6 시간 전
Please, sue me, give it your best shot kid. Then folks will really see what you're up to. You are just drooling over trying to protect Chandra & Co.
Nobody cares.
Certification of a Class Action can go down a few different paths, you obviously only know one. And you don't even admit the current-day statute assisting our case. I wonder why that is? Did you miss it in all of the info exchanged on this page? Wow....
No, Class Actions don't have to be started in Federal Court, that's a Class A, Class Action for Securities Fraud only. This lawsuit, well, let me help the children in the class, this class action involves one of 3 types of Consumer Protection matters, 2 Securities matters and 2 counts of institutional class action case types. The lawsuit does NOT have to begin in a Federal Court, hearings can commence in state courts, or lower district courts to being certified. If the class action scope is far ranging enough, and that is in doubt here, the class action suit can be started and run in a State court, or changed to a collective action suit, or taken directly from a class-action state to a direct lawsuit against a defendant party by a smaller group of plaintiffs. A state court CAN run a class action matter.
But hey you're a lawyer, or you know the law so well, (or do you?) Here's the precedent where State Courts can have the class action filed in them:
Can a class action be filed in state court?
Most states allow class actions to be filed in state court. Others have restrictions on the types of lawsuits that can be filed as class actions. Additionally, Virginia has an outright ban on class actions in state courts. For Virginia residents, class action lawsuits must be filed in federal court. Various types of class action lawsuits can be brought to a verdict in state courts as well as Federal courts, who might still hold the case after certification.
For those who talk big and work with corrupt pumpers like I-Glow, the above rule is at this link: Scroll way down the page to find it kid. Go on, do it, then tell folks you have a prayer in hell of suing any of us.
While many class actions are dismissed, especially at the Federal Level only, with huge plaintiff parties and large capital assets in the target view, many more make it through and keep our court systems busy. Securities/Business Fraud Class actions usually start, and sometimes finish at the state level, and have a higher success of getting certified since business fraud cases are easier to prove, and don't require large staff costs to examine security filings and deeper financials for both the Plaintiffs and the Judges involved.
But you knew that didn't you? Oh wait, it appears you did not. Freakin' idiot.
One last item here, our lawsuit against the 4 Principals of ENZC (past) are far more of the business fraud nature, very commonly pressed in a state court. They are strong case attributes as well. There's a good reason for this in light of the SEC case against Zhabilov, but your sharp legal mind doesn't quite catch that do you? Others here know exactly why our case is different from the SEC case, and can piggy-back atop the SEC charges for going after the CCC group too.
Forgot to add that into your math, again??
No Class Action of any kind tells potential plaintiffs it has a high chance of not reaching certification, because it's not all that true, although some law firms play it that way for the purpose of getting a large opt-in signup for the case. Legally, its not requited for Law Firms to give I-Glow's opinion of a cases' chances in court. And many of what I-Glow is talking about, are Ambulance-Chasing types of Class Action cases too. (The Pampers Tape Tabs he wore gave way prematurely due to alleged defective adhesive tabs on the product, and it caused I-Glow's entire family tree to get sh!tty fingers. Oh my, that Class action got dismissed!)
The law firm does not go public until the first demand letters to the plaintiff(s) are sent and case filing for the first hearing are released. Common practice too, but you didn't know that what, again?? Usually both of those above tasks occur on the same day.
Expose and eviserate me, please,, back up your big talk just once! But, please remember to collect your check from Chandra before he has his new venture locked down.
Sue me boy, go right ahead and try. You keep proving you don't have a clue. Did you actually pass drama class with this half-assed scripting?
8 시간 전
Hey Achilles,
Thanks again, the security check says it's improved a lot, score up from 1 to 7 with the last edits, but it's telling us we need a last, new, additional DMARC text entry to get rid of the error message. Sorry, so fun with new websites. Scan report says once that is done, the score will be either a 9 or 10 (out of 10) and no more errors will occur.
Technical support issues, but we can get to the site easily from most PC's now. Sorry you and others are having this issue. I've got our web team back on it. I'm remoting back into Network Solutions right now myself. We'll figure it out.
9 시간 전
ENZC has the information with the NOBO and OBO list. But they aren't going to turn that over to a scam website.
In a class action lawsuit, a shareholder or plaintiff is typically required to provide information such as their name, contact details, the number of shares owned (if applicable), a detailed description of how they were affected by the alleged wrongdoing, and evidence supporting their claim, demonstrating that their situation is "typical" of other class members and shares common issues with the rest of the class.
This is some of what is required by the law firm.
Personal details: Full name, address, phone number, and sometimes social security number.
Investment information: If a shareholder, details about the shares held, including the purchase date and price. (So yes documents from your broker are required)
Specific claims: A detailed description of how the plaintiff was harmed by the defendant's actions, including dates, specific events, and any relevant documentation.
