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Traction Uranium Corporation (QB)

Traction Uranium Corporation (QB) (TRCTF)

마감 06 3월 6:00AM

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TRCTF Discussion

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Renee Renee 5 월 전
TRCTF effective Sept. 26,2024 a one for 10 reverse split:
dc key dc key 1 년 전
I agree mark but the company is getting massive funding so somebody definately believes in the future of traction uranium and is putting their money where there mouths are. Long term play here in my opinion and uranium will power the clean burning nuclear power plants for decades especially if the green energy political entities finally realize the advantages of this commodity.
mark5050 mark5050 1 년 전
Sht is tanking unmercifully lol.
fink fink 1 년 전
I'm looking more at the 52 week low as nothing is going on with the Company and in the geopolitical space.

Germany will be the biggest build out of new nukes plants. 8+years. LNG has a huge head start. It's where my vision is.

Do you tie up your dry powder in this Bid sitting or set a bunch of low alerts to get a heads up to decide then?

I still love the business plan here. Like gold and silver, all I see is flat waters ahead.,

Maybe if China grow some balls and attack Tiawan.
mark5050 mark5050 1 년 전
Same here. Only penults trades. Spike and never follow up. But I decided to gamble here. Like OS. Who knows.
fink fink 1 년 전
All my plays are down and flat through spring and Summer.
I haven't executed a sell in forever. I've haven't made any money to put in here.

Germany and China should be expanding their nuclear and coal while quietly dismantling their wind and solar. It's just not going to work. It's great if you live off the grid, but for civization to enjoy a human existence and flourish Nat gas bd nuclear is the only sane choice I bridge the Earth into the unknown.
Germany will be toast for a decade. Germany goes, so does the rest of Europe. And I love it. America has fought their global wars long enough. Biden wants even more war and death.

Australia is going on strike, and if the Davos crowd can get Qatar in a war, we win it's sick but why not make a buck on their stupidity and manipulation.
Nat gas and nuclear is the only green choice. If you believe we need change. I don't.
mark5050 mark5050 1 년 전
I will keep adding a little by little.
mark5050 mark5050 1 년 전
I think we will ok here.
fink fink 2 년 전
The oil and Nat gas manipulation has played out. Those two are already seeing gains.
All commodities will start to climb.
We need a currency event. Then bitcoin and metals will punch up to a new plateau. This sideways chit ain't right.,
mark5050 mark5050 2 년 전
Traction gets some traction, LOL.
👍️ 1
fink fink 2 년 전
Problem is we destroyed the Nord Stream system thst messed up pipeline system. And Europe doesn’t have the infrastructure to receive LNG.
And they dont have the facilities to move LNG to other places.
The places that can off load it stays in that region. Look at the shipping price of LNG tankers. $30k a day to kiss $300k in a few instances. It’s back down around $90k. That’s where the $$$ is. These rates will start to crank up in a few months when Europe fills their supply for next winter. FL&NG
NATO Should have written Ukraine off years ago.
I bet if Florida tried to leave the US, there would be hell to pay.

Europe is a mess. The Euro will continue to crash. The Brits too. Jerome Powel is out to crush the other Central banks under the control of Davos. Maybe peace can have a chance after that and America stops getting suckered into fighting wars for Europe.
Nuclear is the only sane answer.

Every sub station should be a small reactor. Screw these mega plants.

I really can’t see anyway society will thrive on the course they tried to put us on.
fink fink 2 년 전
Very mild winter, LaNina saved the world. As predicted too.
Supply of Nat gas is said to be 40% above where it should be at this time.
It’s coming. But it will take a good 18-24 months to for the crunch to be seen in the futures market.
I wouldn’t doubt if Biden takes another move on Nat gas to get you to buy an EV and electric stove.

This is not an over night investment.

And my Brither in laws electrical business does work for Oak Ridge. He showed my photos of a new uranium that you can hold in your hand safe. It only become reactive when introduced to something else. He showed me a photo of him holding the ball of uranium as safe as his car keys. Game changer. Like the graphene battery and Hydgrogen fuel cell. And Workd peace if we can have nice things finally.

Be looking for info on this new nuke fuel. Brother in law is a tight lipped SOB. I’ve asked for his photo twice.

Nat gas is your bridge fuel to nuclear. Then we burn it in all our cars for the next 200+ years.,
Zardiw Zardiw 2 년 전
Yeah.......but why isn't the price going banannas?........

fink fink 2 년 전
Infrastructure will take time for Nat gas. What can be shipped is shipped. Look at the daily rates is LNG freighters. $30k a day to kiss $250K a day. Down to $90k a day.

