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Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc (QB)

Northwest Biotherapeutics Inc (QB) (NWBO)

마감 09 3월 6:00AM

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NWBO Discussion

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eagle8 eagle8 18 초 전
Ofcourse attillathe hunt.
I will do that as much as possible.

martyDg martyDg 13 분 전
LP doesn't need to do that. He doesn't need to sell her shares when she exploits investors money by creating cdmo and sell it.
SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 32 분 전

Thanks for posting your “guess” and enlightening us with your independent medical analysis 😶

Perhaps these peer-reviewed medical journals can provide some supplementary insights to go with your comments…

exwannabe exwannabe 55 분 전
Well, if one has near total resection and no rapid progression on SOC, what is the 5 year OS?

My guess is fairly good based on other trial data.

Gee, what does this mean? And how exactly does any RA know the truth?
theorysuit theorysuit 57 분 전
How about building up their own personal cdmos on shareholders backs...that is some absurd shit.

And absurd number id gifting shares and don't know who sold and when. This company is effing POS.
ilovetech ilovetech 1 시간 전
On the other hand, NWBO management could have sold when the stock hit $2.50. They didn't. Not then, not now.
ilovetech ilovetech 1 시간 전
Bro, that is the dumbest thing I've heard here in 8 years. NVCR had an SP over $200. It's $20 today. Amrn had a high of $26. It's $.53 cents today. But insiders sold for millions after these companies crashed under their leadership. I can't fix dumb. Keep blowing in the wind.
SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 1 시간 전

Good question 😶

Landru states that executive compensation may include shares of the company’s stock, aligning leadership’s interests with company growth and shareholder value. Shareholders, logically, want leadership to prioritize their interests—for obvious reasons. After all, how else can shareholders be sure leadership is focused on the company’s long-term success?

Common Sense ✅️:
Investors prefer leaders who are committed long-term and stand to benefit personally from an increase in the company’s value.
dmb2 dmb2 1 시간 전
Hard to think in a lethal cancer like GBM that a 5 yr survival rate of 13% compared to 5% is a small survival benefit. It is a very good start as dendritic cell therapy is just beginning. Improvements in the therapy are already just around the corner, so much to discover and develop here and NWBO is in the captain's chair.

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martyDg martyDg 1 시간 전
They have approved products, but Linda does not.
ilovetech ilovetech 1 시간 전
Biotech CEO's make millions through selling the stocks awarded to them, as part of their overall compensation package. I owned Amrn. It was fresh off a patent loss, and subsequent to the loss of the US Market. While the company's revenues eroded at 25% annually, from its peak of $475 million, Amrn's CEO was cashing in his stock options earning him $5.9 million. He did that again the following year, despite the fact that he had done nothing to stop the bleeding. The exiting CEO, under who's tenure the worst patent defence loss occurred had $40 million in options as part of his golden parachute.

After NVCR had lost 65% of its market cap, thereabouts, the CEO sold his shares earning him $23 million, among other numerous insiders, who also did the same for relatively much smaller amounts. These are just a drop in the bucket examples of rampant compensation vampirism endemic within the biotech space.
martyDg martyDg 2 시간 전
At this point, anything above $1—is it worth the wait? Definitely not, but I’m not going to wait for the sky to fall again. I’m going to sell. I’m done with this CEO who doesn’t know how to communicate with their investors and treats them like crap. I’m so done with it. I’m not going to wait for the company to fully evolve into a BP-like company, which is really hard to pull off. It will take them not just 5-10 years to do that.
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SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 2 시간 전

Are you referring to the lawsuit about SP manipulation? 😶

While lawsuits may be entertaining and legal forces powerful, the most fundamental and unstoppable force is gravity. Science will drive progress forward, regardless of the OTC market, stock price manipulation, or any other force…

The best example of this is the Nobel Prize-winning science of PD-1 blockade technology. Checkpoint inhibitors have only been on the market for a little over a decade, but this class of immunotherapy drugs has exploded in value in a relatively short time. Currently, new PD-1 drugs and related technologies are entering the global market, and new subcutaneous versions are beginning to emerge.

