You must read this notice before continuing: This notice applies to the
attached memorandum (this "Consent Solicitation Memorandum"), whether received
by e-mail, accessed from an internet page or otherwise received as a result of
electronic communication, and you are advised to read this notice carefully
before reading, accessing or making any other use of this Consent Solicitation
Memorandum. In reading, accessing or making any other use of this Consent
Solicitation Memorandum, you agree to be bound by the following terms and
conditions and each of the restrictions set out in this Consent Solicitation
Memorandum, including any modifications to them from time to time, each time
you receive any information from the Tabulation Agent, the Issuer, the
Liquidity Facility Provider, the Paying Agents or the Trustee as a result of
such access.

Confirmation of your representation:


This Consent Solicitation Memorandum has been sent to you in an electronic
form. You are reminded that documents transmitted via this medium may be
altered or changed during the process of transmission and consequently none of
the Trustee, the Principal Paying Agent, the U.S Paying Agent, the Tabulation
Agent, the Issuer, the Liquidity Facility Provider or any person who controls
or is a director, officer, employee or agent of any of the Trustee, the
Principal Paying Agent, the U.S Paying Agent, the Tabulation Agent, the Issuer,
the Liquidity Facility Provider or any affiliate of any such person accepts any
liability or responsibility whatsoever in respect of any difference between
this Consent Solicitation Memorandum and the hard copy version available for
inspection at the office of the Issuer.

You are reminded that this Consent Solicitation Memorandum has been delivered
to you on the basis that you are a person into whose possession this Consent
Solicitation Memorandum may be lawfully delivered in accordance with the laws
of the jurisdiction in which you are located and you may not nor are you
authorised to deliver this Consent Solicitation Memorandum to any other person
except to purchasers/transferees to whom the Existing Notes have been sold/
transferred and provided that such delivery is lawful.

Nothing in this electronic transmission constitutes an offer to buy or the
solicitation of an offer to sell any securities in any jurisdiction.


If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are recommended
to seek your own financial advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank
manager, solicitor, accountant or other financial, legal or tax adviser
authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (if you are in the
United Kingdom), or from another appropriately authorised independent financial
adviser (if you are not) and such other professional advice from your own
professional advisors as you deem necessary.

If you have recently sold or otherwise transferred your entire holding(s) of
Existing Notes referred to below, you should immediately forward this document
to the purchaser or transferee, or to the stockbroker, bank or other agent
through whom the sale or transfer was effected, for transmission to the
purchaser or transferee.

The distribution of this Consent Solicitation Memorandum in certain
jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this
Consent Solicitation Memorandum comes are requested to inform themselves about,
and to observe, any such restrictions.

                     Southern Pacific Securities 05-1 PLC

(a public company with limited liability incorporated in England and Wales with
                          registered number 5276563)

                                (the "Issuer")

      Class B1c £45,500,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

              ISIN: XS0212691660, US84359WAE03, CUSIP: 84359WAE0

      Class C1c £26,250,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

              ISIN: XS0212691744, US84359WAF77, CUSIP: 84359WAF7

      Class D1c £22,750,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

              ISIN: XS0212692122, US84359WAG50, CUSIP: 84359WAG5

        Class E £3,500,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

                              ISIN: XS0212692478

                       (together, the "Existing Notes")


                                in relation to

a proposal for amendments to the Liquidity Facility Agreement signed by, among
 others, the Issuer dated 23 February 2005 (as amended, amended and restated,
   varied or novated from time to time) (the "Liquidity Facility Agreement")

Capitalised terms used but not defined in this Consent Solicitation Memorandum
(see Section 6 (Definitions)) shall, unless the context otherwise requires,
have the meanings set out in:

 i. the master definitions schedule signed by, amongst others, the Issuer dated
    23 February 2005 (the "Master Definitions Schedule");

ii. the trust deed signed by, amongst others, the Issuer dated 23 February 2005
    (the "Trust Deed");

iii. the terms and conditions of the Notes as set out in Schedule 2 Part 5 to
    the Trust Deed (the "Terms and Conditions"); and/or

iv. the Liquidity Facility Agreement,

as the case may be.

The Issuer has been requested by Lloyds Bank plc (the "Liquidity Facility
Provider"), at the Liquidity Facility Provider's cost, to put to the holders of
the Existing Notes (the "Noteholders" or "Existing Noteholders") a request to
agree to certain amendments to the Liquidity Facility Agreement (the "Proposed
Amendments"). The Proposed Amendments are summarised in Section 1 (Proposed
Amendments) below.

The Proposed Amendments are set out in full in the Amendment Deed, copies of
which are available from the Issuer. Noteholders are encouraged to read the
Amendment Deed.

A notice to the Existing Noteholders convening meetings (the "Meetings Notice")
to be held at the offices of Reed Smith LLP, The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose
Street, London EC2A 2RS on 5 December 2014 is set out in Section 5 (Form of
Meetings Notice and Extraordinary Resolution). The Meetings Notice was
published in accordance with the Terms and Conditions on the date of this
Consent Solicitation Memorandum.

The Meetings Notice sets out the Extraordinary Resolution which will be
proposed at the Meetings in relation to the Proposed Amendments and the
procedure for voting at the Meetings.

A description of the action to be taken by Noteholders in connection with the
Proposed Amendments is set out in Section 3 (Voting and Meetings) and Section 5
(Form of Meetings Notice and Extraordinary Resolution) below.

In accordance with normal practice, the Tabulation Agent, the Trustee, the
Issuer, the Cash/Bond Administrator and the Paying Agents (and their respective
advisors) have not been involved in the formulation of the Proposed Amendments
and express no views or opinions on the merits of the Proposed Amendments or
the Extraordinary Resolution. Neither the Trustee nor the Issuer has any
objection to the Proposed Amendments and the Extraordinary Resolution being put
to Noteholders for their consideration. The Trustee, the Issuer, the Cash/Bond
Administrator, the Tabulation Agent and the Paying Agents (and their respective
advisors) are not responsible for the accuracy, sufficiency, relevance,
completeness, validity, correctness or otherwise of the statements made in this
Consent Solicitation Memorandum or otherwise disclosed or to be disclosed to
Noteholders and in particular relating to costs, savings or expenses of the
Issuer in connection with the Proposed Amendments and the Extraordinary
Resolution and make no representation that all relevant information has been
disclosed to the Noteholders in or pursuant to this Consent Solicitation
Memorandum and the Meetings Notice. None of the Issuer, the Cash/Bond
Administrator or the Trustee (or any of their respective advisors) accepts any
liability in relation to the Proposed Amendments or the matters set out in this
Consent Solicitation Memorandum.

Noteholders should take their own independent advice on the merits and on the
consequences of voting in favour of the Proposed Amendments. A discussion of
certain factors, which should be considered in connection with the delivery of
voting instructions, is set out under "Special Considerations" in Section 4

If Noteholders have any questions regarding the Proposed Amendments or voting
in relation to the Extraordinary Resolution, they should contact the Tabulation
Agent, the contact details for which are below.

Lucid Issuer Services Limited

Contact: Victor Parzyjagla

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7704 0880






The date of this Consent Solicitation Memorandum is 10 November 2014

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 1 Proposed Amendments

Section 2 Expected Timetable of Events

Section 3 Voting and Meeting

Section 4 Special Considerations

Section 5 Form of Meetings Notice and Extraordinary Resolution

Section 6 Definitions

                        SECTION 1 - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS


  * The Liquidity Facility Provider has requested that the Issuer propose this
    opportunity to the Existing Noteholders for them to direct the Issuer and
    the Trustee to amend the Liquidity Facility Agreement to reduce the costs
    currently paid by the Issuer to the Liquidity Facility Provider under the
    Liquidity Facility Agreement, as explained below.

  * The Liquidity Facility Provider is of the opinion that the costs saving
    will result in additional revenue being available to the Issuer to make
    payments to Noteholders and that this may benefit this transaction by
    improving interest coverage and reducing any need in the future to draw on
    the Liquidity Facility.

  * The Liquidity Facility Provider notes that the Liquidity Facility Agreement
    provides for a commitment fee and interest on the Stand-by Drawing based on
    the amount available or the amount drawn of the Commitment. The commitment
    fee is 101.48 bp per annum, which includes increased costs relating to
    Basel II and ILAS rules in respect of the Available Commitment. The
    Liquidity Facility Provider notes that the commitment fee may rise further
    in the future should regulatory requirements impose higher costs on the
    provision of the Liquidity Facility. In the opinion of the Liquidity
    Facility Provider, the potential for further rises in the cost of the
    Liquidity Facility strengthens the case for resizing the Commitment to an
    appropriate level.

  * In the event that the Extraordinary Resolution is duly passed at each
    Meeting and the Proposed Amendments are effected, the Liquidity Facility
    Provider has agreed to pay a Consent Fee to each Approving Noteholder as
    further described below.

  * The Consent Fee in respect of the Proposed Amendments is a percentage,
    depending on the Class of Notes as set out in the table below, of the
    Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes held by the Approving Noteholder
    on the date of the Meeting in respect of which that Approving Noteholder
    has voted in favour of the Extraordinary Resolution.

    Class     Fee Rate

    B         0.30%

    C         0.40%

    D         0.50%

    E         0.60%

  * The rate of the Consent Fee has been calculated to reflect a significant
    share of the savings that the Liquidity Facility Provider estimates it may
    make following implementation of the Proposed Amendments. The distribution
    of the Consent Fee between the different Classes of Notes has been
    structured so as to reflect the equal voting weight of each Class of Note
    and the amount of Notes currently outstanding within each Class of Note.

     a. Re-sizing of Liquidity Facility

      + The Liquidity Facility Provider notes that the Commitment under the
        Liquidity Facility was sized at £46,900,000, subject to being decreased
        where the Commitment is in excess of 8 per cent. of the Sterling
        Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes on an Interest
        Payment Date, subject to certain conditions. The Commitment has not
        been reduced since the Closing Date to reflect the amortisation of the
        Notes because the conditions to reducing the Commitment are not

      + The commitment fee is 101.48 bp per annum, which includes increased
        costs relating to Basel II and ILAS rules in respect of the Available
        Commitment. The Liquidity Facility Provider notes that the commitment
        fee may rise further in the future should regulatory requirements
        impose higher costs on the provision of the Liquidity Facility.

