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UNITED STATES SECURITIESAND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONWashington, D.C.FORM DOMB APPROVALOMB Number: 3235-0076Estimated Average burden hours per...
Energy Finders, Inc. announces termination of Letter of Intent with Yao Sun Chicken Group and appointment of a New Director PR Newswire HONG...
Energy Finders, Inc. announces Management Change and enters into Letter Of Intent PR Newswire HONG KONG, China, Feb. 6, 2012 HONG KONG, China...
HONG KONG, China, Oct. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- (OTC-EGYF.PK) The Energy Finders, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has entered into...
DALLAS, TX, March 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- (OTC-EGYF.PK) The company announces after receiving preliminary report from Wilford Lee Stepp...
DALLAS, Nov. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- (OTC-EGYF.PK) The company announces that Mr. Robert Klein has been appointed as Vice president to the...
DALLAS, Nov. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ( OTC-EGYF.PK) EnergyFinders announces that it has begun the process of updating relevant information...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF) announced today that Randolph Hastings, after almost three years as President of Energy...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF) is pleased to report that the Company has entered into an amended agreement with its Operator...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF) is pleased to report the update of its website, including pictures of an oil stained test tool...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF): A Strawn natural gas sand was encountered at 4,500 feet in one of the seven test wells...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF) completed the first phase of the coring program on its Trinity Sands project in Edwards...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF) is pleased to report that the first phase of the coring program on its Trinity Sands project...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF) is pleased to report the acquisition of an additional 3,442 acres for the Trinity Sands (Mega...
Energy Finders, Inc., (OTC:EGYF) is pleased to report the acquisition of an additional 1,547 acres for the Trinity Sands (Mega...
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