Today, the most exciting developments across all immunotherapy drug classes are the discoveries of various combo therapies, offering potential efficacy across a wide range of diseases!

⭐️Combo is King!⭐️
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exwannabe exwannabe 2 시간 전
I doubt that your numbers are quite accurate, but I will assume that they are close…
Since NWBO has yet to disclose the cash bonus she was awarded in 2023 we have to estimate. But given the cash bonus she was paid in 2017,18,19,20,21 and 22 I think my estimation about right.

Can you also enlighten us about the compensation awarded to the CEO of Citadel? —Slightly off topic, but interesting and relevant considering the big picture
I have no idea what his cash salary plus bonus is. I do know that the vast majority of that $4.2B ius becuae he owns most of Citadel and it returned something like $7b to investors in 2023. And as he is an investor in it, he received his fair share of what was returned to all.

LP has not been returning cash to shareholders last I checked. If she did, I would expect her to get the same percent others do.

EDEN is a patent-fortified novel manufacturing technology that may add a vast amount of additional value to the company.
Flaskworks will be a me to player in a crowded field of automated cell manufactures that is well in advance of them. As already in approved and in commercial sue. Does not matter what the patents are.

Have a nice day.
martyDg martyDg 2 시간 전
HAHA reasonable? Are you hearing yourself?

That CEO is way OVERPAID! 
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 2 시간 전
Landru, How much did they pay for those?

>>Perhaps you should think about the fact that NWBO’s leadership have held and continue to hold a substantial number of shares, and the CEO is holding more shares than anyone else…
skitahoe skitahoe 2 시간 전
Marty, I really don't care about $1 either, though it would make me quite profitable. I won't sell then, so why discuss it. The question you should consider is, what share price will make you happy? Also perhaps, what does happy mean?

I don't intend to sell at any particular price, but I would be happy to have options available and be able to bring in pocket change by writing out of the money covered calls. I believe that should happen once we've reach a move to a major exchange.

If your intent is to sell out once you see a specific price, that's fine, but I believe that at that time you should honestly look to see if there is a better place to invest the money, unless you actually need cash. If you do need the cash, unless you need it all, I'd only take what I need.

For me, it would be nice to travel well in seeing much of the world, but commercial air in business class would be more than sufficient. Taking out more money to rent a private jet just seems extreme, even if I could easily afford it. I'm also fine with a Lexus, or similar vehicle, even if I could afford a Rolls or Bentley though I have friends who have them.

I really don't believe $1 or $2 will be difficult to achieve at all. Achieving double digits may take a bit, but could come prior to approval from all regulators, provided they're in the process of doing it.

Of course all this doesn't consider major news partnering NWBO with some major company, BP, etc that could involve purchasing stock at a fixed price. Should that occur, the stock would almost instantly approach that price. I don't believe that LP would do that for something not in double digits.

In my lifetime I've seen companies move from the $1 range to over $100 and more. In some cases such growth was sustained, in others they fell back to earth. We have the kind of potential that over time such growth should be possible, but we need to give it time.

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learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 2 시간 전
Are you saying that Grok is manipulating the share price too? 😳
ilovetech ilovetech 3 시간 전
Post shared by Alphavestcapital on "X" :

Frank Nez
JUST IN: Virtu CEO Doug Cifu Is Now Under Fire For Allegedly Stealing $400M From Investors…
👍️ 2
skitahoe skitahoe 4 시간 전
The question of why so many GBM products are still under development if DCVax-L achieves so much improvement is something we all should understand. According to Google, worldwide over 300,000 GBM patients are discovered annually. Let's say that DCVax-L and Poly-ICLC or other therapeutics actually cures 50%, so all living 5 years or more are cured. That still leave 150,000 who are not cured, and eventually die. That is certainly a sufficient audience to attract additional therapeutics.

