losses or 
gains on other investments to achieve a net return. However, accounting 
conventions require that all these elements are disclosed gross which can 
result in separate reporting of what would otherwise be off-setting interest 
income and expenses, realised gains and losses or unrealised gains and losses. 
For the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 
                                                      US Dollar   Sterling     Company 
                                                         shares     shares       total 
                                                        US$'000      GBP'000     US$'000 
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations 
Net investment loss                                     (1,994)   (14,060)    (49,882) 
Net realised gain on investments allocated from BHMS      2,482     18,813      26,368 
Net unrealised gain on investments allocated from         5,991     44,568      62,577 
Net realised and unrealised foreign exchange loss             -    (2,791)     (3,545) 
allocated from BHMS 
                                                          6,479     46,530      35,518 
Share capital transactions 
Net share conversions                                   (2,333)      1,845           - 
                                                        (2,333)      1,845           - 
Net increase in net assets                                4,146     48,375      35,518 
Net assets at the beginning of the period                43,923    320,013     467,750 
Net assets at the end of the period                      48,069    368,388     503,268 
Brevan Howard Capital Management LP ("BHCM" or the "Manager") is the manager of 
BH Global Limited ("BHG" or the "Company"). BHG invests all its assets (net of 
short-term working capital) in Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Master Fund Limited 
("BHMS") a company also managed by BHCM. 
Performance Summary 
The NAV per share of the USD shares appreciated by 14.72% during the first half 
of 2020, while the NAV per share of the GBP shares appreciated by 14.54%. 
The month-by-month NAV performance of the USD and GBP currency classes of BHG 
since it commenced operations in 2008 is set out below: 
 USD    Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec    YTD 
 2008    -      -      -      -      -    1.16*   0.10   0.05  -3.89   1.13   2.74   0.38   1.55 
 2009   3.35   1.86   1.16   1.06   2.79  -0.21   1.07   0.27   1.49   0.54   0.11   0.04  14.31 
 2010   0.32  -0.85  -0.35   0.53  -0.06   0.60  -0.79   0.80   1.23   0.39  -0.21  -0.06   1.54 
 2011   0.09   0.42   0.34   1.20   0.19  -0.56   1.61   3.51  -1.29  -0.14   0.19  -0.88   4.69 
 2012   1.22   1.02  -0.54  -0.10  -0.65  -1.53   1.46   0.70   1.47  -0.72   0.81   1.26   4.44 
 2013   1.33   0.49   0.33   1.60  -0.62  -1.95  -0.14  -0.86   0.09  -0.13   0.95   0.75   1.79 
 2014  -0.98  -0.04  -0.26  -0.45   0.90   0.70   0.60   0.05   1.56  -0.75   0.71   0.44   2.49 
 2015   3.37  -0.41   0.35  -1.28   1.03  -1.49  -0.06  -1.56  -0.58  -0.67   3.06  -3.31  -1.73 
 2016   0.82   1.03  -0.83  -0.66   0.28   1.71   0.13   0.10  -0.23   0.47   3.62   0.82   7.42 
 2017   0.22   0.92  -0.99  -0.10   0.26   0.19   3.21   0.21  -0.44  -0.85  -0.02   0.03   2.59 
 2018   3.08  -0.89  -1.35   0.72   5.46  -1.12   0.30  -0.09  -0.29   0.22  -0.01   0.52   6.55 
 2019   0.17  -0.81   1.63  -1.15   3.79   3.06  -1.20   2.27  -2.10   0.57  -1.24   1.28   6.25 
 2020  -1.18   4.14  12.40   0.13  -0.66  -0.29                                            14.72 
 GBP    Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec    YTD 
 2008    -      -      -      -      -    1.40*   0.33   0.40  -4.17   1.25   3.27   0.41   2.76 
 2009   3.52   1.94   1.03   0.68   2.85  -0.28   1.05   0.31   1.51   0.58   0.12   0.08  14.15 
 2010   0.35  -0.93  -0.32   0.58  -0.04   0.62  -0.81   0.84   1.17   0.37  -0.20  -0.03   1.61 
 2011   0.10   0.41   0.38   1.13   0.04  -0.59   1.69   3.67  -1.41  -0.15   0.21  -0.84   4.65 
 2012   1.23   1.05  -0.51  -0.08  -0.62  -1.51   1.50   0.70   1.44  -0.72   0.72   1.31   4.55 
 2013   1.36   0.56   0.36   1.63  -0.48  -1.91  -0.11  -0.84   0.14  -0.11   0.97   0.77   2.32 
 2014  -0.97  -0.14  -0.33  -0.30   0.56   0.48   0.42   0.03   1.85  -0.76   0.78   0.48   2.09 
 2015   3.48  -0.34   0.33  -1.26   1.18  -1.50  -0.03  -1.44  -0.64  -0.79   3.02  -3.16  -1.32 
 2016   0.91   1.08  -1.04  -0.65   0.24   1.46   0.13  -0.14  -0.34   0.59   3.28   0.96   6.60 
 2017   0.16   0.87  -1.15  -0.04   0.10  -0.21   3.12   0.24  -0.43  -0.75  -0.02  -0.11   1.75 
 2018   3.09  -0.99  -1.42   0.71   5.43  -1.21   0.20  -0.21  -0.38   0.06  -0.13   0.37   5.43 
 2019   0.04  -0.99   1.59  -1.36   3.88   2.85  -1.35   2.19  -2.16   0.38  -1.29   1.12   4.79 
 2020  -1.32   4.19  12.36   0.04  -0.61  -0.29                                            14.54 
Source: BHG NAV and NAV per Share data is provided by BHG's administrator, 
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited 
("Northern Trust"). BHG NAV per Share % Monthly Change calculations are made by 
BHG NAV data is unaudited and net of all investment management fees and all 
other fees and expenses payable by BHG. NAV performance is provided for 
information purposes only. Shares in BHG do not necessarily trade at a price 
equal to the prevailing NAV per Share. 
* Performance is calculated from a base NAV per Share of 10 in each currency. 
The opening NAV in May 2008 was 9.9 (after deduction of the IPO costs borne by 
Data as at 30 June 2020. 
Underlying Allocation Review 
The Investment Committee ("IC") of the Manager made the decision to increase 
its allocation to the SMP and reduce its allocation to BHMF. The SMP added 
exposure to a senior trader focusing on emerging market trading and a 
systematic macro strategy. The IC was of the view that these return sources 
improved the diversification of the portfolio as a whole. 
The allocations to BHDGST, BHASMF and BHMBMF remained relatively stable. The 
allocations to BHFGMF and BHGVMF increased due to their relative 
The IC continues to take advantage of the flexibility within BHMS's mandate in 
order to seek high risk-adjusted returns and keep a healthy diversification 
across strategies, asset classes and traders. 
Performance Review 
During the first half of 2020, the NAV per share of BH Global's USD and GBP 
classes appreciated by 14.72% and 14.54% respectively. 
BH Global's performance in the first quarter and the first half of the year 
represent the largest quarterly and half yearly NAV gains in the Company's 
history, with the NAV per share of the USD class gaining 15.67% and 14.72% 
respectively. This compared favourably to the HFRI Macro Total Index, which was 
down -1.62% and -0.59% over the respective periods. The period was 
characterised by significant moves in price and volatility across most asset 
classes. In the first quarter BHMS generated the majority of its returns in 
interest rate trading across directional, volatility and relative value trading 
strategies in a range of different markets. Towards the end of the first 
quarter and during the second quarter BHMS made money predominantly from credit 
markets but also, equities and commodities. BHMS also saw a modest loss in the 
second quarter as a result of the performance of rates and difficult FX 
With regard to the returns of the underlying fund allocations, all of the 
underlying funds and the SMP contributed positively to performance over the 
first half of 2020. BHMF was the main positive contributor on the back of solid 
gains within interest rates trading. The SMP and BHGV also contributed notable 
gains to the overall performance. 
Looking across the trading areas, the majority of gains arose in interest rate 
trading where directional trading of US interest rates was the main driver. 
Specifically, from long positions in US rates particularly during the first 
quarter. Additional modest gains came from EUR, GBP, and JPY and other interest 
rate markets. 
Trading in commodities generated additional gains mainly through energy markets 
where tactical positioning long and short generated gains. Long exposure in 
precious metals also produced returns. 