      + The Proposed Amendments in this Consent Solicitation Memorandum are (1)
        to reduce the size of the Commitment (or the size of any Stand-by
        Drawing, as the case may be) to a dynamic level of 12 per cent. of the
        aggregate Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes
        and (2) to remove the current conditions to reducing the Commitment.
        The Liquidity Facility Provider is of the opinion that this size of
        Commitment will give a significant cushion over the 8 per cent. level
        which would be effective if the transaction met all the relevant

      + The Liquidity Facility Provider estimates that setting the Commitment
        (or any Stand-by Drawing, as the case may be) to a dynamic level of 12
        per cent. of the aggregate Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount
        Outstanding of the Notes would save the Issuer approximately £382,000
        in the first year in fees payable to the Liquidity Facility Provider
        (based on a 3M LIBOR rate of 52 bp and that the return to the Issuer on
        the deposit is 3M LIBOR -40 bp and no Advances being drawn by the
        Issuer pursuant to the Liquidity Facility Agreement).

         b. Certain considerations

          o Neither the Liquidity Facility Provider nor the Issuer has
            undertaken any formal process with the Rating Agencies to confirm
            the effect of implementation of the Proposed Amendments on the
            ratings of the Notes and no Rating Agency Confirmations have been
            obtained. However, the Liquidity Facility Provider reserves the
            right to confirm with any Rating Agency the effect of
            implementation of the Proposed Amendments on the ratings of the
            Notes and to obtain a Rating Agency Confirmation from any Rating
            Agency at any time. Should a Rating Agency Confirmation be
            provided, the Noteholders will be notified accordingly. Noteholders
            should form their own judgement as to the merits of the Proposed
            Amendments and the effect on their holdings of the Notes.
            Noteholders should further have regard to Section 4 (Special
            Considerations), in particular, and the other provisions of this
            Consent Solicitation Memorandum, when considering the Proposed

          o The Liquidity Facility Provider notes that equivalent amendments
            have been effected in respect of the liquidity facility agreements
            entered into by Preferred Residential Securities 05-1 PLC and
            Preferred Residential Securities 06-1 PLC. On 30 May 2014, S&P
            upgraded its credit rating on the class D1c notes and affirmed its
            ratings on the remainder of the notes issued by Preferred
            Residential Securities 05-1 PLC. On 30 September 2014, S&P upgraded
            its credit rating on the class D1a and class D1c notes and affirmed
            its ratings on the remainder of the notes issued by Preferred
            Residential Securities 06-1 PLC. In the relevant publications
            (Ratings Raised On U.K. RMBS Transaction Preferred Residential
            Securities 05-1's Class D1c Notes; Other Classes Affirmed and
            Rating Actions Taken in U.K. RMBS Transaction Preferred Residential
            Securities 06-1 Following Restructure), S&P noted respectively that
            the amendment to the liquidity facility agreement "reduced the
            costs of the liquidity facility for the issuer and had a positive
            effect on our cash flow analysis" and referred to the fact that
            "the reduction in liquidity facility costs, have improved our cash
            flow results for those classes of notes".


            On the Closing Date, the Issuer entered into the Liquidity Facility
            Agreement with Barclays Bank PLC as liquidity facility provider.
            Barclays Bank PLC transferred all of its rights and obligations
            under the Liquidity Facility Agreement to Lloyds Bank PLC ("Lloyds
            ") pursuant to a master novation and transfer agreement dated 19
            September 2007 between, amongst others, the Issuer and Lloyds (the
            "Master Novation and Transfer Agreement"). The Issuer and Lloyds,
            among others, entered into a master deed of amendment dated 28
            November 2007 (the "Master Amendment Deed") and an amendment deed
            dated 4 November 2010 (the "Further Amendment Deed") which, in each
            case, amended the terms of the Liquidity Facility Agreement dated
            23 February 2005.

            The Liquidity Facility Provider notes that the Liquidity Facility
            Agreement contemplates the decrease of the Commitment to reflect
            the amortisation of the Notes, which is the subject of the Proposed
            Amendments. Under Clause 12.2 of the Liquidity Facility Agreement,
            the Commitment is decreased on each Interest Payment Date to the
            greater of (a) an amount equal to 8 per cent. of the Sterling
            Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes and (b) £
            2,500,000, provided that certain conditions specified in the
            Liquidity Facility Agreement do not apply (as set out below).

            The Liquidity Facility Provider has requested that the Issuer
            present to the Existing Noteholders the Proposed Amendments, as
            described more fully below, to re-size the Commitment and reduce
            the amount of any Stand-by Drawing to reflect the reduction in the
            Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes since
            the Closing Date. See Section 4 "Re-sizing Of Liquidity Facility"


            In the event that the Extraordinary Resolution is duly passed at
            each Meeting and the Proposed Amendments are effected, a consent
            fee will be paid to each Noteholder who (a) delivers (and does not
            revoke) prior to the Final Voting Deadline a voting instruction to
            vote in favour of the Extraordinary Resolution or (b) votes in
            favour of the Extraordinary Resolution at the relevant Meeting
            (each, an "Approving Noteholder").

            The Consent Fee payable to each Approving Noteholder shall be, in
            respect of the Proposed Amendments, a percentage, depending on the
            Class of Notes as set out in the table below, of the Principal
            Amount Outstanding of the Notes held by the Approving Noteholder on
            the date of the Meeting in respect of which that Approving
            Noteholder has voted in favour of the Extraordinary Resolution.

            Class            Fee Rate

            B                0.30%

            C                0.40%

            D                0.50%

            E                0.60%

            Noteholders may vote in favour of or against the Extraordinary
            Resolution, but only the Approving Noteholders shall be entitled to
            receive the Consent Fee.

            The Consent Fee will be payable by Lloyds pursuant to and in
            accordance with the Deed Poll. Neither the Issuer nor the Trustee
            are in any way responsible or liable for the payment of the Consent
            Fee and no action may be taken against either the Issuer or the
            Trustee in connection with the non-payment of such Consent Fee.

            The Consent Fee will be payable by or on behalf of Lloyds promptly
            after the date the Proposed Amendments are effected on the
            following basis.

            When determining the amount of the Consent Fee payable and to whom
            it shall be paid, Lloyds shall rely, without liability, on a report
            provided to it by the Report Agent. Subject to its receipt of this
            final report and the Proposed Amendments being effected, Lloyds
            shall promptly pay the applicable Consent Fee to each Approving
            Noteholder via the Clearing Systems, or in the case of the 144A
            Notes, to the relevant account, in each case in accordance with
            this final report.

            In acting as Report Agent, the Report Agent acts solely as the
            agent of Lloyds and does not assume any obligations towards or
            relationship of agency or trust for or with any of the Noteholders.

            It should be noted that from a practical perspective, the Consent
            Fee payable to an Approving Noteholder in respect of each Note held
            by it will be calculated as the product of (a) the aggregate
            principal amount on issue of the Note held and voted in favour of
            the Extraordinary Resolution by such Approving Noteholder and (b)
            the applicable Pool Factor at the date of the relevant Meeting.

            Any Consent Fee payable pursuant to the Deed Poll shall be made in
            the currency of the relevant Note held by the relevant Approving
            Noteholder. If any Consent Fee payable is not of an amount which is
            a whole multiple of the smallest unit of the relevant currency in
            which such payment is to be made, such payment will be rounded down
            to the nearest unit.


            The Available Commitment under the Liquidity Facility Agreement was
            sized on the Closing Date at £46,900,000, subject to being
            decreased where the Commitment is in excess of 8 per cent. of the
            Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes on an
            Interest Payment Date, subject to certain conditions as described

            Under Clause 12.2 of the Liquidity Facility Agreement, the
            Commitment is decreased on each Interest Payment Date to the
            greater of (a) an amount equal to 8 per cent. of the Sterling
            Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes and (b) £
            2,500,000 provided that no reduction will occur if any of the
            following conditions (the "Commitment Reduction Conditions") apply
            as set out in sub-clause 12.2(b)(i)to 12.2(b)(iv) of the Liquidity
            Facility Agreement as follows:

            "(b)(i) after applying the Available Revenue Fund on the relevant
            Interest Payment Date, the Reserve Fund is less than the Reserve
            Fund Required Amount or the Principal Deficiency is greater than

            (b)(ii) the aggregate value of the principal losses in respect of
            the Mortgage Pool (whether or not such losses form part of the
            Principal Deficiency at such time) as at the immediately preceding
            Determination Date is greater than 1.5 per cent. of the aggregate
            Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes on
            the Closing Date;

            (b)(iii) as at the immediately preceding Interest Payment Date the
            aggregate Balance of Loans in respect of which any payment is 90
            days or more in arrears is higher than 5 per cent. of the aggregate
            Balance of all Loans in the Mortgage Pool as at the immediately
            preceding Interest Payment Date; or

            (b)(iv) either the Mortgage Administrator or the Cash/Bond
            Administrator is in default of their respective obligations under
            the Mortgage Administration Agreement or the Cash/Bond
            Administration Agreement, as applicable."

