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AB Linas Agro Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the financial results for the 3 months of financial year 2023/2024...
Dividend Payment Procedure for shareholders of AB Linas Agro Group The General meeting of shareholders held on 27 October 2023 approved the...
AB Linas Agro Group notification about the Annual information of the financial year 2022/2023 On 27 October 2023 the Annual General Meeting...
Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AB Linas Agro Group held on 27 October 2023 The Annual General Meeting...
Update: Draft resolutions and documents for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Linas Agro Group to be held on October 27,2023...
AB Linas Agro Group plans to change its name The Management Board of AB Linas Agro Group submits the issue of changing the company's name to...
Notice on convening the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Linas Agro Group Notice to the Shareholders of AB Linas Agro...
Linas Agro Group-owned Dotnuva Baltic starts construction of a new agricultural trade and service center in Latvia On 8 September 2023, SIA...
Summary of the Investor Conference webinar of the 12-month unaudited results of AB Linas Agro Group for the financial year 2022/2023 On 4...
AB Linas Agro Group results for the 12 months of 2022/2023 financial year: challenges for agribusiness and recovery for food businesses...
AB Linas Agro Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the financial results for the 12 months of the financial year...
AB Linas Agro Group completed the acquisition of part of the business from AUGA Group, AB On 21 July 2023, AB Kauno Grūdai, owned by AB Linas...
AB Linas Agro Group: notification on transactions in the Company's securities by the person discharging managerial responsibilities AB...
The Board of Directors of AB Linas Agro Group approved the Dividend Policy The Board of Directors of AB Linas Agro Group (hereinafter - the...
Correction: AB Linas Agro Group seeks to acquire part of AUGA Group, AB food business AB Linas Agro Group has supplemented the announcement...
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