In reality, we don't yet know how many who live to 5 years and beyond are viewed to be cured, but I was minimizing the target market for other products, and it's still quite large.

When we look at that market, I think we need to look at two specifically different types of products. One would be products which added to a protocol that already used DCVax-L would take survival substantially higher than 50% at 5 years. The second would be a product that looks to replace DCVax-L in the SOC and can achieve better than 50% achieving 5 year survival.

It would be my belief that all who have GBM products in trials will want to determine if their products improve on survival if added to a SOC which includes DCVax-L. In certain cases they may also want to determine if DCVax-L can be removed from the protocol with little, or no loss.

I believe Dr. Liau is certainly one who's working on improving on the benefits she's already been able to achieve. I believe if 90% of GBM were being cured that Dr. Liau would still be working on that last 10%.

I'm also of the belief that like NWBO, many of the developers of GBM therapeutics are also of the belief that that their products have benefits in other forms of cancer.

I don't believe anyone here knows for certain that the UK will label DCVax-L as only for GBM or Brain Cancer, or go all the way to tumor agnostic. Clearly confirmational trials would be required with a tumor agnostic label, but it would make DCVax-L far more available for sale than if all uses in other than GBM are off label uses. DCVax-L can certainly be used off label, after approval, like other products, but until substantial anecdotal evidence is available insurance won't be paying, or they'll have to be fought with to pay. Even with a tumor agnostic label I'd suspect that patients with cancers thought to be reasonable curable with the SOC will be hard pressed to add the vaccine until the SOC is deemed to be failing.

With a tumor agnostic label I believe that patients with deadlier cancers, like pancreatic, would have no problem adding DCVax-L to their treatment protocol.

It would be my belief that if NWBO gets a tumor agnostic label from the UK, that will be what's achieved from the other regulators as well. If not, clearly additional trials will be required to change the label, but off label use may still grow dramatically while the new trials are being run and evaluated which could easily take much of a decade to complete and evaluate.

In my view, companies who believe their products have benefits in most solid cancers, but don't know they can handle the blood-brain barrier, will start with the deadlier cancers like pancreatic. Those who believe they can handle to blood-brain barrier and many solid cancers will start with GBM. In both cases, the developers can attempt to gain label expansion up front, then go to other trials to prove it whether approved that way, or not.

I have no idea about what's taking the UK so long, and we'll probably never learn why, but the possibility of discussions on a more open label and/or approval of the EDEN unit simultaneously certainly seem like a possibility.

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SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 4 시간 전

I doubt that your numbers are quite accurate, but I will assume that they are close…

Can you also enlighten us about the compensation awarded to the CEO of Citadel? —Slightly off topic, but interesting and relevant considering the big picture 🤔

I think Powers’ ability to build successful CDMOs is reflective of a skill set that is immeasurably valuable to a pre-commercial biotech like NWBO. Her business acumen, knowledge, and strategic vision also resulted in the acquisition of Flaskworks which is owned by NWBO today. EDEN is a patent-fortified novel manufacturing technology that may add a vast amount of additional value to the company.

And Cognate was of great benefit to NWBO, and Charles River may also be useful to NWBO in the near future…

Cognate was a valuable partner for NWBO prior to its acquisition by Charles River as Cognate produced DCVax-L during a critical stage of its clinical development.

In the rapidly expanding cell-based technology industry, Charles River could be involved in some capacity in manufacturing one or more of NWBO’s products for a regional market (conceivably).

Pushing the false narrative that immunotherapy and emerging cell-based technologies represent a zero-sum game globally is short-sighted/myopic. The worldwide market offers fertile ground for a variety of cell-based technologies and manufacturing technologies to thrive in combos, advance each other, and benefit each other.

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RobotDroid RobotDroid 4 시간 전
Followed by a class action lawsuit.
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exwannabe exwannabe 4 시간 전
When the CEO is being paid about $1.4M USD for doing their job, then I consider the 15% ownership granted her in options "free".

