Midland Exploration Inc.
TSX-V: MD) is pleased to give an overview of its
exploration activities planned for 2025 in Quebec, including on its
several projects in partnership for gold in the Abitibi belt,
lithium in James Bay region, copper-nickel in the Nunavik, and
copper-gold in the Labrador Trough. The exploration activities aim
at following up on new showings made throughout 2024.
In 2024, Midland continued to apply its business
model as a “Project Generator” with the recent acquisition of
several new high-quality properties and the formation of several
new partnerships across Quebec. With a 2025 exploration budget of
more than $14.5M ($2.5M Midland - $12.0M Partners), and nearly
15,000 metres of drilling, Midland will be very busy working to
advance several projects in partnership with major companies such
as BHP Canada Inc. (“BHP”), Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc.
(“RTEC”), Barrick Gold Corporation (“Barrick”), Agnico Eagle Mines
Limited (“Agnico Eagle”), SOQUEM Inc. (“SOQUEM”), Probe Gold Inc.
(“Probe”), and Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. (“Wallbridge”).
- Till sonic drilling program
currently active with Barrick on the Patris project;
- Exploration and drilling
program, following the MMI soil anomalies identified, are in
discussion with Probe on the La Peltrie project;
- Further drilling planned
with RTEC on the Galinée lithium project;
- Exploration program to
follow up on new gold showings planned on the Caniapisc Au
- Exploration program to
follow up on new Cu-Au showings planned on the Saruman
- Exploration and geophysical
programs for Cu-Ni planned with BHP, in Nunavik;
- Exploration program planned
over the high-grade Cu-Au showings on the Nachicapau project in
partnership with SOQUEM.
Gold and Copper Gold Projects (Au,
Cu-Au); Abitibi
Patris Project – 100% Midland, in an option
agreement with Barrick
The Patris project is located less than 10
kilometres northwest of the prolific Doyon/Westwood-Bousquet-La
Ronde gold mining camp, and covers the Manneville Fault over more
than 8 kilometres and the La Pause Fault over more than 10
kilometres, both recognized as subsidiary faults to the well-known
Destor-Porcupine Fault Zone. In 2024, 90 sonic drilling holes
totalizing 2,075.4 metres were completed on public lands to
characterize geochemical dispersion trains in the glacial till
overlain by lacustrine clays (see press release by Midland dated
July 9, 2024). A consistent till layer has been documented all over
the surveyed area, and results are in the final steps of
In 2025, a sonic drilling campaign is currently
active to complete the till survey on private lands along the La
Pause Fault and also in the Manneville sedimentary basin to the
northeast of the project where a fluvial basin sharing similarities
with Timiskaming basins has been mapped in 2024. Summer, mapping
and prospecting will be conducted in 2025 to follow up on
historical works and results from the till survey.
La Peltrie Project – 50% Midland, in joint
venture with Probe
The La Peltrie project is located 15 kilometres
southeast of Agnico Eagle’s Zone 58N gold deposit and approximately
25 kilometres west of the former Selbaie mine. The 2022
copper-gold-silver-molybdenum (“Cu-Au-Ag-Mo”) mineralization
intersected in drill hole LAP-22-012 was extended in 2023 to 0.13%
Cu (0.20% CuEq*) over 513.50 metres, core length (see press release
by Midland dated January 22, 2024). Another dill hole, LAP-23-18,
approximately 150 metres east of the drill hole LAP-22-12,
intersected a Cu-Au-Mo-Ag mineralized interval grading 0.11% Cu
(0.15% CuEq*) over 363.00 metres, including a higher-grade zone
with grades of 1.18% Cu (1.33% CuEq*) over 9.50 metres. In 2024, a
MMI soil sampling program totalizing 768 samples was completed at
the spacing of 50-100 metres and along lines separated at 200-400
metres. The grid covers in part the Cu-Au-Ag-Mo drilling area and
extends northward to the southern contact with the Carheil
intrusion (see press release by Midland dated December 10,
The soil sampling program successfully
identified the main Cu-Au-Ag-Mo and also suggests extension towards
the west. Anomalous MMI values to the north and northeast show a
good correlation with existing Cu values in isolated prospecting
samples collected in 2020 and 2023. Several of these anomalous
areas also correlate with the best IP anomalies from the survey
conducted March 2024 and have yet to be drill-tested. Moreover, SRK
Consulting performed a structural analysis of the high-resolution
aeromagnetic survey conducted in 2020. The objective of this
structural analysis of the project is to improve the structural and
geological understanding of the copper mineralized zone.