            The Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes
            has reduced significantly since the Closing Date as illustrated in
            the table below (using figures from the September 2014 Quarterly

             Class of Notes   Sterling Equivalent      Sterling
                               Principal Amount      Equivalent P
                                Outstanding on     rincipal Amount
                                    Closing          Outstanding
                                                  10 September 2014

            Class A1a         £105.2m             £0

            Class A1c         £160.9m             £0

            Class A2a         £105.2m             £0

            Class A2c         £230.9m             £0

            Class B1c         £45.5m              £6.4m

            Class C1c         £26.3m              £26.3m

            Class D1c         £22.8m              £22.8m

            Class E           £3.5m               £3.5m

            However, notwithstanding the significant reduction in the Sterling
            Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes, the size of
            the Commitment under the Liquidity Facility Agreement has not
            reduced since the Closing Date. The reason for this is that the
            Commitment Reduction Conditions in sub-clause 12.2(b)(ii) and (b)
            (iii) of the Liquidity Facility Agreement apply. The aggregate
            value of the principal losses experienced in the Mortgage Pool as
            at the Determination Date immediately preceding this Consent
            Solicitation Memorandum is 2.76 per cent., which is greater than
            the trigger level of 1.5 per cent. and the aggregate Balance of
            Loans in respect of which payment is 90 days or more in arrears is
            43.49 per cent. of the aggregate Balance of all Loans in the
            Mortgage Pool as at the Interest Payment Date immediately preceding
            this Consent Solicitation Memorandum, which is greater than the
            trigger level of 5 per cent.

            As noted above, the amounts payable by the Issuer to the Liquidity
            Facility Provider are calculated by reference to the Available
            Commitment and, where a Stand-by Drawing has been made by reference
            to the amount of the Stand-by Drawing. Therefore, if the size of
            the Commitment (and consequently the Available Commitment) or the
            amount of the Stand-by Drawing, as the case may be, is static and
            does not reduce in line with the amortisation of the Notes which it
            supports, then the Issuer's expenditure on amounts payable to the
            Liquidity Facility Provider is higher than it would otherwise be if
            the Commitment, the Available Commitment or the amount of the
            Stand-by Drawing reduced proportionately with the Notes.

            The Liquidity Facility Provider is of the opinion that:

             i. the Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the
                Notes has reduced significantly since the Closing Date (as
                outlined above) and yet the amount of the Commitment (and
                consequently the Available Commitment) and Stand-by Drawing
                under the Liquidity Facility has not reduced proportionately;

            ii. there are significant increased costs payable by the Issuer to
                the Liquidity Facility Provider in priority to Noteholders as a
                result of the Commitment (and consequently the Available
                Commitment) or the Stand-by Drawing, as the case may be, not
                reducing proportionately in line with the reduction in the
                Sterling Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes.

            As a consequence, the Liquidity Facility Provider has requested
            that the Issuer propose the Proposed Amendments to the holders of
            the Existing Notes, which will be the subject of the Extraordinary

            The Proposed Amendments would be documented and effected by
            execution of the Amendment Deed. The form of Amendment Deed is
            available from the offices of the Issuer and will be tabled at each
            of the Meetings. It sets out the Proposed Amendments in full.
            Noteholders are advised to read the Amendment Deed. Below is a
            summary of the material aspects of the proposed changes set out in
            the Amendment Deed:

             a. amendment to Clause 12.2 (Cancellation) of the Liquidity
                Facility Agreement to delete the Commitment Reduction Conditions
                so that at all times the Commitmnet is decreased on each Interest
                Payment Date by reference to the Sterling Equivalent Principle
                Amount Outstanding of the Notes (subject to a floor of £2,500,000);

             b. amendment to Clause 12.2 (Cancellation) of the Liquidity
                Facility Agreement to increase the size of the Commitment from
                8 per cent. to 12 per cent. of the Sterling Equivalent
                Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes (subject to a floor
                of £2,500,000);

             c. amendment to Clause 12.2 (Cancellation) of the Liquidity
                Facility Agreement so that the amount of any Stand-by Drawing
                is decreased on each Interest Payment Date to the greater of
                (a) an amount equal to 12 per cent. of the Sterling Equivalent
                Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes and (b) £2,500,000;

             d. amendment to Clause 11.3 (Repayment) (and a corresponding
                amendment to Clause 11.4 (Repayment)) of the Liquidity Facility
                Agreement to insert a provision that any Stand-by Drawing will
                be repaid in part in accordance with the provisions of the
                Liquidity Facility Agreement so that the size of any Stand-by
                Drawing is reduced in accordance with Clause 12 (Cancellation).

            As a result of the above Proposed Amendments, the Liquidity
            Facility Provider estimates that the Commitment (and consequently
            the Available Commitment) would reduce from £46,900,000 to
            approximately £6,945,838. This would, in the Liquidity Facility
            Provider's view, result in a decrease in the amount of fees payable
            by the Issuer to the Liquidity Facility Provider (and thus an
            increase in the amount of Available Revenue Funds available to the
            Issuer for the payment of other amounts payable pursuant to the
            applicable Priority of Payments) of approximately £408,000 in the
            first year, on the basis that no other Advances have been drawn.


            The Proposed Amendments have not been discussed with the Rating
            Agencies and no Rating Agency Confirmations have been provided with
            respect to the Proposed Amendments. However, the Liquidity Facility
            Provider reserves the right to discuss the Proposed Amendments with
            any Rating Agency and to seek a Rating Agency Confirmation from any
            Rating Agency at any time. Should a Rating Agency Confirmation be
            provided, the Noteholders will be notified accordingly. See
            "Special Considerations" in Section 4, below.


            If the Extraordinary Resolution is duly passed, the Amendment Deed
            will be entered into on the day of the Meeting or adjourned Meeting
            at which the Extraordinary Resolution is passed or as soon as
            practicable thereafter.

            The Proposed Amendments will take effect on the date the Amendment
            Deed becomes effective. However, given the fact that the Proposed
            Amendment Date is to fall after the Determination Date relating to
            the Interest Payment Date falling in December 2014, as a practical
            matter, it will not be possible for the Cash/Bond Administrator to
            reflect the associated reduction in the amounts payable to the
            Liquidity Facility Provider on the Interest Payment Date falling in
            December 2014. However, any additional amounts paid to the
            Liquidity Facility Provider on the Interest Payment Date falling in
            December 2014 as a consequence of the above will be taken into
            account by the Cash/Bond Administrator when determining the amounts
            payable to the Liquidity Facility Provider on the Interest Payment
            Date falling in March 2015.

                         SECTION 2 - EXPECTED TIMETABLE OF EVENTS

            Noteholders holding Notes in a Clearing System should note the
            particular practice and policy of the relevant Clearing System. The
            deadlines set by each Clearing System may be earlier than the
            relevant deadlines specified in this Consent Solicitation

            Date                     Event

            7 November 2014      1.  In respect of Existing Notes held in
                                     DTC, the Record Date. The date fixed by
            As at 10:00 pm           the Issuer as the date of the
            (London time) 11:00      determination of DTC Participants
            pm (CET) and 5:00pm      entitled to participate in the
            (New York time)          Meetings.

            10 November 2014     2.  Notices of the Meetings to be delivered
                                     to Euroclear and Clearstream,
            (at least 24 clear       Luxembourg and DTC for communication to
            days before              direct participants.

                                     Announcement of Proposed Amendments,
                                     with Consent Solicitation Memorandum
                                     attached, via an RIS notice

                                 3.  Final form Amendment Deed, Deed Poll,
                                     Liquidity Facility Agreement (and
                                     Master Novation and Transfer Agreement,
                                     Master Amendment Deed and Further
                                     Amendment Deed), Trust Deed, Master
                                     Definitions Schedule and this Consent
                                     Solicitation Memorandum to be available
                                     for inspection, as indicated, at the
                                     offices of the Issuer.

                                 4.  From this date, Noteholders:

                                      i. may arrange for Notes held by
                                         Clearstream, Luxembourg and/or
                                         Euroclear in their accounts to be
                                         blocked in such accounts and held
                                         to the order and under the control
                                         of the Principal Paying Agent in
                                         order to obtain voting certificates
                                         or give voting instructions to the
                                         Tabulation Agent; and

                                     ii. holding Notes through DTC may
                                         arrange for a form of proxy to be
                                         delivered on their behalf to the
                                         Tabulation Agent by the DTC
                                         participant through whom they held
                                         their Notes as of the Record Date.

            On 3 December 2014   5.  Final Voting Deadline. Final time by
                                     which Noteholders must have arranged:
            (as at such time as
            is 48 hours prior to
            the relevant

                                      i. to request a voting certificate
                                         from the Principal Paying Agent
                                         (which will be available for
                                         collection at the Meeting) to
                                         attend or appoint a proxy to attend
                                         and vote at the Meeting in person;

                                     ii. for receipt by the Tabulation Agent
                                         of a voting instruction in
                                         accordance with the procedures of
                                         Clearstream, Luxembourg and/or
                                         Euroclear; or

                                     iii. for forms of proxy submitted by
                                         DTC Participants on behalf of the
                                         DTC Noteholders to be delivered to
                                         the Tabulation Agent.

            Noteholder Meetings  6.  Meetings of the Existing Noteholders
            held on 5 December       held on 5 December 2014 in accordance
            2014                     with the following timetable:

                                     Meeting of the Existing Class B
                                     Noteholders at 10:30 am London time/11:
                                     30 am CET/5:30 am New York time.

                                     Meeting of the Existing Class C
                                     Noteholders at 10:35 am London time/11:
                                     35 am CET/5:35 am New York time, or if
                                     later immediately after the Meeting of
                                     the Class B Noteholders has been
                                     concluded or adjourned.

                                     Meeting of the Existing Class D
                                     Noteholders at 10:40 am London time/11:
                                     40 am CET/5:40 am New York time, or if
                                     later immediately after the Meeting of
                                     the Class C Noteholders has been
                                     concluded or adjourned.

                                     Meeting of the Existing Class E
                                     Noteholders at 10:45 am London time/11:
                                     45 am CXET/5:45 am New York time, or if
                                     later immediately after the Meeting of
                                     the Class D Noteholders has been
                                     concluded or adjourned.

            As soon as           7.  Announcement and publication of the
            reasonably               results of the Meetings by the Issuer
            practicable after
            the Meetings but no      Delivery of notice of such results
            later than 14 days       to Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg
            after the Meetings       and DTC for comunication to direct
                                     participants and via RIS and Reuters.

            If the Extraordinary Resolution is passed at all of the Meetings:

            8 December 2014      8.  Proposed Amendment Date

                                   The Consent Fee will be payable by or on
                                   behalf of the Liquidity Facility Provider
                                   promptly after the date the relevant
                                   Proposed Amendments are effected.

