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Sonendo Inc (PK)

Sonendo Inc (PK) (SONX)

마감 04 3월 6:00AM

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SONX Discussion

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 just Scottie just Scottie 4 일 전
Same! My average is $7.50 post split.
Not adding anymore now that they don’t have to report and went pink
Mjmurr13 Mjmurr13 4 일 전
I feel like such a moron for investing, and wish I would have never discovered the existence of this company. I feel bad for anyone that put money into them, no matter the amount. I know this will haunt and hold me back for years to come. I wish everyone the best.
👍️ 1
 just Scottie just Scottie 5 일 전
They don’t have to report. They split to avoid pink sheets and are now a pink sheet WTF


I guess we are fucked

15-12G" refers to a form filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) called "Form 15-12G," which is used by a company to certify that it is terminating its registration of a class of securities under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act, essentially meaning they are "going dark" and no longer need to file regular reports with the SEC because they have a low number of shareholders and meet specific asset thresholds; it signifies the company is deregistering its securities and is no longer required to publicly disclose financial information
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 3 주 전
What's going on today?
 just Scottie just Scottie 1 월 전
It’s thin, only 427,000 shares outstanding
I think most that wanted out sold for a tax loss.
It opened post split at $5 I think, it’s just working its way back.
They have reduced spending and working for a break even point. Even with that I believe he needs an acquisition or partnership to garner interest and support to think about getting back to the big board again.
At some point he will do an offering hopefully it’s after big news
👍️ 1
RichieBoy RichieBoy 1 월 전
You guys are in far closer touch than I am

But something's created a gap up. Any theories, clues, assertions?
 just Scottie just Scottie 2 월 전
I’ll be holding till kingdom come unless they acquire, be acquired or merge with an entity larger to generate interest
👍️ 1
Mjmurr13 Mjmurr13 2 월 전
Same 'Ole story here; the ones that believed in the company and BOD, and invested heavily in the company after the 5 hedge funds, will be the ones who will continue to lose. The amount they split speaks volumes on how much they care about their retail investors, and it will be nearly impossible for those retail investors, like myself, to recoup their investment prior to the split. It's sad too, because I actually had faith that this investment was going to be life changing, or at least a step in the right direction.
RichieBoy RichieBoy 2 월 전
Flabbergasted, was such a great company.
When all those 5 industrial funds showed up en masse that one day. I did a double take. The wolves were hungry. That's where I got my itchy feet. No fanfare, no public info, really got gun shy after that. Family office right, it will come back in it's own sweet time. Lord knows when, that's the only thing. All the best in 2025.You guys deserve a break here, just plain nasty.
 just Scottie just Scottie 2 월 전
Only good thing for an otc stock is the fact of only 426,000 outstanding shares
We just need some good news and a pump
Thin as hell
 just Scottie just Scottie 2 월 전
Yeah Bjarne fucked retail real good in 2024
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 2 월 전
Ya think?? lol
We are trading at 0.0075 pre RS now, and we don't even go bankrupt. Biolase gave us Carolyn Beaver as BOD though. Don't think it was a present for the shareholder either;) 
RichieBoy RichieBoy 2 월 전
Hunch I'd best postpone that call to Bjarne

Are you guys taking it on the nose as well as the crotch? Sure looks like it. Any rate Merry Christmas you guys. Sad the company is floundering. Hopefully he has something GOOD up his sleeve for the new year. You sure deserve some fresh air here, one way traffic speaks volumes as to market sentiment. ALL the best in the New Year!
👍️ 1 😀 1
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 2 월 전
I doubt pura needs then to do another RS.
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Yup once again the spectacular Sonx
😂 2 😄 1
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 3 월 전
So now we are SONX and not SONXD?
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Sonendo President and CEO Bjarne Bergheim said the company was "disappointed" with the decision, but would continue to "evaluate financing options and other strategic alternatives" for itself.