The structural interpretation, MMI survey,
drilling and IP survey will be used to identify highly prospective
areas associated with Cu-Au-Ag-Mo mineralization for an upcoming
drilling program that is currently in preparation.
Casault Project – 100% Midland, in an option
agreement with Wallbridge
In 2023, Wallbridge completed a high-resolution
magnetic survey on select areas over the western portion of the
property, as well as a till sampling program (Sonic drilling) in
the eastern part of the property. A gold-in-till anomaly was
identified in hole CSS-23-018 with up to 112 gold grains, wherein
97 are described as pristine, suggesting relative proximity to
their original bedrock source. This anomaly is associated with a
magnetic low that extends along an interpreted northwest-trending
subsidiary fault splay extending from the regional scale Sunday
Lake Deformation Zone (‘SLDZ’) (see press release by Midland dated
September 24, 2024). The SLDZ is the primary fault system that
serves as the underlying control to gold mineralization along the
Detour-Fenelon gold trend, which hosts the Detour Lake mine owned
by Agnico Eagle, and Wallbridge’s Martiniere and Fenelon
During 2024, Wallbridge completed a new regional
scale structural interpretation and targeting analysis, which
coupled with field reconnaissance mapping and sampling identified
more than fifteen (15) new exploration targets along the SLDZ as it
extends across the Casault project. These new targets, some of
which are located near a northwesterly trending structure that
returned 6.85 g/t over 2 meters in hole CAS-21-123 discovered 8 km
northeast of the Vortex gold target, add to a growing pipeline of
prospective target opportunities that merit further investigation.
In September 2024, Wallbridge tested two of the new targets with a
first pass diamond drilling program comprising 5 holes totalling
1,211 meters. Drilling at both targets intercepted multiple zones
of fault and shear-related deformation accompanied by localized
quartz veining, sulphide mineralization and related alteration,
geologic characteristics that can be favourable for hosting gold
Maritime-Cadillac – 49% Midland, in joint
venture with Agnico Eagle
The Maritime-Cadillac project is located along
the Cadillac Break and east of the former Lapa mine. A drone high
resolution magnetic survey is planned to cover the project in
Gold, Copper-Gold and Lithium Projects
(Au, Cu-Au, Li); James Bay
Galinée Project – 100% Midland, in an option
agreement with RTEC
The Galinée project is located approximately 5
kilometres due east of the Adina deposit (consolidated mineral
resources of 61.4 Mt at 1.14% Li2O Indicated and 16.5 Mt at 1.19%
Li2O Inferred, see press release by Winsome dated May 28, 2024)
held by Winsome. This deposit is located at the contact between
amphibolites of the Trieste Formation to the south and felsic
intrusives to the north and is marked by a major structure that
likely controlled the emplacement of pegmatites at Adina. The same
highly favourable contact zone is present on the property over more
than 7 kilometres, and the Iceberg lithium showing was discovered
along this zone (see press release by Midland dated September 19,
The 2024 drilling program on Galinée consisted
of twenty-one (21) diamond drill holes and seven (7) reverse
circulation (“RC”) drill holes totalling 6,284.86 metres, out of
which 819.92 metres were reverse circulation drilling. The
objectives were to test the 2023 Iceberg Showing area with diamond
drilling while using reverse circulation drilling to test
conceptual, prospecting and geophysical targets. The drilling
campaign mainly focused on the Iceberg showing and also the White
Stripes, Surge, Snow Fox and White Lightning showings (see press
release by Midland dated October 24, 2024). Surface geological
mapping combined with drilling has identified a series of at least
seven (7), meter to decameter-scale, spodumene pegmatite bodies.
Drill results from holes TLIB0014, TLIB0018, TLIB0022, TLIB0023,
and TLIB0026 suggest extension of the Iceberg showing to the east,
while hole TLIB0020 furthermore suggests extensions towards the
west. The highlight result thus far returned core length interval
composites of 1.38% Li2O over 37.86 metres, including 1.88% Li2O
over 21.35 metres, in hole TLIB0007. Hole TLIB0026 returned 1.03%
Li2O over 32.87 metres and hole TLIB0018 returned up to 1.46% Li2O
over 27.34 metres (see press release by Midland dated December 19,
Correlations in sections suggest that the
spodumene pegmatite bodies dip shallowly, typically less than 30
degrees, and are often observed as stacked sets in the drill
holes — the drilling commonly intersected multiple
mineralized pegmatite bodies with variable thickness. Preliminary
structural studies based on field observations and oriented drill
core suggest that the pegmatites could have sigmoidal geometries.