FX trading was a detractor over the first half of 2020. A number of reversals 
across markets produced a difficult trading environment throughout the first 
half of the year. Gains were made in CAD and other select currencies but these 
were outweighed by losses in EUR, GBP and Latin American currencies. 
In credit, long exposure to selected credits across both emerging and developed 
markets generated gains. 
Trading in equities generated gains through tactical positioning long and 
short. US markets produced the largest contribution. 
The SMP was a positive contributor to BHMS's performance and is the area of the 
portfolio whereby the Manager's IC has the ability to allocate directly to 
trading books and funds which are managed by an individual portfolio manager. 
At the end of the first half of 2020, the SMP had exposure to nine trading 
books and funds. The profits were broadly generated in the same trading areas 
as described for BHMS overall. However, the SMP contributed nearly all of the 
gains in credit and the majority of the gains in commodities, illustrating the 
diversification benefits it brings to BHMS. 
Attribution Tables 
In measuring the attribution of the underlying portfolios, the Manager employs 
a number of metrics including the two set out in the tables below. 
All positions, regardless of which trading book holds them, are allocated to an 
asset class and the attribution per asset class is summarised in the first 
table below. The second table summarises the attribution, but by reference to 
the overall strategy classification of each trading book. It should be noted 
that, as the second table indicates, there are some strategy groups which at 30 
June 2020 had been allocated no trading books. 
Quarterly and semi-annual contribution (%) to the performance of BHG USD Shares 
(net of fees and expenses) by asset class* 
            Rates      FX      Equity   Commodity  Credit    Discount    Total 
 Q1 2020    12.56     -0.14     1.68      0.54      1.01       0.00      15.67 
 Q2 2020    -0.34     -2.23     -0.34     0.72      1.39       0.00      -0.82 
YTD 2020    12.18     -2.36     1.33      1.27      2.41       0.00      14.72 
*Data as at 30 June 2020 
Quarterly figures are calculated by BHCM based on performance data for each 
period provided by BHG's administrator, Northern Trust. Figures rounded to two 
decimal places. 
Methodology and Definition of Contribution to Performance: 
Attribution by asset class is produced at the instrument level, with 
adjustments made based on risk estimates. 
The above asset classes are categorised as follows: 
"Rates": interest rates markets 
"FX": FX forwards and options 
"Equity": equity markets including indices and other derivatives 
"Commodity": commodity futures and options 
"Credit": corporate and asset-backed indices, bonds and CDS 
"Discount Management": buyback activity for discount management purposes 
Quarterly and semi-annual contribution (%) to the performance of BHG USD Shares 
(net of fees and expenses) by strategy group* 
         Macro  Systematic  Rates    FX    Equity  Credit    EMG   Commodity  Discount   TOTAL 
Q1 2020  14.8     -0.06     2.46    0.10    0.00    0.00    -1.49    -0.07      0.00     15.67 
Q2 2020  -0.23    -0.77     -0.01   -0.03   0.00    0.00    0.23     0.00       0.00     -0.82 
  YTD    14.53    -0.83     2.45    0.06    0.00    0.00    -1.27    -0.08      0.00     14.72 
*Data as at 30 June 2020 
Quarterly figures are calculated by BHCM based on performance data for each 
period provided by BHG's administrator, Northern Trust. Figures rounded to two 
decimal places. 
Methodology and Definition of Contribution to Performance: 
Strategy Group Attribution is approximate and has been derived by allocating 
each underlying trader book to a single category. In cases where a trader book 
has activity in more than one category, the most relevant category has been 
The above strategies are categorised as follows: 
"Macro": multi-asset global markets, mainly directional (for BHMS, the majority 
of risk in this category is in rates) 
"Systematic": rules-based futures trading 
"Rates": developed interest rates markets 
"FX": global FX forwards and options 
"Equity": global equity markets including indices and other derivatives 
"Credit": corporate and asset-backed indices, bonds and CDS 
"EMG": global emerging markets 
"Commodity": liquid commodity futures and options 
"Discount Management": buyback activity for discount management purposes 
Commentary and Outlook 
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused unprecedented economic 
devastation and equally unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy responses. The 
key question for investors is whether the policy responses are enough to 
mitigate the economic damage. 
Since the recession started in February, the US economy is estimated to have 
contracted by as much as in the first year of the Great Depression and by more 
than in the Great Financial Crisis. In response, Congress quickly delivered 
over $2tr of economic relief, while the Federal Reserve cut rates to nearly 
zero, restarted quantitative easing, and rolled out a wide variety of ambitious 
lending programs; measures that provided a safety net for stocks and credit. 
Other developed market economies suffered similar downturns and deployed a 
broadly similar policy toolkit. The standout exception is China, which has been 
more conservative in deploying its fiscal and monetary ammunition. 
Looking forward, these efforts may prove insufficient to get the global economy 
back to normal any time soon. COVID-19 continues to spread widely and is 
causing renewed economic dislocations. Many businesses face solvency risks that 
are not addressed by borrowing; a debt overhang cannot be cured by more 
borrowing no matter how cheap it may be. Improved financial conditions are 
narrowly focused on a handful of large companies and benefiting stakeholders 
who need relatively little economic assistance. 
The result is that financial assets are expensive by many standard metrics. So 
long as a V-shaped recovery in risky assets fails to create a V-shaped recovery 
in economic activity, this tension is a recipe for increased volatility. In the 
past, a gap like this between ebullient market pricing and sobering 
fundamentals has sometimes presaged abrupt non-linear adjustments. However, 
since interest rates are constrained by the zero lower bound and credit spreads 
have been explicitly underwritten by major central banks, volatility will have 
to show up in other asset classes. 
The US Dollar may become the ultimate barometer of success or failure. The 
November presidential election is a potential catalyst. Joe Biden recently 
declared that "it's way past time to put an end to the era of shareholder 
capitalism." If the Democrats sweep the White House and Congress, the outlook 
for US Dollar assets will come under increased scrutiny. 
Brevan Howard wishes to thank shareholders once again for their continued 
Brevan Howard Capital Management, LP, 
acting by its sole general partner, 
Brevan Howard Capital Management Limited 
19 August 2020 
The Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal controls and for 
reviewing its effectiveness. The Board is satisfied, by using the risk 
management procedures and internal controls set out in the Company's risk 
matrix and by monitoring the Company's investment objective and policy that it 
has carried out a robust assessment of the risks and uncertainties facing the 
Emerging risks 
In order to recognise any new risks that may impact the Company and to ensure 
that appropriate controls are in place to manage those risks, the Audit 
Committee undertakes regular reviews of the Company's Risk Matrix. 
·     COVID-19: Since the start of January 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19, 
which is a rapidly evolving situation, has adversely impacted global commercial 
activities. The rapid development and fluidity of this situation precludes any 
prediction as its ultimate impact, which may have a continued adverse impact on 
economic and market conditions and trigger a period of global economic 
slowdown. The Directors do not believe there is any financial impact to the 
Financial Statements as at 30 June 2020. The Manager is monitoring developments 
relating to COVID-19 and is coordinating its operational response based on 
existing business continuity plans and on guidance from global health 
organisations, relevant governments, and general pandemic response best 
practices. From an operational perspective, the Company uses a number of 
service providers. These providers have established, documented and regularly 
tested Business Resiliency Policies in place, to cover various possible 
scenarios whereby staff cannot be present at the designated office and conduct 
business as usual. Since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, service providers have 
successfully deployed these alternative working policies to ensure continued 
business service. 
·     Brexit Risk: The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 and entered into a 
transition period ending on 
31 December 2020. During this period the UK's arrangements with the EU remain 
unchanged. However, in view of the short time frame to negotiate the future 
relationship with the EU there remains a risk of a "cliff-edge Brexit". 
