4 년 전
NEWS: Blueberries Medical Signs Framework Agreement with YVY Life Sciences of Uruguay.
Toronto, Ontario (March 26, 2021) – Blueberries Medical Corp. (CSE: BBM) (OTC: BBRRF) (FRA: 1OA) the Canadian parent of Blueberries S.A.S., the premier Latin American licensed cultivator and producer of medicinal cannabis and medicinal-grade cannabis extracts, (together the “Company” or "Blueberries"),today announced that it has signed a Framework Agreement with Mechelen S.A., a subsidiary of YVY Life Sciences (“YVY”) for mutual development of strains and genetics in Colombia and potentially exporting dry cannabis flower of mutual strains from Uruguay.This is Blueberries’ first agreement in Uruguay and the next step in Blueberries’ international growth strategy under way. In December 2013, Uruguay, became the first country in the world to legalize recreational cannabis, starting a ripple effect throughout the world and particularly in Latin America, which continues to this day. With this agreement, Blueberries will expand its reach to a new jurisdiction, and through the Mercosur Regional Free Trade Bloc, will gain access to Brazil. Latin America, which includes Colombia, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay, is a highly populous potential market, with countries that have recent or pending legislation permitting access to cannabis and CBD oils for medicinal use. YVY is dedicated to the production of dried flowers of medicinal cannabis with their focus on sustainable and high-quality cannabis and hemp cultivation, harvesting their first sustainable crops in April 2020. “We are incredibly pleased with the concept of co-developing new cannabis genetics in collaboration with YVY, and with the opportunity to replicate their unique cultivation model that will bring multiple benefits to our operations in Colombia.” said Jose Forero, Blueberries President of Latin American Operations, “Likewise, we are excited with the opportunity to register our top genetics in other countries. Uruguay is the perfect jurisdiction to start our expansion into new geographies and potentially export dry flower, something that is not yet allowed in Colombia.” The Framework Agreement, dated March 24, 2021, has an initial term of five years, with customary renewal clauses and no consideration paid by neither party. It is intended as the first step in the relationship with specific accessory agreements to follow in the coming months. Under the Framework Agreement, Blueberries and YVY will structure collaborative plans, initially starting with mutual development of strains and genetics in Colombia, and consequently registration of those cultivars both in Colombia and Uruguay. This will provide a fast-track opportunity to register Blueberries’ proprietary genetics in Uruguay, thus allowing the partners to cultivate and export dry flower of Blueberries’ strains from Uruguay. “We are thrilled with this strategic alliance with Blueberries as we venture beyond Uruguay. Our goal is to work closely with Blueberries to replicate YVY’s unique cultivation model with small producers in Colombia, producing high-quality and natural products while generating scalable social and environmental impact,” said Andrea Krell, Chief Executive Officer of YVY. “Our vision is to use the Framework Agreement as the first step in a long-term strategic partnership which
will help us quickly take practical steps in developing collaborative projects both in Colombia and Uruguay.” About YVY Life Sciences YVY is a cannabis lifestyle brand comprising of natural and high-quality products, powered by an innovative and unique cultivation model. YVY operations are currently in Uruguay with expansion plans underway in Colombia and Argentina with potential distribution in Latin America and Europe. YVY’s focus and expertise is the cultivation of high-quality cannabis flower, biomass and seeds incorporating genetics R&D and strict quality control. YVY works with strategic partners to manufacture, formulate, and distribute YVY branded products targeting the wellness segment. For more information about the YVY visit, or please contact: Andrea K Krell, Chief Executive Officer andrea@yvylifesciences.comTel: +598 92 151 456 About Blueberries Medical Corp. Blueberries is a Latin American licensed producer of naturally grown premium quality cannabis with its primary operations ideally located in the Bogotá Savannah of central Colombia. The Company is led by a specialized team with proprietary expertise in agriculture, genetics, extraction, medicine, pharmacology and marketing, Blueberries is fully licensed for the cultivation, production, domestic distribution, and international export of CBD and THC-based medical cannabis in Colombia. Blueberries’ combination of leading scientific expertise, agricultural advantages and distribution arrangements has positioned the Company to become a leading international supplier of naturally grown, processed, and standardized medicinal-grade cannabis oil extracts and related products. Additional information about the Company is available at
