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Jackson Hewitt® Tax Service Hosts "Big Tax Check-Up Days" Every Thursday in August Local Tax Preparers Offer FREE 5-Point Tax Check-Up and...
Jackson Hewitt® Wraps Up Tax Season With More Than $65,000 in "Big Checks for Charity" Donations to Charities Nationwide PR Newswire PARSIPPANY...
Jackson Hewitt Receives Notice Regarding NYSE Listing Criteria PR Newswire PARSIPPANY, N.J., April 12, 2011 PARSIPPANY, N.J., April 12, 2011...
Jackson Hewitt® Professionals in Office and Walmart Locations Assist Last-Minute Tax Filers With Extended Hours and Eleventh-Hour Questions PR...
Complex Tax Returns Simplified: Jackson Hewitt® Offers Tips for Taxpayers With Complicated Returns PR Newswire PARSIPPANY, N.J., April 6, 2011...
Jackson Hewitt® Tax Tips: Don't Miss Commonly Overlooked Tax Credits and Deductions PR Newswire PARSIPPANY, N.J., April 4, 2011 PARSIPPANY, N.J...
Jackson Hewitt® Tax Tip: Vital Information on Available Tax Benefits for Taxpayers With Children PR Newswire PARSIPPANY, N.J., March 21, 2011...
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service® Dare to Compare Program Saves New Clients $50 on What They Paid Competition Last Year PR Newswire PARSIPPANY, N.J...
Tied the Knot in 2010? Jackson Hewitt® Tax Tips for Newlyweds PR Newswire PARSIPPANY, N.J., March 14, 2011 PARSIPPANY, N.J., March 14, 2011...
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. Cancels Quarterly Earnings Conference Call Filing of 2011 Third Quarter Form 10-Q Remains on Schedule PR...
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