            If a quorum is not achieved at a Meeting, an adjourned Meeting of
            Noteholders will be held at such times as will be notified to the
            relevant Noteholders in the notices of such adjourned Meeting.
            Any adjourned Meeting will be held in accordance with the terms
            of the Trust Deed.

            All references in this Consent Solicitation Memorandum to times are
            to London time, unless otherwise stated. The above times and dates
            are indicative only and will depend, among other matters, on timely
            receipt of voting instructions (and non-revocation thereof) and the
            passing of the Extraordinary Resolution, and are subject to the
            earlier deadlines of the relevant Clearing System and other
            intermediaries (if any). The Issuer (acting in conjunction with the
            Liquidity Facility Provider), reserves the right to make changes to
            all relevant time limits as set out in this Consent Solicitation
            Memorandum, subject to the requirements set out in Section 3
            (Voting and Meeting).

                              SECTION 3 - VOTING AND MEETING

            The following is a summary of the arrangements which have been made
            for the purpose of Existing Noteholders voting in respect of the
            Extraordinary Resolution to be proposed at the Meetings as set out
            above. These arrangements satisfy the requirements of the
            provisions contained in the Trust Deed relating to the Meetings of
            Noteholders convened for the purpose of passing Extraordinary
            Resolution. Full details of these arrangements are set out in
            Schedule 3 (Provisions for Meetings of Noteholders) to the Trust
            Deed, a copy of which is available for inspection at the offices of
            the Issuer.

            Each Class of the Existing Notes is in registered form and
            represented by a global note (i) registered in the name of a
            nominee for The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch as common
            depositary for Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. ("Euroclear") and
            Clearstream Banking, société anonyme ("Clearstream, Luxembourg"),
            or (ii) other than the Existing Class E Notes, deposited with a
            custodian for The Depository Trust Company ("DTC") and, together
            with Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, the "Clearing Systems"
            and each a "Clearing System" and registered in the name of DTC or
            its nominee.

            Any Existing Noteholder who wishes to vote in respect of the
            Extraordinary Resolution should: (i) in the case of a beneficial
            owner whose Notes are held in book-entry form by a custodian,
            request such beneficial owner's custodian to vote on the relevant
            Extraordinary Resolution(s) in accordance with the procedures set
            out below or (ii) in the case of an Existing Noteholder whose Notes
            are held in book-entry form directly in the relevant Clearing
            System, vote on the relevant Extraordinary Resolution(s) in
            accordance with the procedures set out below.

            Existing Noteholders should note that the timings and procedures
            set out below reflect the requirements for Noteholder meetings set
            out in Schedule 3 (Provisions for Meetings of Noteholders) to the
            Trust Deed, but that the Clearing Systems may have their own
            additional requirements as to timings and procedures for voting on
            the Extraordinary Resolution. Accordingly, any Existing Noteholders
            wishing to vote in respect of the Extraordinary Resolution are
            strongly urged either to contact their custodian (in the case of a
            beneficial owner whose Existing Notes are held in book-entry form
            by a custodian) or the relevant Clearing System (in the case of a
            Noteholder whose Notes are held in book-entry form directly in the
            relevant Clearing System) as soon as possible.

            A. For Notes held through Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg:

            This paragraph A (For Notes held through Euroclear or Clearstream,
            Luxembourg:) only applies to Notes held through Euroclear or
            Clearstream, Luxembourg.

            For the purposes of Notes held through Euroclear or Clearstream,
            Luxembourg, a "Noteholder" shall mean each person who is for the
            time being shown in the records of Euroclear or Clearstream,
            Luxembourg as the holder of a particular principal amount of the
            Notes. Each person who is the beneficial owner (a "Beneficial
            Owner") of a particular principal amount of the Notes through a
            Noteholder should note that such person is not considered to be a
            Noteholder for the purposes of Notes held through Euroclear or
            Clearstream, Luxembourg and will only be entitled to attend and
            vote at a Meeting or to appoint a proxy to do so by instructing the
            relevant Noteholder to follow the procedures set out below.

            A Noteholder wishing to attend the Meeting in person must produce
            at the Meeting a valid voting certificate issued by a Paying Agent
            relating to the Note(s) in respect of which he wishes to vote.

            A Noteholder not wishing to attend and vote at the Meeting in
            person may either deliver his valid voting certificate(s) to the
            person whom he wishes to attend on his behalf or give a voting
            instruction (by giving his voting instructions to Clearstream,
            Luxembourg and/or Euroclear) instructing a Paying Agent to appoint
            a proxy to attend and vote at the Meeting in accordance with his
            instructions. Any such appointment shall be made pursuant to a
            block voting instruction.

            A Noteholder must request the relevant Clearing System to block the
            Notes in his own account and to hold the same to the order or under
            the control of a Paying Agent not later than 48 hours before the
            time appointed for holding the Meeting in order to obtain voting
            certificates or give voting instructions in respect of the relative
            Meeting. Notes so blocked will not be released until the earlier

             a. the conclusion of the Meeting (or, if applicable, any
                adjournment of such Meeting); and


            (i) in respect of (a) voting certificate(s), the surrender to a
            Paying Agent of such voting certificate(s) and notification by the
            relevant Paying Agent to the relevant Clearing System of such
            surrender or the compliance in such other manner with the rules of
            the relevant clearing system; or

            (ii) in respect of voting instructions, not less than 48 hours
            before the time for which the Meeting (or, if applicable, any
            adjournment of such Meeting) is convened, the notification in
            writing of any revocation or amendment of a Noteholder's previous
            instructions to the Paying Agent and the same then being notified
            in writing by the Paying Agent to the Issuer at least 24 hours
            before the time appointed for holding the Meeting (or, if
            applicable, any adjournment of such Meeting) and such Notes ceasing
            in accordance with the procedures of the relevant Clearing System
            and with the agreement of such Paying Agent to be held to its order
            or under its control.

            B. For Notes held through DTC:

            This paragraph B (For Notes held through DTC:) only applies to
            Notes held through DTC.

            For the purposes of Notes held through DTC, each direct participant
            in DTC holding a principal amount of the Notes, as reflected in the
            records of DTC, as at the close of business in New York on 7
            November 2014 (the "Record Date") will be considered to be a
            Noteholder upon DTC granting an omnibus proxy authorising DTC
            direct participants to vote at the relevant Meeting (by delivering
            a form of proxy).

            The Record Date has been fixed as the date for the determination of
            Noteholders entitled to vote at the Meetings. The delivery of a
            form of proxy, as defined and described below, will not affect a
            Noteholder's right to sell or transfer any Notes, and a sale or
            transfer of any Notes after the Record Date will not have the
            effect of revoking any form of proxy properly delivered by a
            Noteholder. Therefore, each properly delivered form of proxy will
            remain valid notwithstanding any sale or transfer of any Notes to
            which such form of proxy relates.

            A DTC direct participant, duly authorised by an omnibus proxy from
            DTC, may, by an instrument in writing in the English language (a "
            form of proxy") in the form available from the office of the
            Tabulation Agent specified below signed by such DTC direct
            participant, or, in the case of a corporation, executed under its
            common seal or signed on its behalf by an attorney or a duly
            authorised officer of the corporation and delivered to the
            specified office of the Tabulation Agent no later than 48 hours
            before the time fixed for the relevant Meeting, appoint any person
            (a "proxy") to act on his or its behalf in connection with any
            Meeting (and any adjourned such Meeting).

            A proxy so appointed shall so long as such appointment remains in
            force be deemed, for all purposes in connection with the relevant
            Meeting (or any adjourned such Meeting) to be the holder of the
            Notes to which such appointment relates and the relevant Noteholder
            shall be deemed for such purposes not to be the holder.

            Only Noteholders (i.e. DTC direct participants) may deliver a form
            of proxy. A beneficial owner of an interest in Notes held through a
            DTC direct participant must direct such DTC direct participant to
            deliver a form of proxy on its behalf.

            Any DTC direct participant who intends to deliver one or more
            properly completed forms of proxy should deliver the same by
            registered mail, hand delivery, overnight courier or by e-mail or
            facsimile (with an original delivered subsequently) to the
            Tabulation Agent at its address, e-mail address or facsimile number
            set forth below. Such forms of proxy must be received by the
            Tabulation Agent no later than 48 hours before the time fixed for
            the relevant Meeting.

            The ownership of Notes held through DTC by DTC direct participants
            shall be established by a DTC security position listing provided by
            DTC as of the Record Date.

            C. General provisions relating to the Meetings:

            The quorum required at each Meeting is one or more persons present
            holding voting certificates or being proxies and representing in
            the aggregate over 50 per cent. of the aggregate Sterling
            Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes of the
            relevant Class for the time being outstanding.

            If a quorum is not present at any Meeting within 15 minutes or such
            longer period not exceeding 30 minutes as the Chairman may decide
            from the time fixed for the relevant Meeting, such Meeting will be
            adjourned in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed and
            the Extraordinary Resolutions shall be considered at the adjourned
            Meeting (notice of which will be given to the Noteholders of the
            relevant Class). At any adjourned meeting, the quorum required is
            one or more persons present holding voting certificates or being
            proxies (whatever the aggregate Sterling Equivalent Principal
            Amount Outstanding of the Notes of such Class so represented by
            them). Noteholders should note that voting certificates obtained
            and proxies appointed in respect of a Meeting shall remain valid
            for the relevant adjourned Meeting unless validly revoked.

            Every question submitted to each Meeting will be decided in the
            first instance by a show of hands unless a poll is duly demanded
            (before or on the declaration of the result on the show of hands)
            by the Chairman of such Meeting, the Issuer, the Trustee or by any
            person present holding a voting certificate or being a proxy
            (whatever the principal amount of Notes of the relevant Class so
            held or represented by him). On a show of hands every person who is
            present in person and produces a voting certificate or is a proxy
            shall have one vote. On a poll every person who is so present in
            person and produces a voting certificate or is a proxy shall have
            one vote in respect of each £1.00 in Principal Amount Outstanding
            of the Notes represented or held by him.