Principal risks 
The principal risks and uncertainties which have been identified and the steps 
which are taken by the Board to mitigate them are as follows: 
·     Investment Risks: The Company is exposed to the risk that its portfolio 
fails to perform in line with the Company's objectives if it is inappropriately 
invested or markets move adversely. The Board reviews reports from the Manager, 
which has discretion over portfolio allocation, at each quarterly Board 
meeting, paying particular attention to this allocation and to the performance 
and volatility of underlying investments; 
·     Financial Market Risks: The financial risks faced by the Company include 
market and credit risk. These risks and the controls in place to mitigate them 
are reviewed at each quarterly Board meeting; 
·     Liquidity Risks: While the Company retains sufficient working capital to 
ensure that it can meet its normal running costs, this is a relatively modest 
amount. It is therefore dependent on its continued access to funding from third 
parties and the timely receipt of the proceeds from redemption requests made to 
BHMS for all other purposes. The Board, in conjunction with the Manager and the 
Administrator, monitors the liquidity needs of the Company and takes such 
action as is appropriate; 
·     Operational Risks: The Company is exposed to the risks arising from any 
failure of systems and controls in the operations of the Manager or the 
Administrator. The Board receives reports annually from each of the Manager and 
Administrator on their respective internal controls; 
·     Accounting, Legal and Regulatory Risks: The Company is exposed to risk if 
it fails to comply with the regulations of the UK Listing Authority, Guernsey 
Financial Services Commission, or if it fails to maintain accurate accounting 
records. The accounting records prepared by the Administrator are reviewed by 
the Manager. The Administrator provides the Board with regular reports on 
changes in regulations and accounting requirements; and 
·     Manager Continuity: The Company is exposed to the risk that the Manager 
will no longer have an appetite to run a multi-strategy mandate for the 
Company. Steps to mitigate that risk include regular dialogue with the Manager, 
regular review of the economic arrangements and contractual protections. The 
Manager is monitoring developments relating to COVID-19 and is coordinating its 
operational response based on existing business continuity plans and on 
guidance from global health organisations, relevant governments, and general 
pandemic response best practices. 
The Board seeks to mitigate and manage these risks through continual review, 
policy-setting and enforcement of contractual obligations and will update the 
risk assessment matrix to reflect any changes to the control environment. 
We confirm to the best of our knowledge that: 
 - these Interim Unaudited Financial Statements have been prepared in 
conformity with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and give 
a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit 
or loss; and 
 - these Interim Unaudited Financial Statements include information detailed in 
the Chairman's Statement, the Manager's Report and the notes to the Interim 
Unaudited Financial Statements, which provides a fair view of the information 
required by:- 
(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the 
financial year and their impact on these Interim Unaudited Financial 
Statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the 
remaining six months of the year; and 
(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the Company during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last Annual Audited Financial Statements 
that could materially affect the financial position or performance of the 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
corporate and financial information include on the Company's website, and for 
the preparation and dissemination of financial statements. Legislation in 
Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements 
may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Signed on behalf of the Board by: 
Sir Michael Bunbury 
Sally-Ann Farnon 
19 August 2020 
We have been engaged by BH Global Limited (the "Company") to review the Interim 
Unaudited Financial Statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six 
months ended 30 June 2020 of the Company which comprises the Unaudited 
Statement of Assets and Liabilities, the Unaudited Statement of Operations, the 
Unaudited Statement of Changes in Net Assets, the Unaudited Statement of Cash 
Flows and the related explanatory notes. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to 
believe that the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2020 do not 
give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company as at 30 
June 2020 and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the six month 
period then ended in conformity with U.S generally accepted accounting 
principles and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of 
the UK's Financial Conduct Authority ("the UK FCA"). 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the UK. A review of interim financial information 
consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial 
and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. We 
read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and 
consider whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material 
inconsistencies with the information in the unaudited financial statements. 
A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance 
with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable 
us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters 
that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been 
approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the 
half-yearly financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FCA. 
The Financial Statements included in this half-yearly financial report have 
been prepared in conformity with U.S generally accepted accounting principles. 
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the Interim 
Unaudited Financial Statements included in the half-yearly financial report 
based on our review. 
The purpose of our review work and to whom we owe our responsibilities 
This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our 
engagement letter to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the DTR 
of the UK FCA. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the 
Company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no 
other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or 
assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for 
this report, or for the conclusions we have reached. 
Barry Ryan 
For and on behalf of KPMG Channel Islands Limited 
Chartered Accountants, Guernsey 
19 August 2020 
As at 30 June 2020 
                                                      30.06.2020  31.12.2019     30.06.19 
                                                     (Unaudited)   (Audited)  (Unaudited) 
                                                         US$'000     US$'000      US$'000 
Investment in                                            518,598     464,269      460,068 
Amount due from BHMS                                           -       8,746            - 
Other debtors                                                 73          16           20 
Cash and bank balances denominated in US Dollars              96         167          190 
Cash and bank balances denominated in                      1,028       1,004        3,243 
Total assets                                             519,795     474,202      463,521 
Management fees payable (note 4)                             357         775          368 
Performance fees payable (note 4)                         15,971       5,478        6,571 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities                       172         119          126 
Directors' fees and expenses payable                           -           -           99 
Administration fees payable (note 4)                          27          80           52 
Total liabilities                                         16,527       6,452        7,216 
Net assets                                               503,268     467,750      456,305 
Number of shares in issue (note 6) 
US Dollar shares                                       2,542,136   2,664,844    2,641,472 
Sterling shares                                       19,967,808  19,868,275   19,886,259 
Net asset value per share (notes 8 and 
US Dollar shares                                        US$18.91    US$16.48     US$16.56 
Sterling shares                                           GBP18.45      GBP16.11       GBP16.30 
See accompanying notes to the Interim Unaudited Financial Statements. 
Signed on behalf of the Board by: 
Sir Michael Bunbury 
Sally-Ann Farnon 
19 August 2020 
For the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 
                                                    01.01.20    01.01.19       01.01.19 
                                                 to 30.06.20          to    to 30.06.19 
                                                 (Unaudited)   (Audited)    (Unaudited) 
                                                     US$'000     US$'000        US$'000 
Net investment losses allocated from BHMS 
Interest income                                          681       1,187            658 
Expenses                                             (1,367)     (1,998)        (1,016) 
Net investment losses allocated from BHMS              (686)       (811)          (358) 
Company income 
Interest income                                            -           1              1 
Foreign exchange gains                                     -      16,125              - 
Total Company income                                       -      16,126              1 
Company expenses 
Management fees (note 4)                               2,215       4,431          2,188 
Performance fees (note 4)                             16,367       5,313          6,667 
Other expenses                                           281         555            291 
Directors' fees and expenses                             210         424            218 
Administration fees (note 4)                              82         155             78 
Foreign exchange losses                               30,041          -             710 
Total Company expenses                                49,196      10,878         10,152 
Net investment (losses)/gains                       (49,882)       4,437       (10,509) 
Net realised and unrealised gains on 
investments allocated from BHMS 
Net realised gain on investments                      26,368      26,927          4,441 
Net unrealised gain on                                62,577      12,768         35,656 
Net realised and unrealised foreign exchange 
    - on hedging                                     (3,545)     (6,729)        (3,630) 
Net realised and unrealised gains on                  85,400      32,966         36,467 
investments allocated from BHMS 
Net increase in net assets resulting from             35,518      37,403         25,958 
See accompanying notes to the Interim Unaudited Financial Statements. 
For the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 
                                                          01.01.20  01.01.19    01.01.19 
                                                       to 30.06.20        to to 30.06.19 
                                                       (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited) 
                                                           US$'000   US$'000     US$'000 
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations 
Net investment (loss)/gain                                (49,882)     4,437    (10,509) 
Net realised gain on investments allocated from BHMS        26,368    26,927       4,441 
Net unrealised gain on investments allocated from BHMS      62,577    12,768      35,656 
Net realised and unrealised foreign exchange loss          (3,545)   (6,729)     (3,630) 
allocated from BHMS 
                                                            35,518    37,403      25,958 
Share capital transactions 
Purchase of own shares (note 6) 
US Dollar shares                                                 -         -           - 
Sterling shares                                                  -         -           - 
                                                                 -         -           - 
Net increase in net assets                                  35,518    37,403      25,958 
Net assets at the beginning of the period/year             467,750   430,347     430,347 
Net assets at the end of the period/year                   503,268   467,750     456,305 
See accompanying notes to the Interim Unaudited Financial Statements. 