But I guess you think than is reasonable compensation for a CEO with a 20 year history of nothing (she took over in 2004 as "owner" despite the lack of formal title).

Oh wait, you will note how she was successful at building 2 CDMOs, that she owns. Now that was an accomplishment.
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martyDg martyDg 4 시간 전
I really wish I did not accidentally see this stock on my investing journey. If I can turn back time! Even if this goes back to $1. I am not gonna be happy. Cuz of the amount of stress it gives me.
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SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 4 시간 전

What’s your point? That CEOs are overpaid? I think it would be difficult to find a CEO of any company whose compensation seems reasonable.

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Investor082 Investor082 4 시간 전
LOL, the folks that are kidding nobody are the ones who have been here for a decade or so (having lost over 90% value + tremendous opportunity cost) and yet continue to post non stop, build false expectations as well as support the lying management crew who are full of excuses + victim mindset.
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XMaster2023 XMaster2023 4 시간 전
Going back up to 1,420.80. Many of my shares were purchased below where we are today. You are employed by the Market Makers who have driven many companies into bankruptcy. Many here believe, NWBO will be the beginning of the end of those 7 market makers. But if you look hard, you will see attacks from others on your employer. I would brush up my resume if I was you.
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martyDg martyDg 4 시간 전
And do you really believe that their service is worthy of receiving this compensation on top of their salary? Absolutely not!

I see greed in her. She's milking the company before it even bears fruit.

I see a lawyer in her and a greedy CEO.
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SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 4 시간 전

Fact ✅️: No, the shares were not “free.”

While people may disagree with executive compensation or how executives acquire shares, there is no company that gives “free” shares to anyone. 🙄

Additionally, Advent also owns shares of NWBO…

Why might Linda Powers have believed that shares of NWBO constituted an acceptable form of compensation for services rendered by Advent? 🤔

Advent/Linda Powers, and the other long-committed members of NWBO’s leadership team have a vested interest in NWBO’s growth and success, which includes their ownership of NWBO shares.
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martyDg martyDg 4 시간 전
I don't think firing her would be enough.
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martyDg martyDg 4 시간 전
WOW!!!! We should all believe him! A person with 300 followers. Right!
martyDg martyDg 4 시간 전
the CEO is holding more shares than anyone else

Which she got it for FREE!
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SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 5 시간 전

“Think about that” … “sucking up” ? 😶

Perhaps you should think about the fact that NWBO’s leadership have held and continue to hold a substantial number of shares, and the CEO is holding more shares than anyone else…

I assume you also want us to believe that all of these people and institutions are “sucking up to LP” too:

✅️ Dr. Liau who is a world-renowned physician and currently serving on the SAB at NWBO

✅️ Dr. Kalinski at Roswell Park in New York

✅️ Dr. Puzanov at Roswell

✅️ The U.S. NIH and U.S. DoD who awarded continuing peer-reviewed grants

✅️ The independent JAMA peer reviewers

✅️ The independent Nature Comms peer reviewers

✅️ MHRA regulators who awarded approval of the PIP, approval of the MIA, and continue to support the Specials Program while the voluminous MAA is under review

✅️ Dr. Ashkan who was recently honored with an award from the U.K. government

“His work on brain cancer vaccines received the top presentation award by the British Neuro-Oncology Society in 2022 and promises to impact the care of patients with brain tumours worldwide.”

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Steady_T Steady_T 5 시간 전
DCVax-L is not an approved treatment so the search for an approved treatment goes on. Even after DCVax-L is approved that search for a better treatment will go on.

The ultimate treatment will be something like a StarTrek scanner where the Dr. holds the device against the head pulls the trigger and the cells revert back to normal brain cells. Till that is developed the search for better, less invasive treatments will go on.

With luck DCVax-L will be supplanted by DC Vax with no need for tumor tissue. That would be a big improvement. The march towards better goes on.
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learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 5 시간 전
Think about that. And, think about those here sucking up to LP.

