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As previously announced, Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI) and Valero GP Holdings, LLC (NYSE:VEH) will change their names to NuStar Energy...
Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI) today announced that 2006 tax packages, which include the Schedule K-1, are available online at...
Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI) today announced income applicable to limited partners from continuing operations of $33.0 million, or...
Valero GP Holdings, LLC (NYSE: VEH), the owner of the general partner of Valero L.P. (NYSE: VLI), announced today that it will...
Kaneb Terminals BV, a subsidiary of Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI), signed a contract on November 28, 2006 with BV Aannemingsbedrijf H...
Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI) today announced that it has successfully completed the purchase of the St. James Crude Oil facility...
Valero GP Holdings, LLC (NYSE:VEH) announced today that it has filed a registration statement on Form S-1 with the Securities and...
Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI) today announced income applicable to limited partners from continuing operations of $36.9 million, or...
Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI) today announced that its unitholders have approved its proposal to amend certain provisions of the Amended and Restated...
Valero L.P. (NYSE:VLI) today announced that it has signed a definitive purchase and sale agreement to acquire the St. James crude oil facility...
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