Mineralogical studies show that the major lithium phase at Iceberg
is spodumene with minor muscovite and cookeite alteration. Minor
petalite is present, and holmquistite is often present in the
amphibolitic country rock adjacent to pegmatites. The spodumene
pegmatite bodies remain open along strike and to depth, and more
drilling will be necessary to more precisely determine their
geometry and extension.
Drilling is planned to resume in March 2025,
with a first phase budget 3.59M USD approved for a combination of
diamond and RC drilling. Early metallurgical tests are also being
evaluated on select core sections using LIBS scanning to identify
and quantitatively determine grain size and the lithium
Corvette, Chisaayuu, Mythril East, Wookie, Komo,
Shire, Picard, Warp and Sulu Projects – 100% Midland, in option
agreement with RTEC
The Corvette, Chisaayuu and Mythril East
projects are located northeast and southeast of the Corvette
deposit held by Patriot Battery Metals Inc. (consolidated mineral
resources of 80.1 Mt at 1.44% Li2O Indicated and 62.5 Mt at 1.31%
Li2O Inferred, see press release by Patriot Battery Metals Inc.
dated August 5, 2024). The Wookie and Komo project are located
about 40 kilometres north-northwest and 20 kilometres west of
Arcadium’s Galaxy deposit (mineral resources of 54.3 Mt at 1.30%
Li2O Indicated and 55.9 Mt at 1.29% Li2O Inferred, see press
release by Allkem Limited, dated August 11, 2023). The Shire
project is located within amphibolites of the Lac des Montagnes
geological Group, which hosts the Whabouchi lithium deposit about
60 kilometres southwest of Shire.
Lithium anomalies in lake-bottom sediments had
been identified on Chisaayuu, Corvette, Shire, Picard, Warp and
Sulu projects, following a regional statistical treatment of more
than 23,000 analyses and completed by Midland (see press release by
Midland dated March 6, 2023). In 2024, a prospecting campaign for
lithium on Wookie successfully identified a new lithium occurrence.
The Grogu Showing is identified on a claim cell located between the
two main blocks of the Wookie project and consists of a relatively
steeply dipping 600 metres long by 1-32 meters wide pegmatite body
containing local spodumene. Channel sampling was conducted to
better understand the grade and its distribution. On the Shire
Project, preliminary prospecting and geological mapping located an
approximately 1,000 x 350 metres size pegmatite locally containing
what appears to be an altered spodumene pod. Lithium-bearing phases
have yet to be identified (see press release by Midland dated
October 24, 2024).
Further prospecting and mapping work for lithium
mineralization is currently in discussion for these projects.
Caniapisc Au – 100% Midland
The Caniapisc Au project lies south of the
Caniapiscau Reservoir and is geologically located within the
Ashuanipi Subprovince, a lesser-known and explored portion of the
Archean Superior Province. The project is more specifically located
in the Raynouard Complex, characterized by a 50 kilometre-long
volcanosedimentary belt comprising bimodal volcanic sequences,
metasedimentary rocks and iron formations. Historical exploration
work, to the south of the Caniapisc Au project, highlights the
potential of the Raynouard Complex with the presence of
volcanogenic Cu-Zn-Ag-Au and porphyry Cu-Au-Ag-Mo mineralization.
The Caniapisc Au project is strategically located north of these
showings, where a historical 2014 till sampling survey identified
gold anomalies. Three (3) till samples, located within the
perimeter of the project, returned up to 41 pristine, 66 modified,
and 9 remodeled gold grains, which to our current knowledge have
not been followed up extensively.
Within a radius of a few hundred metres up-ice
from the historical anomalous tills, prospecting work successfully
identified boulder fields (with angular boulders locally) and
outcrops. Out of a total of 55 grab samples collected during this
campaign, 47 are proximal to the historical gold anomalous tills.