For the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 
                                                          01.01.20   01.01.19    01.01.19 
                                                       to 30.06.20         to to 30.06.19 
                                                       (Unaudited)  (Audited) (Unaudited) 
                                                           US$'000    US$'000     US$'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Net increase in net assets resulting from                   35,518     37,403      25,958 
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in 
net assets 
   resulting from operations to net cash provided by 
operating activities: 
Net investment loss allocated from                             686        811         358 
Net realised gain on investments allocated                (26,368)   (26,927)     (4,441) 
from BHMS 
Net unrealised gain on investments allocated from         (62,577)   (12,768)    (35,656) 
Net realised and unrealised foreign 
exchange loss 
   allocated from BHMS                                       3,545      6,729       3,630 
Proceeds from sale of investment in BHMS                     8,846      2,976       2,776 
Foreign exchange loss/(gain)                                30,041   (16,125)         710 
(Increase)/decrease in other debtors                          (58)         34          30 
(Decrease)/increase in management fees                       (418)        388        (19) 
Increase in performance fees payable                        10,493         12       1,105 
Increase in accrued expenses and                                53         23          30 
other liabilities 
Increase in Directors' fees payable                              -          -          99 
(Decrease)/increase in administration fees                    (53)         42          13 
Net cash used in operating activities                        (292)    (7,402)     (5,407) 
Change in cash                                               (292)    (7,402)     (5,407) 
Cash, beginning of the period/year                           1,171      8,738       8,738 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations                           245      (165)         102 
Cash, end of the period/year                                 1,124      1,171       3,433 
Cash, end of the period/year 
Cash and bank balances denominated in US                        96        167         190 
Cash and bank balances denominated in                        1,028      1,004       3,243 
                                                             1,124      1,171       3,433 
1 Cash and bank balances in Sterling                           832        758       2,548 
See accompanying notes to the Interim Unaudited Financial Statements. 
For the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 
1. The Company 
BH Global Limited (the "Company") is a limited liability closed-ended 
investment company incorporated in Guernsey on 25 February 2008 for an 
unlimited period, with registration number 48555. 
The Company has a Premium Listing on the London Stock Exchange. 
The Company can offer multiple classes of ordinary shares, which differ in 
terms of currency of issue with ordinary shares denominated in US Dollar and 
Sterling currently being in issue. 
2. Organisation 
The Company's investment objective is to seek to generate consistent long-term 
capital appreciation through an investment policy of investing all of its 
assets (net of funds required for its short-term working capital requirements) 
in Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Master Fund Limited ("BHMS" or the "Master 
The Company is organised as a feeder fund and invests substantially all of its 
investable assets in the ordinary US Dollar and Sterling denominated Class G 
shares issued by BHMS, and, as such, the Company is directly and materially 
affected by the performance and actions of BHMS. 
As such the Interim Unaudited Financial Statements of the Company should be 
read in conjunction with the Interim Unaudited Financial Statements of BHMS, 
which can be found on the Company's website, www.bhglobal.com. 
BHMS is an open-ended investment company incorporated with limited liability in 
the Cayman Islands on 21 January 2008. 
BHMS's underlying investments in funds at 30 June 2020 and the percentage that 
BHMS's investment represented of the underlying fund's Net Asset Value ("NAV") 
are as follows: 
Brevan Howard FG Macro Master Fund Limited                                    7.81% 
Brevan Howard Master Fund Limited                                             4.15% 
Brevan Howard AH Master Fund Limited                                          1.77% 
Brevan Howard AS Macro Master Fund Limited                                    5.12% 
Brevan Howard MB Macro Master Fund Limited                                    3.58% 
Brevan Howard Global Volatility Master Fund Limited                           8.67% 
Brevan Howard Alpha Strategies Master Fund Limited                            1.93% 
BH-DG Systematic Trading Master Fund Limited                                  5.48% 
These percentages are the direct investments excluding any indirect investments 
as a result of BHMS investing in BHMF, which has investments in other Brevan 
Howard funds. BHMS has flexibility to invest in a wide range of instruments 
including, but not limited to, debt securities and obligations (which may be 
below investment grade), bank loans, listed and unlisted equities, other 
collective investment schemes or vehicles (which may be open-ended or 
closed-ended, listed or unlisted, regulated or unregulated and may employ 
leverage (each an "Investment Fund")), currencies, commodities, futures, 
options, warrants, swaps and other derivative instruments. Derivative 
instruments may be exchange traded or OTC. BHMS may engage in short sales. BHMS 
may retain amounts in cash or cash equivalents (including money market funds) 
pending reinvestment, for use as collateral or if this is considered 
appropriate to the investment objective. 
Subject to the investment restrictions and investment approach disclosed in any 
prospectus for BHMS that may be published from time to time and subsequent BHMS 
Directors' resolutions, BHMS employs an investment process which empowers the 
Manager to allocate assets to both Investment Funds and directly to the 
investment managers of BHMS from time to time on an opportunistic basis. 
At the date of these Interim Unaudited Financial Statements, there were two 
other feeder funds in operation in addition to the Company that invest all of 
their assets (net of working capital) in BHMS. 
Off-balance sheet, market and credit risks of BHMS's investments and activities 
are discussed in the notes to the Interim Unaudited Financial Statements of 
BHMS. The Company's investment in BHMS exposes it to various types of risk, 
which are associated with the financial instruments and markets in which the 
Brevan Howard funds invest. Market risk represents the potential loss in value 
of financial instruments caused by movements in market factors including, but 
not limited to, market liquidity, investor sentiment and foreign exchange 
The Manager 
Brevan Howard Capital Management LP (the "Manager") is the manager of the 
Company. The Manager is a Jersey limited partnership, the sole general partner 
of which is Brevan Howard Capital Management Limited, a Jersey limited company 
(the "General Partner"). The General Partner is regulated in the conduct of 
fund services business by the Jersey Financial Services Commission pursuant to 
the Financial Services (Jersey) Law, 1998 and the Orders made thereunder and is 
the Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM") of the Company for the 
purposes of the European Union Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive 
The Manager also manages BHMS. 
3. Significant Accounting Policies 
The Annual Audited Financial Statements, which give a true and fair view, are 
prepared in conformity with United States Generally Accepted Accounting 
Principles and comply with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. The Interim 
Unaudited Financial Statements have been prepared following the same accounting 
policies and methods of computation as the most recent Annual Audited Financial 
Statements. The functional and reporting currency of the Company is US Dollars. 
The Company is an Investment Entity which has applied the provisions of 
Accounting Standards Codification ("ASC") 946. 
Going concern 
After making enquiries and given the nature of the Company and its investment, 
the Directors are satisfied that it is appropriate to continue to adopt the 
going concern basis in preparing these Interim Unaudited Financial Statements 
and, after due consideration, the Directors consider that the Company is able 
to continue for the foreseeable future and at least twelve months from the date 
of this report. In reaching this conclusion the Board is mindful of the nature 
of the assets that underlie its investment in BHMS, including BHMS's liquidity 
and has concluded that moderate adverse investment performance will not have a 
material impact on the Company's ability to meet its liabilities as they fall 
The Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal controls and for 
reviewing its effectiveness. The Board is satisfied, by using the risk 
management procedures and internal controls set out in the Company's risk 
matrix and by monitoring the Company's investment objective and policy that it 
has carried out a robust assessment of the risks and uncertainties facing the 
Since the start of January 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19, which is a rapidly 
evolving situation, has adversely impacted global commercial activities. The 
rapid development and fluidity of this situation precludes any prediction as 
its ultimate impact, which may have a continued adverse impact on economic and 
market conditions and trigger a period of global economic slowdown. The 
Directors do not believe there is any financial impact to the Financial 
Statements as at 30 June 2020. The Manager is monitoring developments relating 
to COVID-19 and is coordinating its operational response based on existing 
business continuity plans and on guidance from global health organisations, 
relevant governments, and general pandemic response best practices. From an 
operational perspective, the Company uses a number of service providers. These 
providers have established, documented and regularly tested Business Resiliency 
Policies in place, to cover various possible scenarios whereby staff cannot be 
present at the designated office and conduct business as usual. Since the 
COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, service providers have deployed these alternative 
working policies to ensure continued business service. 
The following are significant accounting policies adopted by the Company: 
Valuation of investments 
The Company records its investment in the Class G shares of BHMS as the 
Company's proportionate share of BHMS's net assets which approximates fair 
value. At 30 June 2020, the Company's US Dollar and Sterling capital account 
represents 7.83% and 74.03% (31 December 2019: 7.78% and 74.91%; 30 June 2019: 
7.22% and 67.73%) respectively of BHMS's capital. The net asset value of BHMS 
is used as a measure of fair value as this is the price at which the Company 
may redeem its investment. 
