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Fannie Mae (QB)

Fannie Mae (QB) (FNMAN)

마감 30 3월 5:00AM

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FNMAN Discussion

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TightCoil TightCoil 25 분 전
When does the Lamberth Pay-Out happen - TIA
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RickNagra RickNagra 52 분 전
Pulte on fire.  All necessary steps to privatize and release us.
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TightCoil TightCoil 53 분 전
Well there you have it.
Go Figure
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lookaheadfuture lookaheadfuture 1 시간 전
So devilish to say go figure.
stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 시간 전
Go figure
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stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 시간 전
10 plus 10 equals 20 go figure.

301B minus 187B equals 114B go figure.

Fannie / Freddie have repaid in full — go figure.
👍️ 1 😂 1
stockanalyze stockanalyze 3 시간 전
-these entities make ton of money and will make ton more, watch. the thesis behind this. only game in town , they could not give the business to banks even after 17 years and could not steal. 3 trillion market cap in the long run is conservative. they may be ordered to build 15 million homes for what we know.
-pspa will be canceled. why would govt want to dilute its share? they won’t cancel because ihub says so (smile)
-warrants : don’t know. may be they will credit 25 billion that they took extra with interest, tax credit or whatever. lots of creative ways. didn’t potus say in his last term that bankers are creative and would get them out of conservatorship. yes he did , if someone can find it. he said it, it's not in writing.
-their problem is if they want ackman or capital group or paulson or buffett to own largest piece of housing that is 15-20% gdp who own 100+ million shares . who knows paulson may own 300 million shares, there have been no disclosures. unfortunately they can’t do anything as it is them who created this situation. they would like to control it and maybe through swf but exercising warrants is a sin after 17 years and that both entities have paid a lot more already. this is a wild card
-relisting is imminent
-$30 to $50 is a no brainer imo. they would want it to be as high as possible, which i have posted it many times is the thesis behind owning commons, at the time had no idea of swf. it is possible they may sweeten jr pfds somehow
-i would not be surprised if they let bryndon fisher suit to let go in plaintiff’s favor. easy way out along with lamberth jury verdict. can fisher modify the suit to include warrants? not sure if this is possible.if yes, he should be ready.
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TightCoil TightCoil 3 시간 전
Yeh, Go Figure
I just figurd out that there is a stock
for a company called Figure, and it's
symbol is FIGR...All BreakerBoy is
doing is pom-pomming FIGR
Go Figure Go - Go FIGR, Go!
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stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
THEY keep forgetting this
Wingsjr Wingsjr 3 시간 전
You’re wrong, 8-0 jury verdict said so based on predatory lending practices. Fan and Fred have paid back the bail out +110, billion more.
jog49 jog49 3 시간 전
"the BOD agreed on Sept 6, 2008 to a Bilateral implied-in-fact contract"

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stockprofitter stockprofitter 3 시간 전
What will happen with B Fisher in May

He wants full settlement and SPSA thrown out in whole
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blownaccount9 blownaccount9 3 시간 전
El Salvador is the new Siberia
JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 3 시간 전
NWS was ruled legal. The warrants are 200% vanilla legal.
RickNagra RickNagra 3 시간 전
What about the number of toppings ?
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jog49 jog49 3 시간 전
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jog49 jog49 4 시간 전
"I used to work on Wall St. Go figure..."

That is where our enemy resides, not in D.C. Why? Because Wall Street instructs and influences what takes place in the financial world and those in Washington are more than happy to oblige.
Have you been decontaminated?
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sortman sortman 4 시간 전
The size of the pizza remains the same. $260-350 billion.
RickNagra RickNagra 4 시간 전
Light is the best disinfectant.
Light is the best disinfectant for criminal malfeasance.

In my head, I've always that if they try to execute the warrants, the very first lawsuit will demand to see those documents UNREDACTED (which would then instantly result in a shareholder win...)

Long $FNMA $FMCC— BadNewsAlways (@BadNewsAlways1) March 29, 2025
RickNagra RickNagra 4 시간 전
Makes sense.  Go figure.
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TightCoil TightCoil 4 시간 전
Message to Messageboard Members
Don't forget: If you're sick of seeing
Go Figure
The Ignore button can help your sickness
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JSmith5 JSmith5 5 시간 전
Hence, the float limited to legacy investors would be in demand.

Exactly - the legacy shares will be golden. The Government would love the share price to rise and make them look good. It might even work its way into some kind of metric measuring the success of future administrations. Like - the eternal campaign question - "were you better off then you were 4 years ago?" Now we have an objective answer. And a lot of grist for old people discussion - "When I was a boy - you could get a share of Fannie Mae for the price of a hot dog at Cosco. Now its the price of a car" Yeah - I too can't see the Government dumping shares. Suppose they sold at $100 and 4 years later it went to $1,000? The party in power when they sold would be exiled to Siberia (of which we would have bought at that point with our dividends).

