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CEN Biotech Inc (CE)

CEN Biotech Inc (CE) (CENBF)

마감 01 3월 6:00AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.


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CENBF Discussion

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Ilovebill Ilovebill 1 년 전
WTH, been drinking??
dgor dgor 1 년 전
Well been a while since I've been on here..nothings changed except;oops a few people in a wee bit of trouble.Gotten more out of here than the crazy posts I see in Doug's forums...Got booted then apparently back in but almost afraid to post
Ilovebill Ilovebill 1 년 전
oh wait, there's more you say?

This guy Joel may be is some trouble lmfao
Ilovebill Ilovebill 1 년 전
here you go since you asked...

Looks like your buddy was not a saint after all lol
Ilovebill Ilovebill 1 년 전
Anybody know what's going on with the lawsuit?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
File411 (@File411) posted at 4:16 PM on Tue, Oct 24, 2023:
Feel free to ping me if you need additional Court filings as I’m happy to assist. The investors really got screwed—hopefully the SEC obtains a forfeiture judgement & and disgorgement (and/or restitution) will help them recoup their losses
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
Cen biotech website update

Bullish on Brian S Payne tanking this company like Thomas Canning
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
Looks like the Stohlman case is going to trial in a few months.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전
They said they have 44 million dollars in expenses operating these businesses did anyone check before approving the S1 for it to trade this group was booted from trading in Canada! $fitx $cenbf $emrg $eloaf #Àcmpr…
#stocks #ipo @GaryGensler #gensinator
Greensmeans Greensmeans 1 년 전

Part 2 They said they have 44 million dollars in expenses operating these businesses did anyone check before approving the S1 to trade this group was booted from trading in Canada! $fitx $cenbf $emrg $eloaf #Àcmpr
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
If Bill or Bahige Chaaban can't pay back investors Lamia has to go for facilitating all I know it was not Joel Stohlman. $fitx $cenbf $emrg $eloaf @GaryGensler @BCSCInvestRight @globeandmail
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Emrg/eloaf got halted why
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
@GeorgeASharp How come Canada @BCSCInvestRight got it right dealing with Lamia & Bill Chaaban $fitx group and halted emrg/eloaf the third spin not counting $cenbf they say they have 45 million in business expenses @globeandmail @HopeLefeber Joel Stohlman is Chaaban patsy imo
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Sorry Forty something Million
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
I wonder why they aren't all over the 50 million Deficiency they say is on CEN Biotechs books?
swingingRichard swingingRichard 2 년 전
Billy managed to get into a pissing contest with the people in charge of securities trading in Canada and lost. He was flat out lying about conversations and she was having none of it.

Has cousin Jimmy made any porno movies at the studio that FITX "medical marijuana grow op" investors paid for? His claims were so stupidly outlandish FITX got a shout out on Saturday Night Live as the butt of a joke.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
No way is this company debt Real
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Definitely they cooked the books and their Canadian shell got halted for missing 3 filings. British Columbia securities does not play.
swingingRichard swingingRichard 2 년 전
I think these shell scams do this to keep the shell “clean” avoiding any SEC “entanglements.” At least that’s what Obiwan told me.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Going dark because they are about to be bagged for cooking the books over there in Chaaban county you say?
swingingRichard swingingRichard 2 년 전
Going dark.

SEC Form 15 is a voluntary filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), also known as the Certification and Notice of Termination of Registration. It is used by companies to revoke their registrations as publicly-traded corporations.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
? Bill posted
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
This is so Bill
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
What happened with The Joel Stohlman case? Another of the Chaaban family stocks was halted and they cant blame Joel for that one Canada put the kibosh on that one and why is Joe Still practicing law?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
What happened with The Joel Stohlman case? Another of the Chaaban family stocks was halted and they cant blame Joel for that one Canada put the kibosh on that one and why is Joe Still practicing law?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
They want a new way to report there filings?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
They want to changed how they report why after what happened with emrg?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
What's this about?

On April 12, 2023, the Company filed a Form 15 with the SEC under Rule 12g-4(a)(2) with he intention to move to an Alternative Reporting Structure
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
On April 12, 2023, the Company filed a Form 15 with the SEC under Rule 12g-4(a)(2) with he intention to move to an
Alternative Reporting Structure
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Trooperstocks Trooperstocks 2 년 전
Annual Information Report and Financial Statements
wilhelm9000 wilhelm9000 2 년 전
this time nobody is buying what you goat fucking hillbillies are peddling
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
The public Facebook and Twitter have all the facts
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Will Grant Robertson do a follow up story?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Will Grant Robertson do a follow up story?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Alan Borchstein somewhere giggling like a School girl.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Or Matt Finston & Chris Parry
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
James Robinson is saying I told you so.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Funny how the Canadians are tough on Bill they don't put up with his shenanigans you see the emrg halt?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Jeff Thomas Joel Stohlmans buddy made out like a bandit compared to Ole Joel..
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Desmond Fargo & Sam Cary blogging brothers?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Whatever happened to Jerry the Muffler?
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
How come all Mosads friends blame Addison? What a joke LoL
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Garbage ???
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
They missed 3 filings we called and they told us Einstein look for the contact us section.

They were halted for missing 3 filings
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
Actually keep talking so this stock gets halted also.
Ilovebill Ilovebill 2 년 전
Any stock can be halted for a variety of reasons. Without knowing why people will speculate and come up with a reason that suits their narrative.
Greensmeans Greensmeans 2 년 전
If one can be halted then certainly this can.