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Aston Hill Financial Inc.

Aston Hill Financial Inc. (AHF)

마감 05 12월 6:00AM

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AHF 뉴스

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Dodger1 Dodger1 6 분 전
Always some thing in the way!!..$AABB
Jimmy Joe Jimmy Joe 9 분 전
A brain is a prerequisite, so I understand why you missed that!

Good luck and congrats to actual Elite shareholders!

Dude, you are a known spoofer who does nothing but bash stocks. Following me like a little puppy dog~?

Yes, I am an actual Elite P
rodeoup rodeoup 12 분 전
Love to find one CEO on the OTC that has done just a fraction of work that Jared has done for NBRI in just a little over 8 months. Prior to Jared this company was barely on life support and now it is blazing an incredible path in the gold industry and in my opinion we haven’t seen anything compared
sylvia07 sylvia07 14 분 전
Maybe everything they post is a lie, you ever thought about that or they are very bitter because they lost money and attacking Linda and Reggie. Only a fool would attack a stock they own!
Flexplate Flexplate 17 분 전
Flexplate Flexplate 21 분 전
NewFields, as lead environmental engineers, have filed a revised and updated closure cost analysis (2024 dollars) and tailings pond liner inspection report with regulators. A determination will be made by regulators as to whether to increase the closure bond. The Company currently
mascale mascale 24 분 전
Anyone notices waterchaser poster support of Fictionary sourced Jack_Herer poster--data cherry-picker posts, Then there is compare and contrast with Hiru sourced data from world-level consultants also noted, even in Extract form for waterchaster-level peoples. Hiru support is not from Fictionary t
djjazzyjeff djjazzyjeff 27 분 전
Imagine if you had bought Bitcoin instead
Flexplate Flexplate 32 분 전
What metallurgical studies is North Bay Resources (NBRI) conducting for the Mt. Vernon Gold Mine?
North Bay Resources (NBRI) has commissioned Kappes, Cassiday & Associates to conduct metallurgical studies on Mt. Vernon Gold Mine ore for detailed ore characterization and to understand the uniq
sylvia07 sylvia07 40 분 전
in my experience, it have, thanks for all the love...I guess yall will head out to gambling casinos and crack corners to save them too
Seminole Red Seminole Red 44 분 전
Rodgers is no Brady...
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar 44 분 전
RITE heading to 00s!!
Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar 45 분 전
BOTY Bullish set up at 0002/0003!!!
sunspotter sunspotter 51 분 전
This is a scam run by the French Canadian mafia, who also control its sister scam WDRP.

That’s it, really.
Investor2014 Investor2014 52 분 전
What does all this mean for Georgejjl 76 super responder prediction?

Me thinks we’d be lucky to get the 20’ish that I considered possible.
tedgoeseast tedgoeseast 56 분 전
Unbelievable wish I would have listened to myself back in 2009 and bought it at .10
trender18 trender18 1 시간 전
Looks like investors are not to keen on the mental wellness company that NFTM plans to aquire sometime in 2025. The fact that there is very low volume is not a good sign. Hopefully 2025 will be a better year.

mick mick 1 시간 전
Most Valuable Sacagawea, Anthony, Eisenhower Dollar & Kennedy Half Coins Worth Millionaire Dollars


Most Valuable Sacagawea, Anthony, Eisenhower Dollar & Kennedy Half Coins Wor
BDEZ BDEZ 1 시간 전
Same thoughts Iggy...
GrandAdmiralThrawn GrandAdmiralThrawn 1 시간 전
Yeah, I noticed the canary all up my @$$, but if this stock was anything but what I said, why does one have to convince others that I could be wrong.
Kool Aid Man Kool Aid Man 1 시간 전
Not me but fire away. I can read but not reply. FYI I have no inside info on anything. All the DD I post is public domain and/or personal opinion.
ShawnP123 ShawnP123 1 시간 전
That's good. Now what is needed is an announcement from India.
Bolando Bolando 1 시간 전
Let Da Race Begin!


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