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Red Cloud Red Cloud 5 시간 전
"...Release from Conservatorship and Re-List on NYSE you must..."
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juicyjuice10002 juicyjuice10002 6 시간 전
It is like saying do not drive as you will have an accident. They were private before and needed some help just like others. Every president since BUSH have been promoting the idea that every American needs a house. Not everyone can afford the house. The banks got greedy and now they are blaming FNMA and FMCC. Get over with it.
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Double Black Diamond Double Black Diamond 6 시간 전
For longer term investors, increasing earnings lead to increasing dividends. I can’t see the gov’t dumping any shares held in SWF based on an income stream that they would largely control. They would own the Board of Directors. Hence, the float limited to legacy investors would be in demand. Future cash flow and future dividend increases could provide an above average price/earnings ratio. Appreciate all those contributing to this discussion….any more thoughts?
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RickNagra RickNagra 6 시간 전
The Drumbeat to Privatization.
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JSmith5 JSmith5 6 시간 전
investors will be scared to invest in a company where gov controls 79% of shares.

I think that argument was debunked a long time ago. In general, new investors don't give a rats ass about what happened to the old investors - not just talking about the GSEs but about stocks in general. Otherwise - why the heck are you investing in the GSEs - where the Government now controls 100% and could wipe us all out at any time - indeed, it may be in their advantage to do so? Come on! New investors understand what they are getting in to. Especially here where the treatment of the old stockholders was about as bad as it could get short of nationalization (which it really was). But hope (and greed) spring eternal - and here we are!

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JSmith5 JSmith5 8 시간 전
Div=$1 if # of shares triples as Net income tripled from 2006 to 2024

I think $1-$2 is in line with Ackman's $30-$35 stock price. As a utility stock, a $11B-$12B payout based on $17B earnings would not be unreasonable. With a full warrant exercise, 9B shares would receive about $1.25-$1.35 per share. Paying a 4%-5% dividend would reasonably put FNMA in the $25-$33.75 range. Also, the 79.99% warrant figure is an UP TO amount. If they chose to exercise the warrants they don't have to go whole hog. But the big question, of course, is whether or not they go beyond the warrants.

MannSinger MannSinger 8 시간 전
49% of large pizza is bigger than 79% of small pizza

Gov will make more money if it takes 49% of GSE compered to 79% of GSE because investors will be scared to invest in a company where gov controls 79% of shares.
MannSinger MannSinger 8 시간 전
Div=$1 if # of shares triples as Net income tripled from 2006 to 2024

Average Net Incomes from 2002 to 2006 was $5B, Now it's $17B. If net income is $15B after paying fee for LOC, still net income is tripled in 2024 compared to 2002 to 2006. If number of shares tripled then also also dividend will same as 2006 which is $1.
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2221 2221 9 시간 전
IF that the case that will make the share price around $200 when it released ..??
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RickNagra RickNagra 10 시간 전
$8 by Friday.
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JSmith5 JSmith5 10 시간 전
Well, if a good dividend stream results from the GSE’s,

I was going to answer somewhere along these lines. It would be reasonable for the GSEs to pay out about $20B per year as dividends. They may pay more or less, but the attractiveness of the stocks' dividends will be the star feature to buyers and drive a healthy demand for our shares as well as a healthy dividend for those of us who choose to keep them. So I would not assume this SWF stuff is a one and done hit and run for the Gov't. They can collect the dividends and/or sell as they see fit. And for us, it would have the opposite effect of the Gov't. dumping all or a large portion of their shares on the market at once to cash out. Shares would remain scarce and desirable and the dividends healthy.

I would rather see this SWF stuff go away - at least in terms of our shares - as the Government's incentive to take as much as possible goes up. But it is what it is, and does have a silver lining for those of us that have the intent of a long term hold. But I just don't see the Government being a hit and run shareholder if they slap it in the SWF.

BREAKER098 BREAKER098 13 시간 전
Given YOUR scenario - GOVT exercises some or all of the warrants (causing shareholder equity dilution), places them into the SWF, doesn’t sell them, but collects the dividends just like us.