Fair value measurement 
ASC Topic 820 defines fair value as the price that the Company would receive 
upon selling a security in an orderly transaction to an independent buyer in 
the principal or most advantageous market of the security. 
The valuation and classification of securities held by BHMS is discussed in the 
notes to its Interim Unaudited Financial Statements which are available on the 
Company's website, www.bhglobal.com. 
Income and expenses 
The Company records monthly its proportionate share of BHMS's income, expenses 
and realised and unrealised gains and losses. In addition, the Company accrues 
its own income and expenses. 
Use of estimates 
The preparation of Financial Statements in conformity with United States 
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles requires the Board to make estimates 
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and 
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of those Financial 
Statements and the reported amounts of increases and decreases in net assets 
from operations during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from 
those estimates. 
Foreign exchange 
Investment securities and other assets and liabilities of the Sterling share 
class are translated into US Dollars, the Company's reporting currency, using 
exchange rates at the reporting date. Transactions reported in the Unaudited 
Statement of Operations are translated into US Dollar amounts at the date of 
such transactions. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are 
translated into US Dollars at the exchange rate at reporting date. The share 
capital and other capital reserve accounts are translated at the historic rate 
ruling at the date of the transaction. Exchange differences arising on 
translation are included in the Unaudited Statement of Operations. This foreign 
exchange adjustment has no effect on the value of net assets allocated to the 
individual share classes. 
Cash and bank balances 
Cash and bank balances comprise cash on hand and demand deposits. 
Treasury shares 
Where the Company purchases its own share capital, the consideration paid, 
which includes any directly attributable costs, is recognised as a deduction 
from equity Shareholders' funds through the Share capital account. When such 
shares are subsequently sold or reissued to the market, any consideration 
received, net of any directly attributable incremental transaction costs, is 
recognised as an increase in equity Shareholders' funds through the Share 
capital account. Where the Company cancels treasury shares, no further 
adjustment is required to the share capital account of the Company at the time 
of cancellation. Shares held in Treasury are excluded from calculations when 
determining NAV per share as detailed in note 8 and in the Financial Highlights 
in note 11. 
Allocation of results of BHMS 
Net realised and unrealised gains/losses of BHMS are allocated to the Company's 
share classes based upon the percentage ownership of the equivalent BHMS class. 
Loan notes payable 
Loans are classified in the Interim Unaudited Statement of Assets and 
Liabilities as loan notes payable and are accounted for at amortised cost using 
the effective interest method. 
Under a Note Purchase Agreement (note 10), the Company is obliged to pay back 
the total outstanding amount and any relevant fees and expenses, reimbursements 
and indemnities by the stated maturity date, unless the Note is previously 
terminated. Interest shall accrue daily on each Note at the applicable rate. 
The Company's obligations under the Agreement are secured by charges over a 
portion of its shares in BHMS. The purpose of the Note Purchase Agreement is to 
permit the Company to draw funds to finance the acquisition of the Company's 
own shares and for other working capital purposes. 
4. Management, Performance, and Administration Agreements 
Management fee 
The Company has entered into a management agreement with the Manager to manage 
the Company's investment portfolio. 
With effect from 3 October 2016, the Manager does not charge the Company a 
management fee in respect of any performance related increase in the NAV of 
each class of shares of the Company. The management fee is calculated on the 
basis of the lower of the NAV of the relevant share class and the Base NAV, as 
defined in the Amended and Restated Management Agreement dated 4 July 2017, of 
that share class (adjusted for certain changes in shares in issue). 
With effect from 1 April 2017 the management fee was reduced from 2% to 1% per 
The Company may repurchase or redeem shares of either class in each calendar 
year, including pursuant to the class closure and annual partial capital return 
provisions contained in the Company's articles of incorporation (the 
"Articles"), in respect of the 2017 calendar year and all subsequent years, up 
to an aggregate number equal to 5% of the shares of that class in issue as at 
31 December in the prior calendar year (the "Annual Buy Back Allowance") 
without making any payment to the Manager. 
In the event that, in any calendar year, the aggregate number of shares 
repurchased or redeemed by the Company exceeds the Annual Buy Back Allowance 
for that class, the Company will be required to pay the Manager an amount equal 
to 2% of the repurchase price of any share that is repurchased or redeemed by 
the Company in excess of the Annual Buy Back Allowance, including pursuant to 
the class closure and annual partial capital return provisions contained in the 
The Board has agreed with the Manager that if, on the last business day in 
March, June, September or December of any year, the net asset value of the 
Company were to be below US$300 million (on the basis of the prevailing US 
Dollar/Sterling exchange rate), the Board would convene a general meeting of 
the Company's shareholders at which a special resolution proposing the 
liquidation of the Company would be put forward. Were the resolution to be 
passed, the Company would be liquidated and an amount equal to 2% of the 
Company's net asset value (subject to a deduction in respect of any amount of 
the Annual Buy Back Allowance for the relevant calendar year that remains 
unused) would be paid to the Manager in addition to any other fees due to the 
Manager up to the date of termination of the management agreement. 
In respect of 2020, the Annual Buy Back Allowance for the Company's Sterling 
share class was 993,413 Sterling shares (2019: 990,378 Sterling shares) and for 
the US Dollar share class was 133,242 US Dollar shares (2019: 137,035 US Dollar 
shares). In addition, the Manager agreed that 40% of the Company's unused 2019 
Annual Buyback Allowance being 396,151 Sterling shares and 54,814 US Dollar 
shares could be rolled forward for use in 2020, such that the Company can 
repurchase 1,389,564 Sterling shares and 188,056 US Dollar shares and without 
payment to the Manager in 2020. 
Between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2020, the Company did not repurchase any 
Sterling or US Dollar shares (between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019: nil 
Sterling shares and: nil US Dollar shares, between 1 January 2019 and 30 June 
2019: nil Sterling shares and: nil US Dollar shares). 
During the period ended 30 June 2020 and throughout 2019, US$ nil was charged 
by the Manager due to the Annual Buy Back Allowance being exceeded. 
There are no fees charged by the Manager at the level of BHMS on the G Class 
into which the Company is invested. There are also no fees charged by the 
Manager in relation to BHMS's investment into underlying funds managed by the 
In respect of the period ended 30 June 2020, the Manager charged the Company a 
total of US$2,215,479 (31 December 2019: US$4,430,767, 30 June 2019: 
US$2,187,474) under the terms of the management agreement. At 30 June 2020, 
US$356,860 (31 December 2019: US$774,931, 30 June 2019: US$367,556) of the fee 
remained outstanding. 
Performance fee 
The Manager is entitled to an annual performance fee for each share class 
accrued monthly in arrears. The performance fee is equal to 20% of the 
appreciation in the NAV per share (adjusted for any increase or decrease in NAV 
arising from issues (including the sale or re-issue of Shares held in 
treasury), repurchases or redemptions of Shares and calculated before deduction 
of the performance fee in respect of the relevant period) which is above the 
performance fee Base NAV per share of that class multiplied by the number of 
shares of such class at the end of the relevant period. 
The performance fee Base NAV per share is the greater of (a) the NAV per share 
of the relevant class as at 31 December 2016 and (b) the highest NAV per share 
of the relevant class of shares achieved as at the final BHMS NAV calculation 
date as at the end of any calculation period after the calculation period 
ending on 31 December 2016. 
The Manager is not entitled to any performance fee in respect of any increase 
in NAV (whether in respect of a class of shares as a whole or on a per share 
basis) arising to the remaining shares of the relevant class from any 
repurchase, redemption or cancellation of any share, provided that any 
performance fee due to the Manager shall not be reduced below zero. 
Any accrued performance fee in respect of shares which are converted into 
another share class prior to the date on which the performance fee would 
otherwise have become payable in respect of those Shares will crystallise and 
become payable on the date of such conversion. The performance fee is accrued 
on an on-going basis and is reflected in the Company's published NAV. 