Nat gas buying is going on in the next 30days. Many Countries can’t take it yet. And we are & 100% capacity in what we can ship.
Nord steam was a killer score for American Nat gas. If it doesn’t kill us in WW3
Zardiw Zardiw 2 년 전
So weird that Nat Gas is down......and Germany.....what morons they were to shut down their nuc plants.......need those back online yesterday....Uranium should be Hot Hot Hot.......fwiw....if the woke morons every click 2 brain cells together that

fink fink 2 년 전
Clayton pumped this Good.
It’s still the fuel of the future.
His last silver thingy in South America went flat. And UROY is one of his. Or Mark Moss. Both awesome pod casts. I never miss an episode. MM pumped AGMRF with some success.
Robert Kyiosaki too. ODV is the American gold mine he actually owns.

Most are a few years off like natural gas plays. We can probably load up on all for the energy crash and then the death of the US dollar. Buy the dips. This has taken off.
Give it a few weeks.
I have a list of uranium plays. Not in any yet.
This is too hot above .40
The new spike in volume is my concern.
It’s on my list now.
Volume should come after drill results.
Germany is building 18 new nuke plants. Those take a solid 8 years to get on line. They will be leader in the new Nuclear era.
Till then it’s Nat gas. Or we find out the entire Green deal is a scam and we have no effect on the environment. Civilization is dirty business. We will never eliminate that.,

Volume is what ya need to keep an eye on.
Zardiw Zardiw 2 년 전
Watch towards the end:

resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Yes indeed! $TRCTF
monsterstock111 monsterstock111 2 년 전
Holding strong at this price.
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Nice day here $TRCTF
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Good Morning $TRCTF
$trctf very impressive updates are just out today
monsterstock111 monsterstock111 2 년 전
I think this ticket has some room to keep going. Good gains here
monsterstock111 monsterstock111 2 년 전
Looks like a good run
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Good to see you
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
The Key Lake South Uranium Project is located approximately 6 kilometers to the southwest of the Key Lake uranium mill and in close vicinity to modern uranium mining facilities and highway transportation in northern Saskatchewan. Geologically, it sits at the southeastern edge of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin – home of the world’s largest and highest-grade uranium deposits and operations. Recent discovery of Triple R and Arrow deposits has demonstrated further potential of high-grade uranium at the edge of the basin.
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Access to our KLS Project is simple, right off the highway and lends to inexpensive drilling as we do not need helicopter support or ice roads to get to our project. Securing access with the Ministry of Highways to provide us with an area for a temporary camp off the highway means we can mobilize to KLS all year round.”
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Phase 1 Diamond Drilling is planned with 2,000 metres, targeting areas with extreme surface uranium anomalies including the “black soil” anomaly, the “radioactive swamp” and the “Athabasca Sandstone” mapped in 1973 (AR 74H04-0013). Most of the drill targets are situated at the edge of the broad gravity-lows identified in the ground gravity survey of 2022 (see Figure 1).
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
$TRCTF Secures Drill Camp Area for Upcoming Key Lake South Drill Program
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Nice news $TRCTF CALGARY, Alberta, Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Traction Uranium Corp. (CSE: TRAC) (OTCQB: TRCTF) (FRA: Z1K) (the “Company” or “Traction”), a mineral exploration company focusing on the development of discovery prospects in Canada including its two flagship uranium projects in the world-renowned Athabasca Region, is pleased to announce receipt of access and permission from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways allowing the Company to utilize a lease located near the Key Lake South Project (KLS) to use as a temporary drilling camp beginning February 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2024.

