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Notice on convening the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Akola Group NOTICE TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF AB AKOLA GROUP Vilnius, 9 October...
AB Akola Group subsidiary increases investment in breadcrumb factory and borrows EUR 5 million AB Kauno Grūdai, a subsidiary of AB Akola Group...
The construction of the Akola Group seed factory in Latvia will be financed by Swedbank AS The Latvian company SIA Dotnuva Seeds, indirectly owned...
AB Akola Group plans to acquire a prominent Latvian grain exporter SIA Linas Agro, an indirectly controlled company of AB Akola Group, has...
Summary of the Investor Conference webinar of the 12-month unaudited results of AB Akola Group for the financial year 2023/2024 On 22 August 2024...
Twelve months of AB Akola Group: profits grow while revenue decline The consolidated revenue of AB Akola Group and its controlled companies (the...
AB Akola Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the financial results for the 12 months of financial year 2023/2024 AB Akola...
AB Akola Group plans another investment in biomethane gas production AB Kaišiadorių Paukštynas, an indirect subsidiary of AB Akola Group, plans to...
Summary of the Investor Conference webinar of the 9-month unaudited results of AB Akola Group for the financial year 2023/2024 On 23 May 2024, AB...
Nine months of AB Akola Group: impacted by low raw material prices Consolidated revenue of AB Akola Group and its controlled companies (the Group...
AB Akola Group will hold an Investor Conference Webinar to introduce the financial results for the 9 months of financial year 2023/2024 AB Akola...
AB Akola Group: notification on acquisition of voting rights AB Akola Group (former AB Linas Agro Group), ISIN code LT0000128092 (hereinafter...
AB Akola Group invests in ‘Brite’, a natural functional drinks start-up 5 April AB Akola Group has signed an agreement with Brite Drinks Ltd, a UK...
AB Akola Group to build a seed factory for EUR 9.5 million AB Akola Group invests EUR 9.5 million in a seed factory in Latvia. The factory, which...
Resignation of a member of the Management Board of AB Akola Group AB Akola Group (further - the Company) hereby informs having received a...
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