On the business day preceding the last business day of each period in respect 
of which a performance fee is payable, the Company shall pay an estimated 
performance fee to the Manager in respect of that period. The estimated fee 
shall be the performance fee payable to the Manager in respect of that period 
as estimated by the Company's administrator on the basis of the estimated NAV 
of each class of Shares as at the close of business on the second Friday of 
December in each year. The difference between the estimated fee paid in respect 
of any period and the actual performance fee payable in respect of that period 
shall be paid to the Manager within 5 business days of the publication of the 
final NAV of each class of Shares as at the end of the period, provided that if 
the difference is a negative amount then it shall be repaid by the Manager to 
the Company at such time. 
During the period ended 30 June 2020, US$16,366,579 (31 December 2019: 
US$5,313,517, 30 June 2019: US$6,667,446) was charged as performance fees of 
which, US$15,971,194 (31 December 2019: US$5,477,699, 30 June 2019: 
US$6,571,200) remained accrued at period end. The total performance fee charged 
during the period includes fees crystallised upon conversion and upon buyback 
of shares at points when the NAV per share of the shares exceeded their 
performance fee Base NAV per share (being GBP16.11 (Sterling shares) and US$16.48 
(US Dollar shares)). 
Of the total crystallised performance fee charged for the period, US$130,314 
(31 December 2019: US$32,174, 30 June 2019: US$9,482) related to share 
conversions and US$nil (31 December 2019: US$nil, 30 June 2019: US$nil) related 
to the buyback of shares. 
In establishing the parameters for the execution of buybacks, account is taken 
of the impact of any performance fees that would become payable so as to ensure 
that such buy backs are still accretive to net asset value. 
The Management Agreement can be terminated by either the Company or the Manager 
on the giving of 12 months' written notice to the other party, or alternatively 
the Company may terminate the Management Agreement on 90 days' notice by 
payment to the Manager of an amount equal to the aggregate of the Management 
Fee during such twelve month period. The Company may terminate the management 
agreement forthwith by notice in the event of specified acts of default by the 
Manager without payment of compensation. 
Were the Management Agreement to be terminated by the Company, the management 
fee would revert to 2% of the prevailing net asset value in respect of the 
notice period, or in respect of any payment in lieu of notice. 
Administration fee 
The Company has appointed Northern Trust International Fund Administration 
Services (Guernsey) Limited as Administrator and Corporate Secretary. The 
Administrator is paid fees based on the NAV of the Company, payable monthly in 
arrears. The fee is at a rate of 0.03% of the first US$1 billion of net assets 
of the Company and then 0.01% per annum thereafter, subject to a minimum fee of 
GBP115,000 per annum. In addition to the NAV based fee the Administrator is also 
entitled to an annual fee of GBP6,000 (2019: GBP6,000) for certain additional 
administration services. The Administrator is entitled to be reimbursed 
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of carrying out its duties as 
During the period ended 30 June 2020, US$81,565 (31 December 2019: US$154,816, 
30 June 2019: US$77,639) was earned by the Administrator as administration 
fees. At 30 June 2020, US$27,327 (31 December 2019: US$80,429, 30 June 2019: 
US$51,521) of the fee remained outstanding. 
5. Directors' fees 
The Company's Articles limit the fees payable to Directors in aggregate to GBP 
500,000 per annum. 
During the Board meeting of the 31 March 2020 and after careful consideration, 
all fees payable to the Directors, other than the Chairman, were increased by 
6% to the nearest GBP100, effective 1 April 2020. 
During the period the Chairman was entitled to a fee of GBP150,000 per annum. 
Sally-Ann Farnon, as Chairman of the Audit Committee, and Graham Harrison as 
Senior Independent Director were entitled to fees of GBP53,000 (increased by GBP 
3,000) and GBP45,600 (increased by GBP2,600) per annum respectively. Julia Chapman 
as Chairman of the Management Engagement Committee was entitled to a fee of GBP 
45,600 (increased by GBP2,600) per annum. Andreas Tautscher was entitled to a fee 
of GBP42,400 (increased by GBP2,400) per annum. 
6. Share Capital 
Issued and authorised share capital 
The Company's Articles permit the issuance of an unlimited number of ordinary 
shares with no par value which may be divided into at least two classes 
denominated in US Dollars and Sterling. The treasury shares have arisen as a 
result of the discount management programme as described in note 9. 
                                         US Dollar shares        Sterling 
Number of ordinary shares 
In issue at 1 January 2020                      2,664,844      19,868,275 
Share conversions                               (122,708)          99,533 
Purchase of own shares into Treasury                    -               - 
In issue at 30 June 2020                        2,542,136      19,967,808 
Number of treasury shares 
In issue at 1 January 2020                       267,443       1,667,180 
In issue at 30 June 2020                         267,443       1,667,180 
Total shares in issue                          2,809,579      21,634,988 
Percentage of class held as Treasury               9.52%           7.71% 
Share capital account                             US$'000           GBP'000      US$'000 
At 1 January 2020                                       -         165,544      374,988 
Share conversions                                 (2,333)           1,845            - 
Transfer from realised investment                   2,333               -        2,333 
At 30 June 2020                                         -         167,389      377,321 
                                         US Dollar shares        Sterling 
Number of ordinary shares 
In issue at 1 January 2019                      2,740,700      19,807,562 
Share conversions                                (75,856)          60,713 
In issue at 31 December 2019                    2,664,844      19,868,275 
Number of treasury shares 
In issue at 1 January 2019                       267,443       1,667,180 
In issue at 31 December 2019                     267,443       1,667,180 
Total shares in issue                          2,932,287      21,535,455 
Percentage of class held as Treasury               9.12%           7.74% 
Share capital account                             US$'000           GBP'000      US$'000 
At 1 January 2019                                       -         164,596      373,793 
Share conversions                                 (1,195)             948            - 
Transfer from realised                              1,195               -        1,195 
investment reserve 
At 31 December 2019                                     -         165,544      374,988 
                                         US Dollar shares        Sterling 
Number of Ordinary Shares 
In issue at 1 January 2019                      2,740,700      19,807,562 
Share conversions                                (99,228)          78,697 
In issue at 30 June 2019                        2,641,472      19,886,259 
Number of Treasury Shares 
In issue at 1 January 2019                       267,443       1,667,180 
In issue at 30 June 2019                         267,443       1,667,180 
Total shares in issue                          2,908,915      21,553,439 
Percentage of class held as Treasury               9.19%           7.74% 
Share capital account                             US$'000           GBP'000      US$'000 
At 1 January 2019                                       -         164,596      373,793 
Share conversions                                 (1,577)           1,233            - 
Transfer from realised                              1,577               -        1,577 
investment reserve 
At 30 June 2019                                         -         165,829      375,370 
Share classes 
In respect of each class of shares a separate class account has been 
established in the books of the Company. An amount equal to the aggregate 
proceeds of issue of each share class has been credited to the relevant class 
account. Any increase or decrease in the NAVs of each of the share classes in 
the Master Fund as calculated by BHMS are allocated to the relevant class 
account in the Company. Each class account is allocated those costs, pre-paid 
expenses, losses, dividends, profits, gains and income which the Directors 
determine in their sole discretion relate to a particular class. 
Voting rights 
Ordinary shares carry the right to vote at general meetings of the Company and 
to receive any dividends, attributable to the ordinary shares as a class, 
declared by the Company and, in a winding-up will be entitled to receive, by 
way of capital, any surplus assets of the Company attributable to the ordinary 
shares as a class in proportion to their holdings remaining after settlement of 
any outstanding liabilities of the Company. 
As prescribed in the Company's Articles, the different classes of ordinary 
shares have different values attributable to their votes. The attributed values 
have been calculated on the basis of the Weighted Voting Calculation (as 
described in the Articles) which takes into account the prevailing exchange 
rates on the date of initial issue of ordinary shares. Currently, on a vote, a 
single US Dollar ordinary share has one vote and a single Sterling ordinary 
share has 1.97950 votes. 
Treasury shares do not have any voting rights. 
Repurchase of ordinary shares 
The Directors have been granted authority to purchase in the market up to 
401,205 US Dollar shares, and 2,976,784 Sterling shares respectively and they 
intend to seek annual renewal of this authority from shareholders which was 
last granted at the 2020 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 26 June 2020. The 
Directors may, at their discretion, utilise this share repurchase authority to 
address any imbalance between the supply of and demand for shares. 
Under the Company's Articles, the Directors are required to convene a 
shareholders' meeting to consider the redemption of a class of shares in 
certain circumstances. 