5. In a 10-Q form filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission Nov. 7, Biolase said the winning bid came from MegaGen Implant Co., a South Korean-based dental implant company, while Sonendo's offer was named the backup bid.

6. Biolase said its sale to MegaGen is subject to definitive documentation between the two companies.
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Going to be a lot of tax loss selling this month. I reluctantly have been adding to get my ave down
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
2.06 👆 2.035 (8,140.00%)

Well it's not April 1st yet. Hmmm by my calendar at least anyways. Wouldn't this be commonly known as a trading anomaly when the stock has 81 Xed in a day under seemingly normal circumstances?

... I'm just new here 🍹🍸🥃🍻 Another round and keep them coming bartender (hic)
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 3 월 전
Hell just take it to 0.0001
Sonendo wtf??
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Patents, intellectual property.
👍 1
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 3 월 전
I say buyout
How the biolase extended into sonendo baffles me and then wa laa beaver is on the BOD?? Why would a Korean company that makes implants but biolase?? Take out the competition?
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
It would be better than what we have going
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 3 월 전
Maybe he will buy bitcoin for the company?;)
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Yeah i don’t think he will make a big board comeback on just a technology to clean roots during a root canal procedure. He needs more to offer imo
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Strategically Bjarne's back to Square One
If not overextended, what a mess. He got mauled by some rogue CEO who clearly hadn't understood Intellectual Property rights. Now he has to rebuild hence the restructuring which was what made me take the loss in the first place. I suppose he could JV with Korea . But who wants to deal with different language, different currency, different culture, different time zones on a daily basis.

Either he gets acquired, or comes up with a new gizmo. That's why I wanted to talk with the guy, truly understand his realistic options.
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
No none that I heard. The puzzling thing is if nobody was buying at 04 to o7 cents
Who is gonna buy in dollar land?
They were in danger of getting bucked to the pinks that’s why they split. They could have had a softer split
💯 1
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Has Bjarne delineated any so called strategic alternatives yet?
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Apart from BIOL purchase Agreement expenses it appears SONXD hasn't received a nickel from any Intellectual Property case as the plaintiff. In all honesty I'm surprised Bjorne raised his bid against Korean bid.

I hunch SONXD left TDO Software to Quebec's Valsoft remaining a Joint Venture Partner to go after Canada's free Dental program now in throws of building accounts for next year's federal election. Bjorne still has $15,000,000 from Valsoft purchasing TDO and joint venture agreement. I think that $15,000,000 (eventually $16,000,000) is probably earmarked for any inking of Canadian or other Valsoft business for TDO.

I can't see the BIOLASE suit as anything other than the cost of doing business except maybe a massive business write off for tax time. Bjorne could be positioning SONXD for a takeover. Frankly I'm not sure there's any other strategy. SONXD lost years of growth to BIOL receiving nothing else in return except a massive waste of time, money and effort chasing after legalese pixie dust.
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
“We are pleased by the results we reported for the third quarter and remain encouraged by our continued successful execution of the strategic reset we embarked on earlier this year,” said Bjarne Bergheim, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sonendo. “While we are disappointed that we were not the winning bidder in the bankruptcy auction for the acquisition of Biolase, we remain committed to our customers, our shareholders and our employees. The executive team, along with our Board of Directors, continues to evaluate the various financing options and other strategic alternatives for Sonendo. We will update these important stakeholders as we make any decisions with respect to those options.”
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
On September 30, 2024, we entered into the Biolase Asset Purchase Agreement with the Sellers, pursuant to which, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Biolase Asset Purchase Agreement, we were designated as the “stalking horse” bidder in connection with a sale of certain assets of Biolase under Section 363 of Title 11 of the United States Code for a total purchase price of (i) $14 million in cash subject to a downward working capital adjustment, (ii) the assumption of liabilities and (iii) the value of the Delaware Litigation. We delivered 10% of the Purchase Price to an escrow agent, which may be returned to us in the event of specified events, including termination of the Biolase Asset Purchase Agreement, subject to certain exceptions relating to a breach of the Biolase Asset Purchase Agreement by us.

