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GlucoTrack Inc

GlucoTrack Inc (GCTK)

마감 16 2월 6:00AM
시간외 거래: 9:59AM

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GCTK Discussion

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leverage102 leverage102 4 일 전
Someone Naked Shorting, soon to Cover ?
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 일 전
Stunning collapse within days of their RS. IS THIS A CHINESE SCAM OR JUST A REGULAR AMERICAN ONE?
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 5 일 전
So when's the next RS - seems this gang isn't even successful at staying above a $1
leverage102 leverage102 1 주 전
infamous infamous 1 주 전
lol. yea whats coming IMO is eventual expert market
Skeeter Man Skeeter Man 1 주 전
It is doind what it is supposed to do which is make you sell for the low low well I am buying I know whats coming.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 1 주 전
Looks like the new CFO is just another teet sucker on Paulie's scam ticker
infamous infamous 1 주 전
so much for compliance again. what a trap this is
Stockexpertpro Stockexpertpro 2 주 전
STI Regains Compliance with Nasdaq nice move on GCTK Today
leverage102 leverage102 2 주 전
GCTK, Bouncing back over .001 before the split; if CEO brought along some venture capital, they may want a True reverse with a Premium $ IMO. *
green maschine green maschine 2 주 전
Can you go back further to find any older posts? Here's my latest post about the matter. I called the r/s YESTERDAY
green maschine green maschine 2 주 전
That was on the 21st of January. I knew it as soon as they got a new CFO and I said so YESTERDAY. So that would be BEFORE today when they announced it. I'm sure you saw my other post. Here it is:
green maschine green maschine 2 주 전
infamous infamous 2 주 전
did you just say NO. lol its an obvious YES to yet ANOTHER RS lmao. what a scam company
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 2 주 전
Wow that BS didn't age well now did it pumpty?
green maschine green maschine 2 주 전
Good move. I figured that an r/s would be the first thing, and easiest thing, that the new CFO could do to right the ship here.
infamous infamous 2 주 전
by the time they RS for 1 for 20, this stock will be trading under .03 and the theory to uplist GONE. which they never end up doing anyway. lmao
infamous infamous 2 주 전
this will be .05 or less before the weekend bro. are you serious?
nothing-but-patience nothing-but-patience 2 주 전
I just added 10K
infamous infamous 2 주 전
i just got out unscaved on that RS news at .088. whsseeeeew
green maschine green maschine 2 주 전
I exited A/H when it dropped. This has been vote approved for an r/s so I don't want to put it past the new CFO to effect it. It's a long ways from $1.
infamous infamous 2 주 전
2 large gaps to fill and good news coming out.nice recipe!
infamous infamous 2 주 전
i know i saw that. this IMO will go above .40 soon.
green maschine green maschine 2 주 전
Glucotrack Strengthens Leadership Team with Appointment of New Chief Financial Officer:
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 3 주 전
The only eyes on this are those eyes that got caught on the last pump and dump attempt.

RS still approved and on the table - anyone who has followed this company knows its a loser, real companies don't run their ticker from dollars to under a dime with more debt than they can ever hope to pay down, hence the 150% increase in AS being approved also.
infamous infamous 3 주 전
i can see this making a break to .40 to ..80 soon IMO. its getting eyes IMO.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 3 주 전
Rutrowwww where did all the pushers go? On to a fresher turd?
leverage102 leverage102 4 주 전
GCTK RSI Super Low 32 $$$.
leverage102 leverage102 4 주 전
Outstanding is low to begin with; hence increasing the shares 100 or 150 % is inline. Float would still be considered Low. Could be on the verge of Launching New Products; ; shares are being Absorbed.

GCTK $$$$
👍️ 1
leverage102 leverage102 4 주 전
GCTK $$$.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 주 전
The OS is obviously much much larger that it was in November, the pumps just allow them to dump more and more shares Paulie thanks all those helping to dilute the crap out of this failure.
Scotty9 Scotty9 4 주 전
Thanks for the info
green maschine green maschine 4 주 전
Raising the A/S does not affect SP or O/S. It will be good to have more shares available to the flood of new investors when the device is approved. Did they notify you personally that they're doing an r/s? Voting on an r/s is common and doesn't mean it's going to happen.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 주 전
Scotty don't listen to pumpty dumpty there is in FACT a RS coming - the company is not in compliance with the $1 minimum and they are broke, like 6 times more debt than assets AND they are raising the AS 150%. Sound promising?
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 주 전
Learn to read - I worked at a company that went thru the ISO bullsht.

Pump on
Cornwhale Cornwhale 4 주 전
👍️ 1
green maschine green maschine 4 주 전
No. They just completed one last May.
green maschine green maschine 4 주 전
'Ai' response to question: Does ISO certification carry any weight?

"Absolutely, ISO certification can be quite significant. It demonstrates that a company adheres to international standards for quality, safety, efficiency, and more. This can enhance a company's reputation, increase customer trust, and open up new market opportunities. It also often leads to improved internal processes and operational efficiency. So, yes, ISO certification can carry a lot of weight in various industries."
green maschine green maschine 4 주 전
Yeah right, you worked at ISO What BS.
Invest-in-America Invest-in-America 4 주 전
GCTK: Their cute Blood test stuff now certified for Britain.
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 주 전
ISO is as worthless as the "procedures" that are written on the paper. It's all BS - I worked at a ISO certified company and they never followed the rules they had set in their ISO manuals. Yes a RS will be coming and they are also raising the AS 150% - Paul is a conman with a PhD.
tw0122 tw0122 4 주 전
Flip some .09s  at .12 like it 
Scotty9 Scotty9 4 주 전
Is there a r/s split coming
BankingBig BankingBig 4 주 전
This is going to have an epic run this upcoming week! Easy 10 bag
ErnieBilco ErnieBilco 4 주 전
Garbage is more valuable than this turd run by losers with no business acumen at all. Hard to find a more poorly run company than this.

Pumpers arrive to move the needle just before the RS is due to hit after management sold out the AS.

green maschine green maschine 4 주 전
It's about that time.
👍️ 1
Cornwhale Cornwhale 4 주 전
Got som. Burrrito money. Hungry af
😂 2
Cornwhale Cornwhale 4 주 전
Let’s Glucooo!!
👍️ 1
leverage102 leverage102 4 주 전
Now that I'm in; what does this company do ? 🤑
😂 1
tw0122 tw0122 4 주 전
 .10 Inverse head and shoulders breakout mode back to  20s soon
👍️ 2

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