            In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting
            shall, both on a show of hands and on a poll, have a casting vote.

            To be passed, the Extraordinary Resolution requires a majority in
            favour consisting of not less than 75 per cent. of the persons
            voting at the Meeting upon a show of hands or, if a poll is duly
            demanded, by a majority consisting of not less than 75 per cent. of
            the votes cast on such poll, as the case may be.

            If an Extraordinary Resolution is duly passed by the holders of the
            relevant Class of Existing Notes, it will be binding on all
            Existing Noteholders of such Class, including those Existing
            Noteholders who did not attend the relevant Meeting or who attended
            or were represented and who voted against such Extraordinary

            Without prejudice to the obligations of proxies named in any block
            voting instruction, any person entitled to more than one vote need
            not use all such votes or cast all such votes in the same way.

            Noteholders who hold their notes through the Clearing Systems
            should contact the relevant Clearing System with any questions and
            requests for assistance in relation to the voting process
            (including the blocking of Notes).

            Noteholders who hold their notes through an intermediary should
            contact such intermediary with any questions and requests for
            assistance in relation to the voting process.

            Please refer to Section 5 (Form of Meeting Notice and of
            Extraordinary Resolutions) for full details of the Meetings, voting
            and quorum requirements. In accordance with the provisions of the
            Trust Deed, copies of Meeting Notices have been delivered to
            Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg for dissemination to


            If the Extraordinary Resolution is duly passed, the Proposed
            Amendments are expected to be implemented shortly thereafter.

            The Issuer urges the Existing Noteholders to consider the Proposed
            Amendments carefully and to ensure they comply with the timetable
            requirements (set out in Section 2 (Expected Timetable of Events))
            in order to ensure they are able to participate in, or be
            represented at, the Meetings and to have their votes cast in
            relation to the Extraordinary Resolution.

                            SECTION 4 - SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS

            The following is an overview of certain of the risks associated
            with the Proposed Amendments about which the Noteholders should be
            aware. The Issuer represents that the overview of certain risks
            included in this section is not intended to be exhaustive as to all
            matters about which Noteholders should be aware. All of these
            factors are contingencies which may or may not occur and the Issuer
            is not in a position to express a view on the likelihood of any
            such contingency occurring. Before making a decision with respect
            to the Proposed Amendments, Noteholders should carefully consider,
            in addition to the information contain in this Consent Solicitation
            Memorandum the risk factors and other considerations set out in the
            Offering Circular issued by the Issuer in connection with the Notes
            on 15 February 2005, and the following:

            Noteholders bound by the Extraordinary Resolution

            If the requisite number of Noteholders (present in person or
            represented) at a Meeting vote in favour of the Extraordinary
            Resolution and the Extraordinary Resolution is passed, the
            Extraordinary Resolution will be binding on all Noteholders of the
            relevant Class whether or not such Noteholder was present at the
            relevant Meeting and/or whether or not such Noteholder voted in
            respect of, or in favour of, the Extraordinary Resolution.


            Existing Class B Noteholders should note that, notwithstanding the
            fact that the Extraordinary Resolution may be passed by the
            requisite majority of holders of the Existing Class B Notes, the
            signing of the Amendment Deed, as applicable, is conditional upon
            the requisite majority of holders of each of the Existing Class C
            Notes, the Existing Class D Notes and the Existing Class E Notes
            voting in favour of an Extraordinary Resolution on identical terms
            (mutatis mutandis), as applicable or the Trustee determining in
            each case that the relevant modifications will not be materially
            prejudicial to the interests of the holder of any such Class of

            Existing Class C Noteholders should note that, notwithstanding the
            fact that the Extraordinary Resolution may be passed by the
            requisite majority of holders of the Existing Class C Notes, the
            signing of the Amendment Deed, as applicable, is conditional upon
            the requisite majority of holders of each of the Existing Class B
            Notes, the Existing Class D Notes and the Existing Class E Notes
            voting in favour of an Extraordinary Resolution on identical terms
            (mutatis mutandis), as applicable or the Trustee determining in
            each case that the relevant modifications will not be materially
            prejudicial to the interests of the holder of any such Class of

            Existing Class D Noteholders should note that, notwithstanding the
            fact that the Extraordinary Resolution may be passed by the
            requisite majority of holders of the Existing Class D Notes, the
            signing of the Amendment Deed, as applicable, is conditional upon
            the requisite majority of holders of each of the Existing Class B
            Notes, the Existing Class C Notes and the Existing Class E Notes
            voting in favour of an Extraordinary Resolution on identical terms
            (mutatis mutandis), as applicable or the Trustee determining in
            each case that the relevant modifications will not be materially
            prejudicial to the interests of the holder of any such Class of

            Existing Class E Noteholders should note that, notwithstanding the
            fact that the Extraordinary Resolution may be passed by the
            requisite majority of holders of the Existing Class E Notes, the
            signing of the Amendment Deed, as applicable, is conditional upon
            the requisite majority of holders of each of the Existing Class B
            Notes, the Existing Class C Notes and the Existing Class D Notes
            voting in favour of an Extraordinary Resolution on identical terms
            (mutatis mutandis), as applicable or the Trustee determining in
            each case that the relevant modifications will not be materially
            prejudicial to the interests of the holder of any such Class of

            No Rating Agency Confirmations

            None of the Issuer, the Trustee, the Liquidity Facility Provider,
            the Paying Agents or the Tabulation Agent have undertaken a formal
            process to confirm with any Rating Agency the effect of
            implementation of the Proposed Amendments on the ratings of the
            Notes and no Rating Agency Confirmations have been obtained.
            However, the Liquidity Facility Provider reserves the right to
            confirm with any Rating Agency the effect of implementation of
            either of the Proposed Amendments on the ratings of the Notes and
            to obtain a Rating Agency Confirmation from any Rating Agency at
            any time. Should a Rating Agency Confirmation be provided, the
            Noteholders will be notified accordingly. Noteholders should
            however form their own judgement as to the merits of the Proposed
            Amendments, the sensitivity of the ratings of the Notes to the
            Proposed Amendments and the effect on their holdings of the Notes.

            Trustee Discretion

            Please note that although the Trustee may have certain discretions
            under the Trust Deed to provide its consent to any proposed
            modification(s) to the Documents on the basis that such proposed
            modification(s) will not be materially prejudicial to the interests
            of the holder of any Class of Notes, there is no obligation on the
            Trustee to exercise any such discretion and the Trustee may not
            exercise any such discretion. Noteholders are therefore urged to
            exercise their right to vote.

            Blocking of Notes

            When considering whether to submit voting instructions or request a
            voting certificate in order to vote at the Meeting, Noteholders
            whose Notes are represented by a Global Note and who hold their
            Notes through Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, should take
            into account that restrictions on the transfer of Notes by
            Noteholders will apply from the time the voting instructions are
            submitted or the voting certificate is requested. Such Noteholders,
            by delivering voting instructions or requesting a voting
            certificate in respect of any Notes, will agree that their Notes
            will be blocked in the relevant Clearing System with effect from
            and including the date on which the relevant instruction or request
            is received by the relevant Clearing System and will remain blocked
            until the earliest of:

             a. the conclusion of the relevant Meeting (or, if adjourned, of
                the adjourned Meeting); and

             b. the date on which the voting instructions are validly revoked
                or the relevant voting certificates are surrendered.

            Such Noteholders should also note that their Notes will remain
            blocked in the relevant Clearing System pending payment of any
            Consent Fee payable to them.


            This Consent Solicitation Memorandum does not address any tax
            consequences of the Proposed Amendments or the payment of the
            Consent Fee, whether or not the Proposed Amendments are
            implemented. Noteholders who are in any doubt as to the tax
            position, should consult their own independent tax advisers
            regarding any tax implications by reference to their own particular
            or individual circumstances.

            Responsibility for Complying with the Voting Procedures

            Noteholders are responsible for complying with all of the
            procedures for submitting voting instructions or obtaining a voting
            certificate. None of the Liquidity Facility Provider, the Issuer,
            the Tabulation Agent, the Paying Agents or the Trustee assumes any
            responsibility for informing Noteholders of any irregularity with
            respect to any submission of voting instructions or any request for
            a voting certificate.

            Interpretation Final

            All questions as to the form of documents, and establishing the
            validity and eligibility (including time of receipt) of voting
            instructions and matters relating to the revocation or amendment of
            voting instructions will be determined by the Issuer subject, in
            the case of matters prescribed by the Meetings Provisions, to the
            approval of the Trustee, whose determination shall be final and
            binding. The Issuer also reserves the right, subject, in the case
            of matters prescribed by the Meetings Provisions, to the approval
            of the Trustee, to waive any and all defects or irregularities in
            the giving of particular voting instructions.

            No alternative, conditional or contingent giving of voting
            instructions will be accepted. Unless waived by the Issuer (acting
            in conjunction with the Trustee, as described in the paragraph
            above), any defects or irregularities in connection with giving of
            voting instructions must be cured within such time as is permitted
            by the Meetings Provisions. None of the Tabulation Agent, the
            Paying Agents, the Issuer, the Trustee or any other person will be
            under any duty to give notification of any defects or
            irregularities in such voting instructions nor will such entities
            incur any liability for failure to give such notification. Giving
            of such voting instructions will not be deemed to have been made
            until such defects or irregularities have been cured or waived.

            Responsibility to Consult Advisors

            Noteholders should consult their own tax, accounting, financial and
            legal advisors regarding the consequences (tax, accounting or
            otherwise) of participating in the Proposed Amendments and the
            receipt by them of the Consent Fee.


            Until the Issuer announces in accordance with the terms of the
            Trust Deed that the Extraordinary Resolution has been passed and
            that the Amendment Deed has been executed, no assurance can be
            given that the Proposed Amendments will be implemented.

            Required Approvals

            In order for the Proposed Amendments to be implemented, the Issuer
            will require the approval of the Trustee who will only give its
            consent to the Proposed Amendments if the Proposed Amendments are
            approved by the Extraordinary Resolution of the Existing B
            Noteholders, the Existing C Noteholders, the Existing D Noteholders
            and the Existing E Noteholders.