4 년 전
Blueberries Medical Enters Growing Peruvian Medical Cannabis Market: Enters Binding LOI with Futura Farms Toronto, Ontario (March 15, 2021)
Blueberries Medical Corp. (CSE: BBM) (OTC: BBRRF) (FRA: 1OA) (the “Company” or "Blueberries"),a Latin American licensed producer of medicinal cannabis and cannabis-derived products, today announced its wholly owned subsidiary Blueberries SAS will supply premium, formulated cannabis oil to Futura Farms, a licensed distributor serving the Peruvian market.This is the Company ´s first agreement in Peru and the next step in Blueberries’ international growth strategy under way. As part of this strategy, the Company has initiated distribution of its medical and wellness products to Colombia, USA and now Peru. With a population of 33 million, and the fifth largest economy in Latin America, Peru’s medical cannabis market is estimated to be worth US$99 million (Prohibition Partners). With a regulatory environment similar to Colombia, Peru is an early mover in Latin America, and has established a legal framework for producing, importing, and selling cannabis products for medical use. Consequently, the Peruvian market is advancing rapidly and has the potential to register diverse cannabis-based products. Futura Farms is a pioneer company in the development of the medical cannabis sector in Peru and Latin America, creating alliances with key partners in the industry worldwide, utilizing its expertise in the field, and reaffirming its commitment to improve the quality of life in the region. “As we undertake our global strategy, it is essential for us to partner with companies such as Futura Farms that not only have the expertise in their local markets, but also have an authentic appreciation for the patients’ needs and a constant commitment to scientific developments. We have great expectations about this initiative,” said Jose Forero, Blueberries President of Latin American Operations. “Peru is one of the top medical cannabis markets in the Latin America and Futura Farms is one of very few companies with a cannabis importation license in that country, making this agreement of outstanding strategic value to Blueberries’ international expansion.” The agreement consists of initially supplying 200 kg of bulk, premium, formulated cannabis oil to be delivered to Peru in 2021, to be marketed to the licensed pharmaceutical establishments that have fulfilled their Good Storage Practices (“GSP”) requirements issued by Peru's General Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs (“DIGEMID”). “Blueberries is an outstanding ally that will allow us to bring certified high-quality products to our market. I have personally seen the passion they put into their cultivation, extraction, and production processes, which will easily translate into successful cannabis-based treatments. We feel confident that this strategic partnership will help propel the medicinal cannabis industry in Peru,” said Jose Escalante, Chief Executive Officer of Futura Farms. “Our vision is to democratize the use of medical cannabis and we are thrilled to have found a company like Blueberries, whose values resonate with our own.”
About Futura Farms Futura Farms is a licensed distributor of cannabis-based products, with operations based in Lima, Peru. Futura Farms is led by a team of seasoned professionals with expertise in medicine, education, marketing, and product and business development in the pharmaceutical industry. With a clear vision to democratize the access to medical cannabis, they have specialized in the development of products and services that enhance the physician and patient experience within cannabis-based treatments. Futura Farms is fully licensed for the distribution of CBD and THC derived products in Peru. For more information about the Company visit, or please contact: Jose Escalante, Chief Executive Officer jose@futurafarms.peTel: +51 923 270 879 Raul Injoque, Chief Operating Officer raul@futurafarms.peTel: +51 943 223 934 About Blueberries Medical Corp. Blueberries is a Latin American licensed producer of naturally grown premium quality cannabis with its primary operations ideally located in the Bogotá Savannah of central Colombia. The Company is led by a specialized team with proprietary expertise in agriculture, genetics, extraction, medicine, pharmacology and marketing, Blueberries is fully licensed for the cultivation, production, domestic distribution, and international export of CBD and THC-based medical cannabis in Colombia. Blueberries’ combination of leading scientific expertise, agricultural advantages and distribution arrangements has positioned the Company to become a leading international supplier of naturally grown, processed, and standardized medicinal-grade cannabis oil extracts and related products.
