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Altair International Corporation (QB)

Altair International Corporation (QB) (ATAO)

마감 10 3월 5:00AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.


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ATAO Discussion

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C5FVA C5FVA 3 일 전
I had a dream last night that this went up 5,000%. If only! Haha
SecondLife SecondLife 3 일 전
Still holding all of mine PC! Have a great weekend.
👍 1
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 3 일 전
Merger date getting closer. Lets hope the 3rd time is the charm.


This Amendment No. 6 (this “Amendment”) is to the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated January 15, 2025, modifying certain terms of the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated February 16, 2024, as amended (the “Merger Agreement”), entered into by and among Altair International Corp., Premier Air Charter Merger Sub, Inc., Premier Air Charter, Inc. and Tipp Aviation, LLC. Terms not defined herein have the meaning ascribed to them under the terms of the Merger Agreement.

WHEREAS, the parties to the Merger Agreement desire to extend the Outside Date as that term is defined in Article VIII (Termination), section 8.1(b) of the Merger Agreement and further in those certain Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to the Merger Agreement from January 31, 2025, toMarch 31, 2025.

Also a few form 4s out today
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nunya54 nunya54 5 일 전
Can anyone explain if this is bad or good?
Authorized Shares
Outstanding Shares
Held at DTC
C5FVA C5FVA 4 주 전
Volume! Volume! Turn up the Voluuume!
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C5FVA C5FVA 4 주 전
.0463 x .47!!! Maybe it's time for some action!
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nunya54 nunya54 1 월 전
DEF14C just dropped today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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C5FVA C5FVA 1 월 전
A nice start to the day here!
nunya54 nunya54 1 월 전
I would be very appreciative if everyone would would sell all their shares so I could buy them all. Thank you very much.😁
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nunya54 nunya54 2 월 전
I'm still guessing between $2 and $5 a share. Unless anyone else has a different assessment.
nunya54 nunya54 2 월 전
They are moving forward. They now posted Premiers financials. Now we can get a better idea of what the new stock price should open at after the merger. Any thoughts from anyone?...... Anyone?
nunya54 nunya54 2 월 전
Amendment #6 postponed again until March 31st 2025.
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 2 월 전
Its out now.
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nunya54 nunya54 2 월 전
Well, Another guess. I'm thinking they file the DEF14C somewhere between the 20th and 31st. The closer we get to the 31st and beyond the chance is greater that we see another extension.
SecondLife SecondLife 2 월 전
I agree. But nothing goes as planned, even if it’s commons sense in penny land, so not surprised…. But still holding long and step! Best to everyone 💪🏻💎👊🏻
C5FVA C5FVA 2 월 전
You would think that they might release news of completion BEFORE the deadline??
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nunya54 nunya54 3 월 전
Does anyone have an opinion on what the share price will open up at under the new company. Just wanted to get others insight. I think based on limited info and speculation that it will open between $2 and $5 a share. Anyone have a different outlook?
C5FVA C5FVA 3 월 전
I wasn't here last January when it went to .14, but maybe if we're lucky it will repeat itself. Decmeber tax loss sell off? Insiders could like that if it meant getting more shares for cheap.
nunya54 nunya54 3 월 전
There are only 8.8 million shares out there left. The insiders own the rest. Just curious to how many shares everyone's holding . I'm holding over 660,000. The insiders are holding over 23 million shares. The insiders will not be apart of the new company. So how do you think they plan on getting paid. There are only 8 insiders total. Largest insider shareholder owns over 9.6 million shares,18.9% of the stock. The lowest inside shareholder owns 960,000 shares, 3.3% of the stock The only question I believe that matters, is what will the new company be valued at when the stock opens the first day. My guess is between $2 and $5 a share. But it will definitely be higher than 4 cents. I think buying is the right choice here not selling.
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 3 월 전
Dont blame ya. The delays get old. I sold half of mine after the 2nd delay. I put in a order at .049 which was what the ask was even tho there was a huge spread. I was suprised to get filled on it the next day. I bought most of my shares between .02 and .03, so I am in good shape. This one has held up suprising well considering the 2 delays. I still have a decent position and pretty much riding freebies now. I also plan on rebuying closer to the next date if shares become available. You just never know which is why I chose to hold the rest.
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mgland mgland 3 월 전
Sold this. small position. will look to re-enter after the New year
nunya54 nunya54 3 월 전
Well, I guess you can't trust AI to tell the truth all the time. I hope everyone is buying and HOLDING, as many shares as you can get their hands on. There are only 8,807,944 shares out that the insiders do not hold. I have a chunk of that. The less stock available the higher the price when they do merge.
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ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 3 월 전
Yeap . Lets just keep our fingers crossed that the 3rd delay is the charm.
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mgland mgland 3 월 전
Yep. guess that makes us long.
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ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 3 월 전
Well there it is.Looks like another delay. At least it is not cancelled. Such a large spread not worth selling. Might as well hold.