Congrats your dividends are diluted based on how many warrants the GOVT exercises. That could be a lot. You might be OK with that - but I’m not. Go figure…
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Double Black Diamond Double Black Diamond 15 시간 전
Well, if a good dividend stream results from the GSE’s, there would be little if any incentive for the gov’t to sell the SWF shares. In fact, it could be the incentive for the gov’t to push for as high a dividend as possible, also benefitting the legacy shareholders. The interests of both could be very much aligned. Thoughts?
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BREAKER098 BREAKER098 15 시간 전
Don’t over complicate this - your brain is already working too hard. It’s a figure of speech. Nothing more, nothing less. Go figure…
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BREAKER098 BREAKER098 15 시간 전
No we don’t know any details at this point because it too early. Only speculation. Take it all with a grain of salt. Go figure…
TightCoil TightCoil 16 시간 전
I've been figuring out all the things you have
in mind when, at the end of your postings,
you say, "Go Figure..."
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joyceschoice joyceschoice 17 시간 전
SWF is getting a lot of traction here. Do we know what the composition of this one will be? It's quite speculative at this point.

BREAKER098 BREAKER098 17 시간 전
You’re not wrong. It’s still dilutive though. Which if no one can buy them it would keep the non-SWF shares high. Selling would get weird when the GOVT converts shares to cash. It’s an interesting thought. If they trim it slowly it would be easy to absorb the selling without too much downward pressure. It’s still dilutive. Time will tell. We’re not too far away from clarity. What’s a few more months or couple years. We’ll know the direction within the next 4 months. If not, that’s not good. Go figure…
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Double Black Diamond Double Black Diamond 18 시간 전
My thinking is that with the gov’t’s shares locked up in the SWF, they would not be available for liquidation. So the remaining float held by legacy investors could end up in a “strong demand” position.
BREAKER098 BREAKER098 19 시간 전
What are you trying to figure out?
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TightCoil TightCoil 19 시간 전
I been tryin' to figure things out, and in, figurin' things up and figurin' things down so by now i have it figured out, in, up, and down:
You is a Nut Job, bar none
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blownaccount9 blownaccount9 19 시간 전
He’s green. Must mean we make bank that day! There’s no other answer for it!
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BREAKER098 BREAKER098 19 시간 전
Would you please provide an allocation of that $1.56T across which of the TBTF will be responsible?

We’ll start there then I’ll have some more questions (which I already have ready). I’m going to try a different approach with communicating with you. Go figure…
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navycmdr navycmdr 20 시간 전
May the 4th be with you ! .... Yoda

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MRJ25 MRJ25 20 시간 전
If the USG tries to take more of FNF there will be more lawsuits.
Fisher's case has already said that the warrants are not part of their lawsuit, but should the government try to exercise the warrants then the warrants will be added to the lawsuit. Hearing will be April 2, I believe.
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ron_66271 ron_66271 21 시간 전
F&F will Be A Recipient of SWF from TBTF.

The TBTF Banks owes $1.56 Trillion back to the ABS/RMBS investors of which F&F is an investor like Lehman and WaMu and numerous Retirement funds.

The Derivatives Market insured the ABS/RMBS security’s against losses.
Now they have to pay up.

That will put F&F in the Black Ink.

krab krab 21 시간 전
The proposed U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund announced via an executive order by President Donald Trump on February 3, 2025.
The funding timeline for the U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund remains unclear because it is still in the planning phase. The executive order directed the Secretary of the Treasury, Scott Bessent, and the Secretary of Commerce, Howard Lutnick, to develop a plan for its establishment within 90 days—by May 4, 2025 .This plan is to include how the fund will be financed, but as of now, no concrete funding mechanism or date has been finalized or publicly detailed.

Potential funding sources mentioned by Trump and administration officials include revenues from tariffs on U.S. imports and monetizing existing government assets. However, the U.S. currently faces a significant budget deficit (projected at $1.9 trillion for fiscal year 2025) and a national debt of approximately $36 trillion, which complicates the availability of surplus funds typically used to seed such funds. Unlike nations with commodity-based surpluses (e.g., Norway’s oil-funded Government Pension Fund Global), the U.S. does not have an obvious excess revenue stream to immediately allocate. Some speculation suggests selling public lands or redirecting existing funds (like the Social Security trust fund), but these ideas remain unconfirmed and would likely require congressional approval, adding further uncertainty to the timeline.

Treasury Secretary Bessent has indicated the fund could be set up within 12 months from February 2025—potentially by February 2026—but this refers to its establishment, not necessarily when it will be fully funded. Actual funding would depend on legislative action, the scale of the fund (Trump has suggested a target approaching or exceeding $2 trillion), and the chosen financing method, none of which have been finalized.

In short, while the plan is due by May 4, 2025, there’s no specific date for when the U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund will be funded. It hinges on the forthcoming proposal and subsequent political and economic decisions, likely extending beyond mid-2025 at the earliest.
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Horseman Country Horseman Country 21 시간 전
That's encouraging! Fiderer likes to spar with Whalen.
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