2 년 전
EBAY members (buyer/seller) be careful.
This company entering wrong path - it is now controlled by a huge number of H4 visa holding foreign (Indian) ground floor record keeping IT workers. They are working from home and also from their native country. They are having access to members personal info, stealing personal info and selling to secondary market all over their domain continent. They in collaboration with EBAY foreign imported top executives and high ranked employees imposing new rules and harassing US buyer and sellers.
Ebay asking for SSN, driver license, photo ID, phone number, home address in the name of security and identity protection of US members. In reality this is to harm US members. This company now in a corruption path - indulging ID theft.
Apparently this is happening big time - accidentally over hard this when a group of Indian ebay worker was discussing between them in a Bellevue Seattle bar. They were bragging - without them ebay is nothing.
EBAY members from US be careful. what EBAY doing is illegal.
2 년 전
Yo, ShawnyD, yours is sound logic, of course, but consider this (my/our) experience:
I'm 61, she's 54. We began listing on ebay (as our sole source of income) in July of '21
Most of the items are either antique, truly unique, both artsy and practical, and few of them made after 1990.
In November of '21, we had about 300 listings (and that Xmas season was good).
In November of '22, we had about 1,800 listings and November-over-November sales were down 73% from the prior year.
BUT WAIT, there's more...In mid-December of '22, ebay shut us down for "fraud." Seems that ebay didn't remove from our inventory a set of antique golf clubs which had sold months before. So in December of '22 a buyer comes along for what he thinks is those clubs, cries "fraud' to ebay, and ebay put our store to sleep.
AND we recently met a lady who got the same treatment but her accuser called her a peddler of porn! She's 58 and as unlilkely a porn purveyor as is my cat.
Now ShawnyD, my tinfoil hat take on it: We are conservative Christians living in a rural area of a southern state. I think we got 'cancelled.'
If true, how widespread is it?
Is ebay being sabotaged from the inside? If yes, shame on management. If not, shame on management.
You're welcome.
P.S.--If a long-term owner of ebay stock would like to offer us travel and accommodations to and into the next shareholder's meeting, we would happily accept.
P.S.S.--Is there a lawyer in the house? Pro bono?