The Sellers conducted a bankruptcy auction on November 4, 2024. Based on the result of that auction, we were not the winning bidder. Accordingly, we do not expect to proceed with the transaction described in the Biolase Asset Purchase Agreement except in the unlikely event the winning bidder fails to close. Subject to final Bankruptcy Court approval, the Biolase Asset Purchase Agreement will be terminated upon the sale of the Biolase assets to the prevailing bidder, and the Sellers will be required to pay us a break-up fee equal to 3% of the Purchase Price, plus a capped expense reimbursement of up to $575,000 and return amount of the Purchase Price that was placed in escrow at the signing of the Biolase Asset Purchase Agreement.
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Bjorne could have easily had a soft split to stay on the OTCQX but he chose a 200/1 to put us in dollars. Was that because he thought they would acquire Biolase? Maybe but now he has to look for another deal.
I think we will be ok as long as there is no offer ing in the near future
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Yes I'd sure agree there. While hardly any investors are in a good position. He does appear trying to attract something. Strategic Partner, Joint venture, or your hypothesis anything could fit here as SONXD is restructured, the trigger appears primed to be pulled...

It appears Bjorne tried to call a couple of weeks ago. I've been extremely busy with other issues. Will try and get a hold of him Scott. Hunch he's busier than ever building the company. That Biolase torpedo was a direct hit. Nothing in return, I'm certain he's wincing truth be told.
👍️ 1
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Thanks Rich! You mean bag holders lol?
Hope you have a good day! Seems they are reducing debt and slightly increasing revenue.
I think he goes back to plan B now
I still say he needs to partner up with, merge or buy another company or be bought out to hit the big boards again.
👍️ 1
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Happy Thanksgiving to all holders.
I haven't bought any shares yet, still humming over the opportunity. Have to say 9¢ where I sold is a long way from where I'm looking to enter here regardless of what nightmares took place in between. The silver lining?

Looks to me like Bjorne is in way better shape to go back to the big boards. What he needs now is a block buster PR to make that Cinderella story a reality. Best of luck here!
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Not certain of accuracy but I'm hearing SONXD was seeking $59 million in financial compensation from the Biolase wrecking crew. That's not chump change, sounds to me like Biolase did a lot of Sonendo damage before exiting in a flame of infamy. It would be almost certainly something very significantly damning from the intellectual property angle by the scruff of it.

This is why I predicted to you so long ago the legalese would be lengthy. Intellectual Property cases can get very protracted very quickly requiring lots of thought and reflection from the judge. Then just as you think you're getting somewhere along comes another revelation often from the plaintiff (SONXD not BIOL) but can also come from BIOL lawyers. Further complicating the final outcome.
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Ha ha ha! The opened at $5 post split, trying to move back .
Share structure is low now, I smell a pump
👍️ 1
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
Yes they did it seem like they had the deal according to the PR’s.
Probably just best to move on and look for another deal
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Any particular reason why SONX shot up 50% on Friday. Or did the whacky weather incur a lot of root canals in California ☔
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Sonendo was involved in a trademark infringement lawsuit against Biolase and had also bid on Biolase's equipment during its Chapter 11 sale. However, a Korean company outbid Sonendo, acquiring all of Biolase's equipment .

As a result, Sonendo will no longer pursue its original plan to acquire Biolase's equipment. However, they can still explore other options to recoup their losses. Here are a few possibilities:

*Pursue the trademark infringement lawsuit*: Sonendo can continue to pursue its lawsuit against Biolase, seeking damages for alleged trademark infringement. However, the outcome of this lawsuit is uncertain, and it may not provide a direct path to recouping losses.

*Negotiate with the Korean company*: Sonendo could attempt to negotiate with the Korean company that acquired Biolase's equipment. They might explore options for collaboration, licensing, or other forms of cooperation that could help Sonendo recoup some of its losses.

