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Texas Genco's Publicly Held Shares Converted Into $47 Per Share; TGN Stock Will Cease Trading at Market Close Today HOUSTON, Dec. 14...
CenterPoint Energy Reports Third Quarter 2004 Results Loss Reflects Write-Down of Regulatory Assets and Loss on Disposal of Texas Genco HOUSTON...
Texas Genco Declares $0.25 Quarterly Dividend HOUSTON, Nov. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Board of Directors of Texas Genco Holdings, Inc...
Texas Genco Reports Third Quarter 2004 Results; Loss Reflects Impairment Charge for Pending Sale HOUSTON, Oct. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/...
AEP to Sell TCC Share of South Texas Project to Co-Owners Texas Genco and City Public Service Board of San Antonio Exercise Rights of First...
Texas Genco Signs Sales Agreement With AEP to Purchase Additional Stake in STP HOUSTON, Sept. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas Genco Holdings...
Texas Genco's W.A. Parish Coal Plant Makes Platt's POWER Magazine's '12 Top Plants of 2004' WAP is U.S.'s Largest Fossil-Fueled Plant, Among the...
Texas Genco Reports Improved Second Quarter 2004 Results HOUSTON, Aug. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas Genco Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:TGN), an 81...
Texas Genco Declares $0.25 Quarterly Dividend HOUSTON, Aug. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Board of Directors of Texas Genco Holdings, Inc...
Webcast Alert: CenterPoint Energy and Texas Genco Jointly Host Webcast of Second Quarter 2004 Earnings Conference Call on August 6, 2004 Texas...
CenterPoint Energy Announces Sale of Texas Genco for $3.65 Billion; Sale Also Includes Buy-Out of Public Shareholders HOUSTON, July 21...
Webcast Alert: Texas Genco Reschedules Webcast of Second Quarter 2004 Earnings Conference Call HOUSTON, July 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas...
Webcast Alert: Texas Genco Hosts Webcast of Second Quarter 2004 Earnings Conference Call HOUSTON, June 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Texas Genco...
Texas Genco's Board Authorizes Increased Ownership in STP Nuclear Plant HOUSTON, May 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Board of Directors of...
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