            The Extraordinary Resolution is to be proposed for consideration at
            the Meetings of the Existing Noteholders. If successfully passed,
            the Trustee will then be in the position to give its consent, which
            will allow the Issuer to implement the Proposed Amendments.



            If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are
            recommended to seek your own financial advice immediately from your
            stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other
            financial, legal or tax adviser authorised under the Financial
            Services and Markets Act 2000 (if you are in the United Kingdom),
            or from another appropriately authorised independent financial
            adviser (if you are not) and such other professional advice from
            your own professional advisors as you deem necessary.

            If you have recently sold or otherwise transferred your entire
            holding(s) of Existing Notes referred to below, you should
            immediately forward this document to the purchaser or transferee or
            to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale or
            transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or


                           SOUTHERN PACIFIC SECURITIES 05-1 PLC
                                      (the "Issuer")

                                    NOTICE OF MEETINGS

                                       FIRST MEETING

                              A Meeting of the holders of the

            Class B1c £45,500,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

                    ISIN: XS0212691660, US84359WAE03, CUSIP: 84359WAE0

            (the "Existing Class B Noteholders" and the "Existing Class B Notes
                                      " respectively)

                                   presently outstanding

                                      SECOND MEETING

                              A Meeting of the holders of the

            Class C1c £26,250,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

                    ISIN: XS0212691744, US84359WAF77, CUSIP: 84359WAF7

            (the "Existing Class C Noteholders" and the "Existing Class C Notes
                                      " respectively)

                                   presently outstanding

                                       THIRD MEETING

                              A Meeting of the holders of the

            Class D1c £22,750,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

                    ISIN: XS0212692122, US84359WAG50, CUSIP: 84359WAG5

            (the "Existing Class D Noteholders" and the "Existing Class D Notes
                                      " respectively)

                                   presently outstanding

                                      FOURTH MEETING

                              A Meeting of the holders of the

              Class E £3,500,000 Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2043

                                    ISIN: XS0212692478

            (the "Existing Class E Noteholders" and the "Existing Class E Notes
                                      " respectively)

                                   presently outstanding

            (together, the Existing Class B Noteholders, the Existing Class C
            Noteholders, the Existing Class D Noteholders and the Existing
            Class E Noteholders are referred to as the "Existing Noteholders"
            and separately each a "Class of Existing Noteholders"; together,
            the Existing Class B Notes, the Existing Class C Notes, the
            Existing Class D Notes and the Existing Class E Notes are referred
            to as the "Existing Notes")

            NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a separate Meeting (each, a "Meeting")
            at the offices of Reed Smith LLP, The Broadgate Tower, 20 Primrose
            Street, London EC2A 2RS of the holders of:

              # all the Existing Class B Notes is hereby convened by the Issuer
                on 5 December 2014 at 10:30 am (London time), 11:30 am (CET)
                and 5:30 am (New York time) for the purpose of considering and,
                if thought fit, passing the Extraordinary Resolutions set out

              # all the Existing Class C Notes is hereby convened by the Issuer
                on 5 December 2014 at 10:35 am (London time), 11:35 am (CET)
                and 5:35 am (New York time) immediately after the Meeting of
                the Existing Class B Noteholders has been concluded or
                adjourned, for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit,
                passing the Extraordinary Resolutions set out below;

              # all the Existing Class D Notes is hereby convened by the Issuer
                on 5 December 2014 at 10:40 am (London time), 11:40am (CET) and
                5:40 am (New York time) immediately after the Meeting of the
                Existing Class C Noteholders has been concluded or adjourned,
                for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the
                Extraordinary Resolutions set out below;

              # all the Existing Class E Notes is hereby convened by the Issuer
                on 5 December 2014 at 10:45 am (London time), 11:45am (CET) and
                5:45 am (New York time) immediately after the Meeting of the
                Existing Class D Noteholders has been concluded or adjourned,
                for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the
                Extraordinary Resolutions set out below,

            in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed dated 23
            February 2005 as amended, restated and supplemented from time to
            time (the "Trust Deed") made between the Issuer and Capita IRG
            Trustees Limited (the "Trustee") and constituting the Existing
            Notes. The proposed amendments to be made to the documents as
            described in this Meetings Notice are together referred to as the "
            Proposed Amendments".

            This Consent Solicitation Memorandum dated 10 November 2014
            relating to the Proposed Amendments (the "Consent Solicitation
            Memorandum"), a copy of which is available as indicated below,
            explains the background to and reasons for, gives full details of,
            and invites Existing Noteholders to approve, the Proposed

            Capitalised terms in this Meetings Notice shall, except where the
            context otherwise requires or save where otherwise defined herein,
            bear the meanings ascribed to them in the Consent Solicitation
            Memorandum. The Consent Solicitation Memorandum and the draft
            Amendment Deed are available for inspection during normal business
            hours on any day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
            in England) at the offices of the Issuer, 4th Floor, 40 Dukes
            Place, London EC3A 7NH.


            The Extraordinary Resolution will be proposed at separate Meetings
            to the holders of (i) the Existing Class B Notes, (ii) the Existing
            Class C Notes, (iii) the Existing Class D Notes and (iv) the
            Existing Class E Notes mutatis mutandis and is in the following
            terms (with only such changes as are required to reflect the
            holding of separate Meetings of each such Class of Existing

            "THAT this Meeting of the holders of the Existing Class [B/C/D/E]
            Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes presently outstanding (the "
            Existing Notes") of Southern Pacific Securities 05-1 PLC (the "
            Issuer"), constituted by a Trust Deed dated 23 February 2005 as
            amended, restated and supplemented from time to time (the "Trust
            Deed") made between the Issuer and Capita IRG Trustees Limited)
            (the "Trustee") as trustee for the holders of the Existing Notes
            (the "Existing Noteholders") HEREBY RESOLVES as an Extraordinary

             a. (subject to paragraph (l) below) to approve, authorise, consent,
                saction and assent to the Proposed Amendments (as defined in the
                Consent Solicitation Memorandum dated 10 November 2014 issued by the
                Issuer (the "Consent Solicitation Memorandum") and its implementation;

             b. (subject to paragraph (l) below) that each of the Issuer, the
                Trustee, Acenden Limited and Lloyds Bank plc as Liquidity
                Facility Provider is hereby authorised, sanctioned, requested,
                directed, empowered and instructed to:

                 i. implement the Proposed Amendments described in Section 1,
                    part 4 (Re-sizing of Liquidity Facility) of the Consent
                    Solicitation Memorandum (the "Proposed Amendments") and as
                    set out in the Amendment Deed;

                ii. enter into the Amendment Deed to effect the Proposed
                    Amendments; and

                iii. concur in, and execute and do, all such other deeds,
                    instruments, ancillary documents, acts and things and take
                    such steps as may be necessary and desirable to carry out
                    and give effect to the Amendment Deed, the Proposed
                    Amendments and this Extraordinary Resolution,

            in the case of the Amendment Deed, in substantially the same form
            as the draft Amendment Deed produced to this Meeting and signed by
            the chairman of this Meeting for the purpose of identification,
            with such non-material amendments (if any) as may be requested by
            the Issuer and approved by the Trustee or required by the Trustee,
            in each case, in its sole discretion;

             c. (subject to paragraph (l) below) that the Issuer and the
                Trustee and each other party thereto is authorised, sanctioned,
                requested, directed, empowered and instructed to comply with
                its obligations under the Liquidity Facility Agreement (as
                modified by the Amendment Deed);

             d. (subject to paragraph (l) below) that the amendments set out in
                the Amendment Deed are authorised and approved and the Issuer,
                the Trustee and the other parties thereto are authorised,
                sanctioned, requested, directed, empowered and instructed, to
                the extent legally possible, to undertake the implementation of
                the Amendment Deed on and subject to the conditions set out

             e. to sanction every abrogation, modification, compromise or
                arrangement in respect of the rights of the Trustee or the
                Existing Noteholders appertaining to the Existing Notes against
                the Issuer, whether or not such rights arise under the Trust
                Deed or any other Transaction Document, involved in or
                resulting from or to be effected by, the modifications referred
                to in paragraphs (a) to (d) of this Extraordinary Resolution
                and their implementation or this Extraordinary Resolution;

             f. to waive any and all requirements, restrictions or conditions
                precedent set forth in the Transaction Documents on any person
                in respect of implementing the Amendment Deed and the Proposed
                Amendments or this Extraordinary Resolution;

             g. (subject to paragraph (l) below) that the Trustee is hereby
                authorised, sanctioned, requested, directed, empowered and
                instructed to enter into the Amendment Deed to effect a:

                 i. waiver of all breaches or proposed breaches by the Issuer
                    of the provisions of the Transaction Documents or the
                    Conditions that may occur in connection with entering into
                    the Amendment Deed and performing its obligations
                    contemplated thereby or otherwise taking any steps referred
                    to in paragraphs (b) and (c) above; and

                ii. determination that any actions taken by the Issuer pursuant
                    to or in connection with the Amendment Deed or in
                    connection with its obligations thereunder or otherwise
                    taking any steps referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c)
                    above which constitute an Event of Default or Potential
                    Event of Default in respect of the Notes shall not be
                    treated as such;

             h. to discharge and exonerate the Issuer from all liability for
                which it may have become or may become responsible under any
                Transaction Document or the Existing Notes in respect of any
                requirements, restrictions or conditions precedent set forth in
                the Transaction Documents or the Existing Notes in connection
                with the Amendment Deed and the Proposed Amendments or this
                Extraordinary Resolution or implementation thereof;

             i. to discharge and exonerate the Trustee and the Issuer from any
                responsibility or liability for which it may have become or may
                become responsible under the Trust Deed, the Deed of Charge,
                the Existing Notes or any Transaction Document or any document
                related thereto in respect of any act or omission in connection
                with the passing of this Extraordinary Resolution or the
                executing of any deeds, agreements, documents or instruments,
                the performance of any acts, matters or things done to carry
                out and give effect to the matters contemplated in the
                Amendment Deed, the Proposed Amendments, the Consent
                Solicitation Memorandum or this Extraordinary Resolution;

             j. to acknowledge and agree that Rating Agency Confirmations will
                not be obtained;

             k. to sanction the passing of the Extraordinary Resolution by the
                holders of the Existing [B/C/D/E] Notes as set out in the Meetings
                Notice of the Existing [B/C/D/E] Noteholders dated the same date as
                the notice convening this Meeting; and

             l. that the signing of the Amendment Deed shall be in all respects
                conditional on the requisite majority of holders of each of the
                Existing Class [B/C/D/E] Notes, the Existing [B/C/D/E] Notes and
                the Existing Class [B/C/D/E] Notes voting in favour of the
                Extraordinary Resolution in the same form (mutatis mutandis) to be
                proposed at separate Meetings of such holders convened by the
                Issuer on or around 5 December 2014 or at any adjournment thereof,
                or in each case the Trustee determining that the relevant
                modifications will not be materially prejudicial to the interests
                of the holders of any such Classes of Notes.

