1 월 전
You should complain. They omitted your NP-1 MadCatz MoJo lies, the Google supertweet, the Best Buy sales training bull, and so many other great clips from your so-kalt life. You should definitely get a few minutes in this. Maybe a whole episode just about you; because, after all, it is all about you (in your own opinion). Hay, lemme free upp some of your oh-so-valuable time; don't waste your dwindling pre-incarceration/retirement time watching The After Prison Show, as there is nothing that will be applicable to you since you need nott plan for any after-prison time. Think of DaHole as a Roach Motel or the Hotel California; you can Czech~OUTT butt you can never leave. There is still time to run, Coyote. Butt DaTime, she be running ~OUTT onya.
(EDIT for Zorax: DaJudge will grant the USA's motion and Coyote will ultimately loose on his retrial motion just as he has lost on most every other legal (and illegal) ploy he has tried. Just like his iHub subpoena, among many others. He is going to DaHole. The PSIR will nott be favorable to Coyote, and that is an understatement.)
2 월 전
NTEK traded a total of 160 shares today at the opening price of $0.000001 - that's right, five zeros to the right of the decimal and then a lonely one. Total $ Volume = $0.00016 - 16 thousandths of a cent.
How is that even possible to log into the accounting record? Who's account gott debited 16 thousandths of a cent and who's account received a deposit of 16 thousandths of a penny? Even if it's just a trade between MMs to keep the ticker alive, how is the transaction recorded in each of the two parties to the trade?
Mebbe when Inmate 13141-111 is back in DaHole working on those same patent applications he claimed to be working on during his prior stay in DaPen and which were never filed, he can figger~OUTT some scam whereby he can skim those deep subpenny trade proceeds a la Office Space and mebbe nobuddy will notice this time.
Or he might just be washing dishtrays and prison laundry again.
It's 2025 and time for Lease-A to start interviewing for waitressing yobbs at Dennys, because this time next year 13141-111 will be in DaHole where he will remain unable to file for or collect Social Security even when he turns 62. Sumbuddy (nott Goodbuddy) will have to put munny in his commissary account and pay for phone calls and emails. Dishtray warshing don't pay very well. Dave may pick up a few packs of mackerel from other inmates in exchange for doing their personal laundry or other "favors", butt mackerel don't pay DaBills.
At this point, his only real option is to flee the country and live his remaining days as a fugitive ex-pat under a fake identity and doing work for cash. I recommend Iran. There are decent IT gigs available in Tehran and Esfahan. I can hook him uppp with the Eslampour brothers who run a heavy equipment company. Babak and Behzad can find something for him to do. Mebbe teach him to operate a crane.
2 월 전
2025: The Year David Enters His Retirement Village
No need for Social Security. Where Dave is going he getts three meals per day, free clothes, free lodging, free top-grade medical/dental/vision (LOLOL!), free TV (no Ultraflix pirate crap tho), free showers, free lieberry use (including a law lieberry to hepp him file innumerable, endless, pointless, failing appeals), and rec yard shuffleboard with his peers for at least one hour every day (rain, snow,or shine).
Dave's retirement is all set! Uncle Scam will even give him free cremation if Lease-A chooses (wisely) to nott claim his body when he croaks in DaHole. Just another coyote carcass in the ole coyote disposal.
This is Santa's gift to Meow and the many others scammed by Dave over the years, including all those whom he "borrowed"/stole munny from like The Earthly Remains of BRUCE L. BEAN (aka "Bruce Albini"), STEVEN KLENK, SANTOKH MEHAN, BEN GEORGIADES, ADAM CURRY, and all the lawyers he stiffed.
2025 brings Good Riddance to Badd Rubbish for DAVID DaFOLEYFELON-COYOTE - as he enters the one-way (for him) gray-barred door to DaHole.
Now that is one clean dishtray. DAVE did manage to learn one useful skill at Taft.
After being convicted for scamming from DaHole, DAVE's gonna be designated to a unit where his communications with civilians will be limited and tightly monitored visits. Plus Brokeass Lease-A won't be traveling to Texas much as her Denny's waitressing yobb only has two weeks of vacation per year and the bus ride to Texas from Cali takes days.
Worry nott, DAVE, your fellow inmates will be enthralled to hear about your used Maserati for which you couldn't pay the repair bill and the mechanic hadd to sue you for $7500 in court
CONgrats, you've finally made it, DAVE!
Masked Avenger
3 월 전
Hope Fat Ass enjoyed his last Thanksgiving meal with his family. That said, I am sure he takes comfort in knowing what he will eat on Thanksgiving while in prison for the next 25 years....
Sean "Diddy" Combs may be spending this Thanksgiving behind bars at a notorious Brooklyn jail, but at least he won't miss out on turkey.
A menu obtained by Business Insider through the Federal Bureau of Prisons shows that a turkey roast, a non-meat option of hot and sour tofu, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, cranberry sauce, gravy, dinner rolls, and assorted holiday pie will be served for lunch on Thursday at the Metropolitan Detention Center.
4 월 전
Nothing court today?
1:21-cr-00019, USA v. Foley, 09:30AM, Jury Trial. Monday, November 4, 20244 cases. Case #, Name, Time, Type. 1:23-cv-15823, Reese v. Hub Group Inc. 09:00AM