Don't donate any money for the lawsuit - if a law firm decides to take the case - there is no charge to the Plaintiffs.
10 시간 전
Absolutely, I have never seen a Class Action lawsuit where a one time pumper solicit clients for the lawsuit.
This is part of what a law firm does. And I have never seen a Plaintiff have to build the website.
Ethical compliance:
Always adhere to local rules regarding client solicitation, ensuring communications are truthful and not misleading. There is nothing ethical about the docsetc BS.
He wants people to go to a website that was cobbled together and it is illegal to solicit clients when there are any details provided.
When soliciting clients for a class action lawsuit, you must include information about the nature of the alleged harm, who is considered part of the potential class, the legal claims being made, contact details for the lawyer, a clear disclaimer stating that this is not legal advice, and a statement that you are investigating the potential for a class action lawsuit, ensuring it does not create the impression of a guaranteed outcome or an established lawyer-client relationship."
And still docsetc hasn't named the law firm or class period.
The docsetc lawsuit is Voodoo legal advice and so much is illegal.
Don't get hustled by this guy again.
10 시간 전
I have never seen a Class Action lawsuit where the Law Firm hasn't been named.
Who is the Lead Plaintiff and why hasn't the complaint been filed?
What experience does the Law Firm have in Class Actions?
ENZC etc doesn't have any assets to attach - so how is the Law Firm being remunerated?
Everything is veiled in a Shroud of Secrecy.
Until a Complaint is filed you can't start the process of having the Class Certified. More bad news - Getting a class action lawsuit certified can typically take several months to a year, depending on the complexity of the case and the size of the class.
Law firms typically charge a contingency fee of 25–35% of the total settlement amount in a class action lawsuit. However, the fee may be higher for complex cases.
Why are you wanting donations because I have never seen a Law Firm receiving payments for a class action lawsuit. The law firm covers the cost of the litigation and do not charge any legal fees until they win the case and collect the settlement.
To get this heretofore unknown class action suit going, we're collecting up front, the majority of plaintiffs in advance, with evidence, rather compelling, that makes a decent class action firm 'want to take the case'. Class action, or business fraud lawsuits, BTW,.... don't just happen on their own. It takes complaints and organization to get a firm to want to take that case up. if anyone pays you upfront they deserve to lose the money.
You are running a fake lawsuit scam - which is illegal.
11 시간 전
Eventually and maybe. Have you ever participated in a Class Action suit? You'll get a bulk-mail card someday in the USPS. IF, you see it and respond to it, you'll get granted in as a participant/plaintiff, as long as you've never been identified as a shareholder who violated any normal stock trading laws or operations in the company being sued itself. We have what we affectionately call Chandra pimps, who can be proven to have inside information from Chandra himself, and yes, we have that evidence, hope to get more, and we can legally disqualify them from ever being a part of this legal action.
They'd swear they were never interested, but once they see Chandra might not be the cash cow they were hoping to help develop with their pumping, rats, unlike leopards, try to change their spots quite often.
But in those class-action cases, if you're not lucky enough to get the SEC to collect any evidence you have, all you can do is wait for an eventual court decision and a very small check to compensate you for your participation. I've been in 4 such lawsuits, by being associated with a credit card, or old bank account where the owners did not practice legally with my finances, and hundreds of thousands of others, or one time a car manufacturer that violated safety rules on a recall, also many thousands of car owners in nearly a billion-dollar lawsuit, etc...
I got checks back for $9.00 and $7.00 while the law firms and the government got millions.
To get this heretofore unknown class action suit going, we're collecting up front, the majority of plaintiffs in advance, with evidence, rather compelling, that makes a decent class action firm 'want to take the case'. Class action, or business fraud lawsuits, BTW,.... don't just happen on their own. It takes complaints and organization to get a firm to want to take that case up.
The firms we've spoken to were rather tickled and very appreciative we have all of this to show them, and it cuts down a lot of legal discovery waiting time. In fact, the sign off officially on the case, and just getting a hearing field to go to court can happy fairly quickly, no 1-2 year waits on bureaucracy and law firm investigation time. We'll cut that down by 3/4. Plain fact.
Many such cases start off this way, some are just a result of consumer protection investigations by third parties. We're hoping to get a share value restoration in one of 4 different and common shareholder ways, all by case statutes, etc. And most of the current participants agree, if they somehow worm their way out of a share value restitution, that we get legal penalties landed on their heads, make sure they can't defraud other shareholders.
