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Texas Genco Declares $0.25 Quarterly Dividend HOUSTON, May 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Board of Directors of Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. , a...
Texas Genco Reports Improved First Quarter 2004 Results HOUSTON, April 22 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. , an...
Webcast Alert: Texas Genco Hosts Webcast of First Quarter 2004 Earnings Conference Call HOUSTON, April 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas Genco...
Texas Genco Returns Portion of Gas-Fired Generation to Service From Mothball Status HOUSTON, April 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas Genco...
Texas Genco Reports Strong Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2003 Results; Company Raises 2004 Earnings Guidance HOUSTON, Feb. 12...
Webcast Alert: Texas Genco Hosts Webcast of Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2003 Earnings Conference Call HOUSTON, Jan. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/...
Texas Genco Subsidiary Closes on $75 Million Bank Credit Facility HOUSTON, Dec. 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas Genco Holdings, Inc...
RNS Number:5819T Turbo Genset Inc. 22 December 2003 DIRECTORS' HOLDINGS Turbo Genset Inc has today issued 23,881 shares, at a...
RNS Number:4658T Turbo Genset Inc. 19 December 2003 Friday 19th December 2003 TURBO GENSET RECEIVES FOLLOW ON ORDER FOR POWER SUPPLY...
One of Three Standby Diesel Generators at STP Unit 2 Fails During Routine Test Unit Continues to Operate at Full Power HOUSTON, Dec. 11...
RNS Number:4423S Turbo Genset Inc. 24 November 2003 24th November 2003 Notification Of Interests Of Directors And Connected Persons...
RNS Number:0134S Turbo Genset Inc. 13 November 2003 TURBO GENSET INC ANNOUNCES TWO FURTHER CHANNEL PARTNERS Turbo Genset Inc...
RNS Number:0132S Turbo Genset Inc. 13 November 2003 Thursday 13th November 2003 TURBO GENSET INC ANNOUNCES ITS RESULTS FOR THE THIRD...
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