Additional information about the Company is available at For more information, please contact: Jose Forero, President, Latin American Operations jforero@blueberriesmed.comTel: +57 310 345 8808 Ian Atacan, Chief Financial Officer iatacan@blueberriesmed.comTel: +1 (416) 562 3220 Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information
4 년 전
Yet another green day. News (encouraging deal PPS of CAD $0.65):
BlueberriesMedicalCloses$1MStrategicFinancingLedbyaLeadingLatinAmericanPrivateEquityGroupwithExtensiveInternationalCannabisIndustryExpertise;AppointsFacundoGarretónasChairman&InterimCEOToronto,Ontario(January20,2021)–BlueberriesMedicalCorp.(CSE:BBM)(OTC:BBRRF)(FRA:1OA)(the“Company”or"Blueberries"),aLatinAmericanlicensedproducerofmedicinalcannabisandcannabis-derivedproducts,ispleasedtoannouncethecompletionofanon-brokeredprivateplacementforaggregategrossproceedsofC$1,000,000(the“Offering”)fromthesaleofcommonshares(“CommonShares”)at a price of C$0.065 per Common Share.TheOfferingwasledbyFLAVenturesLtd.(“FLAVentures”),aprivateequityfundbasedinBuenosAires,Argentina,whichfocusesoninvestmentsinestablishedandgrowth-orientedLatinAmericanbusinessesacrossarangeofsectors,seekingtocreateandaddstrategicvalue,drivingtheireconomicgrowthandenhancingtheirperformances.BlueberriesispleasedtowelcomeFLAVenturesasanewstrategicpartner.FLAVenturesfinancialbackers,directorsandteammembershaveavastexperienceleadingcompaniesinvolvedinthehealthcare,media,andrealestateindustriesinternationallyaswellasextensivecannabisexpertiseandstrategicinvestmentsinthecannabissectorglobally.Amongstotherstrategicbusinessinvolvements,shareholdersofFLAVenturesownGrupoAmérica,oneofthelargestmediagroupsinArgentina,andhaveextensiveadditionalstrategicrelationshipsthroughtheirdirectinvolvementinthehealthcareindustryasownersofoneofthelargestnetworksofmedicalcentersandothermedicalservicebusinessesinArgentinaandelsewhereinLatinAmerica.InconnectionwiththecompletionoftheOffering,FacundoGarretónhasbeennamedChairmanandInterimChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheCompany,andSebastianHochbaumhasbeenappointedtotheboardofdirectorsoftheCompany(the“Board”).“BlueberrieshasbuiltanimpressivecompanyinColombiaanditssophisticatedextractioncapabilitieswillplayanintegralrolewithinourglobalcannabisplatform.IamconfidentthattheinvolvementofFLAVenturesanditsstakeholderswillprovideBlueberrieswiththeopportunitytoaccelerateitsgrowthandtakeadvantageoftherapidlyexpandingcannabismarketsinLatinAmericaandaroundtheworld,”statedSebastianHochbaum“ThisstrategicinvestmentisatremendousaccomplishmentforBlueberriesandpositionsthecompanyforcommercialsuccess.TheFLAVenturesteamiscomprisedofsomeofthemostsuccessfulandhighlyrespectedentrepreneursandinvestorsinLatinAmericawhoalsohaveextensiveinvolvementandexpertiseinthecannabisindustry,”statedFacundoGarretón,ChairmanandInterimChiefExecutiveOfficer.“IamalsolookingforwardtoleadingBlueberriesaswestrivetoexecuteonadomesticandinternationalbusinessplan.”