*Focus on their core business*: Sonendo is a leading dental technology company, and they might choose to focus on their core business, developing and marketing their GentleWave System. By concentrating on their strengths, Sonendo can continue to grow and innovate in the dental technology space.

In terms of placing a lien on the equipment, it's unlikely that Sonendo would be able to do so, given that the equipment has been sold to a third party. However, Sonendo's legal team may be able to explore other options for securing their interests. ie CASH Perhaps SONX could partner with Korean company if palatable for Sonendo. Bjorne will continue to build the company regardless.

Quite confusing sale Scottie, mesmorizing! First SONX publicly thought they won it, then out of the blue this Korean firm laid claim to it. The only thing that might make sense to me right now is Biolase just took receipt of $20 million. Now SONX knows that Biolase has money. Question is how much? SONX could conceivably come after Biolase again, seeking cash instead of equipment. If they did, I can't see a forfeit of cash being settled quickly BIOL will hide under any Chapter 11 rock they can find. Depends on the pecking order, but my strong hunch is BIOL has cash debt creditors hence the equipment sale ordered by the Court. Creditors will likely jump ahead of SONX in the cue as to who gets paid what. We'd need to know greater details of the trademark infringement decision by the judge. How strong was the win for SONX. The judge sent SONX clammering after equipment. That tells me BIOL's outstanding cash debt was likely considerable...

This could take a while...
 just Scottie just Scottie 3 월 전
He definitely wanted Biolase but the Korean firm out bid him. I think he even upped his bid to $20 million.
He knows he needs a partner to move up to the big boards again.
I think he will find one.
I wonder what happens to the lawsuit now? Does he sue the Korean company that bought Biolase’s assets?
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
Tell me more 1&1 never made 2 for me.
Dynamic potential not even 99¢ of common sense. Shrouded in mystery to this day! I always wondered if Bjorne bit off more than he could chew on that extraordinary day. Never have been able to piece it together. If you have any thoughts, enthrall me.
Mjmurr13 Mjmurr13 3 월 전
Haha I thought there was common sense involved with this stock when 4 hedgfunds bought over 20 million shares on the same day.
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
There is common sense in this stock somewhere.

The trick is finding it...
RichieBoy RichieBoy 3 월 전
AI Overview

Rule 13d-1(b) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) allows certain institutional investors to file a Schedule 13G instead of a Schedule 13D:
Who can file a Schedule 13G?
Qualified institutional investors (QIIs) who meet the following criteria can file a Schedule 13G:
They acquired the securities in the ordinary course of business
They did not intend to change or influence control of the issuer
What are qualified institutional investors?
These include:
Insurance companies
Registered investment companies
Registered investment advisers
ERISA plans
Parent holding companies or control persons
Savings associations
Church plans
Non-U.S. institutions that are functionally equivalent to the institutions listed above
What does a Schedule 13D do?
The SEC requires a Schedule 13D to be filed when a person or group acquires more than 5% of a company's voting class of publicly traded securities. The purpose of the Schedule 13D is to:
Provide transparency to the public about who the shareholders are
Signal to the public that a change of control may be coming.
Allow current shareholders to make informed decisions
Prevent competitors from bidding up the share price
Prevent the target from creating takeover defenses
👍️ 1
 just Scottie just Scottie 4 월 전
This fund just bought a bunch of shares

Pura Vida Investments is an investment fund managing more than $82.7 billion ran by Cara Bradfield. There are currently 25 companies in Mrs. Bradfield’s portfolio. The largest investments include Establishment Labs Inc and Glaukos, together worth $20.8 billion.

Over $7 million shares
👍 1
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 4 월 전
0.078 pre split 
Doubledown75 Doubledown75 4 월 전
$15.77 a share

 just Scottie just Scottie 4 월 전
Yeah retail is shit to a public ceo

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