That's the gist of it. Once a case is filed, those legal USPS notification bulk mail cards inviting shareholders in, have to be sent out. That is part of Federal Class Action Law, but that's the only wide-spanning obligation, you missed that, the lawyers don't have to invite you a second time. Most of you have seen one of these or more, so let's not quibble on that obvious fact. In fact, Brokers just have to turn over the list of shareholders for the defendant company, they don't have to send out notices either.
Class Action suits can take time, and if you're not already in like our website participants are, you can't submit any evidence or question or statement files even, to be a part of the litigation. We aim to shorten the discovery and sign-up time drastically and save the firm time to put up a class-action website in the first place. That could have 1 - 1.5 years off the time in the first place. If this case goes the direct business-fraud direction in litigation or a second line of litigation, it can happen rather rapidly.
You can sign up on our website and be fully involved, or you can wait for a USPS 5" x 7" bulk card mailer to sign up, and hear nothing back in any way at all while the case proceeds in silence. We had to get shareholders to join in full, because after kicking this around a bit and polling many folks, we found great hard evidence in a lot of different hands, all willing to share with us.
The lawyers told us clearly, they'd have never gotten this kind of court-ready information so quickly, if at all. One firm even told us, with the SEC bearing down so hard on Zhabilov, and we on Harry plus CCC, they might not have even considered taking up the case, until they spoke with us and sampled what we have.
And in an effort to help everyone involved, in any way we can, we decided to take this up and get going with it. Time is seen as working against us a little, but that's the only thing working against us at all.
1 일 전
Cozumel Kid,
YES, we did that already, but I think your idea is smart to repeat what we stated almost 2 months ago.
If you don't wish to be part of this legal action, you don't have to. Please ignore our website, these posts about it, and toss out the class-action lawsuit opt-in card if and when you see it in the mail. We never tried to force anyone into it.
The brokerage reports or other legal, documented proof of the shares, or startup investor trusts CC put out, have to be on-file with the case, so that (1), Attorneys have cause for the legal demand letters, AND so they can scale out what the total investor debt was/is out there due to the ENZC defrauding of investors and to show them the support and interest. This is not to mention the numbers and what we can further extrapolate from them, to build the case accordingly.
There is a 2-step signing up process, please do both. First sign-up if the form that launches from the homepage, that says, "GET STARTED". It will launch a basic web form to submit your credentials and ID. That is for us to put you into the case database and be able to contact you directly so that the case could move on faster than having Attorneys rely on snail mail, which most class-actions still do today.
ON THE REPOSITORY PAGE, you can register to be able to login and submit evidence files we're using to press the case. These can be images, PDF documents, MS Word docs, audio recordings, video even. IF YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE, please still sign up there too. It will enable you to deposit and explanation of events you might want to type up you think will be helpful. You never know what you may remember later and want to contribute important info about the case.
YES, we're going over all of this.
Your evidence files, should you upload any, and we're getting a ton of materials now, broker reports included, will be secured to only your login and review. This means only you, website admins (case helpers, literally), and the attorneys will be given access to these files. No other investor can pull up your files. In fact, the attorneys may call some folks directly and independently, just to clarify what it is you uploaded and why you feel its pertinent to the cases' success. There are multiple charges of various forms of fraud in this case, not to mention extremely unethical and illegal business practices just to spice things up. With what we have, I'd hate to be a defendant on the stand, in a deposition even.
BUT TO BE PERFECTLY CLEAR ON THIS, if you don't want to be a part of it, if you think we disingenuous in any way, please feel free to disengage from our discussions or information exchanges. If you want to be a part of this, and the ENZC page here gets, say, 'extinguished' prematurely, our website has plenty of contact information there. We opted not to have a blog page there, since we have hard evidence that Chandra and his pimps are all over this board and others, concerned with what we're up to doing. Why give those incompetent goons any heads up?
We know about 7 of the real, full names of the 12-13 Chandra pimps we've already identified. We can prove their direct insider involvement with Chandra, and their intentional and planned neglect in pumping both Adnexus and CBDW. Good news for us, some of them held 7 and 8 million share figures, so when we legally exclude them from the lawsuit results, the overall recovery, whatever it is, will be better for everyone in the case. Personally, I think Chandra and Adnexus have not gone public already, because of the SEC's potential case expansion currently strangling Zhabilov, and our case, that has what it takes to work around the SEC's case and go get CCC. IMHO.
1 일 전
Incorrect, as usual from these unknown and surprise-appearance clowns who don't know the options in a legal matter such as this.
A class-action suit will have notices going out to brokers, but only after they see/discover the potential class-action size and scope. That's why we put up the website in the first place, so we could tee-up this case for the firm on a silver platter. And guess what, the firms we've spoken with and taken consultation from, are very happy we've saved them the effort.
How many class-action firms do you think would even look for a class action on their own against an OTC:PINK stock? Gimme' a break. Another Chandra Pimp, if not one of the same ones, and trying to dissuade anyone from getting involved, as we converse on a dead-company's stock page. Why are they even here?