Further issue of shares 
As approved by the shareholders at the AGM held on 26 June 2020, the Directors 
have the power to issue further shares on a non-pre-emptive basis for cash in 
respect of 267,648 US Dollar shares, and 1,985,847 Sterling shares 
This power expires on the date falling fifteen months after the date of the AGM 
or the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company, whichever 
is the earlier. 
BHMS has not previously paid dividends to its investors. Therefore, the 
Directors of the Company do not expect to declare any dividends. This does not 
prevent the Directors of the Company from declaring a dividend at any time in 
the future if the Directors consider payment of a dividend to be appropriate in 
the circumstances. If the Directors declare a dividend, such dividend will be 
paid on a per class basis. 
The Company operates in such a manner that its shares are not categorised as 
non-mainstream pooled investments. This may mean that the Company pays 
dividends in respect of any income that it receives or is deemed to receive for 
UK tax purposes so that it would qualify as an investment trust if it were UK 
However, the Company will first apply any such income in payment of its 
management and performance fees. 
Treasury shares are not entitled to distributions. 
Annual redemption offer 
Each calendar year the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, determine 
that the Company should make an offer to redeem such number of shares of the 
Company in issue as they may determine provided that the maximum amount 
distributed does not exceed 100% of the increase in the NAV of the Company in 
the prior calendar year. 
The Directors shall, in their absolute discretion, determine the particular 
class or classes of shares in respect of which an Annual Redemption Offer will 
be made, the timetable for that Annual Redemption Offer and the price at which 
the shares of each relevant class will be redeemed. 
Whether a return of capital is made in any particular year and, if so, the 
amount of the return, may depend, among other things, on prevailing market 
conditions, the ability of the Company to liquidate its investments to fund the 
capital return, the success of prior capital returns and applicable legal, 
regulatory and tax considerations. 
Share conversion scheme 
The Company has implemented a Share Conversion Scheme which provides 
shareholders with the ability to convert some or all of their ordinary shares 
in the Company of one class into ordinary shares of the other class on the last 
business day of every month. Each conversion will be based on the NAV (note 8) 
of the share classes to be converted. 
7. Taxation 
The Company is exempt from taxation in Guernsey under the Income Tax (Exempt 
Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989. Accordingly, no provision for Guernsey 
income taxes is included in these Financial Statements. 
Uncertain tax positions 
The Company recognises the tax benefits of uncertain tax positions only where 
the position is more-likely-than-not (i.e. greater than 50-percent) to be 
sustained assuming examination by a tax authority based on the technical merits 
of the position. In evaluating whether a tax position has met the recognition 
threshold, the Company must presume that the position will be examined by the 
appropriate taxing authority that has full knowledge of all relevant 
information. A tax position that meets the more-likely-than-not recognition 
threshold is measured to determine the amount of benefit to recognise in the 
Company's Financial Statements. Income tax and related interest and penalties 
would be recognised by the Company as a tax expense in the Unaudited Statement 
of Operations if the tax positions were deemed to not meet the 
more-likely-than-not threshold. 
The Company analyses all open tax years for all major tax jurisdictions. Open 
tax years are those that are open for examination by taxing authorities, as 
defined by the Statute of Limitations in each jurisdiction. 
The Company identifies its major tax jurisdictions as Guernsey, the Cayman 
Islands and foreign jurisdictions where the Company makes significant 
investments. The Company has no examinations by tax authorities in progress. 
The Board received advice in respect of the Company's tax positions and is 
advised that no liability for unrecognised tax benefits should be recorded 
related to uncertain tax positions. Further, the Board is not aware of any tax 
positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of 
unrecognised tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months. 
International tax reporting 
For the purposes of the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, the Company 
registered with the US Internal Revenue Services ("IRS") as a Guernsey 
reporting Foreign Financial Institution ("FFI"), received a Global Intermediary 
Identification Number (U2S6ID.99999.SL.831), and can be found on the IRS FFI 
The Common Reporting Standard ("CRS") is a global standard for the automatic 
exchange of financial account information developed by the Organisation for 
Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD"), which has been adopted by 
Guernsey and which came into effect on 1 January 2016. 
The Board has taken the necessary action to ensure that the Company is 
compliant with Guernsey regulations and guidance in this regard. 
8. Publication and Calculation of Net Asset Value 
The NAV of the Company is equal to the value of its total assets less its total 
liabilities. The NAV per share of each class will be calculated by dividing the 
NAV of the relevant share class by the number of shares of the relevant class 
in issue on that day. 
The Company publishes the NAV per share for each class of shares as calculated 
by the Administrator based in part on information provided by BHMS, monthly in 
arrears, as at each month end. 
The Company also publishes an estimate of the NAV per share for each class of 
shares as calculated by the Administrator based in part on information provided 
by BHMS, weekly in arrears. 
9. Discount Management Programme 
The Company's discount management programme includes the ability to make market 
purchases of shares and the obligation to propose class closure resolutions if, 
in any fixed discount management period (1 January to 31 December each year), 
the average daily closing market price of the relevant class of shares during 
such period is 10% or more below the average NAV per share of the relevant 
class taken over the 12 monthly NAV Determination Dates (generally the last 
business day of each month) in that fixed discount management period, as 
described more fully in the Company's principal documents, which are available 
from the Administrator on request. 
In the event a class closure resolution is passed, Shareholders in a class have 
the following options available to them: 
a)   to redeem all or some of their shares at NAV per share less the costs and 
expenses of the Class Closure vote and other outstanding costs and expenses of 
the Company, attributable to the relevant class (including any redemption 
fees); or 
b)   subject to certain limitations, to convert all or some of their shares 
into shares of another class; or 
c)   subject to the class continuing and remaining viable, to remain in the 
The Annual Redemption Offer described in note 6 which enables a partial return 
of capital is also part of the discount management programme. 
The discount management measures are and will be funded by partial redemptions 
of the Company's investment in BHMS. 
During the period to 30 June 2020, the Company recorded an average discount to 
NAV of 3.45% and 5.87% for US Dollar shares and Sterling shares respectively 
(year to 31 December 2019: 2.82% and 3.74% for US Dollar shares, and Sterling 
shares respectively and period to 30 June 2019: 4.71% and 4.14% for US Dollar 
shares, and Sterling shares respectively). 
10. Note Purchase Agreement 
The Company is party to a Note Purchase Agreement with JP Morgan Chase Bank, 
pursuant to which the Company may obtain financing, of up to US$2 million (31 
December 2019: US$2 million, 30 June 2019: US$2 million) and GBP15 million (31 
December 2019: GBP15 million, 30 June 2019: GBP15 million), if required, to finance 
(inter alia) share buybacks pending receipt of the proceeds of redemption from 
its underlying investments. As at 30 June 2020, 
31 December 2019, and 30 June 2019 there were no amounts outstanding under the 
Note Purchase Agreement, neither was any interest payable. 
11. Financial Highlights 
The following tables include selected data for a single ordinary share of each 
of the ordinary share classes in issue at the period end and other performance 
information derived from the Financial Statements. 
The per share amounts and ratios which are shown reflect the income and 
expenses of the Company for each class of ordinary share. 
                                                           01.01.20          01.01.20 
                                                        to 30.06.20       to 30.06.20 
                                                          US Dollar   Sterling shares 
                                                                US$                 GBP 
Per share operating performance 
Net asset value at beginning of the period                    16.48             16.11 
Income from investment operations 
Net investment loss1 (excluding net realised and 
unrealised gains and losses on investments                   (0.79)            (0.70) 
allocated from BHMS) 
Net realised and unrealised gain on                            3.34              3.03 
Other capital items2                                         (0.12)              0.01 
Total return                                                   2.43              2.34 
Net asset value, end of the period                            18.91             18.45 
Total return before performance fees                         18.46%            18.16% 
Performance                                                 (3.74%)           (3.62%) 
Total return after performance fees                          14.72%            14.54% 
Total return reflects the net return for an investment made at the beginning of 
the period and is calculated as the change in the NAV per ordinary share during 
the period ended 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020. An individual shareholder's 
return may vary from these returns based on their timing of purchases and sales 
of Shares. 