Lester Esteban, Chief Executive Officer, stated, “After our team discovered the high-grade uranium mineralization (see Traction News Release dated November 13th, 2022) in the ‘black soil’ and the ‘radioactive swamp’, we have been busy preparing to drill underneath. The ‘black soil’ is of special interest to our team as this is not the first time it has been encountered, in the 70’s Uranerz encountered radioactive soil and drilled underneath, this led to the discovery of the Key Lake deposits. Access to our KLS Project is simple, right off the highway and lends to inexpensive drilling as we do not need helicopter support or ice roads to get to our project. Securing access with the Ministry of Highways to provide us with an area for a temporary camp off the highway means we can mobilize to KLS all year round.”
👍️ 1
Mr Melnyk Mr Melnyk 2 년 전
Hey new follower. How much could this stock be worth if the uranium drilling findings are substantial?
Lester Esteban, Chief Executive Officer stated, “Our KLS Project continues to demonstrate great potential as we progress towards diamond drilling in the coming months. Being thorough and methodical in executing Phase 1 and 2 of our field programs to ensure we are refining and defining our exploration area is crucial in creating a high priority drill package to go after this winter. Gravity surveying is a critical vectoring technique which has been utilized in the discovery of several uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin. The gravity low anomalies identified by these surveys may point to the presence of fault structures prospective for uranium mineralization. Having identified broad gravity lows that coincide with the radioactive swamp and black soil our team discovered in Phase 1 demonstrates that our team is on the right path to unlocking the potential at KLS.”
TRCTF is looking good.
monsterstock111 monsterstock111 2 년 전
Looks likely we will see drills in the ground soon
Floppyplants Floppyplants 2 년 전
$TRCTF news yesterday points to progress at the Key Lake South (KLS) uranium project in the Athabasca region, as they "progress towards diamond drilling in the coming months..."
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
The land is super rich too $TRCTF
monsterstock111 monsterstock111 2 년 전
Interested to see the growth of this company
monsterstock111 monsterstock111 2 년 전
Good uranium stock
Fibonaughty Fibonaughty 2 년 전
This is the most promising small cap uranium exploration company out there
Fibonaughty Fibonaughty 2 년 전
Good morning! Demand for uranium about to increase significantly
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Good Morning $TRCTF
monsterstock111 monsterstock111 2 년 전
New press out here
With Phase 1 and Phase 2 field programs complete, data interpretation is underway to define drill targets for the upcoming diamond drill program.
Very nice updates
Anita Dump Anita Dump 2 년 전
Lester Esteban, Chief Executive Officer stated, “Our KLS Project continues to demonstrate great potential as we progress towards diamond drilling in the coming months. Being thorough and methodical in executing Phase 1 and 2 of our field programs to ensure we are refining and defining our exploration area is crucial in creating a high priority drill package to go after this winter. Gravity surveying is a critical vectoring technique which has been utilized in the discovery of several uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin. The gravity low anomalies identified by these surveys may point to the presence of fault structures prospective for uranium mineralization. Having identified broad gravity lows that coincide with the radioactive swamp and black soil our team discovered in Phase 1 demonstrates that our team is on the right path to unlocking the potential at KLS.”
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Traction Uranium Identifies Broad Gravity Lows at Key Lake South (KLS) Uranium Project Completing Phase 2 of the Fall Field Program
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
CALGARY, Alberta, Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Traction Uranium Corp. (CSE: TRAC) (OTC: TRCTF) (FRA: Z1K) (the “Company” or “Traction”) and Ugreenco Energy Corp. have completed Phase 2 of their fall kick-off ground program at their Key Lake South (KLS) uranium project in Canada’s Northern Saskatchewan world renowned Athabasca Basin and is pleased to announce the Ground Gravity Survey identified broad gravity lows which coincide with the distribution of surface uranium anomalies from the initial Phase 1 (boulder prospecting, mapping and sampling) Program and with historical gamma-ray spectrometric surveys (please refer to Traction’s news release dated September 27th, 2022).

Lester Esteban, Chief Executive Officer stated, “Our KLS Project continues to demonstrate great potential as we progress towards diamond drilling in the coming months. Being thorough and methodical in executing Phase 1 and 2 of our field programs to ensure we are refining and defining our exploration area is crucial in creating a high priority drill package to go after this winter. Gravity surveying is a critical vectoring technique which has been utilized in the discovery of several uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin. The gravity low anomalies identified by these surveys may point to the presence of fault structures prospective for uranium mineralization. Having identified broad gravity lows that coincide with the radioactive swamp and black soil our team discovered in Phase 1 demonstrates that our team is on the right path to unlocking the potential at KLS.”

About Phase 2:

MWH Geo-Surveys was contracted to complete the ground gravity survey program with crew mobilization on September 29th, 2022. A total of 833 unique gravity stations and 22 repeats were collected over an area of approximately 4.15 kilometers, with the goal of defining alteration zones in the basement rock.

Broad gravity lows have been identified on the Bouguer Gravity map after terrain corrections (Figure 1). Surface anomalies such as radioactive “black soil” and “swamp” from the Phase 1 Program (boulder prospecting, mapping and sampling) and historical airborne gamma-ray spectrometric surveys distribute along the edge of gravity lows, which indicates their relationship with alteration zones in the basement rock.

With Phase 1 and Phase 2 field programs complete, data interpretation is underway to define drill targets for the upcoming diamond drill program.

figure one

Figure 1. Bouguer gravity after terrain corrections. Red shaded areas represent surface uranium anomalies (uranium content >2.345 ppm) from the airborne gamma-ray spectrometric survey (Ford et al., 2006), and black squares represent surface radioactive anomalies discovered in Phase 1 of the fall program.

Figure 1 is available at
resx18 resx18 2 년 전
Good Morning $TRCTF
Anita Dump Anita Dump 2 년 전
Good to see so much activity here $TRCTF

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