            Capitalised terms in this Extraordinary Resolution shall, except
            where the context otherwise requires or save where otherwise
            defined herein, bear the meanings ascribed to them in the Consent
            Solicitation Memorandum or the Master Definitions Schedule."


            Hard copies of the following documents will be available for
            inspection by the Existing Noteholders (subject to the
            identification requirements) during normal business hours on any
            day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in England)
            at the offices of the Issuer, 4th Floor, 40 Dukes Place, London
            EC3A 7NH up to and including the date of the Meeting and at the

             i. a final form of the Amendment Deed;

            ii. for reference purposes, the Deed Poll;

            iii. for reference purposes, the Liquidity Facility Agreement;

            iv. for reference purposes, the Master Novation and Transfer

             v. for reference purposes, the Master Amendment Deed;

            vi. for reference purposes, the Further Amendment Deed;

            vii. for reference purposes, the Trust Deed;

            viii. for reference purposes, the Master Definitions Schedule; and

            ix. the Consent Solicitation Memorandum.

            Such documents will not be available for photocopying or any other
            form of reproduction at any time and copies will not be permitted
            to leave the room containing such copies.


       2.1  The attention of Existing Noteholders is particularly drawn
            to the quorum required for the Meetings and for adjourned
            Meetings which is set out in “Voting and Quorum” below.
            Having regard to such requirements, Existing Noteholders are
            strongly urged either to request the necessary voting certificate
            required in order to attend the Meeting or to take steps to appoint
            a proxy to vote on their behalf at the Meeting, as referred to below,
            as soon as possible.

       2.2  Lucid Issuer Services Limited as tabulation agent (the “Tabulation Agent”),
            the Trustee, the Issuer and the Paying Agents (and their respective advisors)
            have not been involved in the formulation or verification of the Proposed
            Amendments and express no views or opinions on the merits of the Proposed
            Amendments or the Extraordinary Resolution.  Neither the Issuer nor the
            Trustee has any objection to the presentation of the Proposed Amendments
            and the Extraordinary Resolution being put to Existing Noteholders for
            their consideration. The Trustee, the Issuer, the Tabulation Agent and
            the Paying Agents  (and their respective advisors) are not responsible
            for the accuracy, sufficiency, relevance, completeness, validity,
            correctness or otherwise of the statements made in this Consent Solicitation
            Memorandum or otherwise disclosed or to be disclosed to Existing Noteholders
            in connection with the Proposed Amendments and the Extraordinary Resolution
            and make no representation that all relevant information has been disclosed
            to the Existing Noteholders in or pursuant to this Consent Solicitation
            Memorandum and this Meetings Notice.  None of the Issuer, Paying Agents,
            the Trustee or the Tabulation Agent (or any of their respective advisors)
            accepts any liability in relation to the Proposed Amendments or the matters
            set out in the Consent Solicitation Memorandum.

       2.3  Existing Noteholders should take their own independent advice on the
            merits and on the consequences of voting in favour of the Proposed
            Amendments. A discussion of certain factors, which should be considered
            in connection with the delivery of voting instructions, is set out under
            "Special Consideration" in Section 4 of the Consent Solicitation Memorandum.

            3.VOTING AND QUORUM

       3.1  The following is a summary of the arrangements which have been made
            for the purpose of Existing  Noteholders voting in respect of the
            Extraordinary Resolution to be proposed at the Meetings as set out
            above. These arrangements satisfy the requirements of the provisions
            contained in the Trust Deed relating to the Meetings of Existing
            Noteholders convened for the purpose of passing Extraordinary Resolution.
            Full details of these arrangements are set out in Schedule 3
            (Provisions for Meetings of Noteholders) to the Trust Deed a copy
            of which is available for inspection at the offices of the Issuer.

       3.2  Copies of the Trust Deed are available for inspection during normal
            business hours on any day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public
            holidays in England) at the offices of the Issuer, 4th Floor,
            40 Dukes Place, London EC3A 7NH up to and including the date of
            the Meeting and at the Meeting.

       3.3  Each Class of the Existing Notes is in registered form and represented
            by a global note (i) registered in the name of a nominee for The Bank
            of New York Mellon, London Branch as common depositary for Euroclear
            Bank S.A./N.V. ("Euroclear") and Clearstream Banking, société anonyme
            (“Clearstream, Luxembourg”), or (ii) other than the Existing Class E Notes,
            deposited with a custodian for The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”) and,
            together with Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, the “Clearing Systems”
            and each a “Clearing System” and registered in the name of DTC or its nominee.

            Any Existing Noteholder who wishes to vote in respect of the
            Extraordinary Resolution should: (i) in the case of a beneficial
            owner whose Notes are held in book-entry form by a custodian,
            request such beneficial owner's custodian to vote on the relevant
            Extraordinary Resolution(s) in accordance with the procedures set
            out below or (ii) in the case of an Existing Noteholder whose Notes
            are held in book-entry form directly in the relevant Clearing
            System, vote on the relevant Extraordinary Resolution(s) in
            accordance with the procedures set out below.

            Existing Noteholders should note that the timings and procedures
            set out below reflect the requirements for Noteholder meetings set
            out in Schedule 3 (Provisions for Meetings of Noteholders) to the
            Trust Deed, but that the Clearing Systems may have their own
            additional requirements as to timings and procedures for voting on
            the Extraordinary Resolution. Accordingly, any Existing Noteholders
            wishing to vote in respect of the Extraordinary Resolution are
            strongly urged either to contact their custodian (in the case of a
            beneficial owner whose Existing Notes are held in book-entry form
            by a custodian) or the relevant Clearing System (in the case of a
            Noteholder whose Notes are held in book-entry form directly in the
            relevant Clearing System) as soon as possible.

       3.4  For Notes held through Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg:

            This paragraph 3.4 (For Notes held through Euroclear or
            Clearstream, Luxembourg:) only applies to Notes held through
            Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg.

            For the purposes of Notes held through Euroclear or Clearstream,
            Luxembourg, a "Noteholder" shall mean each person who is for the
            time being shown in the records of Euroclear or Clearstream,
            Luxembourg as the holder of a particular principal amount of the
            Notes. Each person who is the beneficial owner (a "Beneficial
            Owner") of a particular principal amount of the Notes through a
            Noteholder should note that such person is not considered to be a
            Noteholder for the purposes of Notes held through Euroclear or
            Clearstream, Luxembourg and will only be entitled to attend and
            vote at a Meeting or to appoint a proxy to do so by instructing the
            relevant Noteholder to follow the procedures set out below.

            A Noteholder wishing to attend the Meeting in person must produce
            at the Meeting a valid voting certificate issued by a Paying Agent
            relating to the Note(s) in respect of which he wishes to vote.

            A Noteholder not wishing to attend and vote at the Meeting in
            person may either deliver his valid voting certificate(s) to the
            person whom he wishes to attend on his behalf or give a voting
            instruction (by giving his voting instructions to Clearstream,
            Luxembourg and/or Euroclear) instructing a Paying Agent to appoint
            a proxy to attend and vote at the Meeting in accordance with his
            instructions. Any such appointment shall be made pursuant to a
            block voting instruction.

            A Noteholder must request the relevant Clearing System to block the
            Notes in his own account and to hold the same to the order or under
            the control of a Paying Agent not later than 48 hours before the
            time appointed for holding the Meeting in order to obtain voting
            certificates or give voting instructions in respect of the relative
            Meeting. Notes so blocked will not be released until the earlier

                 a. the conclusion of the Meeting (or, if applicable, any
                    adjournment of such Meeting); and

                     i. in respect of (a) voting certificate(s), the surrender
                        to a Paying Agent of such voting certificate(s) and
                        notification by the relevant Paying Agent to the
                        relevant Clearing System of such surrender or the
                        compliance in such other manner with the rules of the
                        relevant clearing system; or

                    ii. in respect of voting instructions, not less than 48
                        hours before the time for which the Meeting (or, if
                        applicable, any adjournment of such Meeting) is
                        convened, the notification in writing of any revocation
                        or amendment of a Noteholder's previous instructions
                        to the Paying Agent and the same then being notified
                        in writing by the Paying Agent to the Issuer at least
                        24 hours before the time appointed for holding the Meeting
                        (or, if applicable, any adjournment of such Meeting) and
                        such Notes ceasing in accordance with the procedures of
                        the relevant Clearing System and with the agreement of such
                        Paying Agent to be held to its order or under its control.

       3.5  For Notes held through DTC:

            This paragraph 3.5 (For Notes held through DTC:) only applies to
            Notes held through DTC.

            For the purposes of Notes held through DTC, each direct participant
            in DTC holding a principal amount of the Notes, as reflected in the
            records of DTC, as at the close of business in New York on 7
            November 2014 (the "Record Date") will be considered to be a
            Noteholder upon DTC granting an omnibus proxy authorising DTC
            direct participants to vote at the relevant Meeting (by delivering
            a form of proxy).

