SAO PAULO, Jan. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Companhia de
Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao
Paulo - SABESP (BM&FBovespa: SBSP3; NYSE: SBS), one
of the largest water and sewage service provider in the world based
on the number of customers, in compliance with the provisions
of CVM Instruction No. 358 of January 3,
2002, as amended and currently in force, and in addition to
the Material Fact disclosed on January 10,
2013, which gave notice of the approval, by the Board of
Directors of the Company in a meeting held on the same date, of the
change of the ratio of the American Depositary Receipts of the
Company admitted for trading on the New York Stock Exchange
("NYSE"), hereby informs to the public in general that the Bank of
New York Mellon, depositary institution of the Company's ADRs in
the United States of America (the
"Depositary Institution"), will issue new ADRs and distribute them
among the current holders according to the following schedule:
- The record-date from which the current holders of ADRs will be
entitled to the new ADRs to be issued shall be January 22, 2013;
- The payable date of the ADRs to be issued shall be January 23, 2013; and
- The effective date for the ratio change shall be January 24, 2013.
The current holders of ADRs will not be called to perform the
change, and the ADRs currently issued shall automatically represent
the new proportion approved by the Board of Directors. Accordingly,
no additional action shall be necessary by the current holders of
ADRs, and the ADRs issued as a result of the ratio change shall be
of the same type and shall have the same rights as the currently
existing shares and ADRs.
IR Contacts:
Mario Arruda
Sampaio: (55 11) 3388-8664 (
Angela Beatriz Airoldi: (55 11)
3388-8793 (