Of these 47 samples, fifteen (15) yielded anomalous gold values
ranging from 0.10 to 0.75 g/t Au, from a total of 31 samples with
gold values above 0.02 g/t Au. The remaining samples, seven (7) of
which yielded results between 0.20 and 0.60 g/t Au, are located 1
to 2 kilometres further north. Mineralized host rocks are mainly
sedimentary in origin, followed by mafic volcanic rocks and
intrusives (with possible porphyritic textures locally). The
mineralization mainly consists of pyrite associated with pervasive
silica alteration (see press release by Midland dated November 14,
A 2025 exploration program is currently in
preparation and planned for the summer.
Saruman – 100% Midland
The Saruman project is in the Opatica geological
Subprovince. Specifically, it is located in the Theodat Complex, an
assemblage of undifferentiated tonalitic gneisses and gneissic
tonalites, which covers vast expanses within the region and which
remains poorly known. According to MRNF data, no previous
exploration is reported within the project area.
This project was created following the
publication, by the MRNF, of strong copper anomalies in a
high-density lake sediment geochemistry survey in November 2023.
These strong copper anomalies in lake sediments are particularly
concentrated within an area of five (5) by three (3) kilometres,
which contains fifteen (15) anomalous samples (>95th
percentile). A single day of reconnaissance work by Midland teams
in 2024 resulted in anomalous Cu-Au-Mo-Ag values on outcrop,
reaching 0.32% Cu, 0.35 g/t Au, 0.39% Mo, and 13.8 g/t Ag
(in selected grab samples). These occurrences consist of
disseminated, veinlet and fracture-filling chalcopyrite, pyrite and
molybdenite, and are observed in tonalites (see press release by
Midland dated October 30, 2024).
The mineralization identified to date appears
insufficient to explain the extent and scope of the lake sediment
copper anomalies described above. These observations suggest a
Cu-Au-Mo-Ag system may be present on the property. Additional
prospecting and geological mapping are planned for 2025 to collect
additional information.
Lasalle Project – 100% Midland
While exploring for lithium, a mafic mineralized
boulder that returned 42.4 g/t Au was found. A follow-up field
visit is currently being planned for 2025.
Copper-Nickel, Copper-Gold and Gold
Projects (Cu-Ni, Cu-Au, Au); Nunavik and Labrador
Nunavik Nickel Project – Strategic Alliance with
The Strategic Alliance with BHP is located in
Nunavik, Québec. The 2024 exploration program focused along a
major crustal-scale structure, and its
subsidiaries, identified by the 2022 regional MT survey and
also refined by the 2023 regional airborne Z-Tipper axis
electromagnetic survey (“ZTEM”). These previously poorly recognized
structures are potentially favourable for copper-nickel
mineralization and were followed up with a 1,383-sample lake
sediment survey in 2023. Prospecting programs in 2022–2023 focused
along these structures successfully identified the Target 22
showing which returned up to 0.81% Ni, 0.22% Cu, and 0.19% Co on
selected grab samples. The Soisson Intrusive Suite was also
extended up to 10 kilometres with local identification of
mineralized outcrops (see press release by Midland dated July 3,
2024). The 2024 prospecting campaign identified four (4) unmapped
Soisson intrusives and mineralization on one of them. Selected grab
samples returned up to 0.4% Ni and 0.3% Cu and suggest Ni/Cu ratios
of about 1.5, which is similar and/or superior to the ratio
obtained on other Soissons intrusions in the area.
Due to bad northern weather, the planned 2024
regional helicopter-borne Time Domain Electromagnetic survey
(“HELITEM”) was postponed to 2025. A prospecting campaign is also
planned for the summer of 2025.