                                                            01.01.20         01.01.20 
                                                         to 30.06.20      to 30.06.20 
                                                           US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                              shares           shares 
                                                             US$'000            GBP'000 
Net asset value, end of the period                            48,069          368,388 
Average net asset value for the period                        47,761          353,694 
                                                            01.01.20         01.01.20 
                                                         to 30.06.20      to 30.06.20 
                                                           US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                              shares           shares 
Ratio to average net 
Company expenses3                                              0.54%            0.56% 
Master Fund expenses4                                          0.27%            0.28% 
Performance fees                                               3.38%            3.28% 
Total operating expense                                        4.19%            4.12% 
Net investment loss1                                         (4.17%)          (3.98%) 
                                                            01.01.19         01.01.19 
                                                         to 31.12.19      to 31.12.19 
                                                           US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                              shares           shares 
                                                                 US$                GBP 
Per share operating performance 
Net asset value at beginning of the year                       15.51            15.37 
Income from investment operations 
Net investment loss1 (excluding net realised and 
unrealised gains and losses on investments                    (0.45)           (0.41) 
allocated from BHMS) 
Net realised and unrealised gain on                             1.43             1.15 
Other capital                                                 (0.01)                - 
Total return                                                    0.97             0.74 
Net asset value, end of                                        16.48            16.11 
the year 
Total return before performance fees                           7.81%            5.99% 
Performance fees                                             (1.56%)          (1.20%) 
Total return after performance fees                            6.25%            4.79% 
Total return reflects the net return for an investment made at the beginning of 
the year and is calculated as the change in the NAV per ordinary share during 
the year ended 31 December 2019. An individual shareholder's return may vary 
from these returns based on the timing of their purchases and sales of Shares. 
                                                             01.01.19         01.01.19 
                                                          to 31.12.19      to 31.12.19 
                                                            US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                               shares           shares 
                                                              US$'000            GBP'000 
Net asset value, end of                                        43,923          320,013 
the year 
Average net asset value for the year                           43,014          314,928 
                                                             01.01.19         01.01.19 
                                                          to 31.12.19      to 31.12.19 
                                                            US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                               shares           shares 
Ratio to average net 
Company expenses3                                               1.21%            1.25% 
Master Fund expenses4                                           0.45%            0.45% 
Performance fees                                                1.50%            1.16% 
                                                                3.16%            2.86% 
Net investment loss1                                          (2.84%)          (2.60%) 
                                                             01.01.19         01.01.19 
                                                          to 30.06.19      to 30.06.19 
                                                            US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                               shares           shares 
                                                                  US$                GBP 
Per share operating performance 
Net asset value at beginning of the period                      15.51            15.37 
Income from investment operations 
Net investment gain1 (excluding net realised and 
unrealised gains and losses on investments                     (0.36)           (0.34) 
allocated from BHMS) 
Net realised and unrealised gain on                              1.42             1.27 
Other capital                                                  (0.01)                - 
Total return                                                     1.05             0.93 
Net asset value, end of the period                              16.56            16.30 
                                                             01.01.19         01.01.19 
                                                          to 30.06.19      to 30.06.19 
                                                            US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                               shares           shares 
Total return before performance fees                            8.45%            7.55% 
Performance fees                                              (1.68%)          (1.51%) 
Total return after performance fees                             6.77%            6.04% 
Total return reflects the net return for an investment made at the beginning of 
the period and is calculated as the change in the NAV per ordinary share during 
the period ended 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019. An individual shareholder's 
return may vary from these returns based on their timing of purchases and sales 
of Shares. 
                                                             01.01.19         01.01.19 
                                                          to 30.06.19      to 30.06.19 
                                                            US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                               shares           shares 
                                                              US$'000            GBP'000 
Net asset value, end of the period                             43,754          324,142 
Average net asset value for the period                         42,880          308,904 
                                                             01.01.19         01.01.19 
                                                          to 30.06.19      to 30.06.19 
                                                            US Dollar         Sterling 
                                                               shares           shares 
Ratio to average net 
Company expenses3                                               0.61%            0.63% 
Master Fund expenses4                                           0.23%            0.23% 
Performance fees                                                1.64%            1.49% 
                                                                2.48%            2.35% 
Net investment loss1                                          (2.27%)          (2.21%) 
1           The net investment loss figure shown above does not include net 
realised and unrealised gains and losses on investments allocated from BHMS. 
2           Included in other capital items are the discounts and premiums on 
conversions between share classes during the period/year, share buybacks and 
partial capital returns, as compared to the NAV per share at the beginning of 
the period/year. 
3           Company expenses are as disclosed in the Interim Unaudited 
Statement of Operations, excluding performance fees and foreign exchange gains 
and losses on aggregation. 
4           Master Fund expenses are the allocated operating expenses of BHMS. 
12. Related Party Transactions 
As at 30 June 2020, the Company had five non-executive Directors, all of whom 
are independent of the Manager. 
Details of Directors' fees to which the Directors are entitled are disclosed in 
note 5. 
The Directors had the following interests in the Company, held either directly 
or beneficially at 30 June 2020: 
                                                         US Dollar       Sterling 
                                                            Shares         Shares 
Sir Michael Bunbury                                              -         14,200 
Graham Harrison                                                  -          1,500 
Sally-Ann Farnon                                                 -          1,700 
Julia Chapman                                                    -          1,081 
Andreas Tautscher                                                -            600 
13. Foreign Exchange 
The following foreign exchange rates were used to translate the Sterling share 
class into US Dollars, being the Company's reporting currency. 
                                               01.01.20         01.01.19       01.01.19 
                                            to 30.06.20      to 31.12.19    to 30.06.19 
Period/year                                      1.2356           1.3244         1.2728 
end rate 
Average rate for the                             1.2697           1.2794         1.2936 
14. Subsequent Events 
Management has evaluated subsequent events up to 19 August 2020, which is the 
date that the Financial Statements were available to be issued. 
No subsequent events have occurred. 
As at 30 June 2020 
                                    30.06.2020*      31.12.19      31.12.18     31.12.17 
                                    (Unaudited)     (Audited)     (Audited)    (Audited) 
                                        US$'000       US$'000       US$'000      US$'000 
Net increase/(decrease) in net 
resulting from operations                35,518        37,403         2,187       41,032 
Total assets                            519,795       474,202       436,335      443,707 
Total liabilities                      (16,527)       (6,452)       (5,988)      (1,416) 
Net assets                              503,268       467,750       430,347      442,291 
Number of shares in issue 
US Dollar shares                      2,542,136     2,664,844     2,740,700    3,004,442 
Sterling shares                      19,967,808    19,868,275    19,807,562   20,346,871 
Net asset value per share 
US Dollar shares                       US$18.91      US$16.48      US$15.51     US$14.56 
Sterling                                 GBP18.45        GBP16.11        GBP15.37       GBP14.58 
* Covers the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020. 
Sir Michael Bunbury (Chairman) 
Julia Chapman 
Sally-Ann ("Susie") Farnon 
Graham Harrison (Senior Independent Director) 
Andreas Tautscher 
(All Directors are non-executive and are independent for the purpose of 
LR15.2.12 A) 
Registered Office 
PO Box 255 
Trafalgar Court 
Les Banques 
St Peter Port 
GY1 3QL 
Brevan Howard Capital Management LP 
6th Floor 
37 Esplanade 
St Helier 
JE2 3QA 
Administrator and Corporate Secretary 
Northern Trust International Fund 
Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited 
PO Box 255 
Trafalgar Court 
Les Banques 
St Peter Port 
GY1 3QL 
Independent Auditor 
KPMG Channel Islands Limited 
Glategny Court 
Glategny Esplanade 
St Peter Port 
GY1 1WR 
Registrar and CREST Service Provider 
Computershare Investor Services 
1st Floor 
Tudor House 
Le Bordage 
GY1 1DB 
Legal Advisors (Guernsey Law) 
Carey Olsen 
Carey House 
Les Banques 
St. Peter Port 
GY1 4BZ 
Legal Advisors (UK Law) 
Hogan Lovells International LLP 
Atlantic House 
Holborn Viaduct 
London EC1A 2FG 
Corporate Brokers 
JPMorgan Cazenove 
25 Bank Street 
Canary Wharf 
E14 5JP 
Investec Bank Plc 
30 Gresham Street 
For the latest information 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 20, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

Bh Global (LSE:BHGG)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Bh Global 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Bh Global (LSE:BHGG)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Bh Global 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.