$1,420.80 IS NOW .25
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attilathehunt attilathehunt 5 시간 전

Thank you!!...Please keep us posted on the developments.
Smitty5150 Smitty5150 6 시간 전
you have repeated this proposal (SP wont move after MHRA approval) over and over again, yet you claim to be long the stock. Your a plant, and your kidding nobody.
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SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 6 시간 전

Yes— “Stealth Mode”

⭐️Combo is King!⭐️
reachjo reachjo 6 시간 전
I rest my case.
SkyLimit2022 SkyLimit2022 6 시간 전

Thanks for posting another brilliant gem of clarity and enlightenment 😶

Nature Communications and others “say it plainly” too. The science logically precedes market realization, and some interim data from combo trials have only just begun to emerge into public view, as further combo studies will follow the other active or recently concluded studies involving DCVax-L as well as the Roswell DC platform.

Notably, NWBO’s DC technologies have been consistently supported by rigorously peer-reviewed government grants, and their active combo trials at both UCLA and at Roswell Park are currently supported by continuing peer-reviewed grants.
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XMaster2023 XMaster2023 6 시간 전
Are you looking for a pat on the back for doing such a great job manipulating the SP? LC you have failed humanity.
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RobotDroid RobotDroid 6 시간 전
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 7 시간 전
Grok says it plainly:

“Long-Term Context: Historically, NWBO hit an all-time high of $1,420.80 in January 2002 (TradingView), but it’s now a penny stock trading on the OTC market, reflecting a dramatic decline over decades. The past year shows a -66.40% drop (TradingView), indicating a strong bearish trend overall.”
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exwannabe exwannabe 7 시간 전
Say it plainly, say it loudly ...
Clearly this post is off topic.
exwannabe exwannabe 7 시간 전
You just saw typical X trash.

. Revimune has been an active company for over a decade. The form somebody stumbled on was for some paper subsidiary of them.

. NWBO has been incorporated in the US for over 2 1/2 decades. It has never been "Ltd".

As far as the combo patent being jointly owned by 2 other LP companies (one now CRL), longs might wonder why it is not NWBO's alone.
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learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 7 시간 전
A few days ago I posted that GBM report-for-purchase noting RevImmune was one of the contenders.
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 7 시간 전
Board says “Hey, let’s not go there.” 🥺
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 8 시간 전
L maybe eke out a small survival benefit while all patients underwent chemo radiation at some point. We’ll see what future combos can achieve.

>>Amazing to comprehend using science to employ a natural process solution, avoiding the toxic effects of introducing new chemical entities to the body and avoiding changing the body's natural immune configuration, to solve one of the most costly, perplexing and lethal diseases mankind has suffered from forever. I really want to see LP out in front on announcement day rallying everyone behind her to charge ahead in expedited fashion to help mankind and leave the wake of those on Wall St that plotted to keep this from all who have, are and will suffer.
learningcurve2020 learningcurve2020 8 시간 전
If any of that were remotely true she would’ve put DCVAX in the hands of a large pharma with money to burn many years ago. Instead she’s wasted tremendous time, investor capital, and lives (assumes L is actually showing some efficacy) while making herself wealthy as many shareholders were ruined.

>>The role of the CEO is to lead for the benefit of the stakeholders who are the patients, shareholders and employees. One can debate the priority at any moment which I think depends upon the challenge at hand. NWBO is bringing a lifesaving therapy to market so the majority of days LP comes to work her priority is the many patients who her company will help and save, nothing is more inspiring.
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Doc logic Doc logic 8 시간 전

His whole thesis is there is just one chance to get out and it is clearly pointed at frustrated and tired longs which is why you were targeted in my opinion with that response. For those he can’t control then the attempt to discredit and baiting with name calling takes over; ). A fairly apt student of Deep Capture it seems; ). Best wishes.
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Delayed Upgrade Clock