tem 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

On December 2, 2024, the registrant ("Altair") executed Amendment No. 5 to the Agreement and Plan of Merger (“Amendment 5 to Merger Agreement”) among Premier Air Charter, Inc. (“Premier”), Premier Air Charter Merger Sub, Inc. (“Merger Sub”), and TIPP Aviation, LLC, the sole shareholder of Premier. Under the terms of Amendment 5 to the Merger Agreement, the Outside Date by which the merger by Altair with Premier must be consummated was changed from November 31, 2024 to January 31, 2025. Additionally, the maximum number of shares outstanding upon consummation of the proposed merger was increased from 270,000,000 to 280,000,000. No other changes were made to the Agreement and Plan of Merger.
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mgland mgland 3 월 전
No 8K yet
👍️ 2
SecondLife SecondLife 3 월 전
Still holding as well.
C5FVA C5FVA 3 월 전
A Giving Tuesday sale, perhaps? I am contemplating adding more at this point, can't hurt.
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 3 월 전
I am still holding. Hopefully just a minor delay. Happens often in pennyland.
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C5FVA C5FVA 3 월 전
I want to sell, but at this point I am back to what I paid so there's no reason to. Maybe we just wait it out and hope we get another run to .12 like last year. Whether they went through with the merger or not, it doesn't seem like they care to inform us in any timely manner.
nunya54 nunya54 3 월 전
Is anyone on the board here selling any shares. Or are you still holding? I'm holding.
MattyTrader MattyTrader 3 월 전
As PPS plummets 
SecondLife SecondLife 3 월 전
Sounds good. Thanks for the post. Best of luck
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nunya54 nunya54 3 월 전
This is what the google AI said about the merger. Hope we get a filing soon.

Altair International Corp. (Altair) and Premier Air Charter, Inc. (Premier) finalized their merger on November 18, 2024. The merger is expected to help Altair grow in the aviation industry by increasing the number of aircraft and destinations it acquires. Premier's leadership will also take on key roles at Altair.
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ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 4 월 전
Thanks for the great info. I missed that one. Glad to hear it is still in the works.
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nunya54 nunya54 4 월 전
10Q out today. Premier has advanced $52,600 to Altair in the last 6 months for operating expenses. So merger seems to still be on. Hope they stick to the closing amendment timeline this time.
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SecondLife SecondLife 4 월 전
Thanks PC. I’ve been holding patiently, so this is a great reminder that we should see the end soon.
nunya54 nunya54 4 월 전
Between $2 and $5 a share after merger. That's my speculation based on what limited info there is. Someone has been consistently buying. By my calculations on share float, there are a little over 8.1 million shares left, after myself and insider holdings. I'm sure that number is a lot lower, but I can't confirm anyone elses share count. The less shares available when merger happens the higher the share price could go. And it is my understanding that the insiders can only sell small portions at a time on a daily basis.
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ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 4 월 전
Just a reminder. We are now in the month that the Merger will hopefully take place. The PPS has held up much better than I thought it would after the delay. Makes me think insiders have been buying. Some nice numbers mentioned in the PR's so IMO when this merger happens we will see a nice move.

Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

On September 10, 2024, the registrant ("Altair") executed Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement and Plan of Merger (“Amendment 4 to Merger Agreement”) among Premier Air Charter, Inc. (“Premier”), Premier Air Charter Merger Sub, Inc. (“Merger Sub”), and TIPP Aviation, LLC, the sole shareholder of Premier. Under the terms of Amendment 4 to the Merger Agreement, the Outside Date by which the merger by Altair with Premier must be consummated was changed from August 31,2024 to November 31, 2024. No other changes were made to the Agreement and Plan of Merger.
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C5FVA C5FVA 4 월 전
Love seeing this go down each day from some ridiculous 200 share trade (the most sarcasm possible)
ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 5 월 전
Almost every post I make is done as a reminder to myself on why I bought or what is coming. LOL. I do it for myself. Its the only way I can keep up with it many times. If anyone else benifits from it then that is ok also.
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nunya54 nunya54 5 월 전
I hope they close this merger before Nov 31st. Because there are only 30 days in November. I emailed the CEO of Premier and stated this and asked if he could contact Lovallo (CEO of Altair) and have an amended 8k filed changing this to an actual date. I haven't heard back from anyone one. Hopefully the date does not matter because they plan to close early. I guess we will see.
mgland mgland 5 월 전
YW. Its hard to keep all this stuff straight. Making notes is helpful
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SecondLife SecondLife 5 월 전
Thank you for posting this. Very much appreciated. Have a good one
mgland mgland 5 월 전
Reference date. Nov 31 impact date
On September 10, 2024, the registrant ("Altair") executed Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement and Plan of Merger (“Amendment 4 to Merger Agreement”) among Premier Air Charter, Inc. (“Premier”), Premier Air Charter Merger Sub, Inc. (“Merger Sub”), and TIPP Aviation, LLC, the sole shareholder of Premier. Under the terms of Amendment 4 to the Merger Agreement, the Outside Date by which the merger by Altair with Premier must be consummated was changed from August 31,2024 to November 31, 2024. No other changes were made to the Agreement and Plan of Merger.
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ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 6 월 전
8K out today. Not exactly what we were looking for but could be worse. At least the RM is still on the table. I plan to keep holding and if it dips back down to the lows again then I will add a few more. Not sure if these type of deals ever happen before the date but just incase I plan on having some. Not sure what caused the delay.

Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

On September 10, 2024, the registrant ("Altair") executed Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement and Plan of Merger (“Amendment 4 to Merger Agreement”) among Premier Air Charter, Inc. (“Premier”), Premier Air Charter Merger Sub, Inc. (“Merger Sub”), and TIPP Aviation, LLC, the sole shareholder of Premier. Under the terms of Amendment 4 to the Merger Agreement, the Outside Date by which the merger by Altair with Premier must be consummated was changed from August 31,2024 to November 31, 2024. No other changes were made to the Agreement and Plan of Merger.
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nunya54 nunya54 6 월 전
Do you know if Premier was at fault this time or is there another reason for the postponement?
nunya54 nunya54 6 월 전
I am confused with the 8k stating ANOTHER postponement. It said that all the conditions were not met. It doesn't seem like there are a lot of difficult conditions for them not to be met after 7 months. Also seems it is being postponed on purpose. I could be wrong but things are not making sense. Especially the fact that it is stated they moved the closing date to Nov 31st when there are only 30 days in that month. Could be a typo. What are others thoughts?
mgland mgland 6 월 전
Seems those of us holding are doing just that.
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ProfitChaser ProfitChaser 6 월 전
I agree and don't expect to get a reply. Pretty much just sent it so they know that shareholders are waiting for the outcome. Personally I would just as soon nobody know anything until it is a done deal and all paperwork is in. The element of surprise may be in our best interest.. it's a risk to hold but also could be big reward.

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