            The Record Date has been fixed as the date for the determination of
            Noteholders entitled to vote at the Meetings. The delivery of a
            form of proxy, as defined and described below, will not affect a
            Noteholder's right to sell or transfer any Notes, and a sale or
            transfer of any Notes after the Record Date will not have the
            effect of revoking any form of proxy properly delivered by a
            Noteholder. Therefore, each properly delivered form of proxy will
            remain valid notwithstanding any sale or transfer of any Notes to
            which such form of proxy relates.

            A DTC direct participant, duly authorised by an omnibus proxy from
            DTC, may, by an instrument in writing in the English language (a "
            form of proxy") in the form available from the office of the
            Tabulation Agent specified below signed by such DTC direct
            participant, or, in the case of a corporation, executed under its
            common seal or signed on its behalf by an attorney or a duly
            authorised officer of the corporation and delivered to the
            specified office of the Tabulation Agent no later than 48 hours
            before the time fixed for the relevant Meeting, appoint any person
            (a "proxy") to act on his or its behalf in connection with any
            Meeting (and any adjourned such Meeting).

            A proxy so appointed shall so long as such appointment remains in
            force be deemed, for all purposes in connection with the relevant
            Meeting (or any adjourned such Meeting) to be the holder of the
            Notes to which such appointment relates and the relevant Noteholder
            shall be deemed for such purposes not to be the holder.

            Only Noteholders (i.e. DTC direct participants) may deliver a form
            of proxy. A beneficial owner of an interest in Notes held through a
            DTC direct participant must direct such DTC direct participant to
            deliver a form of proxy on its behalf.

            Any DTC direct participant who intends to deliver one or more
            properly completed forms of proxy should deliver the same by
            registered mail, hand delivery, overnight courier or by e-mail or
            facsimile (with an original delivered subsequently) to the
            Tabulation Agent at its address, e-mail address or facsimile number
            set forth below. Such forms of proxy must be received by the
            Tabulation Agent no later than 48 hours before the time fixed for
            the relevant Meeting.

            The ownership of Notes held through DTC by DTC direct participants
            shall be established by a DTC security position listing provided by
            DTC as of the Record Date.

       3.6. General provisions relating to the Meetings:

            The quorum required at each Meeting is one or more persons present
            holding voting certificates or being proxies and representing in
            the aggregate over 50 per cent. of the aggregate Sterling
            Equivalent Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes of the
            relevant Class for the time being outstanding.

            If a quorum is not present at any Meeting within 15 minutes or such
            longer period not exceeding 30 minutes as the Chairman may decide
            from the time fixed for the relevant Meeting, such Meeting will be
            adjourned in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed and
            the Extraordinary Resolutions shall be considered at the adjourned
            Meeting (notice of which will be given to the Noteholders of the
            relevant Class). At any adjourned meeting, the quorum required is
            one or more persons present holding voting certificates or being
            proxies (whatever the aggregate Sterling Equivalent Principal
            Amount Outstanding of the Notes of such Class so represented by
            them). Noteholders should note that voting certificates obtained
            and proxies appointed in respect of a Meeting shall remain valid
            for the relevant adjourned Meeting unless validly revoked.

            Every question submitted to each Meeting will be decided in the
            first instance by a show of hands unless a poll is duly demanded
            (before or on the declaration of the result on the show of hands)
            by the Chairman of such Meeting, the Issuer, the Trustee or by any
            person present holding a voting certificate or being a proxy
            (whatever the principal amount of Notes of the relevant Class so
            held or represented by him). On a show of hands every person who is
            present in person and produces a voting certificate or is a proxy
            shall have one vote. On a poll every person who is so present in
            person and produces a voting certificate or is a proxy shall have
            one vote in respect of each £1.00 in Principal Amount Outstanding
            of the Notes represented or held by him.

            In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting
            shall, both on a show of hands and on a poll, have a casting vote.

            To be passed, the Extraordinary Resolution requires a majority in
            favour consisting of not less than 75 per cent. of the persons
            voting at the Meeting upon a show of hands or, if a poll is duly
            demanded, by a majority consisting of not less than 75 per cent. of
            the votes cast on such poll, as the case may be.

            If an Extraordinary Resolution is duly passed by the holders of the
            relevant Class of Existing Notes, it will be binding on all
            Existing Noteholders of such Class, including those Existing
            Noteholders who did not attend the relevant Meeting or who attended
            or were represented and who voted against such Extraordinary

            Without prejudice to the obligations of proxies named in any block
            voting instruction, any person entitled to more than one vote need
            not use all such votes or cast all such votes in the same way.

            Noteholders who hold their notes through the Clearing Systems
            should contact the relevant Clearing System with any questions and
            requests for assistance in relation to the voting process
            (including the blocking of Notes).

            Noteholders who hold their notes through an intermediary should
            contact such intermediary with any questions and requests for
            assistance in relation to the voting process.

            All Existing Noteholders will be notified of the result of voting
            on the Extraordinary Resolution in accordance with the Trust Deed
            promptly once such result is known (and in any event within 14 days
            of the Meeting).

            The attention of the Existing Noteholders is particularly drawn to
            the quorum required for the Meeting as set out above.

            Having regard to such requirements, the Existing Noteholders are
            requested to take steps to be represented at the Meeting, as
            referred to above, as soon as possible or to make arrangements to
            attend in person.

            This Meetings Notice, and any non-contractual obligation arising
            out of or in connection with it, is governed by English law.

            The Paying Agents/Tabulation Agent with respect to the Existing
            Notes are as follows:

            Principal Paying Agent       U.S Paying Agent

            The Bank of New York Mellon, The Bank of New York Mellon
            London Branch

            One Canada Square            101 Barclay Street
            London E14 5AL               New York
            Contact: Corporate Trust     USA 10286
            Administration               Contact: Corporate Trust
            (Structured Finance)         Administration
            Fax: +44 (0) 20 7964 6399    Fax: +1 212 815 5915

                                         Tabulation Agent
                                         Lucid Issuer Services Limited
                                         Leroy House
                                         436 Essex Road
                                         London N1 3QP
                                         United Kingdom
                                         Contact: Victor Parzyjagla
                                         Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7704 0880
                                         Fax: +44 (0) 20 7067 9098

            This notice is given by the Issuer.

            10 November 2014

                                  SECTION 6 - Definitions

            Capitalised terms used but not defined in this Consent Solicitation
            Memorandum shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the
            meanings set out in the Master Definitions Schedule, the Trust Deed
            and/or the Terms and Conditions.

            "144A Notes" means the Class B1c Notes represented by the B1c
            Rule 144A Global Note, the Class C1c Notes represented by the
            Class C1c Rule 144A Global Note and the Class D1c Notes
            represented by the Class D1c Rule 144A Global Note, as

            "Amendment Deed" means the deed of amendment to the Liquidity
            Facility Agreement implementing the Proposed Amendments.

            "Approving Noteholder" has the meaning set out in Section 1, part 3

            "Class" means the Existing Class B Notes, the Existing Class C
            Notes, the Existing Class D Notes or the Existing Class E Notes.

            "Clearing Systems" means Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. and
            Clearstream Banking, société anonyme, Luxembourg and DTC.

            "Consent Fee" means in respect of the Proposed Amendments, a
            percentage, depending on the Class of Notes as set out in the table
            below, of the Principal Amount Outstanding of the Notes held by the
            Approving Noteholder on the date of the Meeting in respect of which
            that Approving Noteholder has voted in favour of the Extraordinary

            Class            Fee Rate

            B                0.30%

            C                0.40%

            D                0.50%

            E                0.60%

            "Deed Poll" means the deed poll entered into by Lloyds on or
            about the date hereof in favour of each Approving Noteholder.

            "DTC Noteholders" means any holder of Notes directly or
            indirectly in DTC.

            "DTC Participant" means those direct participants referred to
            in the omnibus proxy issued by DTC.

            "DTC Notes" means any Note registered in the name of DTC or its

            "Existing Class B Notes" means the Class B Notes.

            "Existing Class C Notes" means the Class C Notes.

            "Existing Class D Notes" means the Class D Notes.

            "Existing Class E Notes" means the Class E Notes.

            "Extraordinary Resolution" means the extraordinary resolution
            to approve the Proposed Amendments and its implementation to be
            proposed and considered at the Meetings, as set out in "Form of
            Meetings Notice and Extraordinary Resolution".

            "Final Voting Deadline" means such time on 3 December 2014 as is 48
            hours prior to the relevant Meeting or, if the Meeting is
            adjourned, such time on such date as is 48 hours prior to any
            adjourned Meeting.

            "Meetings" means the meetings of Noteholders to be held on 5
            December 2014 to consider and, if thought fit, pass the
            Extraordinary Resolution in respect of the Proposed Amendments
            and their implementation or any adjourned such meeting (and
            each individually, a "Meeting").

            "Meetings Provisions" means the provisions for meetings of
            Noteholders set out in Schedule 3 (Provisions for Meetings of
            Noteholders) to the Trust Deed.

            "Pool Factor" means, in respect of a Note, the fraction
            expressed as a decimal to the tenth point of which the
            numerator is the Principal Amount Outstanding of such Note and
            the denominator is the principal amount of that Note on issue
            expressed as an entire integer, as determined by the Cash/Bond

            "Proposed Amendment Date" means, if the Extraordinary
            Resolution is duly passed by the relevant Noteholders, the
            Business Day following the Meeting or adjourned Meeting at
            which the Extraordinary Resolution is passed.

            "Proposed Amendments" means the Proposed Amendments described in
            Section 1, part 4 (Re-sizing of Liquidity Facility) of this Consent
            Solicitation Memorandum as set out in the Amendment Deed.

            "Report Agent" means Lucid Issuer Services Limited.

            "Tabulation Agent" means Lucid Issuer Services Limited.


                           Southern Pacific Securities 05-1 PLC
                                         4th Floor
                                      40 Dukes Place
                                         EC3A 7NH

                                    TABULATION AGENT

                              Lucid Issuer Services Limited
                                       Leroy House
                                     436 Essex Road
                                      London N1 3QP
                                     United Kingdom

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