Nachicapau Project – Strategic Alliance with
The Nachicapau project is located in the
Labrador Trough, Nunavik, in the Nachicapau Lake area. The 2024
exploration efforts were focused on the Cu-Au-Ag mineralized zone
discovered in 2022 and 2023, which graded up to 25.6% Cu, 4.90 g/t
Au and 162 g/t Ag on selected grab samples (see press release by
Midland dated October 4, 2022). Digenite-bornite-malachite
mineralization hosted in calcite-clinochlore veins also returned up
to 13.80% Cu and 1.71% Cu on outcrops, and up to 20.40% Cu in
boulders (see press release by Midland dated December 7, 2023). In
2024, further prospecting revealed new digenite, bornite, and
malachite mineralized pods reaching several centimetres in size and
vein hosted. Best grades include 39.90% Cu, 308.00 g/t Ag and 0.04
g/t Au, and 15.40% Cu, 84.70 g/t Ag and 1.51 g/t Au. These veins
are injected in rocks of the Murdoch Formation and also contain
calcite, dolomite, clinochlore and specularite. They range from a
few centimetres to several decimetres in thickness, with a lateral
extent of a few metres. Their distribution in the main zone extends
up to 3.7 km to the southeast of Cu-Au-Ag horizons discovered in
2022. Additional mineralized veins grading up to 5.22% Cu, 13.8 g/t
Ag and 0.65 g/t Au were also identified in a new area located 10 km
southeast of the main zone. Very little exploration work has been
conducted between the two 2024 areas. The density and distribution
of these veins over several kilometres could suggest the presence
of a regional-scale hydrothermal system. A drone magnetic survey
totalling 768.2 km was carried out in 2024 to cover the main
showing zone and showings identified between 2022 and 2024.
Interpretation of this survey is ongoing and will refine our
structural understanding of the area (see press release by Midland
dated August 22, 2024).
The bulk of the data collected during the
campaigns are being processed and will be used to define the
strategy for 2025. Numerous surface targets remain unexplored on
the property, namely the 10 km interval separating the two
areas where digenite-bornite-malachite-bearing veins were found.
Surface exploration will therefore continue in this area and
southward, to determine the extent of copper-gold-silver
mineralization. Exploration work in 2025 will also focus on
defining drilling targets to assess potential at depth.
Willbob – 100% Midland
The Willbob project is located about 70
kilometres west and southwest of Kuujuaq. In 2024, a follow-up
prospecting campaign was completed in the Canyon Lake area of the
project, where gold showings such as Canyon-1 (up to 31.5 g/t Au),
Canyon-2 (up to 23.5 g/t Au) and Canyon-3 (up to 6.85 g/t Au) were
uncovered previously in selected grab samples (see press release by
Midland dated August 22, 2019). The 2024 campaign identified
several gold anomalies, up to 39.5 g/t Au on selected grab samples
at Canyon-3, which currently spread over along a 787-metre zone
(see press release by Midland dated August 1, 2024).
A follow-up prospecting program is planned in
2025 in the Canyon Lake area of the project.
Cautionary statements
Grab samples are selective by nature and
reported values are not necessarily indicative of mineralized
zones. The true thickness of reported channel or drilling intervals
cannot be determined with the information currently available;
intervals are thus reported in channel and/or core length.
Mineralization occurring at deposits and former
mines mentioned in this press release is not necessarily indicative
of mineralization that may be intersected on projects held by
Midland described in this press release.
Copper equivalent (“CuEq*”) values herein were
calculated using the following metal prices: Au $1,500.00/oz, Cu
$3.25/lb, Ag $15.00/oz, Mo $15.00/lb. CuEq* values are used for
exploration purposes only and do not include estimations of
metallurgical recovery.
About Midland
Midland targets the excellent mineral potential
of Quebec to make the discovery of new world-class deposits of gold
and critical metals. Midland is proud to count on reputable
partners such as BHP Canada Inc., Rio Tinto Exploration Canada
Inc., Barrick Gold Corporation, Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd,
Probe Gold Inc., Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, Electric Element
Mining Corp., SOQUEM INC., Nunavik Mineral Exploration Fund, and
Abcourt Mines Inc. Midland prefers to work in partnership and
intends to quickly conclude additional agreements in regard to
newly acquired properties. Management is currently reviewing other
opportunities and projects to build up the Company portfolio and
generate shareholder value.
Qualified Person and Chief Geologist
Jean-François Larivière, P. Geo, Ph. D, prepared this press release
and verified the projects data as Midland’s qualified person (QP)
within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101.
For further information, please consult
Midland’s website or contact:
Gino Roger, President, and Chief Executive
OfficerTel.: 450 420-5977Fax: 450 420-5978Email:
info@midlandexploration.com Website: www.midlandexploration.com
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation
Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the
TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this release.
This press release may contain forward-looking
statements that are subject to known and unknown risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary materially
from targeted results. Such risks and uncertainties include those
described in Midland’s periodic reports including the annual report
or in the filings made by Midland from time to time with securities
regulatory authorities.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
Midland Exploration (TSXV:MD)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025
Midland Exploration (TSXV:MD)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025