Also, because we can also try this case as a direct business-fraud case, the class-action can be closed out and limited too. Go ask a class action attorney, there are many ways to press a case like this.
Since the SEC already has Harry's genitals in a vice, we've structured the case on the fraud charges the SEC did not touch and focused on the charges that more directly-affect the CCC group. Most of you know why that is. When the class-action gets filed officially, then it becomes public, and the attorneys are required to release notices to the brokers to alert the corresponding shareholders. That is where the public obligation ends, with opt-in bulk mail cards being sent out.
The brokerage reports and website registrations (2) forego the need for anyone to wait for contact from the attorneys. We will already have documented proof of standing and you're permission/request to include you in the legal action. There's more the website data will enable too, if you've read it, and there's more coming to that website. So many class-action suits have mailed notices that get tossed out as junk mail or never make it back to the firm. This method of signing up just more securely protects the investor interests better than a cheap mailer from a law firm you might not even bother to read.
We can also reject anyone applying for the case, if we say, find out anyone of these applicants is what we've fondly been describing as a 'Chandra Pimp', having insider information from Chandra himself, knowing of the threats Chandra has put out on 3 different occasions that we know of, and the serious negative facts they neglect to mention to their followers when pumping Adnexus and/or CBDW. A lot of legal crap the Chandra Pimps have already stepped into.
So, while our bashing experts explain their lack of legal knowledge to you, keep the faith, it is a frustrating wait, I know.
1 일 전
Yes, a brokerage report or certified legal document proving you owned the shares during the time period cited on the website, is required to have plaintiff's standing in the case, If your broker, for some reason, could not help you print out a report showing when and at what price, you bought the shares, and what you may still be holding of them now, is required and could be in the form of a Trust document, if you stowed these shares away for use in a will, something like that, because those trusts required the same information to hold stock shares as an asset to be handed down.
95% of all brokerages you could be using, have tools to print this history up easily out of your online portfolio too. You usually just pull up your portfolio, and filter by the ticker name, in this case, ENZC, and use that information in your online brokerage's report writing tool.
If that sounds to techy for some, give them a call and have them walk you through it. we have to provide this info for anyone being a plaintiff on his case, so the defense has no possibility of getting the case dismissed as an unproven, fraudulent shake-down attempt. All class action participants have to be verified with confirmable data and documentation, just as if someone tried to steal the title on your house.
1 일 전
You are correct, but this Class Action does not have unlimited plaintiffs, probably will total out to be anywhere from 275 - 500 investors who can join this legal action.
And in this case, ENZC and their principals left us PLENTY or hard evidence to win the case, and I'm not exaggerating in any way.
In fact, one particular prima donna in the old ENZC principals, 'CCC' group can't help himself from providing more and more stuff to help us each time he opens his mouth or taps on his keyboard. He's such a genius!
The current assets evaluation would leave you with far more than that nickel, or the customary $7.00 check after the lawyers and Feds get done with it on a national scale. The final assets evaluation will be higher too, one reason we're expecting the blowhards on the defendant side of this case to seek a settlement. How that goes off will be up to a plaintiffs vote.
I can tell you, the core group that organized this case, agreed unanimously, that if we can't get them for a satisfactory settlement, we get the SEC to bar them from operating a public company in America, forever. A lot of folks, (foolishly perhaps) sunk a lot of family funds in this thing and got hurt badly. They want their pitcher of blood in any case, even if the defendants don't wind up paying millions.
There are a couple of legal hurdles, but proving the case is not one of them. That's all I can divulge for now. A lot of meetings coming up on this over the next few weeks. We've collected a lot of investor shareholder reports already, getting ready to scale the legal petition and legal demand letters that will go out first. Not the notices we offered them last November either, the filed case demand letters.
3 일 전
$ENZC There may be many theories, but as of today really this is all one knows that have links to Data Points.
1. The SEC Case against the multiple parties Zhabilov, Austin etc keeps on moving forward. Delays, Motions etc yet to be determined
2, SAGA Cases(s) continue at the same time.
3. One knows that a new CEO showed up for ENZC in OTC Markets, another place holder it appears, Same CEO as CRTD . TBD
Jeremy Frommer , has been on CRTD for some time, interesting website says they are about stopping illegal shorting etc.
ENZC Profile
CRTD Profile
4. The Fake and Silly ENZC Twitter site that was putting out all the nonsense ( I consider it a buffer while Harry Z and others were doing coverup moves) has not posted anything in over two months .
5. A Few small groups it appears are saying they have something going , TBD. The Three C's are NOT included in any of the SEC Documented case Filings above, so take it with a grain of salt until verification, documented in any Court.